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The 700 Club - March 20, 2019

Witness the story of one ordinary man’s “death-defying faith,” that has led millions to Christ and delivered 1.2 billion meals to starving children. Plus, he’s been called, “The Brazilian Donald Trump” and he just became its ... Read Transcript

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Wendy] Coming up, theman who's been called

the Brazilian Donald Trump

and he just became itsPresident by a landslide.

Now, this right wing fire brand is meeting

his American counterpart.

And as the two sides strengthen ties,

CBN News is on the scene.

Plus, the ministry that'sled millions to Christ

and delivered more than 1.2 billion meals

to starving children.

The story of one ordinaryman's death defying faith

on Today's 700 Club.

(exciting music)

- Well welcome folks to thisedition of The 700 Club.

We're thrilled to have miss Wendy.

This is day three of your third month.

- No I just got married last month,

so we're only I'm onlyone month and two weeks.

- It's two months and one week.

All right, whatever.

- What, no.

February 9th, I got married February 9th.

- Is marriage still good?

- Marriage is still good.

You know, six weeks in.

I recommend marriage.

- All right you heard it herefolks ladies and gentlemen.

She's off the market but she'shappy and marriage is good.

Okay, well now in the news.

He's being called the Trump of the tropics

and Brazilian's new president, Bolsonaro

wasted no time in rollingback left winged agendas

when he took office.

He met with President Trumpyesterday at the White House

and then we had thehonor of praying with him

as a group of evangelicalsmet shortly after

his visit to the Oval Office.

Bolsonaro sat down with our George Thomas

for this exclusive interview.

- [George] Jair Bolsonaro isin America to tell Donald Trump

that he has a Presidentwho not only admires him

but is also a friend of the United States.

- Thank you very much everyone.

- It is time to overcome old resistances

and explore the very best potential

between Brazil and the United States.

After all it is fair to say that today

Brazil does have a Presidentthat is not anti-American.

- [George] During a two hour meeting

at the White House Tuesday,

which included a luncheon andRose Garden press conference

the two leaders signed agreements

and discussed how to work together

to end the upheaval in Venezuela.

President Trump said Bolsonaro'shistoric election win

marked a new day in Brazil

and a new era in friendshipwith the United States.

- I wanna congratulate you again

on your tremendous election victory.

Last October was an incredible feat.

And really, a truly incredible challenge.

And the end result wassomething the whole world

was talking about.

- [George] By all accountsBolsonaro's inauguration

as Brazil's 38th Presidentwas a significant milestone

in the world's fifth largest country.

After years of leftist rule,

the 63 year old formerparatrooper turned politician

is the first conservative President

in Brazil's democratic era.

- My campaign didn't have a lot of money.

Almost all the media inBrazil was against us.

So it was a huge miracle that we won.

- And now, just 78 daysinto his presidency,

Bolsonaro is already shaking up

Brazil's political establishment.

Unlike previousadministrations that pursued

an aggressive anti-Americanand anti-Israel foreign policy,

Bolsonaro is pushing for stronger ties

with the United States and Israel.

Even announcing shortlyafter winning the presidency,

that he intends to movehis country's embassy

from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

President Bolsonaro,

George Thomas, it's apleasure to meet you sir.

Welcome to the United States.

Following his meetingwith President Trump,

Bolsonaro sat down foran exclusive interview

with CBN News at Blair House

located steps from the White House.

Blair House is used forvisiting dignitaries

and foreign heads of state.

You have discussed movingyour country's embassy

from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

When is that going to happen?

And why is this important to Brazil?

- Each country has the right to decide

where its own capital is.

And the capital ofIsrael became Jerusalem.

Therefore, we are studying the possibility

of making that decision at the right time.

When Trump took over,

it took him almost ninemonths to make that decision,

and I am now in my third month.

- [George] Bolsenaro is often referred to

as the Trump of the tropics.

Like President Trump, Bolsonaro believes

the mainstream media is fiercely opposed

to his presidency and agenda.

And Bolsonaro alsoregularly uses social media

to connect directly with his supporters.

- To a large extent, Isupport what Trump does.

He wants to make America great.

And I also want to make Brazil great.

I also have concerns aboutthe indiscriminate entrance

of foreigners without any criteria.

But beyond this, we are both Christians

and are God fearing men.

