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CBN NewsWatch PM: March 25, 2019

CBN NewsWatch PM: March 25, 2019 Read Transcript

(dramatic cinematic news music)

- [Announcer] This is CBN NewsWatch.

- Hello everyone, thanks forjoining us for CBS NewsWatch,

I'm George Thomas.

For nearly two years,

special counsel RobertMueller and his team

looked into possibilities

between the Trump campaign and Russia.

The result?

No collusion.

Mark Martin joins us now

in the CBN News Room with more, Mark.

- George, US Attorney General William Barr

released his main conclusions

of Mueller's investigation Sunday.

It took 22 months, 2,800 subpoenas,

and the interviews of 500 witnesses.

In the end, Mueller clearedPresident Donald Trump

of collusion with Russia.

President Trump tweeted, "Nocollusion, no obstruction,

"complete and total exoneration.

"Keep America great!"

The investigation also foundthe president committed

no crime of obstruction of justice.

Now on the issue of obstruction,

Barr's principle conclusion is:

"The special counsel states that

"while this report does not conclude

"that the president committed a crime,

"it also does not exonerate him."

But Barr and Deputy AttorneyGeneral Rod Rosenstein

come to their own conclusion that:

"The evidence developed

"during the specialcounsel's investigation

"is not sufficient toestablish that the president

"committed anobstruction-of-justice offense."

Trump's lawyer tells ABC News

they are ready to move forward.

- And what I'd like tosee the Congress do,

is work with the presidentfor the next two years,

and get some things donefor the American people.

- Earlier today, I receiveda four-page letter.

- [Mark] But Democrats,

led by House JudiciaryChairman Jerry Nadler,

are not convinced, andwant Attorney General Barr

to testify before Congress.

They say they're concernedabout Barr's impartiality

and vow to continueinvestigations into the president.

- Attorney General Barr,who auditioned for his role

with an open memorandum suggesting

that the obstructioninvestigation was unconscionable,

made a decision about thatevidence in under 48 hours.

- [Mark] Republicans say it's all

an elaborate plan for impeachment.

- If anyone thinks that theMueller Report being concluded

is the end of the Democrats' attempt

to take down President Trump,

they haven't been payingattention the last two years.

- Meanwhile, Trump talkedabout investigating

the Mueller investigation, saying, quote,

"It began illegally,

"and hopefully somebody'sgonna look at the other side.

"It was an illegal takedownthat failed," end quote.

Back to you, George.

- Thank you, Mark, joining us now

is CBN Senior Internationalcorrespondent Gary Lane.

So, the investigation is complete.

Attorney General hasissued his brief summary.

How are members of Congressresponding to all this?

- Well, you heard whatsome of them are saying.

As expected, the Democrats,many of the Democrats,

are saying, look, we believethis was part of a conspiracy

of the President and the AttorneyGeneral and also Mueller,

but nothing could befurther from the truth.

I mean, Barr is a well-respected attorney.

He's been Attorney General before.

Mueller, also respected.

And, you know, it's interesting, George,

because not too long ago,

these same people on the Hill,

the Democrats, some of them,were saying, oh, Mueller,

he's gonna do the rightthing, this is gonna be.

You know, so, depending, either way,

the president would lose,because here's exoneration,

they're criticizing that.

If it'd come against the president,

then they'd say, boy that Robert Mueller,

what a great special counsel he was.

- So, what's in store for the president?

What does he do next?

- Well, the president said he,

go ahead, release the whole thing,

which would be highlyunusual for an investigation

to have the whole report released,

but he said, go ahead, let'shave full transparency.

So the president is not opposed to that,

but let's take a look atwhat he did right away.

He put out a commercial.

This is from his campaign 2020,

putting out a commercialagainst the Democrats.

(dramatic cinematic music)

(typewriter keys clacking)(buzzer buzzing)

- The evidence is prettyclear that there was collusion

between the Trumpcampaign and the Russians.

(buzzer buzzing)

- I think there's plenty of evidence

of collusion or conspiracy in plain sight.

