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- It's time for your email questions.
We're gonna start withthis one from Donna.
She says, my husband wants to take money
out of his retirementto do some home repairs,
including purchasing new windows.
I'm not in total agreementwith him using his retirement.
When he asks me about it,
and I tell him I'm not sure, he gets mad.
What does the Bible sayabout husbands providing
for their wife's futurewith their retirement?
I'm a housewife, and don'twork outside the home.
Should I go ahead and be okay
with my husband making this decision,
since we're not in agreement?
It would be 30 to $40,000 coming out.
I need wisdom.
- Well, the wisdom is that,a husband supposed to look
after his own, that's what the Bible says.
If any man does not look after his own,
he's worse than an infidel.
On the other hand, itsays, wives are supposed
to submit to theirhusbands as unto the Lord.
Husbands are supposed to love their wives
like Christ loves the church.
I mean, that's the rule.
So, the truth is, the husband is supposed
to be in charge of all those things.
So he wants to use retirementto fix up the house,
maybe the windows are leaking, maybe,
you know, he's gotta doa cost-benefit analysis
of what he wants to do.
It's sometimes, it's hisretirement, and you know,
so I think what you oughta do is say,
well let's pray about it, dear,
and if you feel peaceabout it, I'm with you.
Because that's what youwanna do, is be in agreement.
But 30, 40,000 for retirement.
The thing is, you're buildingup a long-term nest egg,
but at the same time, your house is part
of your investments, so youhave trade-offs you have
to make when you take cash and use it
for buying physical assets,and any businessman understands
that you want the cash,but at the same time,
you want productive assets.
What do you do?
Let your husband make thedecision, you pray about it,
and you pray that Godwill give him wisdom,
and the two of you worktogether, all right?
- Amen, good point about the house
being an investment, also.
- It is an investment,I mean it really is.
But it also is a drain.
A house costs a lot of money (laughs).
- It's true.- (laughs) All right.
- Dee says, Pat, we hear aboutPresident Trump cutting aid
to foreign countries all the time.
Good for him.
Why do we give taxpayermoney to all these countries,
and what happens to the money
once we aren't giving it any more?
Could it be used to paydown the national debt?
- We don't give that muchmoney along in foreign aid.
It's a small pittance, and to build
up a worthy country that could be an ally
or trading partner is a very wise thing.
The national debt is enormous,so a few billion dollars
given in foreign aid, and itis a few, it's not a bad deal.
So don't worry about it, all right?
- Theresa says, I recentlycame across the Gospel
of Thomas, not knowing this ever existed.
What's your opinion?
Is this a gospel weshould research and read?
- No it's not, it's part ofall those apocryphal books
that were not part of the canons,
never been recognized byeither the Christian faith
or by the Jewish people,and it has no validity.
It'll just lead you down a rabbit trail,
and I wouldn't even botherto read it, all right?
- Who even writes stuff like that?
- Well, a lot of people wrotethose things right after the,
you know, second or thirdcentury, and there were all kinds
of gnostics, and strangebeliefs who were in currency,
and there were a lot of writings,
where they call them pseudepigrapha,
you know, they're just fake documents,
and there are a lot of them out there.
But there's some peoplethink the Apocrypha
should be included,and I don't, all right?
- All right, Francissays, I frequently hear
other believers praydirectly to the Holy Spirit,
but haven't see where is thisdemonstrated in Scripture.
Why do people do this?
I thought we prayed to the Father,
through Christ, by thepower of the Holy Spirit.
I'd appreciate some clarification.
- Well, I think you're basically right.
We pray to God theFather, in the authority,
in the name of Jesus, andit's like a power of attorney.
I know the son, and I'mtherefore coming to the father
because I have accepted the son,
and he that has the son, hasthe father, and so forth.
But the Holy Spirit comes as aunion between father and son,
and that's part of the trinity.
I don't see anything wrongwith honoring the Holy Spirit,
and saying, come Holy Spirit, and asking
for the Holy Spirit to come in our midst,
and to be part of us, and to in-dwell us.
I don't think there'sanything in the world wrong
with praying to the Holy Spirit.
I'm sure the Lord, he's a,the father loves the son,
the son serves the father,and from that union
comes a spirit that is what is,
means that God deals with his universe.
So it's through the HolySpirit, so I don't think
there's anything wrong withpraying to the Holy Spirit,
as long as you understandwhat you're doing.
Just honor the Holy Spirit,and he will, you know,
the Bible says, don'tgrieve the spirit of God,
with whom you are sealed to the day
of redemption, all right?
- All right, good word.
Sandra writes, Second Johnbegins with the salutation,
to the lady chosen byGod, and to her children.
Who is the lady, and who are her children?
- Well, it's the church,that's what he called it,
this was a churchcongregation, and he called it
the holy lady and her children.
He was just speaking of thechurch, and the congregation
that met in that particular area.
That isn't some special lady,there are a lot of ladies
in the Old Testament, theNew Testament, some are good
and some are bad, but this is,
he's talking about the church, all right?
- All right, here's agood one for you, Pat.
Meredith wants to know, doesGod have a specific age gap
on dating or marrying people?
- (laughs) If he does,I don't know what it is.
But, there have been someamazing romances of young girls
that have been married to older men,
and I don't know aboutyoung men being married
to older women, you've got that too.
- I have a girlfriend,a year older than me,
who married a man, I thinkhe's 18 years younger.
- [Pat] 18 young?
- Younger, yeah, so it'slike, that's not as common,
you know, that the wife is older.
But they are deliriously happy,and have so much in common.
- Well the problem is, whenyou get older, and you know,
all of the sudden, thatbeautiful woman is now
an older lady, that beautifulman is now an old guy,
and you've gotta lookafter all these problems,
so keep that in mind, all right?
But there's nothing in theBible that says there's
anything wrong with anyof it, all right? (laughs)
- Right, love is love.
All right, Jonathan says,Pat, my wife is really
into buying lottery tickets.
I wasn't raised that way,and it's very odd to me.
Is playing the lottery asin and against God's will?
- It is, depending on whatyou think a lottery can do.
If you're hoping, always hoping,that you're gonna get rich
through the lottery, you're a fool,
You'd rather have a spaceinvader than hit the lottery.
Let me tell you, it'sjust not gonna happen.
The odds are just stackedagainst you, and I'm sorry
that many jurisdictionsthink they can finance
their operations through the lottery.
The best way to getfunds is to get increase,
and you invest, and little,by little, by little,
it grows, and moneybegins to produce money.
But the idea of, I'vegonna hit the lottery,
and you're praying allnight, and you're asking God,
let me hit the lottery and so forth,
I think that's afalsehood, and it's wrong,
and it's the wrong thing to do.
But buying a lottery ticket,if you've got an extra couple
of bucks, or $5 or something,it doesn't mean anything
to you, and you're just playing, I mean,
there's nothing wrong with just playing,
and I don't think that that's a sin.
But the thinking that'sgonna change your life,
that becomes a sin, all right.
- Yeah, I just can't do it.
I just feel like I'm just throwing
my money down the toilet, so.
- Well, you know, before I found the Lord,
I used to play poker, and Imean, when you're praying,
you're in a poker game, and you're
(Wendy laughs)praying to pull to an inside
straight, I mean, there'ssomething wrong with that.
(both laughing)
- I hear ya, I hear ya.
- That's the kind ofstuff, that I'm praying
I'll hit the lottery,I mean no way (laughs).