- [George] Bolsenaro'smiddle name is Messias,

Portuguese for Messiah.

He is a Catholic and his wife Michelle

is a Protestant Evangelicalwho attends a Baptist church.

An assassination attempt bya knife wielding attacker

a month before the election

almost cost Bolsonaro his life.

He says it is nothing short of a miracle

that he's alive today.

- Doctors who attended to me

said that for every 100stabbings of the kind I endured,

only one person survives.

So I am a survivor and owe my life to God.

It was his will for me to live.

- [George] The attackbecame a turning point

in his campaign as the populous candidate

went on to win promisingto tackle Brazil's

rampant corruption and violence.

Two months into his presidency,

Bolsonaro is shakingBrazil's political world.

Even standing up to dictators like

Venezuela's Nicolas Maduro.

Both Bolsonaro and Trump refuse to say

whether military plans were on the table

to intervene in Venezuela.

- I discussed this matter with Trump

and obviously that conversationwill remain private.

Trump says all possibilitiesare on the table.

And I in large part,

support decisions ofthe American government.

(foreign language)


- [George] Bolsonarohas surrounded himself

with well known Brazilian evangelicals

like Pastor Silas Malafaia

who regularly visits andprays with Bolsonaro.

Silas told CBN News thathe believes Bolsonaro

is God's chosen man to lead Brazil.

- Even though Bolsonarois not an evangelical

he always defends the principles

that we evangelicals have defended.

Namely, he is against abortion.

He is against he privilegeof the LGBTQ movement.

He recognizes the greatnessand importance of Israel,

defends the family,

and wants to fight corruptionand restore our economy.

- On his first official day as President,

Bolsonaro promised to makeJudaeo Christian principles

a top priority in his administration.

Can you talk about the impact that decades

of leftist ideology has had on the social

and spiritual fabric of Brazil?

- The ideology of the left hastaken over the universities

and also the journalists of Brazil.

The impact has been the worst possible.

And one of the main goalsis to erode family values.

- [George] It was this kind of message

that drove the majorityof Brazil's evangelicals

to support Bolsonaro.

- The evangelicals ofBrazil are equivalent

to a third of thepopulation and are growing.

I had massive support from them.

Because until recentlythey had no one to support

who shared their values and faith.

- Your motto is Brazil aboveeverything, God above all.

What do you mean by that?

- I have been a congressman for 28 years

and I saw that in politicstruth almost never existed.

And my feeling is that our people

are thirsty to know the truth.

- His favorite Bible verse is John 8:32.

Then you will know the truth,

and the truth will set you free.

Why is faith so importantto you Mr. President?

- Just like any marriagebetween a man and a woman,

if you don't have truth,

the marriage ends quickly.

In politics, if you don't have truth,

the government ends quickly.

- After our interview,

President Bolsonaro met with a group

of prominent American evangelical leaders

among them the ChristianBroadcasting Network's

Dr. Pat Robertson and Gordon Robertson,

and evangelist Reinhard Bonnke.

The American delegationprayed for Bolsonaro

and promised to standwith his administration

as he fights to protectBrazil's Christian heritage

and family values.

They also pledged to help Brazilprovide humanitarian relief

for those suffering in Venezuela.

Why is this meeting importantto you Mr. President?

- I recognize the workevangelicals do in my country.

Which is no different to whatthey do around the world,

sharing the word of God andstrengthening family values.

- George joining us nowfrom the White House.

And George what do you think?

When you go away from this man,

what's your deep feeling impression?

Do you think this relationshipbetween Brazil and America

is gonna be a long lasting?

- There is absolutely no doubt.

I mean you have tounderstand the context Pat

of Latin America threequarters of Latin America

has been ruled by leftist governments.

Brazil was one of them foralmost two decades, Pat.

And Bolsonaro came on the scene

pretty much from political obscurity.

And he saw what theleftist ideology was doing

to his nation.

And as a man of deep faith,

he realized that the leftist ideology

wanted to launch an allout assault on the family

and to introduce all thesethings that was against

the Bible and his belief.

And so he ran on that platform,

promising to restore the family too.

Promising integrity to the nation,

and in the process,

he said two decades of leftist ideology,

we coddled Iran, we coddledCuba, we coddled Venezuela,

those days are over.

Typically when the newadministration comes

into Brazilian power,

they typically theirfirst overseas trip, Pat

is to Venezuela or Cuba.

