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CBN NewsWatch PM: April 3, 2019

CBN NewsWatch PM: April 3, 2019 Read Transcript

(dramatic music)

- [Narrator] This is CBN NewsWatch.

- Thanks for joining us for CBN NewsWatch,

I'm Charlene Aaron.

Hundreds of immigrants areflooding the southern border.

Homeland SecuritySecretary, Kristjen Neilsen,

said in an emergency call

with cabinet members and White House aids

that the Trump administration

will treat U.S./Mexicoborder issues quote,

"As if we have been hit bya category five hurricane."

And President Trump hasthreatened to close the border,

but he's now holding back for right now.

President Trump says he's willing

to shutdown the southern border.

But says he's willingto give it some time,

because Mexico is taking action,

and he wants Congress topass immigration reform.

- Mexico, as you know as of yesterday,

has been starting toapprehend a lot of people

at their southern border.

- [Charlotte] Analysts say thecost of shutting the border

would damage the U.S. economy.

The Chamber of Commerce predicts

"an unmitigated economic debacle",

warning that five million jobswould in immediate jeopardy.

40% of all fruits and vegetablesthat come into the U.S

come from Mexico.

If trade is blocked,their prices could surge.

The American auto industrycould also be hurt,

if supply chains are affected.

Trump says it would be worth it.

- It's gonna be have anegative impact on the economy.

Security is more importantto me than trade.

- The border patrol inSan Diego tells CBN News,

"Yes, it will cost money,

"but it might finally get Congress to act.

"Because right now, wejust have open borders."

So if the border is closed.

- It'd be a huge impact.

I lived in Arizona, my dadworked in Mexico for 18 years.

People like him would not be able

to commute back andforth across the border.

There'd be a definitedisruption to the economy,

but something's gottaget Congress's attention

at this point to take action.

Because right now, we have aequivalent of an open border.

We know for a fact thereare criminals blending in

with these people claimingto be asylum seekers.

We know for a fact childrenare being recycled,

they're fake families if you will.

- [Charlotte] Record numbers of migrants

are crossing illegally andbeing released by border patrol,

putting a strain on cities and ministries.

- The numbers have increasedup into the neighborhood

of four to 45 hundred refugees

that are being released to us,

to our network of churchesand organizations per week.

There have been several times

when our capacity was not sufficient.

- President Trump is expected to travel

to the border on Friday.

The House Judiciary Committeehas approved subpoenas

for special counsel RobertMueller's full report

on his Russia investigation.

The committee voted 24 to 17 this morning,

giving judiciary chairman Gerald Nadler

permission to issue the subpoenas,

but Nadler has not yetconfirmed if he'll do so.

House Democrats had givenAttorney General William Barr

until yesterday to producethe full report to Congress,

but Barr said a redacted versionof the full 300 page report

would not be released until mid-April.

Democrats have said theywill not accept redactions

and want to see the evidence unfiltered.

- This committee requires the full report

and the underlying materials,because it is our job,

not the Attorney Generals,

to determine whetheror not President Trump

has abused his office.

And we require the report because one day,

on way or another, thecountry will move on

from President Trump.

We must make it harderfor future presidents

to behave this way.

We need a full accountingof the President's actions

to do that work.

- The panel also voted

to authorize subpoenas related to five

of President Donald Trump'sformer top advisors.

We will have more on thisstory and other headlines

from our Washington Bureau this evening

on Faith Nation.

You can watch it hereon the CBN News Channel.

Now to South America whereVenezuela's interim President

says he knows he couldbe arrested or kidnapped

for challenging thecountry's socialist dictator.

A day after Juan Guaido wasstripped of legal protections

he enjoys as a member ofVenezuela's Parliament,

the opposition leader facespotential criminal prosecution

for calling on President Nicolas Maduro

to relinquish power.

Guaido, who has the supportof more than 50 countries

including the United States,called Parliament's decision

to strip him of immunity cowardly

and vows to keep pressure on Maduro.

