- Well, welcome, folks, tothis edition of The 700 Club.
I've got some real good news,
if you can let me start theprogram with that good news.
Last week I had my 89th
- 89th birthday.- birthday.
And so there were some peoplewho put up a challenge.
They said we wanna putup a challenge of $89,000
to build water wells, 'cause it coincided
with National Water Day andWorldwide Water or whatever.
Well, I'm pleased to reportthat against that challenge
you raised $368,000.
- [Terry] (chuckling)That'll build some wells.
- [Pat] Oversubscribed it
four to one.(people clapping)
- [Terry] (clapping) Amen.
- Isn't that great?(people clapping)
So we'll drill a lot of wells.
And there's some high-tech wells
that have solar-powered motors.
And there's a whole lot of stuff in there.
But thank you very much,and we just are very pleased
at that response, and thatmade it a super happy birthday.
And a lot of people aregonna have clean water
all around the world because of it.
Well, the report is out,
no collusion after 22 months,
2,800 subpoenas, 500 witnesses.
Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller
has cleared the president of any collusion
with Russia and finds noobstruction of justice.
Well, our WashingtonCorrespondent Amber Strong
is gonna give us a full report now.
(dramatic whoosh)
- No collusion, the two words echoing
through Washington Sunday,
but as with most things herein DC, division is growing.
- No collusion, no obstruction.
- [Amber] The presidentexpressing exoneration Sunday
celebrating the newswith, what else, a tweet.
But Democrats, led by HouseJudiciary Chair Jerry Nadler,
aren't convinced and wantAttorney General Barr
to testify before Congress.
- Attorney General Barr,who auditioned for his role
with an open memorandum suggesting
that the obstructioninvestigation was unconscionable,
made a decision about thatevidence in under 48 hours.
- [Amber] Barr's principal conclusions
of Mueller's report arebroken into two questions.
Did the Trump campaign collude
with the Russians duringthe 2016 election?
And two, did the presidentcommit obstruction of justice?
When it comes to collusion, Barr states,
The Special Counsel's investigation
did not find the Trump campaign
or anyone associated withit conspired or coordinated
with Russia in its effortsto influence the election.
On the issue of obstruction he writes,
The Special Counsel states
that while this report does not conclude
that the president committed a crime,
it also does not exonerate him.
But Barr and Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein
come to their own conclusion
that the evidence developed
during the Special Counsel's investigation
is not sufficient to establish
that the president committed
an obstruction-of-justice offense.
The overall investigation is the result
of 22 months of work by19 lawyers, 40 FBI agents,
and includes 2,800 subpoenas,500 search warrants,
13 requests to foreign governments,
and 500 witness interviews.
Still, Democrats say they're concerned
about Barr's partiality
and vow to continueinvestigations into the president.
Republicans say it's all anelaborate plan for impeachment.
- If anyone thinks that theMueller Report being concluded
is the end of the Democrats' attempt
to take down President Trump,
they haven't been payingattention the last two years.
- A point of unity here in Washington,
politicians on both sides of the aisle
say they want the full report released.
William Barr says he wants that too,
but is working with a Special Counsel
on how much of it can be released.
No time table on whenthat's going to happen.
Amber Strong, CBN News, in Washington.
- Well, Jay Sekulow is on the president's,
he's the key member of thepresident's legal team.
And Jay joins us.
Jay, is the president relieved?
Is he happy, is joy inthe White House today?
- There's a happy spirit inthe White House last night,
and including today as well.
And the president, of course,is glad that this is over.
And as he said from theoutset, there was no collusion
and no obstruction, andthat is now the conclusion
of this two-year investigation.
And of course, as one ofthe chief lawyers involved
in this case, I will tell you that, Pat,
I have appreciated theprayers of a lot of people
that are watching thisbroadcast right now.
And our legal team did a phenomenal job.
God was gracious.
And a lot of students fromRegent University Law School,
that became lawyers inthe last, say, 10 years,
got to work on this case, sothat was pretty historic too.
- Well, let me ask you aboutthe origin of all this stuff.
There's a fellow namedChristopher Steele, a Brit,
a questionable gumshoe type.
And there was that Fusion GPS dossier.
How did all this thing start?
Can you tell us
about the origin of--- Yeah, so yeah, I can now.
So there's thiscounterintelligence investigation
that starts, called Crossfire Hurricane.
And that investigation is, in large part,
based on FISA warrants
and the Christopher Steele dossier,
which also led to someof these FISA warrants.
We now know, and asJames Comey himself said,
they were unverified and salacious.
It was funded by Fusion GPS,
and that created a veryserious issue legally
and politically, frankly, iswhat ended up happening there.
The end result of all of this was the fact
that you have a developmentthat took place.
And under the law, both under the law
involving this collusionconspiracy theory and obstruction,
the fact was there wasno evidence of either.