Bolsonaro said no, we are in a new era.

My first bilateral trip isgoing to be to Washington D.C.

Right after he became the President,

he said we are going to move our embassy

in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Again, it was a seismic shift.

And obviously he's takingthe blow back from that.

Various Latin Americancountries are making fun of him

that he is coddling andcozying up to the yankees,

to President Trump.

But clearly he has seta tone for his country

and Brazilians are supporting him.

They said they are also fed up

with this leftist government.

Look at what it has brought.

And Bolsonaro kept sayingduring his campaign,

do you guys want to be like Venezuela.

If that's what youwant, don't vote for me.

- George, speaking of Venezuela

That Maduro he's getting worse.

It's at like two millionpercent inflation. It's unreal.

I mean we just can't conceiveof anything of such poverty.

Did you talk about militaryintervention with him at all?

- We did, I asked thatquestion directly to him.

Obviously, he said thatis a private matter

that he and PresidentTrump had spoken about.

President Trump said hehas a plan, he has an idea

of how to deal with Venezueladuring the press conference.

He was asked that questiona number of times.

Again, both leaders refusedto reveal their hand

on what they want to do.

Keep in mind Brazil has direct contact,

military to military contactwith the Venezuelan army

and President Trump is hoping,

encouraging President Bolsonaro.

Listen, will you put some pressure on

the Venezuelan army.

Keep in mind, Pat, youknow this very well,

the Venezuelan army how they fall

whether they fall for theinterim President Juan Guaido

or will they continue toswear allegiance to Maduro

is a very, very big factor.

And so what the Brazilians aresaying to their counterparts

in Venezuela, listen if you abandon

your allegiance to Maduro,

we will not arrest youfor your alliance with him

for things that you have done.

This is a new day.

This is a new opportunity to restore hope,

to restore democracy in Venezuela.

- Well George it wasa great day yesterday.

And I'm so glad you were there.

And I was thrilled when weprayed with the President.

And his heart is sowarm toward evangelicals

and he understands.

It's amazing, it's almostthe same percentages

Trump got oh maybe 83% ormore of the evangelicals

in America which is themost solid voting block

and Bolsonaro was thesame thing in Brazil.

- That's right.

In fact he even mentioned that to you Pat.

He said when you wereall around that table.

He says I'm in a familiar place.

I feel like I'm at home.

Because he knows therelationship that he has had

with evangelicals.

Remember, evangelicalsfor such a long time,

they had their allegiancessplattered across

so many different candidates.

Then when Bolsonaro came on the scene

and they saw what a deepman of faith he was,

his wife Michelle is an evangelical,

attends a Baptist church as I mentioned.

When they saw his heart and his desire

to restore moral valuesto uphold the word of God,

to uphold Judaeo Christian principles,

they said wow, we've neverhad such a candidate before.

It's impossible to even imagine

that such a candidate could even win.

And so they threw intheir support for him.

And today what you have here, Pat,

is a seismic, tectonic, political shift

in the largest South American country.

And it is giving notice tothe rest of Latin America

as you have seen.

The Brexit in England, Germany,in other parts of Europe.

You're seeing this right turn

and clearly Bolsonarois part of that wave.

You're seeing not just in South America,

but around the world.

- George, thank you very much.

And thank you for your reporting.

It was a moment

- You're welcome sir, thank you.

- A important moment.

We were deeply touched.

I mean it was a number ofus were there together.

And I was there side by side

with my dear friend Reinhard Bonnke.

And we both prayed for the President

and asked God's blessing on him.

Well more than 15 Democrats are already

running for president.

The claim has been made that Donald Trump

is a wild man and he's seeking to overturn

the foundational principles of our nation.

Well this bunch are proposing big changes

in the American political system

by putting more justiceson the Supreme Court.

Roosevelt was a dominant roleof the Senate and the House

couldn't pack the court.

Now these people are gonna pack the court.

They wanna put in morejudges on the Supreme Court.

And that's just the start.

They wanna change the Electoral College

and just down the lineit's radical proposals.

Dale Hurd has that.

- If you can't win, change the rules.

President Trump argues thatseems to be the thought

of some Democrats who've decidedAmerica's political system

needs an update.

Big on their list is abolishingthe Electoral College.

And using the popular vote

to determine who's elected president.

- We can have national voting

and that means get ridof the Electoral College.

