For 3 years his body was failing on him and then came the diagnosis: ALS. See how one man stared down a death sentence and walked away healed.
Read Transcript
- [Narrator] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
Coming up.
- [Man] I would wakeup and be deadly tired.
- [Narrator] For three yearshis body was failing on him.
- I'm like forget it, just let me die.
- [Narrator] And then came the diagnosis.
- That really hurt.
- [Narrator] ALS.
- Oh my gosh.
It's gonna get worse than it already is.
- [Narrator] How he stareddown a death sentence.
- It was around that timethat my fingers were starting
to crump up.
- [Narrator] And walked away healed.
- That's the moment I knew Jesus was real.
- [Narrator] On today's 700 Club.
(upbeat music)
- Well, welcome folks to thisaddition of the 700 Club.
It's an exciting day.
First of all there's a deadlyfungus sweeping the earth
and they're not quite sure what to do
and how to cure it.
But that's one of the thingsthat you gotta consider.
There's a vicious stormbrewing in the middle part
of the nation.
Blizzard conditionseven though it's spring
and it looks like it's spreading east.
And Hasidic Jews in Brooklynmay well subject to fine
that they don't getinoculated against measles.
The measles outbreak inthat part of the country.
But more importantly we go out to Israel
and our friend Bibipulled it off a big one,
he got four more seats itlooks like than he had before.
His Likud party is forming a coalition
and it will be historicbecause as far as I understand
there's nobody in history evenas far as David Ben-Gurion
who is been in office aslong as our friend Bibi.
So, our congratulations to a good friend
and a strong statesman incharge of that country.
We could congratulate the voters in Israel
for that wisdom.
Well John Waage's gonna explain the winner
has to build a government coalition
and heal the scars froma very rough campaign.
- When the voting stopped Tuesday night,
Benny Gantz supporters preparedfor an upset in the making.
(crowd cheering)
Their brand new party hada narrow lead in the polls.
And in the prime minister's camp,
it was so quiet, the media far outnumbered
the prime minister's Likud faithful.
(crowd cheering)
But that had all changed bythe wee hours of the morning.
Although the first exit pollsshowed a virtual dead heat
between the pro-Bibi rightand the anti-Bibi left,
as the night wore on, theprime minister supporters
grew more hopeful that Bibi would be able
to form the next government
and become the longest servingleader in Israel's history.
Even after 97% of the voteswere counted Wednesday,
less than a percentagepoint separated Likud
from the Blue and White party.
Some have speculatedthat a unity government
between Netanyahu and Gantzwould help the country heal
from a bitter electionand respond to threats
from Iran and Hamas.
- The coalition it's not clearyet because we need to see
who are the parties that are in the game.
So, two days from now we'll besmarter about the coalition.
The one thing we know about and for sure,
Netanyahu is the next prime minister.
(speaks foreign language)
- [Translator] I intend towork quickly to establish
a stable government.
I wanna make it clear, it willbe a right-wing government,
but I intend to be the prime minister
of all Israeli citizens, right or left,
Jews or non-Jews alike.
All Israeli citizens.
- [John] Netanyahu is alreadyphoned many probable partners
in his latest coalition,
almost certainly agovernment of the right.
John Waage, CBN News, Tel Aviv.
- Well our CBN Middle EastBureau Chief, Chris Mitchell,
joining us now from Jerusalem.
Chris, what were the main factors
that brought in Bibi's victory?
- Well Pat, some of the main factors,
first of all I think you have to say
that the anti-Bibi campaign
by the Blue and White didn't work.
Just saying anybody butBibi is not something
you wanna govern with, theirpolicies were kinda vague,
and one poster called itsort of a fantasy candidate.
I think that's one thing.
I don't think you canunderestimate the impact
of the Trump administration.
Just a few days ago,
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
was in the White House.
President Trump signed a declaration
recognizing Israeli sovereigntyover the Golan Heights.
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
was here just a few weeks ago.
We sat down with him about that.
So I think that's one other factor.
And the third factorPat, I think you'd say,
is Netanyahu the politician.
You could say it in a Yiddish kind of way.
It was a gevalt strategy,oy vey, about four days ago
he was saying the sky's falling,you gotta go to the polls,
if you don't, Blue and White's gonna win.
That was one thing.
And one political consultanttold me last night,
the final four just ended a few days ago,
you want the best player tohave the ball in the hands
at the end of the game,
and I think Netanyahu pulled out one
of the biggest politicalgames of his life last night.
- Chris, what about thiswhole business of these,
they call 'em settlements.
But you and I have been in cities
that are just thriving,wonderful, vibrant cities.
They're not littlesettlements out in the desert.
And what he's saying ishe's gonna go in and make
each one of those places part of Israel.
They'll be Israeli citizens.
Could you expand on thata little bit for us?
- Well I think that's exactlywhat he's gonna do Pat.
He announced just a few days,just maybe three or four days
before the election,
that he will say that allof the Jewish communities,
including the larger, quoteunquote, settlement blocks
in the smaller communities,
will be under Israeli sovereignty.
