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News on The 700 Club: April 11, 2019

As seen on “The 700 Club,” April 11, 2019.: Read Transcript

- Well, welcome to the 700 Club.

Look, it took 18 telescopes to confirm

that Albert Einstein was right

about what are called black holes.

We'll tell you more about that.

A bomb cyclone has hit theMidwest paralyzing many states,

paralyzing road traffic andair traffic in the Midwest.

It looks like the Ecuadorians have lifted

the immunity for Julian Assange

in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.

And all we've got on top of that,

the dark state is finally being exposed

and US intelligence agencies

have spied on the Trumpcampaign in the 2016 election.

That's what Attorney General William Barr

has told the congressmen today.

And he's launching aninvestigation to find out why.

White House Correspondent Ben Kennedy

has more on this bombshell revelation.

- Calling this a bigdeal, the attorney general

plans to get to the bottomof what originally sparked

the Mueller Investigationback in July, 2016.

- I think spying on a politicalcampaign is a big deal.

- [Ben] As as result, he'sputting together a team

to uncover the originof the Mueller probe.

- So you're not suggesting,though, that spying occurred?

- I don't, well, I guess you could,

I think there's a spying did occur.

Yes, I think spying did occur.

- Remember when Trumpsaid, back in the day,

and everybody laughed at the time,

my wires are tapped at TrumpTower, is what he said.

Who's tapping my wires?

Obama's tapping my wires.

Well, guess what, he was right.

He was right.

That's exactly what Barr, inessence, was saying today.

- [Ben] Attorney General WilliamBarr said the question is

whether the spying wasadequately predicated.

He wants to review if thethreshold for initiating

a counterintel probe should be adjusted.

- I am not saying thatimproper surveillance occurred.

I'm saying that I am concerned about it

and looking into it.

- Getting started on going back

to the origins of exactlywhere this all started.

Because this was an illegal witch hunt.

- [Ben] The 22 monthinvestigations revealed

the Trump campaign didnot collude with Russia.

Despite that, Democrats demand

to see the full report, unredacted.

Barr said he can't do thatbut did promise senators

more access to theinvestigations when it comes

to grand jury material.

- Have you discussedany specific redactions

with the White House?

- No.

- Now, Barr stops shortin releasing new details

about the Mueller Investigationsaying he will not discuss

the report until it is released,

which should happen next week.

Barr said he'll answer morequestions from lawmakers

next month after the fullMueller Report is out.

Ben Kennedy, CBN News, the White House.

- Well, it looks as if therewill be an investigation

on all of the material that went on the

Fusion GPS, the Christopher Steele Report.

All these things that theFBI used to get FISA warrants

against Trump campaign officials.

And the fact that they were investigating

and that they have evidence

that there was Russian collusion,

they were supposed to havenotified the Trump campaign.

They did no such thing.

There's a shocking trailof horrible conduct

by members of the FBIat the highest levels.

Many of them have been fired,

many of them are under suspicion,

but I believe it's time thatthey be brought to justice.

This so-called dark stateshould never, never be allowed

to operate in our society.

Well, in other news, Wikileaksfounder, Julian Assange

is now in police custody in London.

Efrem Graham has more on that.

- Pat, police arrested Assange

at the Ecuadorian Embassy today.

He'd been taking refuge therefor the last seven years

until his asylum was revokeddue to repeated violations

to internationalconventions and daily life.

The UK took him into custodyon an extradition warrant

from the United States,

apparently in retaliationto a sealed criminal case,

Assange has been criticizedfor publishing thousands

of classified militaryand diplomatic cables

through Wikileaks,including material leaked

by former US Army Private Chelsea Manning

and emails stolen from theDemocratic National Committee

during the 2016 presidential election.

A massive spring blizzard isslamming the Midwest right now

from the Rockies to the Great Lakes.

Millions of people in 18states are feeling the impact.

Jenna Browder has moreon this historic storm.

- This spring storm hastriggered blizzard warnings

in at least six states andothers are experiencing

high winds and flooding.

- This kind of a pain in the butt storm.

- [Jenna] From the Rockiesto the Central Plains

and Great Lakes, millions ofAmericans are in its path.

The second potential bombcyclone in less that a month.

- It is a spectacularstorm where it's snowing

and there's another one coming behind it

and this'll go from the Texas panhandle

to Chicago and the GreatLakes in a few days.