Speaking to supporters late Tuesday night,

the 35 year old interim President,

said he recognizes the risk he faces.

- [Translator] Does theregime intend to kidnap us?

Well of course.

We know that all theyhave left is brute force.

We know that, but we haveaudacity, intelligence,

soul, strength, heart, hope,

trust in this country, in ourselves.

- And Senior InternationalCorrespondent George Thomas

joins us now for more.

George, would Venezuela'sdictator arrest Guaido?

- Well, I think there are serious concerns

about that right now.

The arrest of Robert Marrero,

a 49 year old top aid to Guaido last week,

was not a very good sign.

It indicates the fact that helost his immunity yesterday

with the National Assembly,

shows that the pressureon Guaido is increasing.

It would be a monumental movefor Maduro to arrest him.

That would send shock waves,not just across Venezuela,

but among 50 other nations asyou said in the intro to this.

50 other countries that are supporting

the interim President.

That would be a really very, very.

That would up the anti soto speak in this crisis

that's ongoing today in Venezuela.

- It is amazing.

The crisis is also includinga dire water crisis

due to blackouts.

How are they coping?

- Well, the major blackouts

that they experienced back on March 7th,

has had the ripplingeffect even to this day.

Nicolas Maduro said just yesterday

that he was going to impose

this 30 day nationalmoratorium on electricity.

He's gonna basically berationing out electricity.

So people are saying, how do we get water?

Here's a comment from a Venezuelan

out on the streets of Caracas.

Just talking about howdifficult the situation is.

(woman speaks in a foreign language)

- [Translator] The situation is terrible,

very terrible indeed.

We ask God to help us solve this problem

because it is serious.

Because not havingelectricity, not having water,

is quite difficult since water is vital.

We hope that they solve this,

but the government nevergives a reliable reason.

- So it's really, really difficult.

Just imagine, you don't have basics

like water and electricity.

On top of that, theongoing political chaos

just makes the thingall the more difficult.

- Well days afterPresident Trump told Russia

to get out of Venezuela,

the Russians just opened

a military center right in the country.

Is that right?- I know, pretty wild right?

In fact, they delivered.

What the Russians are saying

is that they opened upthis training center

to help Venezuela's pilots learn

how to fly Russian helicopters.

In fact, this is footagethat you're seeing

of the center in Moscow

where they are buildingthese new helicopters.

They're gonna be deliveringthem to Venezuela.

You have to keep in mind,

Venezuela is a hugetrading partner for Russia.

The Russians do not want to see

Maduro go there supporting him

so is Cuba, China, Iran,all of the bad actors

that we're all familiar with.

So all of this is happening in the midst

of the political tensions.

This is a very, very clear signal

to the Trump administration.

President Trump just a fewdays ago told the Russians,

basically he said get out.

Told the Russians theyneed to leave Venezuela.

The Russians are not going to do that,

so this is just anothersignal to the White House,

as well as to Venezuela.

We will support our man in Caracas.

Nicolas Maduro is our man,

and we are going tocontinue supporting him.

- [Charlotte] Wow, andnow there are reports

that China has sent troops.

What can you tell us about that?

- So you have the UnitedStates, you have Russia,

you have the Chinese.

Three nuclear armed countriesall in one location.

A Lebanese news agencyreleased these pictures

of Chinese military.

About 120 Chinese military authorities

who landed in Venezuela's Margarita Island

to deliver what they say humanitarian

and other military supplies.

However, China's spokesman

at the Foreign Ministry todayresponded saying this is,

in his words, pure fabrication.

And obviously, the Chinese denied it.

But again, just like thesituation with the Russians,

the Chinese are heavilyinvested in Venezuela.

Their man is Nicolas Maduro.

They have told the United States please

do not get involved in Venezuela.

Leave Maduro, don't gofor a regime change.

So here you have characterslike the Iranians,

the Russians, and the Chinese

all involved in this situation.

Making it all the more complicated.

- George Thomas, thank youso much for keeping us posted

on what's happening.

- You're most welcome.

- Thank you so much.