- [Dale] It was the Electoral College vote

that gave Donald Trump the victory

over Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Clinton won the popular vote.

The founding fathers institutedthe Electoral College

to protect the nation froma large faction of voters

who might want to introduce tyranny.

But now Colorado hasjoined 11 other states

in support of a movementto use a popular vote

to elect our President.

Some Democrats also wantto add more justices

to the Supreme Court.

Which in their view, has becomeincreasingly conservative.

Beto O'Rourke wants toexpand the high court

to as many as 15 justicesand give them term limits.

Another Democratic proposal

is to lower the voting age to 16.

President Trump tweeted his response

to the Democratic plans overnight saying,

"The Democrats are getting very strange.

"They now want to changethe voting age to 16,

"Abolish the Electoral College,

"and increase significantly the number

"of Supreme Court Justices.

"Actually, you've got towin it at the ballot box."

the President alsoguarantees the Supreme Court

will not be expanded for sixyears while he's in office.

- You know ladies and gentlemen,

this country is called notthe democratic America,

it's called the United States of America.

That's why there werestates that came together

and it was the states thatmade up the Constitution

and made up this republic.

And is the United States.

So each of those states,the little states understood

that the big populousstates could overwhelm them.

That's why they set upthe Electoral College.

So they would give a voteto all the small states

so everybody would have a voice.

And it just wouldn't be onehuge state like California

or New York who would swamp the system.

That's why the ElectoralCollege is so very important.

Well Dale, let me ask you,

these are shocking proposals

to radically overhaul the government.

They've accused Trumpof this haven't they?

- Yeah and it's not clear at all that

this is Constitutional.

I mean as you said, I meanthe Constitution lays out

a state by state systemfor electing our President.

I also think it's a little funny,

it's kind of short sighted.

I mean they're assuming theDemocrats will keep winning

the popular vote.

Trump could easily win

the popular vote in the next election.

Is California going toreally tell their Electors

to vote for Trump.

I find that hard to believe.

- Well what else do you seethat these radicals are doing?

I mean it's just crazy

the stuff they're proposing.

But this, give me someof the radical proposals

they they're coming up with.

- Well you know they want toincrease the Supreme Court.

That's not going to pass muster either.

They need a Constitutional Convention

to do the kind of stuff they wanna do.

And I just don't see that happening.

American's need to appreciate the purpose

of our Electoral College.

Which is it unifies the nation.

If it was a popular vote only,

our candidates wouldn't even campaign

in certain parts of the country.

They would only campaignin their strongholds.

The Electoral College keeps them honest.

And it actually unifies the nation

and it also encourages a two party system.

If it was popular vote,

who knows how many parties we might have.

- Well we're looking andappreciate that story.

And ladies and gentlemen,

it's just beginning the radicalization.

Free tuition for everybody,free healthcare for everybody,

guaranteed annual wage foreverybody in the country,

and it goes on and on and on.

And the proposals aboutthe Green New Deal.

are so radical it will destroy.

They wanna do away with airplane travel.

They wanna do away with car travel.

They wanna do with fossil fuels.

They wanna take away coaland gas from the utilities.

And it goes on and on.

Mitch McConnell is going toforce the vote in the Senate

on the Green New Dealto put 'em on record.

Because this is so crazy andwith the debt level right now

200 and well whatever it is,

I forget how many trillions of dollars.

It's 22 trillion going on30 trillion and it just,

the numbers are so staggering.

And yet these people wannago up, up, up, up, and up.

And it looks like when this is happening

somebody is going to call the tune.

But I think when itcomes out, gonna be time,

we're looking at Joe Biden.

And he's going toprobably be the candidate.

And Joe is a very nice man.

But he's a bit leftist.

And once he becomes the nominee,

the idea from the Republicansis gonna be to kneecap him

as fast as they can.

So you can see some rather nastystuff coming down the pike.

Well one nation under God,we wish it were the chase.

Well Wendy, what you got?

- Coming up, a look atthe death defying faith

of South Africa's Peter Pretorius.

Peter's widow and son join us live

to talk about this his ongoinglegacy when we come back.

(lively music)

- Gambler, Grand Prix racer,and rich tobacco farmer,

who is this?

Well this was the life of South African

Peter Pretorius for years.

And then a miracle led himto a lifetime of sacrifice

that changed the wholecontinent of Africa.