And as the attorney general said,
there was no evidence to bringforward an obstruction case.
Bob Mueller called itdifficult facts and law,
and you don't bring cases whenyou've got difficult facts
and difficult law.
- Well, the president canfire an attorney general,
and he certainly can discusscases with his subordinates.
How can that be obstruction?
- Well, the Department ofJustice said it can't be.
And you can't have obstruction by tweet.
So whatever theory may have been proposed,
and I'm kind of speculating on this
as it was reviewed,
so when you saw in the letterwas, where the line that says,
we don't conclude thepresident committed a crime.
We don't exonerate him either,there's two points on that.
Well, prosecutors' jobsaren't to exonerate.
They either prosecuteor decline to prosecute.
Here they couldn't make a determination
whether there was a violation, so they,
pursuant to, basically, theDepartment of Justice's policy,
took it to the Office of Legal Counsel.
That's the office that would look
at the theory they'reproposing, looking at the facts,
and determine if therewas a legal violation.
And the OLC, in conjunction
with the Deputy AttorneyGeneral Rod Rosenstein
and the attorney general,determined there was not.
In fact, if you read thatprovision of the order,
it says, In catalogingthe president's actions,
many of which took place in public view,
the report identifies noaction that, in our judgment,
constitutes obstructive conduct,
that had a nexus to a pendingcontemplative proceeding
and were done with corrupt intent,
each of which, underdepartment's principles,
a federal prosecutionguiding charging decisions
would need to be provenbeyond a reasonable doubt
to establish an obstructionof justice case.
And again, they reported no actions
that would reach that level.
So it was a sweepingvictory all the way around
on this issue, and Ithink this is a good day
for the United States.
- Jay, one thing, point,
it looked like it was a perjury trap,
that if the president had gone on,
there's almost no way thatyou can avoid perjury,
and you and Rudy kept himfrom going on to that trap.
How did you get it done?
- Well, look the presidentwanted to be fully transparent
and fully cooperative, and he was.
I mean, 1.4 million pagesof documents were sent over
to the Special Counsel.
Dozens and dozens of witness interviews
by White House officials forhundreds of hours took place.
And we provided responses in writing.
So I actually think what happened here
was a request for aninterview with the president,
which they made, we didnot think was appropriate
under the law.
In other words, the lawthat establishes the basis
upon which you would havethe right to, basically,
interview the president,
which would requireunder the Espy standard,
that you couldn't get this information
from anyplace else, thatthey could never meet it.
And that's ultimately why I do not think
they sought a subpoena.
- Let me ask you about whatthese congressmen are doing.
It's my understandingthat they have to be,
it has to be pursuant tosome legislative initiative
to go through all thesesubpoenas and so forth.
Am I correct in that,
or can they just go ona fishing expedition?
- No, you're 100% correct.
So there has to be, what's called,
a legitimate legislative purpose for them
to move forward with a hearing.
So you got judiciary and House intel,
and they've got oversight.
And the question you have to ask here,
first question you have to ask is
what is the appropriatelegislative purpose
for these inquiries?
And that is issue number one.
And here's another thing thatI think is very important
for the American people to understand.
This went on for twoyears with the auspices
of a Special Counsel.
And as I said, theyissued 2,800 subpoenas.
They executed 500 search warrants, 500.
They obtained more than 230 orders
for communication records,
issued almost 50 ordersauthorizing the use
of pen registers, and that'show you track phone numbers
going back and forth,
13 requests of foreigngovernments for evidence,
and interviewed, Pat,approximately 500 witnesses,
and came to the conclusion,no obstruction, no collusion.
So what is it exactly the House is doing?
- Are you guys going to- It's politics.
- go after the Democratson declaratory judgment
to say that they need to shut them down?
Or are you gonna just let--
- The way it works is thatthe White House counsel
is initially responsiveto document requests
that come in to the WhiteHouse in official capacity,
whether it's to witnessesor to the White House
or to a department.
Our job will be requeststhat come to either us,
as lawyers, or come to clients,
or our client the president,
and we are going to respond accordingly.
I will tell you that.
We will respond accordingly,
and we will respond appropriately.
But this is a little bitin the land of the absurd,
that after this report you would see
at this particular time, in my view,
with all that information I just gave you
about the scope and natureand depth of this report,
that they would allow this to continue
in the House and Senate.
They should be legislating,not investigating.
- Are you gonna get any rest
now that this thing's over (laughs)?
It's just too much.- Well,
the week is early (laughs).
Look, as you know, Pat, andI've appreciated your call.
You've been calling and checking on me,
and I appreciated that.
Look, this has been atremendous, for a lawyer
to handle a case likethis at the highest levels
representing a presidentof the United States,
is not a higher honor.
It was exhilarating.