(buzzer buzzing)

- We saw strong evidence of collusion.

(buzzer buzzing)

- Well, we know there was collusion

with people in the campaign.(buzzer buzzing)

- I think a mountain ofevidence of collusion

between the campaign and the Russians.

(buzzer buzzing)

- So, it is, it's like abad game show, actually.

(Buzzes) You know, you're out.

But, basically, thepresident, the message is

look, I was right, they werewrong, they need to eat crow,

but George, they're notgoing to be eating crow,

they're going to be spitting it out.

- There's at least one other investigation

that's still going on is my understanding.

- Yes, Michael Horowitz,who is the Inspector General

of the Department of Justice

has an investigation thathe started about a year ago

looking into the FISA warrants,

and the reason that those warrants

were issued to beginwith, and the allegations

that they were issuedunder false pretenses.

That's a very important investigation.

We'll be looking for that one, George.

- What is likely, real quickly,what's likely to happen now?

- Well, I think you're going to see

some Democrats pushforward with impeachment.

I think what you're goingto see from the committees,

some of the Congressional committees now,

especially in the House,

they're going to be lookingat obstruction of justice

because as you know,the special prosecutor

did not say that the presidentwas exonerated from that.

He didn't say he was guiltyor not guilty of that.

He really didn't look at it,

he should have, as a prosecutor.

He shoulda come to someconclusion, he did not.

So the Democrats in the House

are going to come to conclusionsof their own on that.

They'll be investigating that.

- All right, terrific.

And I'm sure there'sgonna be a lot of focus

on the media as well, and therole that the mainstream media

has played over the last two years.

- And also the president's finances

and his business dealings.

- Yeah, okay, Gary, as always,sir, thank you so much.

Appreciate it.

Vice President Mike Pence today

slammed multiple Democraticpresidential candidates

for skipping out on theannual AIPAC Policy Conference

which is the largest gatheringof pro-Israel Americans.

Pence saying that any White House hopeful

should stand with Israel.

- Anti-Semitism has noplace in the Congress

of the United States of America.

(audience applauding)

So let me be clear on this point.

Anyone who aspires to thehighest office in the land

should not be afraid to stand

with the strongest supportersof Israel in America.

(audience applauding)

It is wrong to boycott Israel,

and it is wrong to boycott AIPAC.

- Democratic presidential candidates

have traditionally, as you know,

attended the gathering ahead of elections.

Moving overseas, Israeli PrimeMinister Benjamin Netanyahu

is cutting short histrip to the United States

after a Hamas rocket from Gaza

struck an Israeli home north of Tel Aviv.

Reports say Israel is alreadysending troops to the border.

CBN Middle East Bureau ChiefChris Mitchell has that story.

- [Chris] Just beforedawn, a rocket from Gaza

slammed into an Israeli home

in the community ofMishmeret in central Israel.

The rocket destroyed the building

and wounded seven Israelis,including children.

- (speaking in foreign language)

- [Translator] We woke up from the boom.

I live nearby, a few streets away.

The glass in the windows were shaking,

and glass shattered in nearby homes.

We made phone calls to find out

if anybody was injured,and how we can help.

- Southern Israel, around the Gaza Strip,

has been plagued withrocket attacks for years,

but a rocket attack more than 50 miles

into the densely populatedcenter of the country

takes the conflict to a new level.

- Israel will respond withall the necessary means.

We're fed up with the Hamas.

Enough is enough.

- [Chris] Hamas launchedtwo rockets at Tel Aviv

just 10 days ago, thefirst since the 2014 war.

The Iron Dome intercepted those rockets,

and Israel responded

by hitting 100 Hamas targets inside Gaza.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,

who was in Washington for ameeting with President Trump,

talked with the Israeli military

and National Security Council.

- [Translator] This was a vicious attack

on the State of Israel.

We react with might.

In the light of the security events,

I've decided to cutshort my visit in the US.

In a few hours, I willmeet with President Trump,

and immediately after that,

I will return to Israelto oversee our activities.