So, in any future negotiations
with the Palestinian authority,
that will basically be off the table.
And I think that was oneof the factors I think
that swung some of the voters,
certainly on the right, towards Netanyahu.
But that's gonna be one of the big things
looking forward to Pat,
now that Netanyahu's gonna beable to form his government,
presumably in a few weeks,
to see how he followsthrough on that promise.
It's really historic to seethat he was gonna be able
to do that, to recognizeIsraeli sovereignty
over these Jewish communitiesin the biblical lands
of Judea and Samaria.
- Chris, you know as I look at it,
and I've been there so many times,
and you live there,
there is no way that they'regoing to have two states.
The Palestinians justaren't partners for peace.
Hamas is so powerful inthe Palestinian authority,
and they call for thedestruction of Israel.
How can they ever get together?
I mean that two-statesolution, in my opinion,
isn't gonna work.
Am I correct in that?
- I think so Pat.
In fact, some peoplethought when Netanyahu said
that there was gonnabe Israeli sovereignty
over these Jewish communitiesin Judea and Samaria,
also known as the West Bank,
that the two the two-statesolution was dead.
I think it's been deadfor a long time, Pat.
When you recognize notonly what Hamas says,
and they say it quite openly,
they want the destructionof Israel, the Jewish state.
But if you look at some of the comments
and especially in Arabic by Mahmoud Abbas,
the president of thePalestinian authority,
or many other Palestinianauthority leaders,
really, in many ways, theywant a one-state solution too.
They really wanna take overthe Jewish state in many ways.
And so I think that makesa two-state solution
very, very unlikely.
- Indictments, is there a possibility
that he's going to have parliament
pass a law giving immunityto the prime minister?
- Well there was a possibilityof that a little while ago
and I think Netanyahu actually backed away
from that particularly legislation.
But I think that's one cloud
hanging over Netanyahu right now.
For months, the prosecutor hassorta been on the offensive
making accusationsabout what Netanyahu did
in these three cases thathe's been intended to indict
and that's a good point to make Pat.
The attorney general saidhe intends to indict him
on three separate charges,
two for breach of trust, one for bribery.
But now Netanyahu legallyhas the opportunity
to go on the offensive.
So, he will have months, asmany up to a year perhaps
of more, to defend his case right now.
And we'll see what happens.
But that's one of the otherbig things to be looking for
after this election.
- Well, I thought the so calledcrimes that he had committed
are just absurd.
I mean he got favorable publicity
from one of the publications,
one of the broadcast networks.
I mean this is nonsense.
To indict a man on somethinglike that is just spurious.
Is that just my opinion?
Don't say so if youdisagree with me (laughs).
Go ahead.- No, I don't think
it's just your opinion.
I think Alan Dershowitzactually made a case
just before the attorney generalcame out with his decision.
Alan Dershowitz says you canindict a lot of politicians
if they try to get good favorable coverage
through the media.
And so I think that's inessence some people think
that's what Netanyahu's being accused of
and it's the opinion, not only of you Pat,
but I would believe AlanDershowitz and other legal experts.
- Last question.
Who's gonna be out of the coalition?
Who's gonna be in it?
- Well right now obviouslyLikud is the big one.
We have three religiousparties, they're gonna be part
of that as well and thenKulanu, which is another party,
up to 65 seats it looks like right now.
President Reuven Rivlin,really the power shifts
to him right now.
Next week he's gonna have consultations
with all of the political parties
and decide who's gonna be the one
to form the next coalition.
Right now the numbers say obviously
it's gonna be Netanyahu looking forward.
The other big thing we're gonnahave to look forward to Pat
is the unveiling ofPresident Trump's peace plan,
the so-called Deal of the Century,
the administration saidit was gonna happen
after the elections.
So that's one a the nextbig things we're gonna have
to look forward to.
- All right, well thanksagain for your insights.
Chris Mitchell, our man in Jerusalem
who has been coveringwith tremendous skill.
Well in other news, theAttorney General, William Barr,
faced a grilling over hishandling of the Mueller report.
John Jessup has more on that.
- Thanks Pat.
The attorney general toldlawmakers he's on track
to release a redacted version
of the nearly 400 pageMueller report next week.
He faced the HouseAppropriations Committee
over the Justice Department budget,
but the topic soon turned to his handling
of the Mueller probe.
Some Democrats accused him
of soft pedaling the reports conclusions
in his four-page summary andignoring summaries written
by the Special Counsel's team.
Barr defended his decision notto release those documents.
- I think any summary,regardless of who prepares it,
not only runs the risk
of being underinclusive or overinclusive,
but also would trigger a lot of discussion
and analysis that really should await
everything coming out at once.
- Barr also said he'soverseeing an investigation
into whether the FBI abused its authority
in getting wiretaps on Trump aides.
He testifies before aSenate subcommittee today.
Pat, back to you.
- I think that's the bigstory is who at the FBI
was trying to gun forTrump and destroy him
before he even got elected.
There's a plot going onin all those FISA warrants
that were gotten and the various wiretaps
and the report that was supposed to be
from a British secret source or spy.