Well the city of Pittsburghhas just approved

a measure restricting theuse of certain firearms.

The City Council gave final approval

on the legislation yesterday.

The bill places restrictions

on military style assaultweapons like the AR15 rifle

that authorities say wasused in the October rampage

at Tree of Life Synagogue

that killed 11 and wounded seven.

Pennsylvania State Lawforbids municipalities

from regulating gunsand progun activists say

they'll sue to block thelaws from taking effect.

The measure now heads to the mayor

who is expected to sign it.

Well clergy abusesurvivors in North Carolina

are calling on Catholicofficials in the state

to release the names of predator priests.

Catholic Diocese across the country

have released the namesof priests involved

in sexual abuse allegations.

And two people who say they survived abuse

when they were children,

say Bishop Peter Jugisshould take steps to do so.

The victims stood outsidethe Diocese and offices

asking for transparency.

- We give them a chance tolet's say see the light.

Do what is common sense and compassion.

They have an opportunityto be compassionate.

They have an opportunity to be ethical.

Unfortunately, Bishop Jugishasn't made that decision yet.

- I believe that we havea mission as survivors

to protect the next generation.

We can't change what happened to us,

but we can change what happensto the future generations.

- The Diocese of Charlottereleased a statement

saying that they arereviewing the allegations.

The Supreme Court has a chance

to decide a big question for the country.

Are fertilized embryos people or property?

It's a decision thatcould lead to a change

in the state of legalizedabortion in America.

Paul Strand brings us thatstory from The Supreme Court.

- Recent cases involvingthe fight over the fate

of frozen fertilizedembryos show another example

of our divided nation.

For instance, an Arizonacourt ruled an ex-wife

could give birth to her frozen embryos

despite her ex's objections.

While a Colorado court decidedin favor of an ex-husband

stating, "Embryos couldbe treated like property

"and thrown away."

The U.S. Supreme Court

has been asked to take the Colorado case

and rule the frozen embryos are persons

with a right to life.

You may not think it matters

whether embryos are considered people,

but if the law here inAmerica decides that they are

or even if it decides they aren't,

it has major implications.

Constitutional Law Attorney, Jenna Ellis,

warns about a ruling thatembryos are mere property.

- I think we're gettinginto very dangerous ethical

and legal questions, if thecourt decides to go that way.

- We are commodifying human life.

We are commodifying whatit means to be human.

I think that has devastating consequences.

- [Paul] David Christensen ofThe Family Research Council

points to the courts 1973decision allowing abortion.

- Roe V Wade and Doe VBolton legalized abortion,

and now we have 60 million unborn children

that have been killed.

There's no question aboutthe impact on families,

and family dynamics, andthe way we view each other,

and the way we view unborn children.

- [Paul] Ellis says rulingembryos are property

could potentially expandto other stages of life.

- At what point does that arbitrary line

go from fertilized embryos atmerely the conception stage

then all the way to say someone

who's in a coma at the end of their life.

Are they then morphed into property,

because they don't have anydecision making autonomy?

- Rather than looking athuman embryos as property

we should look at them as they are,

a member of the species Homo sapien

and they should be protected.

- [Paul] Pro-choice advocates

worry declaring embryospersons with rights

could end up strippingadults of their right

not to be a parent.

Ellis believes the issueis more fundamental.

It's about life itself.

- This is a really great opportunity

for The Supreme Court to recognize

that human life is human lifeno matter how tiny and small.

- [Paul] Could that then shake

the so called right to abortion?

- We're seeing with advanced technology

that human beings are humanbeings even in the womb

no matter how small.

And I think that Roes days are numbered,

and we're gonna see a pro-life win

at The Supreme Court very, very soon.

- [Paul] Paul Strand, CBNNews, The Supreme Court.

- A reminder to check out ourCBN News Daily Rundown podcast

with Caitlyn Burke.

She gives a behind the scenes look

at a key story in the news every day.

You can find it at

On the show tab, click on its title

to listen and subscribe.