- [Chris] Netanyahucanceled his appearance

at the annual AIPAC Conference.

And despite the attack,children in the area

were advised that schoolwould be held as normal.

Just last week, the UNHuman Rights Council

condemned Israel for itsresponse to the border riots.

Israeli Foreign Ministryspokesman tweeted that,

"This is a deliberate anddangerous act of aggression

"by Palestinian terrorists,encouraged, no doubt,

"by the complacency of UN Human Rights."

According to media reports,Hamas leaders told Egypt

the rocket was fired by mistake.

Hamas has also kickedup the level of violence

in its protests alongIsrael's border with Gaza

ahead of the one-year anniversary

of what it calls theGreat March of Return.

The protestors throw firebombs at soldiers

and renewed sending balloons

with explosive devices across the border.

The noise from nighttime demonstrations

is also intended to disturband frighten Israelis

who live near the border.

With just two weeksuntil Israeli elections,

it's not yet clear how farIsrael will go in its response,

but it's clear that Hamas

is trying to escalate the situation.

Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.

- [George] Thank you, Chris.

We will have more fromour Washington Bureau

on Faith Nation tonight.

You can catch it right hereon the CBN News Channel.

Coming up, things heat up in Venezuela

after interim President JuanGuaido's top aide was arrested.

We'll bring you that story next.

(dramatic cinematic news music)

- [Announcer] CBN presentsThe I Wills of God:

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- Hello, I'm Terry Meeuwsen.

Did you know there are morethan 148 million orphans

in the world today?

148 million.

But it was three littlegirls that taught me

about the plight of orphans.

My husband and I spent nearly a month

immersed in the daily activitiesof a Ukrainian orphanage

as we waited to adopt three sisters.

I saw firsthand the utter loneliness,

the pain of rejection,

and the overwhelming desire to be loved.

That experience changedme forever, and out of it

grew a ministry from my heartcalled Orphan's Promise.

Today, we're helping orphansand vulnerable children

in more than 50 countries worldwide.

Thousands of childrenare now in safe homes,

they're being educated, andthey're learning life skills.

I'm asking you to join with me

and become family to these children.

Will you call the numberon your screen right now

because every child deservesa chance to be happy.

- Welcome back to the CBN News Channel.

A pre-dawn raid by NicolasMaduro's secret police

resulted in the arrest ofone of interim Venezuelan

President Juan Guaido's senior aides.

Guaido, meantime, is holding rallies,

and claims the embattled Maduro's regime

cannot last much longer.

(crowd shouting)

- [Chuck] High stakesbrinksmanship on the world stage

between the United States

and Venezuelan leaderNicolas Maduro's government.

After US aid was burned at the border

by gangs loyal to Maduro,

the Trump administrationcontinued ramping up the pressure

on the embattled leader to leave office,

something Maduro hassteadfastly refused to do.

After interim President JuanGaidos' top aide was arrested

by Venezuelan intelligenceoperatives March 21st,

Trump's National SecurityAdvisor John Bolton

fired off a tweet threateningeven more sanctions ahead.

Though all of the Venezuelanborders are officially closed,

more than 40,000 desperate Venezuelans

are escaping into Colombia every day.

Most are hoping to find some kind of work

in order to send help to thefamilies they left behind.

Catherine has beenliving here on the street

with two of her children.

- (speaking in foreign language)

- [Translator] I've been here four months

working as a porter.

- [Chuck] She tries to make a living

helping others carry their supplies

back across the dangerousriver crossing into Venezuela,

but there's lots of competition.

- (speaking in foreign language)

- [Translator] Sometimes Ihave to fight the other porters

because everyone wantsthe same car, you know?

- [Chuck] The sense of frustration

reached a boiling point weeks ago

when gangs loyal to Maduro burned aid

sent by Colombia and the United States.

Catherine, along with many others,

are bitter about what happened.

- (speaking in foreign language)

- [Translator] If we goback, it won't be any better.

At least here my kids can eat.

- [Chuck] Cracks are appearing

in the ranks of the armed forces as well.