This whole thing is ridiculousand I think it's time
for an investigation andBarr is basically saying
that's going to happen.
But in terms of grand jury testimony,
and incidental material thatis gained by FBI agents,
that should never be made public.
Everybody believes thatshould never be made public
and it was the chairman ofone of the House committees
before this whole thing came up
that he himself went on the record to say,
we cannot publish all thatstuff because it is unverified
and it's defamatory.
Well it's the same thing here.
It shouldn't be done and theDemocrats demanding for it,
they're not helping themselves,they're hurting themselves.
- Pat, there's a new pushfor an old pro-life measure
on Capitol Hill.
Lawmakers are bringing backthe fight to ban abortions
after five months of pregnancy.
Their argument, babiesbeing aborted feel pain.
Capitol Hill CorrespondentAbigail Robertson explains.
- Only seven countries currentlyallow elective abortions
after five months of pregnancy.
Including North Korea, China, and Vietnam.
The United States ispart of that small group
and Senator Lindsey Grahamhopes to change that
through the Pain CapableUnborn Child Protection Act.
- I think most people,
once they know aboutwhat we're talking about,
that we'll gain momentumand this'll become law.
- [Abigail] The bill wouldrestrict abortions on demand
after five months of pregnancy.
Because of mounting evidenceproving babies in the womb
feel pain at that stage.
- Would ask the opponents of this bill
to dispute the fact thatanesthesia is provided routinely
to a child who is in thefifth month of the pregnancy
to protect the child from the pain
that would occur to saveit's life through surgery.
- [Abigail] DemocratSenator Richard Blumenthal
disputes the research
and tells CBN News hebelieves the bill is a hoax.
- Well the bill as a wholeis unsupported by science.
It has no foundation in fact
and it violates the constitution.
- There's so much that women aren't told.
- [Abigail] According toa Marist Poll last month,
66% of all voters want this law passed.
- The tide is turning in America.
And Americans are becomingmore and more pro-life.
- [Abigail] She testified alongside
abortion survivor, Melissa Ohden.
- The extreme abortionlegislation is worrisome.
It's painful.
- [Abigail] Some Democrats onthe Senate Judiciary Committee
who are running for president,skipped the hearing.
- It was really tellingthat they don't want
to go on the record and maybebe seen as being so extreme
that they would opposethis common sense law.
Common sense bill that themajority of Americans agree on.
Even pro-choice Americans.
- Senator Graham says heknows getting the votes
in the House and Senatewill be tough right now,
but he's committed to fightfor this over the long haul.
Reporting from Capitol Hill,Abigail Robertson, CBN News.
- Thanks Abigail.
A spike in cases of measleshas New York City declaring
a public health emergency.
Officials there are requiringchildren be vaccinated
and will fine parents upto $1,000 if they're not.
The problem is growing
in other parts of the country as well.
465 cases across 19 states.
In some states, unvaccinatedstudents are being told
to stay home.
Well a mysterious fungusthat's hard to detect
is now labeled an urgent threat
by the Centers for DiseaseControl and Prevention.
Candida auris hit severalcountries around the world
over the last five years.
Recently it's turned upin New York, New Jersey,
Connecticut, and Illinois.
It's often multidrugresistant according to the CDC
and is called a mystery becauseit's difficult to identify
with standard lab tests.
It's also caused outbreaksin healthcare facilities.
Well it might be spring,
but Old Man Winter didn't get the memo.
States from the Rockies to the Great Lakes
are under a blizzard warning today.
Forecasters predictingsix to 18 inches of snow
and winds up to 65 milesan hour in Colorado,
a major swing going from 80 degree weather
to whiteout conditions.
The storm is expected tomove into the Northeast
turning into heavy rainPat and thunderstorms.
- It won't let go does it?
But those poor people in the Midwest,
in Nebraska for example,
the farmers are sufferingincredible flooding
and now this so-called bomb cyclone,
if that isn't it, it's close to it,
with blizzard conditions and50, 60 mile an hour wind,
and blinding snow.
It means that traffic will be impossible,
that the roads will be impassable,
the airplanes will be grounded.
I mean it's just incredible.
I mean here we are inVirginia, and it's balmy
and in the 70s.
- I was flying in last night
from Indiana.- Yeah.
- and you don't think,okay, in middle-April
you're gonna haveproblems with the weather.
We had to hover over Atlanta,the pilot came on twice said,
we're gonna have to go toland in Chattanooga and refuel
because there's 30 planeshovering over Atlanta
because of thunderstorms.
But you get these big storms- Yeah.
- and now all this crazyweather that's happening
out in the Midwest.
- Course there tornadoes andall kinds of things going
on in the South.
Down in Alabama very strong winds.
It's just incredible weather we got.
- The good news is we did nothave to go to Chattanooga.
We finally got permission(Pat laughing)
to land and I made it.
I made it home last night.
Praise the Lord.- Glad you're here.
- Well coming up, the war on your brain.
(upbeat music)
- We're in a war in our society.
ISIS has nothing on our food industry.