It won't have as heavy amount of snow

but considering it's gonnabe snowing April 14th

or 15th, I guess it is,further southeast like that.

I mean, it's just amazing.

- [Jenna] In Colorado,freezing temperatures

and heavy snow prompted the governor

to call in the National Guard,

troops rescuing 75 peopleand two dogs overnight

from stranded vehiclessoutheast of Denver.

In South Dakota, more than18 inches have already fallen

and some areas could get another foot.

Near whiteout conditions in Minnesota

are shutting down highwaysand in other parts

of the country, they're seeingsevere flooding and wind.

This dustnado spottednear Pueblo, Colorado

and a blowing dust warningwas issued near Lubbock, Texas

where winds reached upto 70 miles per hour.

In the Northwest, a floodingstate of emergency in Idaho.

Near, Eugene, Oregon,the water deep enough

for a boat to glide across this highway.

- Already upwards of 18inches, so a foot and a half

of snow as we talk aboutportions of South Dakota,

especially toward the Black Hills

and again, areas along and north of I-90.

Here's where we finishoff with into tonight

and notice some very staggering amounts,

a foot to even two feet of snow,

before it's all said and done.

Twin Cities, looking to aroundsix to 10 inches of snow

before it's all said and done.

- And the storm is causingheadaches at airports too.

At Denver InternationalAirport, nearly half

of flights were canceled Wednesday.

Jenna Browder, CBN News.

- Snow in the middle of spring.


- It's incredible.

I remember in New York,there was an April snow

and it was all slushy andit lasted for a day or two

but it was nothing like this.

It wasn't blizzard conditions where people

couldn't drive and airplanes couldn't fly.

But this is probably one ofthe worst we've ever had.

And we wonder what'sgoing on in the weather.

Certainly, they talk about global warming

and here this is snow, it's freezing.

And the temperatures are falling.

And I don't have ananswer but I'm sure people

are scratching their head to say,

what in the world is happeningto this planet we're on?

It's crazy but these snows,when they begin to melt,

if you have many feet, I'm still concerned

about what's in theSierra Nevada Mountains.

There are many, many, many feet of snow

and when that begins to melt,

the flooding will be unconscionable.

But the damage in our middlesection of the United States

has been profound andagain, I feel so sorry

for those farmers.

We need our prayers and tomake sure the government

stands by to help them during this crisis.

Well, (laughing) I thinkit was Albert Einstein's

wife who said, well he cansit down in a restaurant

and he'll just draw out on a napkin

the layout of the whole universe.

And you think, what kind of amind does any human being have

that he can visualize stuffthat nobody else can see?

The whole law of relativity was all,

just came out of his mind.

And he also envisionedwhat we call black holes.

He said somehow in the universe,

there are areas that areso intense and so powerful

that light cannot escape themand nothing can escape them.

They have such a huge hold thatthey're called black holes.

You can't get any light out of 'em.

Nothing escapes them, they're so huge.

And they've now, I thinkit took about 18 telescopes

to locate this particularone that's millions

of light years away from us.

But they took pictures andmade, without question,

it reinforced what Einstein had said.


- Indeed, Pat.

Scientists are releasingthe first recorded images

of a black hole in space.

Take a look and you'll see a black hole

which sits about 55 millionlight years from Earth.

A network of radio telescopesspread across the globe

produced this picture.

Now, it is nearly thesize of our solar system.

Scientists say the boundarybetween light and dark

around the hole is the point of no return,

where the gravitational pull is so strong,

nothing can escape.


- I don't want to go intoone of 'em. (laughing)

I can say.

But isn't that incredible?

- It is incredible.

- Well, think of the mind.

Just think, there arepeople who live among us

who have such incredible mindsand God shows them things.

You listen to some of these geniuses

and Einstein was extraordinary.

He was what, like a postalworker, or something.

He was kind of an obscure person.

- It'll be interesting tosee what kind of discoveries

will be made now that this has happened.

- Oh yeah, it took many,many radio telescopes

to locate this particular thing

and then take pictures of it.

Well, the world we live in folks,

it's very complex and it is enormous.

And if you read theBible, the Bible indicates

that the God we serve,

his name is he whocauses everything to be.

And that's the name of the Lord.

He who causes everything to be.

And the Bible indicates he created it all

and you think ofsomething as vast as this,

and we serve a God who created it all.

And you sit in awe and wonder of a creator

that can accomplish this kind of thing.


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