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News on The 700 Club: March 28, 2019

As seen on “The 700 Club,” March 28, 2019.: Read Transcript

- Welcome folks to thisedition of The 700 Club.

Here's an alarming fact for you.

Recent surveys showed 50 percent of

senior citizens had zero savings.

Zero, no money at all, so the

total of expenditure, the total revenue

is countin' on Social Security, and

if anything happens to Social Security

those folks are in thecold, and that means

there should be someplan to do some saving.

Well, the President should have taken a

victory lap, he won big with the Mueller

Report, but instead of that he's

gone into the healthcare and it

may be a good move, we're not sure, but

Democrats are claiming the high ground on

healthcare, and they're making the issue a

central plank in the 2020 elections, and

the President, I said,has opened the door with

his latest attempt to kill Obamacare, and

what happened was that a district judge

ruled the individual mandate was

unconstitutional because there's no

separability clause in that law.

That would mean the entire law is out.

They could have killedit with the one vote of

Senator McCain, but hevoted to hurt Trump is

what it amounted to, it was kind of a

mean thing, but he did it, so now

people are saying if you don't

have a plan, you're in trouble.

The House had a very good bill and

the question is what it is so we're

going to be talking to our reporter about

health insurance, what is at stake, and

what the plan is to make that better.


- [John] President Trumpmade a surprise turn by

reigniting the Obamacare debate.

- We're gonna be theparty of great healthcare

and the Democrats have let you down.

- [John] The first indication came

Monday when the Justice Department

agreed the Affordable Care Act is

unconstitutional and should be thrown out.

- Obamacare doesn't work,it's too expensive and

you take a look ateverything with deductibles

it's a disaster, it's adisaster for our people.

We're not gonna allow it to go.

- I think what the President is doing is

actually wise, which isfocusing Republicans'

intentions because if it does happen

and Republicans aren't ready with

anything, that's when they're in trouble.

- [John] Also in troublecould be the nearly

13 million peoplecovered under Obamacare's

medicaid expansion and52 million people with

pre-existing conditions,but the President says

this move does not mean Republicans

want to take away people'shealthcare, adding

that the repeal and replace plan would

send grants to states for them to

run their own healthcareinsurance programs.

- Trump's effort to repeal Obamacare

narrowly failed in theSenate back in 2017.

What needs to change topass this time around?

- I think people have alot more information and

have spent a lot of time thinking about

what could have gone better in 2017.

We have a plan that would lower

healthcare costs and improve people's

choices and make sure that we take care

of the most vulnerable among us.

People with pre-existing conditions.

- [John] It sounds like some Republicans

aren't on board, something Marie Fishpaw

of the Heritage Foundationhopes will change.

- House Minority leaderKevin McCarthy told

President Trump that his new healthcare

push makes no sense, do you agree?

- Well I certainly think that Republicans

ran for a very longtime on addressing these

problems and I'd like to think that

they'll be able to do so again.

- Protecting andstrengthening healthcare is

why Democrats are here on day one.

- [John] Democrats made healthcare a prime

campaign issue during the midterms and

just introduced a new bill to

strengthen the Affordable Care Act.

It would make more middle class people

eligible for subsidies and even help

lower income recipientsalready in the system.

- As you remember,Senator McCain ran against

Obamacare, Obamacare wasextremely unpopular and

it was failing and then it's been revived

because Republicansdidn't do much about it.

Ben Kennedy's joining us now from the

White House and Ben, the President has

taken on a fight that maybe he's getting

criticized for, you heardmaybe some reasons of

why they did it, can youtell us what you've heard?

- Well Pat we are hearing the renewed

healthcare debate actually began in the

oval office right here behind me at the

White House on Monday, the New York Times

reports that acting White House

Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney persuaded

President Trump to take the legal route.

Bring this case to thecourts, arguing that

since the GOP tax package added a

mandate that you weretalking about Pat that

people without coverage pay a penalty.

The Affordable CareAct is no longer valid.

Plus, a lawsuit to overturn the ACA will

help fulfill Trump's campaign promise.

Now, the JusticeDepartment got on board and

sent their request to the Fifth Circuit

Court of Appeals to get rid of Obamacare.

A legal battle is expected to

reach as high as the Supreme Court.

- Well if the Fifth Circuit rules it so

and the Supreme Court backs 'em up, what

happens next, is there a plan B?

Does the President have a plan?

- Yeah Pat he does, that is plan B.