The real weapons of mass destruction
are highly processed, pesticidesprayed, high glycemic,
low fiber, food-like substances,
stored in plastic containers.
- [Wendy] How to fightdepression and other assaults
on your brain with food.
Really interesting stuff coming up next.
(upbeat music)
- Americans should be thehappiest people on earth.
We've got more prosperity,we've got more opportunity,
we've got more of everything
and it's a beautiful environment,
we've have clean, freshwater, we have plenty of food.
We've got all kinds ofjobs available to us
and yet one out ofevery 10 Americans says,
I'm suffering from depression.
And experts suspect millionsmore suffer from it in silence.
As Lorie Johnson reports,a number of steps
can help people break free and some
of these steps might surprise you.
- People battling depressionfeel, in a word, hopeless.
They lack energy, focus,
and are often overcome with anxiety.
Relationships take a huge hitwhen it comes to depression.
So does productivity
to the tune of $23 billiona year in lost wages.
Christian psychiatrist, DanielAmen, says scientific imaging
shows unhealthy lifestylesoften trigger depression.
While better choicescan turn things around.
- Here at Amen Clinics, welook at people's brains.
We have a database of150,000 scans on people
from 120 countries.
And when I started looking at the brain,
I'm like, oh, we can make it better,
or we can make it worse.
- [Lorie] This led to a programwithout prescription drugs
that resulted in one of thehighest published success rates
in treating mental health.
Dr. Amen shares it in his book,
Feel Better Fast and Make it Last.
Step one, eat right.
Because the standard Americandiet can sabotage our brain.
- We're in a war in our society.
ISIS has nothing on our food industry.
The real weapons of mass destruction
are highly processed, pesticidesprayed, high glycemic,
that means it raises yourblood sugar, low fiber,
food-like substances, storedin plastic containers.
- [Lorie] Dr. Amen also backsup what we've been reporting.
Put good bacteria in your gut
because the microbiomeinfluences mood big time.
- If you change your diet,add more colorful fruits
and vegetables and get rid of sugar
and foods that quickly turnto sugar and processed foods,
it's been found to be an effectivetreatment for depression.
It's like, yes, you can gofor the antidepressants,
they have all these side effects,
or you can go with the food.
- [Lorie] Vitamin deficiencies also affect
your brain and mood.
For example, most Americans simply
do not get enough vitamin D,
the so-called happyvitamin and there's more.
- I think everybody should be taking
omega-3 fatty acids every day.
We have a crisis in this countryof low levels of omega-3.
Why should you care?
Well 25% of your brain is actually made up
with omega-3 fatty acid,
so if you're low, your not thinking right.
- [Lorie] And that causes many sufferers
to turn away from peopleto screens like TV,
social media, and video games.
- Digital addiction so common,things like pornography,
looking at things you shouldn't look at,
even the negative news becausethe brain pays attention
to scary things waybefore it pays attention
to happy things.
- [Lorie] And all thishappens while sitting
or lying around.
Inactivity, another risk factor.
On the flip side, exercisereleases endorphins.
Our brains feel good chemicalsand improves the hippocampus,
the region of the brainthat helps regulate mood.
Working out also helps us get our Zs.
- And sleep is so important.
You should be targetingat least seven hours
of sleep at night.
When you have a bad day,
it's often 'cause you didn't sleep right.
- [Lorie] And listen to this parents,
athletes, and soldiers.
- Mild traumatic braininjury is a major cause
of psychiatric illnessand nobody knows about it.
Do not let your children hit soccer balls
with their head.
Do not let them play footballbecause it damages your brain.
- All of us feel emotionally low at times
and reach for a quick pick-me-up.
The trick is choosing something
that'll make us feel better now and later.
This means safely appealingto all five senses.
- Vision is so importantbecause 30% of your brain
is dedicated to vision.
- [Lorie] Images of natureand never-ending patterns
called fractals do the trick.
Then add in the sound of theocean or your favorite music.
- What are the scents thatcan help you feel better fast?
And lavender has been shown
to decrease anxiety and depression.
- [Lorie] And touch.
Get a massage or hold thehand of a happy person.
- There's actually an interesting study
that if you hold the handof someone you care about,
your brain waves begin to sink.
So you wanna be very carefulwith who's hand you hold.
- [Lorie] While far too manyAmericans deal with depression,
some cases, not all, appear to be linked
to our food supply and culture.
The good news, for certain people,
lifestyle changes can helprestore joy and peace.
Lorie Johnson, CBN News.
- Thanks Lorie.
Very perceptive.
You know the story's told abouta man who was just suffering
with terrible depression,
so much so he just wanted to die.
So he figured that hecould just run himself
to the point where he'dhave a heart attack
and that would kill him.
So he got out and he startedrunning as hard as he could
till he was exhausted.
He fell down exhausted.
The next day he went andhe ran as hard as he could
(woman laughing)to try to get a heart attack,
and the next day he did it again.
And after a couple weeksof that he felt so good
he didn't wanna die.
(both laughing)(hands clapping)
You don't kill yourself,there are ways to stay alive.