It was challenging.
It was allowing me to use all the skills
that I was trained to use.
And I told my colleagues the other day,
we were all trained for these moments,
and let's remember that.
That's what we were trained to do.
And it was by God's grace thatwe saw a great conclusion.
And I thank our legal team.
And there will be more work to do,
but hopefully it will notbe at quite the intensity
of, let's say, the last two years.
- Congratulations, God bless you.
- Thanks, Pat,
appreciate it.- Jay Sekulow,
who is president's counsel,
he and Rudy Giuliani together,
the chief counsels in this entire matter.
He is, of course, the chief counsel
of the American Center of Law and Justice,
and he's been a dearfriend for many years.
We now have CBN ChiefPolitical Analyst David Brody
is joining with us.
And David, politically, this is a huge win
for the president.
What do you think it'sgonna mean for 2020?
- Oh, there's so much to unpack here, Pat.
First of all, I think it's pretty clear
the media has taken a huge hit here.
As a matter of fact,if journalism had flags
in their newsroom, they'd beflying at half-staff today.
A lot of mourning around the country
(chuckling) within mainstreammedia circles, for sure.
Look, as for 2020,Democrats have a choice.
When do they wanna stop digging the grave?
I mean, really, it's that simple.
Do they wanna spend theirtime, their platform,
their energy, their focus,their power in the House
on the 2020 agenda andtry to beat Donald Trump
at the ballot box?
Or do they wanna go downthe investigative road?
Look, this is a SpecialCounsel that has done its work.
Robert Mueller is now done.
But there's a new SpecialCounsel in town, Pat.
It's Adam Schiff, the HouseIntelligence Committee chairman,
Elijah Cummings as well, andother chairmen in the House,
and Jerrold Nadler
of the House Judiciary Committee chairman.
That's the new SpecialCounsel in Washington now.
They're informal, if you will.
I'll put them in air quotes.
But they have to decide, andI think it's pretty clear
that they've already decided,we're gonna go down this road
and try and get Donald Trumpany way, any form, any fashion.
And if they do that,they've sucked the oxygen
from the 2020 race, and itbecomes all sorts of problems
down the road for Democrats.
- Don't they see that theAmerican people are sick of this,
that the American peoplewant the president
to do his job, and theywant America to go forward?
This is not in supportof the United States.
This is in support oftheir political agenda,
don't you think?
- For sure, Pat, that'sa really great point.
Look, the American people are not stupid.
They may not be asinformed as they need to be
as a voting electorate,but they're not stupid
when it comes to being street smart.
They understand the deal here.
Look, the no collusion, nocollusion, no collusion,
it's what Trump had beensaying for all of this time.
That was the big enchilada.
And the big enchiladabecame nada, nothing.
It's over, and folks realize that.
So all of this other stuff,
all of these extra investigations,
look, if Robert Mueller, thenon-partisan guy, supposedly,
some people would arguewith that, obviously,
but look, if he's the non-partisan guy,
and 500 witnesses, 2,800 subpoenas,
he couldn't find anything,
do the American people really think
that the Democrats are gonnabe fair in this process?
Well, of course not.
Look, I think the Democrats
have a major credibility problem here.
You had, for two yearsthey were talking about
that this is gonna becollusion, and it wasn't.
And let's go back to Brett Kavanaugh.
They were playing politicalgames there as well,
and they took a major black eye on that.
You put those two things together,
and you have a credibilitynarrative with the Democrats
that could really,really hurt them in 2020.
- Lindsey Graham was saying
I think there should be a Special Counsel
to investigate the Justice Department
and those who were engagingin all this spy stuff
against the president.
What do you think?
- Well, I think they'regonna go down that road.
I mean, Donald Trump wantsto go down that road.
Lindsey Graham, who's the chair
of the Senate Judiciary Committee,
seems to wanna do that as well.
As a matter of fact, JamesComey tweeted yesterday,
the former FBI director, hetweeted, so many questions,
is what he put.
And Lindsey Graham tweeted back,
Jim, you're absolutely right.
I'll see you here infront of my committee.
They're gonna go down this road for sure.
I think there is apotential problem, though,
for this president andfor the Republican Party.
Look, they've won.
Do your 24-hour victory lap.
But if you're gonnacontinue down this road,
and I understand theywanna have investigations,
and that makes sense.
But at the same time, maybeit might be a good idea,
they have to think about this,
it's something they'llhave to contemplate,
if they just wanna kindamove on, take the victory,
take the W, if you will,and then play for 2020,
rather than continue torelitigate some of this
and keep it in the news.
- I noticed Marco Rubio was saying
that the Green New Deal won'treally help the rising waters,
that he's got a proposalfor a government study
that'll really do some goodhelping the coastal areas.
And the Green New Deal cansink the ship, don't you think?