If the High Court rules that the

Affordable Care Act is out, then

President Trump says theywill have a plan that

will be far better than Obamacare.

The Commander-In-Chief said Wednesday that

he understands thecomplexity of healthcare now.

He said people are going broke trying to

pay for their healthcarecosts, citing that

rising cost of premiums is to blame.

Many republicans wantgreater transparency.

More choices for consumers which creates

competition and could actually lead to

lowering the cost of healthcare.

The White House saysthat a new plan will be

introduced in the nextcoming months as the

Health and Human Services begins to

craft it, now rest assured, the

Trump Administration says that millions of

Americans that rely on Obamacare will

not be without health insurance.

In fact, I spoke to a White House official

just moments ago, he said that

pre-existing conditions will be covered.

Again, you heard President Trump say the

Republican Party will soon be known as the

party of healthcare aswe now wait, Pat, to

see this new plan unveiledin the next few months.

- Who is pushing thisparticular stand of the

President, was that MickMulvaney or somebody else?

- The acting White House Chief of Staff

Mick Mulvaney was in the President's ear

during what is considereda policy meeting on

Monday, said hey look we need to

get on top of this 'cause as you were

mentioning earlier in the show that

healthcare will definitely be a big

topic in the 2020 campaign and

President Trump, the White House, they

really wanna get ahead of this on the

campaign trail over the next year or so.

- Ben, keep us informed,it's an important issue.

Well, in other news,the immigration system

at our southern borderis at a breaking point.

Thousands, thousands of migrants

illegally enter the country every day.

John Jessup has more on that.

- Thanks Pat, in El PasoWednesday, Customs and

Border Commissioner Kevin McAleenan said

they're facing an unprecedented

humanitarian and border security crisis.

On two separate days this week, agents

arrested more than four thousand migrants

crossing the border, that's the

highest total in 15 years, right now

they're on track to deal with 100 thousand

migrants in March alone,putting a strain on

Border Patrol facilitiespacked beyond their capacity.

Well, President Trump is sending a

warning to Russia, get out of Venezuela.

Moscow back strongmanNicolas Maduro while the

US is standing by oppositionleader Juan Guaido.

The President reissued that warning after

meeting with Guaido'swife in the Oval Office

Wednesday, hearing stories of the

suffering in Venezuelaand the Maduro Regime's

arrest of one of Guaido's top aids.

Here's CBN's Jenna Browder.

- President Trump is calling on Russia to

get out of Venezuela following reports of

Russian troops and equipmentarriving in the country.

- [Interviewer] What sort of complications

does the Russian involvement now pose to--

- Russia has to get out.

- [Jenna] During a meetingwith Fabiana Rosales, wife of

Venezuela's OppostionLeader Juan Guaido, Trump's

message for the Kremlin was clear.

- [Reporter] You just saidRussia needs to get out.

Have you in any way communicated that?

- They know, they know very well.

- [Jenna] Both he and Vice President Pence

reaffirmed their support for Guaido.

- Our message, very simply, is that

we're with you, and isgoing to continue to

stand with you, stand with your courageous

husband, and stand withfreedom loving people

in Venezuela until yourlibertad is restored.

- [Jenna] The United States and 50 other

countries back Guaido,elected by Venezuela's

legislature to replaceDictator Nicolas Maduro.

Maduro is accused ofstealing the recent election.

Russia, though, supports the Maduro

regime, which is threatening Guaido's

friends and family and arrested his

top aid in a raid on his home last week.

The wife of Roberto Marrerodescribes what happened.

- At 2 AM the political forces of

Nicolas Maduro entered in a brutal raid

in our home, they destroyed our house, our

child's room, everything, they've

planted guns and things and this

has been for three hours,it was a nightmare.

After that they kidnap him and

we didn't know anything about him for

six days, so as a family we are afraid for

his life, we haven'thad any communication.

We have a seven year old kidwho doesn't know anything.

- [Jenna] There have also beenattempts on Guaido's life.

- [Translator] We awaitto warn the world that

what we are seeing is a way of

attacks against the President.

There's repression, there's prison, and

what they want is to attack him.

- [Jenna] All this asblackouts rock the country.

People are starving and dehydrated, and

riots break out in the streets.

- Venezuela was a country with tremendous

potential and is still a country with

tremendous potential, but people are

starving, people aregetting killed, they're

being beaten, what's goingthere is unfathomable

to everybody that sees andeverybody that gets reports--

- And President Trumpis refusing to rule out

military force againstMaduro saying all options

are open, even if Russiadoesn't leave the country.