And here's a look at what'strending on

(dramatic music)

- [Narrator] CBN presentsThe I Wills Of God:

Your Path to Overcoming Fear and Anxiety.

- We're going to talk aboutsome of the incredible promises

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The I Wills Of God:

You're Path to OvercomingFear and Anxiety.

- Hello, I'm Terry Meeuwsen.

Did you know there are morethan 148 million orphans

in the world today?

148 million, but it was three little girls

that taught me aboutthe plight of orphans.

My husband and I spentnearly a month immersed

in the daily activitiesof the Ukrainian Orphanage

as we waited to adopt three sisters.

I saw first hand the utter loneliness,

the pain of rejection,

and the overwhelming desire to be loved.

That experience changed me forever.

And out of it,

grew a ministry from my heartcalled Orphan's Promise.

Today, we're helping orphansand vulnerable children

in more than 50 countries worldwide.

Thousands of childrenare now in safe homes.

They're being educated, andthey're learning life skills.

I'm asking you to join with me

and become family to these children.

Will you call the numberon your screen right now?

Because every child deservesa chance to be happy.

- Wheaton College Professors

have written what they say isthe first collegiate textbook

connecting mainline scientifictheories with scripture.

It's called The UnderstandingScientific Theories of Origins

and includes knowledge onseveral creation theories

such as The Big BangTheory, Origin of Life,

and Evolution.

One of the textbooks authors

and Geology ProfessorDr. Stephen Moshier says,

"It'll give students a better perspective

"to understand the creation story

"without preaching to them."

Dr. Moshier joins us know with more.

Dr. Moshier, tell us aboutthis amazing textbook.

How is it different from others?

- Well we needed a textbook for our class.

We've been teachingthis class for 25 years

and there's not even a seculartextbook that covers all

of the mainstream scientifictheories of origins

that you mentioned.

We also wanted a textbookfor a Christian reader

who is interested in theintegration of science

and their faith.

- Amazing, now many peoplethink that religion and science

are contrary to eachother, but this book shows

how they connect.

What are some examples?

- Well exactly.

Unfortunately, thereare people like atheists

and even some Christian leaders

who promote this ideaof some kind of conflict

that you need to make a choice

between creation on the one hand

and evolution or scienceon the other hand.

We don't think that that'snecessary or even fair,

especially for students

who are struggling with these issues.

We wanna give them thebest possible coverage

of what mainstream science is saying

and then look at the Bible,

develop a very comprehensive understanding

of the doctrine of creation

and tools for interpreting the scriptures

when they deal with origins attempts.

- What kinds of classes do you hope

this textbook is used for?

- Well hopefully this wouldbenefit classes like ours

at a Christian college or university.

I know there are courses

at other universities aroundthe country like this,

but as we've said, there'sno textbook to help.

So hope now that there is a textbook,

we hope that maybe someprofessors will have the courage

to put together a course like that,

because the textbook wouldbe a great help to them.

No one can know all of these things.

There's so many differentdisciplines of science

that are involved, so wehope that it'll stimulate

these kinds of courses.

We hope that it'll begin torelieve the so called tensions

between science and faith.

And that it could even be useful for

an advanced high schoolseminar at a Christian Academy

or even for homeschool situations.

- Excellent, Dr. Steven Moshier

thank you so much for your time.

- You're welcome.

- Up next we look ahead as Israel prepares

for important elections next week.

What could it mean for PrimeMinister Benjamin Netanyahu?

(upbeat music)

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The I Wills of God, the latestteaching from Pat Robertson.

- Israeli voters will goto the polls next Tuesday

where they will decidethe political future

of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

They'll choose between his Likud Party

and a new coalition that'sdetermined to defeat him.

John Waage brings us thatstory from Jerusalem.

- Depending on which poll you believe,

Netanyahu's party isrunning a little ahead of

or a little behind thenew Blue and White Party.

It's a coalition led bypolitical newcomer, Benny Gantz,

former chief of theIsraeli defense forces.