And by the way, to watch theentire interview with Dr. Amen,
tune into Healthy Livingon the CBN New Channel
tonight at 9:30 eastern time.
- It reminds me, I used to go to,
when I went to the gym thatI took this sit up class,
- Yeah.- ab class,
and the guy used to always say,
nobody with abs can everbe depressed (laughs).
And so it would just makeyou wanna do more sit ups.
But, it's true, exercise is in.
- Yeah.- They didn't mention
a little dark chocolate in there.
- Well the dark chocolate is fantastic.
- [Wendy] You gotta have a little balance.
- This whole thing about the gut flora
that we've emphasized so much.
I think part of that fungusthing would be cured.
They give so many antibiotics,but we load it up,
and the antibodies kill the gut flora,
they just wipe them out totally.
And so little children, theyhit 'em with an antibiotic
because they have the sniffles,
and the next thing you knowthey don't have any gut flora
and therefore that nextbrain isn't communicating
with the regular brain andthere are so many trillions
of microbes in the gut.
If they're healthy and they'rebalanced as they should be
then the whole microbiome,
the whole human being is much healthier.
And I think we can ward off that fungus.
I think that fungus isjust sweeping the world
and everybody's so afraid of,
I think would be cured bypeople who were eating properly
and having that gut the way it should be.
And there's somethingcalled Garden of Life
and I like what they got.
They've got probiotic pills,about three of 'em a day,
and you look where they locate,
they're in the refrigeratingpart of the health food store
or in a supermarket or what have you,
and Garden of Life's the one I know.
There may be others, butanyhow, three of those
and then a prebiotic which feeds them,
beans and things like that.
- Pre and pro.- Cabbage.
- I've seen yeah, Garden ofLife, that's a good brand.
- I take three a day and Itake one of those prebiotics
which the gut flora needssomething to feed on
so you give it somethingto feed on (laughs).
So, hey, it keeps you healthy and happy.
So you watch our show and you'rein touch with happy people.
- Amen,
all right, up next, ahardened welder becomes
as weak as a baby.
- I'm holding this piece ofsteel and all of the sudden
I could not hold it.
It almost fell on his head.
It was like I can't riskanother person's life.
- [Wendy] Watch how anamazing miracle unfolds
after this man is diagnosed with ALS.
(upbeat music)
ALS, better knows as Lou Gehrig's disease,
is a crippling, incurable affliction.
So when Tony Perkinsreceived that diagnosis,
he just wanted to die.
It was the capstone to ahuge pile of bad breaks
that Tony had to battle his entire life
beginning when he was just a boy.
- I was crap, I was dirt,mud, all that good stuff,
and that's the way I lived my life.
- [Narrator] As a young boy growing up
in a small Indiana town,
Tony Myers never felt anyonecould love him, including God.
- He just wanted tothrow lightening bolts.
If you even stepped onelittle bit outta line.
- [Narrator] Raised a Catholic,
he tried to hold ontosome belief that God cared
until two of his friends werekilled in a car accident.
- The only way I knew how to deal with it
was through the anger andthrough cutting myself off
and through not caring,
because if there's a God likethat, I ain't serving him.
- [Narrator] Tony went on toserve eight years in the Army
before taking a job as a welder.
And all those years hewas still angry at God
and the world and lookingout for number one.
- I always looked at itlike, you're out to get me,
so I'm gonna get you first.
In my mind, I was the force.
- [Narrator] Then at 39years old, he met Deb,
a Christian who saw Tony much differently.
- There was something abouther that I'd never experienced.
And she always said shesaw gold in me in spite
of my actions.
I wanted what was best for her
and that was very unusual for me.
- [Narrator] But a woman'slove alone wasn't enough
to soften his calloused heart.
That same year, Tonystarted having symptoms
that came without warning.
- I would wake up and be deadly tired,
could not keep my eyes open.
I would end up eating like every other day
or something like that.
I didn't care.
I mean, to me, I'm justgonna barrel through it.
- [Narrator] For two years,Tony kept getting worse.
- I'd get weak just all thesudden get weak, my legs,
my arms, just outta the blue.
- [Narrator] Still, herefused to see a doctor.
It wasn't until a near fatalaccident with a coworker
in March 2009 that Tonydecided he needed help.
- I'm holding this piece ofsteel and all of the sudden
I could not hold it.(ominous music)
It almost fell on his head.
It was like I can't riskanother person's life.
- [Narrator] Tony wentto several specialists,
but none could find a cause.
Eventually he was forced to use a cane
and then he lost his job.
- I'd always been able toovercome everything on my own
and now I'm getting fired?
That really hurt.
- [Narrator] One night hesaw a preacher on television
and made him think hemight need Jesus after all.
- I mean, emotion hit methat I had never experienced.
That's the moment I knew Jesus was real.
- [Narrator] But Tony still didn't believe
Jesus could love him.
Meanwhile he and Deb marriedas he continued to deteriorate.
Eventually he was confinedto a motorized wheelchair.