In Washington, Jenna Browder, CBN news.

- Thanks Jenna, Pat, back to you.

- I've said many times if a thug is

terrorizing a neighborhood with

armed force and terrorizing the people and

taking captives and maybekilling people, then

the police department must move and

do something and it takesforce to do that, and

we haven't ruled out force, we keep saying

we won't rule it out, but we've

got to do something, now if the

Russians come in, we'vegot what's called a

Monroe Doctrine, foreign powers stay

out of our hemisphere,and so the Russians are

coming in to our hemisphere and they know

they're violating the Monroe Doctrine.

We have every right to get in there and

make something happen, but I know we

don't want the whole idea of America

taking it over because that doesn't

play well in Latin America, but the

organization of American states must, they

must come together andwe can back them up with

all kinds of weapons, withsatellite footage with

drones, with all thestuff we've got without

actually being one of the major players.

We can be there but we don't have to

put our troops in there, but something's

got to be done, either they're gonna kill

Guaido if he keeps up, you know he'll be

assassinated, and itwill be a bloodbath and

we need to stop just making threats and

get in there and help him.


- Pat, video of an 85 year old

pro-life supporter outside a San Francisco

Planned Parenthood clinic is going viral.

According to the Pro-Life advocacy group

40 Days For Life, theelderly man named Ron

has been leading the campaignin San Francisco for years.

Last week, he tried to stop a Pro-Choice

advocate who stole his sign, as

you can see, the young man attacked him.

The man apparently had beencoming around for days.

This video is spurringcalls to fine the attacker.

According to the group, Planned Parenthood

refused to give policetheir security footage

because they said Ron broughtthe attack on himself.

Well, House Minority Whip Steve Scalise

fighting for legislation protecting

babies born after a botched abortion.

He's introducing a petition next week

forcing a vote on the Born Alive

Survivor's Protection Act as Paul Strand

explains, Scalise says the petition is

needed because Democrats are using

House rules to block a vote on the bill.

- Last night on thefloor for the 17th time

we asked to bring up theBorn Alive Protection

Act, for the 17th time,the Democrats refused.

- There are babies being born alive

and then ultimately murdered.

- [Paul] Pro-Life Caucusleader Chris Smith

describe one such murder ina Florida abortion clinic.

- The clinic owner took the baby who is

gasping for air, cut her umbilical,

cord, threw her into a biohazard bag and

put the bag in the trashlike so much garbage.

- [Paul] Not only arepro-life lawmakers prevented

from ending this practice,they can't even get a vote.

- This is the height of shamefulness.

It is absolutely an abomination that

this is going on and that we're having to

have this argument inthe United States today.

- [Paul] But Democratsare in charge of the

House these days and won't let the

Born Alive Protection Act come to the

House floor for a debate and vote.

Meanwhile in the States, some lawmakers

fear the Supreme Court could overturn

Roe V. Wade and legalizeabortion nationwide.

So states like New York, Rhode Island, and

others are pushing radicalabortion legislation

to keep such practiceslegal, so is Illinois.

- They have introduced theReproductive Health Act

which according to oneabortion group could

cement Illinois as theMidwest abortion oasis.

- [Paul] Melissa Cifuentes has been

fighting a similar law in Rhode Island.

- We are called to use our voice to

speak the truth onbehalf of innocent lives

that are sacred andworth of our protection.

- Halt this blood lust and work to

protect unborn and born babies

rather than provide a killing oasis.

- These legislators are pleading with

Americans to call on Congress members to

sign the discharge petition for the

Born Alive Protection Act, if that gets

218 signatures, speakerNancy Pelosi has to

let the bill come to the floor.

Paul Strand, CBN news, Capitol Hill.

- Thanks Paul, Pat, back to you.

- Can you imagine theDemocrats running on a

platform of we favor infanticide?

Can you believe they'll come before the

American people saying look we wanna

bankrupt the country, we wanna cut out

airplanes and automobiles and fossil fuel.

We want to run our, well, who knows

what they wanna run the generators on, and

we also favor infanticide,can you imagine a

Congressman standing on that platform?

What kind of insanity hastaken over that party?

My father was a leaderin the Democratic party.

I was a democrat when Iwas about 55 years old.

It was a wonderful party, and all

of a sudden, they've gone crazy.


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