These two soldiers threwdown their arms February 23rd

when they were given ordersto fire on their own people.

Sergeant Major Darwin Malagera

says morale in his unitwas at rock bottom.

- [Translator] February23rd was the breaking point.

When we saw what was happening,

we decided we wanted to beon the right side of history,

and we made the decision on our own

to cross over to the Colombian side.

- [Chuck] First Sergeant Omar Carrero

was on the bridge that day,watching the tragedy unfold.

- (speaking in foreign language)

- [Translator] Many times we had talked

about defecting amongst ourselves,

but were very afraid one ofour superiors would hear us,

because if they did, we'd bethrown in prison automatically.

But finally, in small groups,we made the decision to cross.

On the very same day,

the secret police showed up at my house

looking for my family.

Thank God they weren't home.

- [Chuck] Eventually,over a thousand soldiers

followed suit, including some officers,

but many more are still afraid.

- [Omar] (speaking in foreign language)

- [Translator] I can say that98% of the troops in the army

would like to see a change of government.

- [Chuck] To keep hisstranglehold on power,

Nicolas Maduro has beenarming gangs of criminals

who swear allegiance to his regime.

Called (speaks in foreign language),

these gangs currently control this border,

and everyone who comes across has to pay.

For the time being,these Venezuelan soldiers

can only wait, hope, andpray the regime will collapse

under the weight of its own evil,

but they do have a message for America.

- [Translator] Please, keep supporting us,

putting pressure on in every possible way.

I'd like to say, with military force,

but I know that would result

in lots of bloodshed in Venezuela.

- [Translator] We don't have a plan,

we're simply ready andwilling to follow the orders

of our president, Juan Guiado, every day.

- [Chuck] In Cucuta, Colombia,

I'm Chuck Holton for CBN News.

- Thank you, Chuck.

A reminder to chuck out our CBN News

Daily Rundown podcast with Caitlin Burke.

She gives a behind the scenes look

at a key story in the news every day.

You can find it on the show tab.

Click on its title tolisten and subscribe.

After the break, moreflooding in the Midwest.

We take a look at what's to come

as residents work to clean up the mess.

(dramatic cinematic news music)

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- Rainstorms are expectedlater this week in the Midwest,

just as residents are cleaningup from major flooding.

The National Weather Service said

that more than an inch ofrain is expected to fall

in Nebraska and Iowa later this week.

Weather officials say the storms

between Wednesday and Fridaycould create a foot rise

in the level of the Missouri River,

but it's not clear yet howmuch additional flooding

that rise could create.

Recent flooding in the Midwest

is blamed in three confirmed deaths,

and two men in Nebraska have been missing

for more than a week.

Joining us now with more

is Weatherbell meteorologist Joe Bastardi.

So, Joe, what can people in the Midwest

expect in the days ahead?

- Well, Nebraska and Iowahave been ground zero

for all of this, especially in Nebraska,

and come Thursday night, Friday,

cold front's going to go through

and it's gonna start rainingin back of that for a time,

and then change over to heavy snow.

Much of the state of Nebraska

is gonna get three to six inches of snow

Friday afternoon, Fridaynight, and northern Iowa,

so it's sort of a mixed bag,

while liquid amounts fromthis may wind up being,

oh, you know, half-inch to an inch,

half of it's going tobe snow, if not more.

Eventually, I mean, youknow, at this time of year,

the snow melts off in a couple of days,

that would go into the rivers.

What would be a blessing, I think,

is that if it went into the river slower,

if it wasn't, and I'msaying it's not gonna be

all rain coming at once.

It's gonna be rain changingto snow and accumulating,

and that means it would have to melt off

so it would lower the rateof flow into the rivers.

- [George] Joe, I'm curious.

Is this weather unusualfor this time of year?

- Oh, yes, it's very unusual,

but it's been set up by theextreme cold that we've had.

We've had one of thecoldest February and Marches

on record back to back.

It left a frost underneath in the ground.