- I mean I couldn't breath,speech was a huge problem,
and it was around that timethat my fingers were starting
to crump up.
- [Narrator] Finally, afterthree years of testing,
doctors concluded Tony had afatal neurological disorder,
most likely ALS.
- Oh my gosh, it's gonna getworse than it already is.
So I mean, I was going throughall the gambit of emotions
all the time between fear and anger.
At that point, I'm like,forget it, just let me die.
- [Narrator] But on July4th, 2012, Tony was thinking
about something very different.
It was an article he had readabout Jesus' crucifixion.
- I saw Jesus at thewhipping post being scourged
and just seeing chunks offlesh being ripped off.
And in his eyes there was a deep,
a truly deep love
that was unending.
Jesus suffered far worse than I did.
And how much he had to of loved me then.
And it was like I knewbecause he loved me that much,
he wanted me to be whole.
My anger just evaporated.
Back pain be gone.
It just came outta my mouth.
All the pain left.
What in the world?
Then I said, fingers move.
And then my fingers are moving.
And then that's when I said,Jesus don't let me fall.
And all the sudden my legs hit the floor.
Is this really happening?
Wow, my Lord, my Master, my God.
You did this for me.
- [Narrator] Today Tony isstill strong, pain free,
and eager to share howJesus' love healed his body
and his soul.
- The fact that the Lord loved me
in spite of me totallybeing set against him,
he loves you as you are, right now.
And he sees you as the mostprecious thing on the face
of this earth.
- Can't say it better than Tony.
Jesus loves you and hesees you as precious
no matter how you seeyourself, God sees you
as his beautiful creationand he is your healer
for the whole body.
Mind, body, soul, and spirit,just like he did for Tony.
- Beautiful.- That's beautiful story Pat.
- Something else?- Yes, how 'bout this,
when Geraldine of Salton City, California,
turned a certain way, herright hip would cause her
to cry out in pain.
One day, Pat, she was watchingand she heard you say,
declare healing forsomeone having difficulty
with your right hip area.
Although Geraldine previously had
not believed God would heal her,
when you said stand upand walk Pat, she did,
and the pain left and hasn't returned.
- Hallelujah.
Here's somebody called Rosareeof Charlotte, North Carolina.
She had back pain.
She was watching our program and you said,
someone with a backcondition and Rosaree said,
that's me, and she immediately was healed
and Wendy said to the healed person,
get up and praise God, and that's exactly,
(Wendy laughing)they both stood up
in faith and God healed 'em.(Wendy clapping)
- Love it.- So folks,
you know we believe in the power of God,
it's just that simple.
It's not some big deal.
It is a big deal, but atthe same time, it's simple.
It is simple faith.
It is believing in the Lord and his power
and it said, Abraham believed God
and it was counted tohim for righteousness.
We're gonna believe God andwe're going to join together
and we're gonna pray for you.
Now if you'll just join with us,
God wants to do a miracle right now.
- Amen.- Father, I've joined
with Wendy and we pray together for people
in this audience who are suffering.
Somebody has a bowel obstruction
and it is bad, they're tryingto do something for you
and something's not working.
Right now the Lord is causingthat whole part of your body
the large intestine'sbeginning to function
and everything is comingtogether in the name of Jesus.
Right now.
- Someone you've beendiagnosed with a brain tumor.
The doctors report it's not good,
but the Lord is speaking to you right now.
You are being healed.
God is touching you andyou are being healed.
That brain tumor isdissolving even as we speak
in Jesus name.
- Somebody, your left eye, Ibelieve you may have gotten
some sawdust in it or somekind of substance is in there
and it's caused greatproblems behind your eye,
the Lord is gonna work thatsubstance out right now,
you're gonna be completelyhealed in Jesus name.
Put your hand over youreye in Jesus name, touch.
Wendy.- There's someone,
it's your nose,
you're having a real hard time breathing
because there's an obstructionin your nasal passage.
God is healing you right now.
- Thank you Lord.- And you're gonna
be breathing soon in Jesus name.
- And others in this audience
may the power of God extend to you,
may you see his touch in your life.
May you know his presence.
May the peace of God,which passes understanding,
keep your hearts and mind in Christ Jesus.
In Jesus name, Amen.- Amen.
- Amen.
Hey call and give us an answer,
what the Lord has done for you.
If you need further prayer,telephones are available,
1-800-700-7000 and youcan call in and say,
look, here's something I wanna share,
I wanna rejoice, somebodyrejoice with you.
You're sad, you wantsomebody to pray with you,
they'll pray with you.
So, tell us what God has done for you
and what we can do for you.
We're here for you.
All right.
- Well still ahead,
we got your questions andsome honest answers from Pat.
G asks, what do you think God thinks
when people have surgeryto get things changed
that they don't like about themselves?
Stay tuned for Pat's answerand more coming up later.
(intense music)
- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN Newsbreak.
Congresswoman IlhanOmar is under fire again
for new comments.
This time describing the 9/11 attacks.
