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News on The 700 Club: April 3, 2019

As seen on “The 700 Club,” April 3, 2019.: Read Transcript

- Welcome folks to thisedition of the 700 Club.

The suffering in Venezuelacontinues beyond measure.

It looks like the electrical grid

may be permanently damaged.

This is not enoughelectricity, there's no water,

there's no power, there'sno basics of life.

The people are beyond belief.

Now it seems as if

President Guaido may besubject to an arrest.

We also understand there areRussian troops in Venezuela.

It's a crisis situation.

It's like a boil that'sgetting ready to break

and something has got to be done.

Somebody has got to take action.

This cannot continue,

this suffering is beyond belief.

Well now here at home,the President says look,

"I was going to takeObamacare out and replace it,

"but it looks like Mr.McConnell says no way.

"I don't have the votes in the Senate.

"I don't have the votes in the House.

"I'm gonna wait tillafter the 2020 election

"to bring all that to pass,

"and then we'll have to wait for it."

But bigger battles are on the horizon,

as Democrats Nadler and othersare preparing sanctions.

It's just amazing how he has changed.

In the old days when it wasClinton being subpoenaed,

he said, "Well we shouldn'trelease grand jury testimony.

"It'll hurt innocent people."

Now he wants to hurry upwith The Mueller Report.

Well CBN Capital Hillcorrespondent, Abigail Robertson,

has more on that.

- President Trump surprisedmany GOP lawmakers,

when he decided to take on Obamacare again

and declare Republicansthe party of healthcare.

- I made it clear to him wewere not gonna be doing that

in the Senate.

- [Abigail] Majorityleader Mitch McConnell

wants Senate Republicans focusing on bills

to keep healthcare costs down,

not comprehensive replacement plans.

- I think the right decision

was made to make sure weget our ducks in a row.

Throw the onus on the industry.

In the meantime, havesenators and congressmen

that know a little bit about it like me

to start prodding the industry,

because I think it's gonna take more

than their own self-correction.

- [Abigail] Indiana Senator Mike Braun

tells CBN News he thinks Republicans

have defended big healthcarecompanies long enough.

And now they need to comeup with their own solution

to growing costs.

- All Hoosiers, Americans arefrustrated with healthcare

as it's being delivered by aso called free market industry.

The fact is, it's not.

It's got highly concentrated

with big companies running the show.

I think that it'sincumbent upon the industry

if it doesn't want one business partner

with the federal governmentto start doing a better job.

- [Abigail] Braun told President Trump

he'd work with him on a replacement plan,

but Democrats sayRepublicans are bluffing.

- The President tweeted

that they will come upwith their plan in 2021.

Translation, they have no healthcare plan.

It's the same old song they'vebeen singing; therefore,

repeal they have no replace.

- [Abigail] Also on the Hill this week,

House Democrats issuing a subpoena

to expedite the releaseof the Mueller Report.

A move that doesn't seem to bother Braun.

- I think it would speed the process.

And really whether that happens,

I think Attorney General Barrwill do everything he can

to make it as explicit as he can

given the qualificationsthat he has to adhere to.

- The good news for curious Americans

is that lawmakers onboth sides of the aisle

want as much of the Muellerinvestigation released

as possible.

Reporting from Capital Hill,Abigail Robertson, CBN News.

- Well as I mentionedat the top of the show,

Venezuela's in crisis.

And Venezuela's opposition leader

says he could be arrested any time.

Be a tragedy, butsomethings gotta be done.

He's been recognized.

Now most of the nationsof the earth recognize him

as a legitimate leader of that country.

Tragedy, I mean a human tragedy,

right to our southern border.

John Jessup has more.

- That's right Pat.

- Dictator Nicolas Maduro hadinterim President Juan Guaido

stripped of immunity from prosecution,

leaving him open to arrest foropposing the Maduro regime.

The ongoing standoff inVenezuela is now bringing Russia

and the United Stats to a head to head.

Russia supports Maduroreportedly sending in troops

and military equipment.

President Trump sayingforcefully from the Oval Office,

"Russia must get out of Venezuela."

Meanwhile, blackouts continueto hammer the country

sending desperate peopleacross the border to Columbia.

As Chuck Holton reports from Cucuta,

Operation Blessing is there to help.

- Venezuela's electrical gridis nearing a total collapse

following historic poweroutages last month.

Experts say the aging infrastructure

could be damaged beyond repair.

So too, is the patience of thepeople suffering days on end

without lights, water, or communications.

So this is the publichospital here in Cucuta.

This place is just overwhelmed right now,

because there are so many Venezuelans

coming in for treatment.

Since there are almostno hospitals in Venezuela

who can treat people that needdialysis, pregnant mothers,

people with gunshotwounds, it doesn't matter.

They're all coming across the river

and coming to this hospital for help.

The hospital has alreadyspent more than $15 million

treating Venezuelanswho can't afford to pay.

For those unable to get to Columbia,

power outages bring deadly consequences.

This man lost his wife.

(man speaks in foreign language)

- [Translator] She died,because there was no assistance

in the hospital.

There were no medicines, sothe love of my life just died.

The mother of my children,

I've had enough of this government.

They are killing us withhunger, with no healthcare,

and now I'm not afraid anymore.

Do what you want to me Maduro,

you killed my wife, go ahead kill me.

- [Chuck] Into this desperation,

Operation Blessing is bringing hope.