Take a look.

- [[Narrator] Peter And Ann Pretorius

co-founders of Jesus Alive Ministries

and Joint Aid Management have led

over 12 million Africans to salvation.

And provided more than 1.2billion meals to starving people.

Prior to Peter's death in August of 2018,

he shared his story of howGod used an ordinary man

to bring hope and healingto a devastated nation

in his book Death-Defying Faith.

- Well welcome to The 700 Club,

and our dear friend Ann Pretorius

the wife of Peter Pretoriusand their son Isak.

And Ann, Peter was an amazing man.

Were you with him when he wasdoing all that crazy stuff

before he found the Lord?

- I actually was, Pat.

- [Pat] Were you?

- Yes I was.

So I can give testimony

to the life transformationthat took place.

It truly was a Damascusroad experience that we had.

- [Pat] Well what happened?

What brought him to the Lord?

- His father was dyingafter a double heart attack.

And he was desperate.

And he tried to findsomebody who could pray,

finally did, they prayed for him.

And his father was totallymiraculously healed.

So Peter was confronted with this miracle

and realized there is a God.

He does exist.

And he's there for me,he answered my prayers.

And so that's how it all began.

And then the man who led us to the Lord

then came visiting us on our tobacco farm.

Told us the message of salvation.

And everything changed.

- It's amazing.

Well Peter, I didn'tknow the Peter before,

but I knew him after.

And he was a powerful man of God.

And we had the privilege ofhelping him along the way.

But he led how many millions of people

to the Lord did he lead do youknow what the numbers were?

- It's over 12 million.

In fact soon after his death

the records came in from the field again.

And I realized oh Peter,I hope you know this,

we went over the 12 million mark.

- Well Isak are you followingyour father's footsteps?

- Absolutely. I guess ourfamily's journey with Jesus

started in the supernatural.

God healed my grandfather.

And showed us that God wasthe God of the supernatural.

I think when you grow up around that,

I often say to people I grewup a privileged upbringing.

And they think I lived in a fancy home,

and I went to a fancy school.

But the reality is myprivileged upbringing

was that as a young childI got to fly all over

the continent of Africaand sit on a platform

watching my dad preach to people.

And watching Jesus touchand heal the blind,

and the deaf, and the cripple.

But also being able to go and work

in humanitarian operationsall over the continent

where as a youngster I wasworking in refugee camps

in places like the Congo and South Sudan.

And really just gaineda huge understanding

for the power of God, for who God was.

But I guess most importantly,

for what God wanted us to do as a family

and what the responsibility was.

And so following in dad's footsteps

it wasn't a question or a choice.

It was a calling and something that I just

I knew I had to do with my life.

- [Pat] As I recall over500,000 people in the Congo

he led to the Lord.

I believe it was five

- [Ann] You were a part of that with us.

- I know, I know.

We helped and Peter wassuch an inspiration.

You know Ann, the thingthat struck me about Peter

he was so ashamed of Apartheid,

he was so happy when the Nelson Mandela

was elected president.

He felt liberated.

- Totally, because a white South African

with an Africana name.

It wasn't an easy situation to be in.

And yet we had pioneered workinto the informal settlements

and into the townships whenwhites weren't actually

allowed to go there.

So it wasn't the other way around.

And the Gospel had to go out.

And so yes, he definitely pioneered that

and he loved doing it.

It just was an absolute heartbeat to him.

- The name Pretorius, I mean,

The capital was named, he named

they used his name whatever it was.

But was the opposition inSouth Africa to his stand

for Mandela and

- There was opposition.They watched us closely.

From time to time there were even lawsuits

that started developing.

And God gave us favorevery step of the way.

We were actually accused at one stage

of running a club on our mission base.

'Cause they said we saw black people

were swimming in your swimming pool.

And Peter just laughed.

He thought that was so amusing

that they would call that aclub that we were running.

In the meantime, it was our ministry

and these were our co-workersthat were working with us.

- What was happening by the way,

are you still in South Africa?

- Yes, I had orders. They're still there.

- [Pat] I understand there's abig crime wave, is that true?

- Oh yeah, the crime has been terrible.

The corruption has been awful.

And we really trust inGod for a breakthrough.

It's such a beautiful country.

- It's gorgeous.

I was down there with you.

We had an old broken down airplane.