According to news reports,the Minnesota Democrat said,
at a speech to The Councilon American-Islamic Relations
last month, quote,
"CAIR was founded after9/11 because they recognized
"that some people did something
"and that all of us werestarting to lose access
"to our civil liberties."
Texas Congressman, Dan Crenshaw,
a veteran of the war in Afghanistan,
criticized that remark tweeting,
first member of Congressever to describe terrorists
who killed thousandsof Americans on 9/11 as
"some people who didsomething," unbelievable.
Omar, who is Muslim,also has faced criticism
for statements deemed anti-Semitic.
Well the last of theDoolittle Raiders passed away
in a military hospital in Texas this week.
Richard Cole was one of the volunteers
who flew a desperate mission to bomb Japan
in April, 1942, just monthsafter the Pearl Harbor attacks.
Cole was Colonel JimmyDoolittle's copilot.
They carried out their mission
and then crash landed in China,
eventually managing to getback to the United States.
Cole stayed active in his later years,
taking part in events likethe Raid's 75th anniversary
back in 2017.
Cole was 103 years old.
Well you can always getthe latest from CBN News
by going to our website at
Pat and Wendy will be backwith more of the 700 Club
right after this.
(upbeat music)
- The amount of loans thatstudents have accumulated
is simply staggering.
And this whole generationfaces that burden
and it is enormous.
Well Jordan Arnold hasbeen featured on Yahoo
and Money Magazine as amillennial who wasn't fazed
by that huge loan, he paidit all off in just 10 months.
His goal was to be financially free.
The hard part was convincing his fiancee,
to join him in this very worthy endeavor.
- [Narrator] 63% ofmillennials are being crushed
by student loan debt.
24-year-old Jordan Arnoldis not one of them.
At the age of 21, Jordan paidoff $24,000 in student loans
in under a year.
- I didn't really wannahave debt over my head.
It was tough moving backinto the parents' house.
By working 75, 80 hours aweek for about 10 months.
- [Narrator] Jordan isalways ready to explain
how he paid off his debt.
But he would rather peopleunderstand why he did it.
- I'm a saver, so don't spendmore money than you have
and give to God what is his and invest.
I think we're called to bestewards of our resources.
- [Narrator] Jordan learnedthose sound financial principles
from his parents, who werehardworking, Midwestern farmers.
- They taught us a lot ofbiblical principles as we grew up
and my mom would emphasize tithing.
I was thinking about my future family
that I wanted to be prepared.
- [Narrator] Then along came Emily.
Also looking toward the future.
- I could just tell veryearly on that he had
a very Godly approach to his money.
- [Narrator] As therelationship blossomed,
the couple realized
they had very differentattitudes toward money.
- Typically my firstthought with my money was,
what could I do with this, for me?
At the time I was kind of afraid
that maybe he would be scared
of how I was spending my money.
- [Narrator] Jordan was undaunted.
And soon introduced Emilyto the concept of tithing.
- She was hesitant.
But she knew that wassomething that she should do.
- I was thinking, I don'treally have that much to give.
- You know, I think thewidow and the two mites.
She just gave what all shecould and God really knows
what the true heart is of the giver.
- Putting in that $5 inthe bucket was difficult
because at that time I wasliving paycheck to paycheck.
I did grieve just a littlebit, just because it was having
to make a sacrifice.
- [Narrator] Several months later
the couple decided to marry.
But the expense of their upcoming nuptials
tested their commitment to giving.
- It's an internal struggle
when you feel like God'stelling you to give something
and you don't fell likeyou have it to give.
- [Narrator] In obedience,Jordan and Emily,
continued to tithe.
When their wedding day finally arrived,
everything had been paid for in cash.
- Emily and I grew closer during that time
just because we were trusting him
and allowing him to bethe king of our lives.
- [Narrator] A few months later, Jordan,
now a successful banker,received a bonus at his job.
- That was more than enoughto pay for what we had given,
probably three times what we gave.
- [Narrator] Jordan's bonus was followed
several months later witha promotion and a raise.
Just four months after that,Emily got a new job as well,
enabling the couple toincrease their giving.
- I think giving is a lot like exercising
and the more we do it, themore we can see the benefits
and see the rewards.
- [Emily] Through giving we're just able
to feel so much joy.
- [Jordan] Just be obedientto whatever he's calling
you to do.
- Isn't that marvelous?
You know, a young couple,he's learned the principles
and the biggest principle is
you can't spend more than you bring in.
And if you take a part of what you have
and that goes to the Lord first,
the tithe belongs to the Lord.
And so you take 10% out andyou say, well can I afford it?
Well you can't afford not to.
And Jordan and Emily, they're examples.
Now I wanna give you somethingcalled the I Wills of God.
I found this in the 91stpsalm and I said my goodness,
look at there's a whole listof things of what God says.
He said because he set his love upon me,
therefore I will.
He begins to say what he will do for you.
It is overwhelming and thisDVD has not only the principles
of the teaching, but ithas examples of people
who have had miracles in their lives.
So, I wanna send this to you
for those of you who join our 700 Club.
And how do you do that?
It's 65 cents a day, it'sless than about a half
or a quarter, a third, orwhatever a bottle of soda pop.