Just across the border,

this OB DistributionCenter gives out medicine

and other supplies to refugees,

many traveling from deepinside Venezuela to get here.

- [Translator] We waitedfrom 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

to be seen by our doctor back home.

She told us the babyneeded antihistamines,

but there weren't any available.

If I had left him there, hewould've died without a doubt.

Because there, neither the doctors

nor the hospitals, are working.

- [Chuck] As Operation Blessingserves the desperate here,

the needs are evengreater inside Venezuela.

- [Translator] It's too bad

you can't bring these medicinesto the Venezuelan side,

because for sure the peoplethere need it so much.

It's sad to see.

Here you can help me, butthose people can't get help,

because they can't get across.

- [Chuck] From Cucuta, Columbia,

I'm Chuck Holten for CBN News.

- Thanks Chuck.

Pat such palpable desperationthere in Venezuela.

- You know, I said before,we're sending humanitarian aid.

Operation Blessing is sendingin medicine, first aid,

formulas, solar lights,safe water solutions,

anything to help those people.

And you can participate if you want to by.

The address is OperationBlessing Disaster Relief Fund,

and we're there to help the people.

- But I've said itbefore, I'll say it again,

there's only one way you get rid of a thug

thats holding a people hostage.

They've got hostages, andhow do you get rid of him?

Well sooner or later, youget send in a SWAT Team

and you take those thugs out.

And sooner or later we'vegot to do something.

We've got drones for example.

You could probably with a drone strike,

get rid of Meduro.

Somethings gotta be doneto help those people,

and I really believe

there comes a time whereyou just cannot allow

a situation like that to fester anymore.

The OA has to do something.

They outta get together and do something,

but it may be that they're waiting

for their big North Americanbrother to take the lead.

And certainly with drones,

we could do something with drones.

They've got those hellfiremissiles that can terrify people,

and you'd speed the process very quickly.

CBN Chief Political Analyst,David Brody, is with us now.

David, back to that healthcare thing.

The President was saying

the Republicans gonna be knownas the party of healthcare,

and now they've switched.

What do you think the deal is?

Well a couple of thingsare going on here Pat.

First of all, let's startwith the political aspect

of all of this.

There are sources close to the White House

and some actually inside the White House

saying absolutely 100% froma political perspective

President Trump wants totake this issue, healthcare,

away from the Democrats.

I know it sounds pie in the sky,

I know this has been theDemocrats issue for a while,

but President Trump believes

the Republicans can ownthe healthcare issue,

and that's why he's doing this.

But I think if you go deeper Pat,

the understanding aftertalking to multiple sources

this morning and late intothe evening last night,

basically rather thanpunting the healthcare

until after 2020, what manyof my sources are telling me

is that the President now just clarifying,

that's the word they'reusing, clarifying the fact

that there's no reasonto come up with any sort

of healthcare plan rightthis moment until after 2020.

That's when they'll do it,

because they think the political terrain,

they hope, will be better than.

And why go through ahealthcare, how do I say this?

A healthcare avenue right now,

if Democrats are in control of the House.

It doesn't make much sense.

So that has been scaled back,

and this is what DonaldTrump typically does.

He kinda blasts certainthings out on Twitter,

and they role it backuntil they figure out

how to figure it out.

- David, in addition, it lookslike he was talking about

he was gonna close thesouthern border of Mexico.

He realizes now that those could be

an incredible economicdamage if he does that.

What's the status on that?

- Right, so it's an active status.

What I meant by that,

is that there's negotiationsgoing on right now

inside the White House

and with many other governmental agencies

trying to figure out thebest course of action

from an economic standpoint.

So what you may see Pat,

is that the border is closedat certain ports of entry.

In other words, civilian ports of entry

where cars come in, but notshipping ports of entry.

And that would be the difference.

So would there be a fullclosure of the border?

No, but they would basicallycherry pick the certain spots

that they need to close the border.

And what the White Houseofficials are telling me,

is that they need customs borderand patrol, CPB, out there.

Those officers not at the ports of entry,

they need them in thedessert is what they say,

because of the influx.

And why are we having such a big influx?

Well let's be honest, the summers coming,

we've got the nicespring weather down there

compared to the summer,

and that's why we're seeing quite a bit

of the influx right nowat the southern border.

- The last thing you know,

there were all those phony FISA warrants.

They were working off of a dossier

that was prepared by the Democrats.

It was just incredible.

The FBI and the Justice Department

got all this Muellerinvestigation agenda up

on account of phonyChristoper Steele documents.

The President says thereout to be an investigation

of how that probe started.

What do you think about that?

- Pat, I just got off thephone with two sources

that are very close to the situation,

close to the WhiteHouse, and close to DOJ.

Both tell me that thisis gonna be looked into.

But whether or not

there's an actual specialcounsel appointed,

different matter, they don't think so.

They don't think a specialcounsel will be important.

Now having said that,

there may be what they call an IG report,

that Inspector General report.

In other words,

an internal DOJ investigationinto what happened.

But there's a difference, as you know Pat,

between that and a specialcounsel actually being appointed.

The two sources that I'm talking to,

and they are very, how do I say this,

high ranking and up there

that would know whatthey're talking about.

They don't think aspecial counsel ultimately

will happen here Pat.

- Well thanks David.

I totally agree with that.

I hate those special counsels.

I think it's one a expertwould say on this program,

most of it's unconstitutional.


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