And Peter and I flew thatplane down and parked it.

I thought somewhere I'm getting rid of it.

We left it in South Africa.

I don't know whatever happened,

but we wanted to get rid of it.

But Peter and I flew downthere to South Africa.

Well he was such a wonderful guy.

I know how much you loved him.

- He really was.

He was a man driven so much by passion.

And that's why I am so excited about

the fact that we were ableto record the stories.

It was hard to get him to do so.

Because he was so focused onpioneering the next exploit.

But to capture the stories ofour adventures through Africa

of more than three decades,

it was just a privilege towork on the book with him.

And it was only completed threeweeks before he passed away.

- Oh it was really.

Did he sort of feel likethat this was his life story?

- He did feel like it was his life story

and yet he never wanted it to end.

He wanted the book to just go on and on

because that was his dream.

He had no idea that he wasgoing to pass when he did.

- Well what kind of miracles did he have?

When he was out there on the field.

All I know was the numbers.

And he was asking for trucksand things to carry tents

and he got all that equipment.

I think we helped him along the way,

but what were some of the miracles he had?

- Well we saw the blind see,

we saw the cripple walk,

we saw the most amazing things happen.

We saw transformations takeplace in countries like Rwanda

where we went in.

And a lot of what we have done Pat

is a demonstration of the Gospel.

Demonstrating that love that says

Jesus loves you and cares for you.

And people have a question in their heads

when you're going to areal tough situation.

They wonder why you came there.

And when they understandJesus knows where they're at

and he wants to bring a solution for them.

So many, many doorshave opened to us again.

And Isak's really involved.

He's excited to be preaching in prisons,

to be ministering the Gospel,

to be demonstrating.

- Well I think that's part of the miracle.

Often people say whatmiracles have you seen.

And immediately you thinkof the blind who have seen

or the cripple who have walked.

But God has done so manymiracles through the ministry

just creating opportunities for us.

The most recent I would say is

the prison's authority in Kenya.

They agreed to allow us todo a trial in one prison.

Where we could go andpreach in the prison,

and then we could establishour Christian discipleship

program that we have.

Which is 50 hours of training.

We put that into the prison.

The prison's authoritywere so confronted by

the transformation in thelives of those prisoners

that they've opened every single prison.

Over 300 prisons in the whole country,

and said come preach the Gospel

and come put in thediscipleship trainining program.

They've now made it an official part

of their rehabilitation curriculum

for prisoners in the country.

And we're just seeingGod transforming lives.

One prisoner who had a life sentence,

he got born again throughthe ministry in the prison.

He attended the full 50 hours of training.

He ended up getting outfor exemplary behavior.

He started a church in that same area.

Now has a large church that he's leading

and is an on fire evangelist.

To me, those are miracles.

God's favor, the miracleof being able to take

the Gospel to not justthe poor in physical,

but those that are so poor in spirit,

and setting the captives free.

And there's no greater wayto set the captives free

than to take Jesus into the prisons.

- Well you know you think of Kenya,

you think way back to the Mau Mau,

you think of the stuff thatwent on in South Africa,

the killings and the hatred.

You're bringing reconciliationand love aren't you

between the races.

- Yeah, you know we'vewitnessed it in our own life

and our own family.

The true love, grace, and mercy of Jesus

and what that means.

And I think that was the firethat burnt in dad's heart.

It's what drove mom and dad's vision

and commitment to the ministry.

Was that others neededto understand and know

the power of Jesus.

And needed to understandthe power of the grace,

love, and mercy that Jesus brings.

And that drove that.

And I think that's justcontinued to be for us

what beats in our heart.

Is that there's still people out there

that don't know who Jesus really is

and how much he loves them.

- You know I see thesepictures of all this family

how many children andgrandchildren have you got?

- We're competing with you Pat.

We've got six childrenand 14 grandchildren.

- Well good for you.

Well I have 14 great great.

I've got the 14 andI've got 14 great great

so I'm a little aheadof you but keep going.

Keep going it's a bigfamily. That's wonderful.

- Yeah it is wonderful.

But that reconciliation that we've seen

has just been beautiful.

From my own personal experience Pat,

my youngest sister and her husband

were brutally murdered in South Africa.

And orphaning two little,

a four year old and a two year old.

It was the most traumaticexperience for us as a family.

And it could've stopped usfrom taking the Gospel further.