But it's $20 a month andyou do that all year around
and it gets to be somethingas hundreds of thousands
of people participate,its very, very important.
So, you can join in and thenumber's on your screen,
we'd love to have you as a member.
You have a testimony.- Yeah.
People love the DVD.
Mike from Minooke, Illinois, says,
The I Wills of God is a blessing
and an insight into oneof my favorite scriptures.
Pat always does a goodjob breaking things down
and explaining scripture.
Thank you.
And thank you Mike for lettingus know that you liked it.
- Amen.
Well go for those who are 700Club members, $20 a month.
All right, let's have some questions.
- We got some email.
Let's go, G writes, whatdo you think God thinks
when people have surgery to get things
changed they don't like about themselves?
I guess nose jobs, facelifts, et cetera.
- Well, what does God think about someone
who puts lipstick on orrouge on their cheeks
or has a permanent insteadof just letting your hair
just kinda hang loose butgoing into the beauty parlor.
I mean, you know, I don'tthink God minds that.
The question is, where is our focus?
A facelift will cost about 10 grand.
So, I mean the questionis can you afford it
and if it really makes you feel younger
or makes you better qualified
to get a job or something, I mean why not?
I don't see anything inthe world wrong with that.
It's the question isare you focused on you
or you focused on Jesus?
I think that's what the key is.
All right?
- Even if I was on a desert island,
I'm like, give me my lipstick (laughs).
(Pat laughing)
I don't even care if anyone sees it.
I just need it.
Okay, Sarah says, I amdivorced and remarried.
I know God is against divorce,but will he still forgive me?
How do I go forwardliving my life for him?
- Well, I think the question is,
where were you before
and what is the reasonthere was a divorce?
I think there are grounds for divorce
and once you're divorced,
there's no reason not to get remarried.
Paul has the so-called Pauline privilege,
if the unbelievers pleased to depart,
let him depart the beloved,
the believer is not boundin a case like that.
If there's adultery along the way
there's no problem, in scriptural.
But, again, you can't unscramble eggs.
So, you're know puttingyour life together,
you are remarried and I justbelieve the church as such
has got to come out with some more rules
because the number of people
who are having the kind of relationship
you have, they wanna live for the Lord
and they want God's blessing,
and I for one would say I would be willing
to bless such a union.
I don't think that now thatyou've been living together
for few years and trying toset up a Christian household
you outta break it up.
I just don't think thatwould be smart, all right?
- Good advice.
This viewer says, is it agood time to invest in gold?
- Well, gold is a sortof a dead investment.
It doesn't pay any dividendsand you have to hope
that it goes up.
There's a company that I like a lot,
it's called Barrick Gold.
It was founded by a guy named Peter Munk
and John Thorton is theexecutive manager of that company
and he's a brilliant business man.
And Barrick Gold is just doing well.
And they also pay dividends.
So if you want gold,
I don't normally talk about companies,
but that company is solid as a rock.
If you like gold,
they are probably the lowest cost producer
with huge reserves of gold.
Ask your broker, BarrickGold is somewhere about
the lower $13 a share,something like that.
- Do you mind if I ask,do you have any gold
in your portfolio?
- I've got a little goldand little bars of the stuff
but I've also got some substantial stock
in Barrick Gold, I like it.
- So don't put all youreggs in one basket.
- I guess in full disclosure,
I own some of if,
but I don't think I'm gonnamove the market (laughs).
It's really a good investment.
- Kathleen says the passage in John 17:26,
the love with which youloved me may be in them
and I in them.
Is that only for the apostles,
or can we, should we, include ourselves?
I dearly hope so.
What are your views?
- As I recall, he goes on to say,
and those who will come tofaith through their word.
I think it's way beyond the apostles.
I think it's everybodywho shares their faith.
Who comes to faith throughthe words of the apostles,
which of course is in the Bible.
So I think it's for everybodyand I would certainly hope so.
I receive it for me and Ihope you receive it for you.
- All right, JJ says,
I heard Pat say he lovescharismatic Catholics.
I'm a Catholic, but not sureI understand what he means.
Please explain.
Thanks, Catholic viewer.
- Well, the charismatic arethose who have been baptized
in the Holy Spirit who practicethe gifts of the Spirit.
Who believe in healing,
believe in the power of God's spirit.
And the Catholic churchhas been very warm towards
this expression of faith.
I think the pope has saidgood things about them
and other's has
and I think it's a vibrant form of faith
and very exciting.
But, that's, you know,
the Catholics who have hadthe charismatic experience,
filled with the HolySpirit, exercising the gifts
of the Holy Spirit and Ihope you share that blessing.
We leave you with Today'sPower Minute from Mark nine.
If you can believe,
all things are possibleto him who believes.
Well for Wendy and all ofus, this is Pat Robertson.
Thank you so much for being with us.
Come back tomorrow we've gotthe sons of Antonin Scalia
and he favorite in a book about the faith
of their esteemed fatherwho died unexpectedly.
We'll see you tomorrow, bye bye.