In fact, the Blue and WhiteParty is a notable collection

of military and secular leaders.

Many of them once served with Netanyahu,

but now are his bitter political rivals.

They see the pending indictmentof the Prime Minister

as an opportunity to replace him.

Israel's Attorney Generalannounced his intention

to indict Netanyahu justweeks before the election.

Since then, Likud has risen in the polls.

Knesset speaker, Yuli Edelstein,

is Likud's second in command.

He often fields media questions

about the pending indictment.

- Do you have to remind us thatindictment happens in court?

And before that, accordingto the very old rule,

everyone's innocent till proven guilty.

That's the station of thePrime Minister right now.

- [John] Pollster Mitchell Barak

says even a week before the vote

it doesn't feel like thecampaign has started.

- You know, there's been a lot

of mud slinging back and forth,

but if you walk aroundJerusalem, or Tel-Aviv,

or anywhere else you don'tsee signs on people's balcony.

You don't see signs in their window.

- [John] Netanyahu has reaped the benefits

of his close relationship withPresident Trump and the visit

of Brazilian PresidentJair Bolsonaro to Israel.

Barak recently took an indepth survey of Israelis

and found their support forTrump has skyrocketed to 73%.

Trump has fulfilled a dreambasket of Israeli wishes.

From moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem

to recognizing theGolan as part of Israel,

to cracking down on Iranand Palestinian terrorists.

- So Israelis really, to a certain extent,

see that there's a Likudnik if you will.

A Likud person in the White House.

And they see that Netanyahuis very, very close

with President Trump.

- [John] Israelis will decide April 9th,

whether those closeU.S. ties will be enough

to put Netanyahu over the top.

Experts say many, if not most voters,

won't even decide untilthe final four days.

John Waage, CBN News, Jerusalem.

- Coming up, leading upto Easter later this month

a closer look at themini-series Jesus: His Life

produced by well known pastor Joel Osteen.

(dramatic music)

- [Pat] When you give,

smiles grow bigger.

When you care,

homes are happier.

When you comfort,

the hurt goes away.

When we all come together to love,

miracles happen.

- Hello, I'm Terry Meeuwsen.

Did you know there are morethan 148 million orphans

in the world today?

148 million, but it was three little girls

that taught me aboutthe plight of orphans.

My husband and I spentnearly a month immersed

in the daily activities ofthe Ukrainian Orphanage,

as we waited to adopt three sisters.

I saw first hand the utter loneliness,

the pain of rejection,

and the overwhelming desire to be loved.

That experience changed me forever.

And out of it,

grew a ministry from my heartcalled Orphan's Promise.

Today, we're helping orphansand vulnerable children

in more than 50 countries worldwide.

Thousands of childrenare now in safe homes.

They're being educated, andthey're learning life skills.

I'm asking you to join with me

and become family to these children.

Will you call the numberon your screen right now?

Because every child deservesa chance to be happy.

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- The History Channel ishelping us countdown to Easter

with a new series on Jesus.

And Pastor Joel Osteenis Executive Producer.

You can catch him on thisevening's episode of Studio Five

and here's a look at Jesus: His Life.

- Believe, you will see the glory of God.

- [Man] Jesus is coming to Jerusalem

to say that the current world is wrong

and we need to change it.

- She was the one chosen by God.

- [Woman] It would've been difficult

for Mary to tell Joseph what happened.

- Joseph is conflicted.

He doesn't immediately believe the story

about the Holy Spirit.

And then on the other hand,he doesn't want to hurt her.

- I am with you always.

To the very end of the age.

- You can catch Jesus:His Life Monday evenings

on the History Channel

and hear from ExecutiveProducer Joel Osteen

on tonight's edition of Studio Five.

That begins at 9:30 onthe CBN News Channel.

And that's it for thisedition of NewsWatch.

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Hope you'll join us nexttime, have a great day.

- We will move the American Embassy

to the eternal capital ofthe Jewish people, Jerusalem.

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- [Woman] I wish that otherpeople throughout the world

could see this side of Israel.


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