You know, you had three to six inches

of rain or liquidamounts, in the snowpack,

'cause the snowpack would not melt.

Underneath the groundwas frozen for two feet.

Then a storm came up andbrought some warm air

for a couple days, andwith it a lot of rain.

All of that, a lot of that snowmelted, and when it melted,

it could not soak into theground as it normally does.

So, the real power behindthe throne over here

is the fact that it was sodarn cold for so long, right?

And this is opposite of what is supposed,

remember, there's not supposedto be any snow and cold

during the wintertime seasons, right?

So, this was so extreme onthe other end of the spectrum,

it led to all the snow.

The snow did not melt.

The ground was frozen underneath.

When the big storm camealong March 13th and 14th,

it warmed up, it rained, melted it,

and it could not soak in,

so it had to just flow rightinto the rivers all at once.

- What is the forecast looking like

as spring weather makes its arrival?

- Well, I think that is stillabout another eight to 10 days

of cold coming into the country,

but I think you're gonna seethis year, 'member last year,

April was very cold for the United States.

I think April's gonna flip

and in the Great Lakes, Northeast,

I think they're gonnabe warmer than normal,

but a core of cold may remain

back through the SouthernRockies into Texas.

When I say cold, I meancolder than normal, all right,

because the normals are coming up in May.

And by the way, that configuration,

where you're cold down in,you're colder than normal

from Texas into theSouthwest Rockies like that,

and it's warm to the north,

may mean a less-than-activetornado season this year,

so we're already looking at that.

- [George] Okay, terrific, Joe.

Folks here in Virginia,

we've not even seen aflake of snow this winter,

but at least we've had warm days.

Joe, as always, thank you so much.

- It'll balance out eventually,

so next year.- That's right.

As always, thanks forcoming on the show, buddy.

Up next, a look at a new TV series

on the History Channel thathighlights the story of Jesus.

(upbeat cinematic news music)

(dramatic orchestral music)

- [Pat] When you give,

smiles grow bigger.

When you care,

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When you comfort,

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When we all come together to love,

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- Hello, I'm Terry Meeuwsen.

Did you know there are morethan 148 million orphans

in the world today?

148 million.

But it was three little girls

that taught me aboutthe plight of orphans.

My husband and I spent nearly a month

immersed in the daily activitiesof a Ukrainian orphanage

as we waited to adopt three sisters.

I saw firsthand the utter loneliness,

the pain of rejection,

and the overwhelming desire to be loved.

That experience changedme forever, and out of it

grew a ministry from my heartcalled Orphan's Promise.

Today, we're helping orphansand vulnerable children

in more than 50 countries worldwide.

Thousands of childrenare now in safe homes,

they're being educated, andthey're learning life skills.

I'm asking you to join with me

and become family to these children.

Will you call the numberon your screen right now

because every child deservesa chance to be happy.

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Follow Your Path.

- Welcome back to the CBN News Channel.

The History Channel is helping Christians

count down to Easter with anew four-week series on Jesus.

Jesus: His Life premiers tonight,

and it takes a look at the story of Jesus

through the eyes of Mary, Joseph, Peter,

John the Baptist, PontiusPilate, and many others.

Here's a quick preview.

- If you believe, youwill see the glory of God.

- [Man] Jesus is coming to Jerusalem

to say that the current world is wrong,

and we need to change it now.

- She was the one chosen by God.

- [Woman] It would havebeen difficult for Mary

to tell Joseph what happened.

- Joseph is conflicted.

He doesn't immediately believe the story

about the Holy Spirit,

and then on the other hand,he doesn't want to hurt her.

- Fascinating.

You can catch the firstepisode of Jesus: His Life

tonight at 8:00 Easternon the History Channel.

That is it for this edition of NewsWatch.

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and, by the way, you maywant to send us a story idea

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Well, folks, that is it for this week's,

this particular editionof the CBN News Channel.

Right here from all ofus here in the studio,

as well as back in the control room,

wish you a wonderful rest of the day.

See you guys.

(dramatic cinematic news music)


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