I mean, it looks like that the young woman
is taking all the old menonto the boat with her,
(laughing) and it maybe a cruise to nowhere.
- Yeah, well, the young woman, AOC,
is now she's being called,
because no one wants to sayAlexandria Ocasio-Cortez,
so we just call her AOC.
It saves a breath, and it saves syllables.
But yes, for sure, shehas this Green New Deal,
as you know, Pat, and it's radical.
And look, that's not justconservatives saying that.
That's even some moderatesin the Democrat Party.
They're very concernedabout where this is going.
Donald Trump made fun of it the other day
in his two-hour CPAC speech
talking about that theonly way were gonna be able
to watch television in the future,
according to the Green New Deal,
is if the wind blows the right way.
I mean, who in the worldknows what's gonna happen?
Of course, the pie-in-the-sky scenario,
and I'm not making thisup, this is their document,
they'd love to see, they,the progressives, AOC,
the Green Deal, they wouldlove to see a nation,
an America, without airplanes.
Of course, the DemocratSenator from Hawaii
said, well, how am I gonna get home?
So look, I mean, it's awhole big kit and caboodle
of socialism that theDemocrats are gonna have
to really come to reckon with here.
So you've got no collusion.
You've got that problem for the Democrats.
You've got the socialism problem.
And we haven't even gottento late-term abortion.
That's the trifecta, Pat.
- Would you like to predict theoutcome of the 2020 election
against some namelessDemocrat with the president?
- Well, Pat, thank you so much
for giving me that opportunity,
but no, I'd rather not.(Pat laughing)
What we've learned inWashington and in politics
and in this town,specifically, it can change
from day to day.
I will say this, though,it is gonna all matter
about who that candidateis on the Democrat side.
Look, if it's a Joe Biden,
you got the blue-collar Democrats in play.
If it's someone on avery progressive scale,
then they're gonna have to do their job,
the Democrats, to get outminorities and suburban women.
But look, I think this Muellerreport and no collusion
is gonna hurt Democrats at the ballot box
because moderates andindependents in the middle
will see this and say, hm, you know what?
Trump was right all along.
The media has down DonaldTrump a huge wonderful service.
They have given hisfake-news mantra credibility
and no collusion, thisreport, is the cherry
on top of the fake-news sunday.
- (laughs) David, thank you.
We look forward to having you.
I wanna thank you again, brother.
David Brody,- Thank you, Pat.
our political correspondentdoing a superb job, as always.
Well, in other news,the latest rocket attack
on Israel could lead toa major confrontation
between Israel and Hamas,because that rocket hit
near Tel Aviv, and it came from Gaza.
Efrem Graham has that.
(dramatic whoosh)
- Well, Pat, Israeli PrimeMinister Benjamin Netanyahu
is cutting short histrip to the United States
after a Hamas rocketstruck a house just north,
as you said, of Tel Aviv.
The rocket slammed intothe home just before dawn
wounding seven Israelis,including children.
Israel is mobilizing its defense forces
and calling up reserves
as Netanyahu promises a strong response.
- [Translator] This was a vicious attack
on the state of Israel.
We react with might.
In the light of this security event,
I've decided to cutshort my visit in the US.
- The early return meansNetanyahu will not be addressing
the pro-Israel AIPACconference in Washington.
Some good news, though,for the Jewish state
coming out of AIPAC Sunday,
leaders from Romania andHonduras announce those nations
are moving their embassies to Jerusalem
following the United States's lead, Pat.
- Thanks, Efrem.
Well, (exhales abruptly)
that's why we need apresident to pay attention
to what's going on in the world,
because the hot spots are developing.
It looks like we wiped outthe last vestiges of ISIS.
But nevertheless, they will regroup,
so we need to stay strong inthe Middle East with forces.
We cannot pull everybodyout, and that's true.
The challenges are enormous.
And down in Venezuela, I readtoday, and it's not confirmed,
but it's one of those Drudge Report things
that there may be someRussian troops coming
into Venezuela to bolster Maduro.
Of course, that, we're talkingabout the Monroe Doctrine,
that's pretty serious stuff.
Well, we'll see what's happening.
We don't have anymore on that right now,
but keep your eyes openfor what's going on.
It's an amazing world, butI would hate to see war.
But that territory in Gaza
should never have been given back.
It was one of those things.
It was a mistake.
The Jewish settlers were there.
They had a presence, a superb presence.
They would have maintainedlaw and order in that region.
Then they pulled out,and there was a vacuum.
And so instead of apeaceful transition, Hamas,
which is a radical group,was the controlling factor
of the Palestinian Authority in Gaza.
Now they're firing rocketsinto Northern Israel,
and Israel is gonna retaliate.
They always do, andit'll go back and forth.
War in the Middle East, I hate to see it,
but it looks like it's coming.