But the power of thatforgiveness that came upon us

to release that man and let him go.

Understanding that he waswas driven by forces of evil.

And that God could reconcile our hearts

to the people who just do suchterrible atrocious things.

And I think that's why we're so happy

to be able to get intoprisons today as well.

- Well you're also feeding the hungry too.

There's a big feeding program in it.

- Yes.

- We provide over a millionmeals a day to children.

- [Pat] A million a day?

- To children in schoolsall over the continent.

- [Pat] Fantastic.

- And so we're able to not just feed them,

but we're able to ensurethat they get an education.

Which we all know is the only way that

we can ensure they have a brighter future.

Providing water wells, more than 200 wells

that we drill every yearall over the continent.

And then very involved inagricultural development

and helping communitiesto become sustainable.

So that we're not needingto provide for them

into the future, but thatwe're providing an opportunity

to live up to what our tag line is

that we're helping Africa help itself.

But we really feel that that'swhat God's called us to do.

- [Pat] Where do you getthe resources for this?

You got people in Africa orpeople in the United States?

Who's helping?

- We've got people allover the world, Pat.

And we're so grateful to them.

And we call them partners.

Not donors, because that partnership means

we can do so much together.

And that's where our partnership with you

has been of such immense value to us.

- I just can't tell youwhat a dear, dear friend

your husband was.

Peter was a great manand a wonderful friend.

It's called Death-Defying Faith.

That's the name of this book.

And the ministry is available to help

Death Defying Faith and theministry is called what.

- [Isak] Jesus Alive Ministries

- Jesus Alive.

- [Isak] And Joint Aid Management or JAM

is the humanitarian organization.

- They're wonderful peopleladies and gentlemen.

I'm just thrilled they're here with us.

The memory of my dear, dearfriend Peter Pretorius.

Wendy, what's next?

- Pat, I could not put that book down.

I read it in one day.

And I never, ever do that.

I highly recommend theirincredible story as well.

Well still ahead,

we've got your e-mail questions.

Cindy says, My sister loves the Lord

but she does methamphetaminesseveral times a week.

How can I get her to stop?

Your Questions, HonestAnswers, coming up later.

(lively music)

- Welcome to Washingtonfor this CBN Newsbreak.

It is being called theworst humanitarian crisis

in recent history of Mozambiqueaccording to aid workers.

They're working aroundthe clock to save victims

of a massive flood triggered

by the devastating cyclone Idai.

Right now they're trying to rescue victims

from trees and rooftops.

The flooding is socatastrophic it's created

what's being called an inland ocean.

Mozambique's president says the death toll

could reach 1,000 people.

Many more remain missing and400,000 are left homeless

after the double punch ofthe cyclone and flooding.

The damage isn't over yet

as heavy rains are expected to continue

in that part of Africa through Thursday.

Well here at home, Chick-fil-Ais growing in popularity

on college campuses across the nation

despite efforts at some schoolsto ban the restaurant chain.

The Cathy family founded Chick-fil-A

and is known for their supportof traditional marriage.

An online publicationcalled The College Fix

reports Chick-fil-A isnow on almost 300 campuses

even though progressivegroups have protested them

for being perceived as anti LGBTQ

because they stand for theBiblical definition of marriage

being between one man and one woman.

Chick-fil-A leaders saythey don't discriminate

and don't have a politicalor social agenda.

Well you can always getthe latest from CBN News

by going to our website at

Pat and Wendy will be backwith more of today's 700 Club

right after this.

(lively music)

- Welcome back.

It's time for your questions

and some honest answers from Pat.

We'll start with Cindy's question.

She says my sister loves the Lord.

She watches The 700 Cluband believes she is chosen

by God as a disciple.

But she does methamphetaminesseveral times a week.

We argue because I believe it's wrong.

I've been saved 26years now, but she feels

that I'm not savedbecause I am judging her.

How can I get her to stop?

- Well I think the best thingyou can do is pray for her.

You know meth will kill you.

I don't know that muchabout methamphetamine.

But those drugs will kill you.

And so she's destroying thetemple of the Holy Spirit.

And she's destroying her body.

But I think what you oughtto just love that person

and I can't imagine thatshe can't get off of it.

You need to find, if youcan find an alternative

she can go down easy on.

I would suggest you give her something.

There must be somebody that can help her.

But I think you ought to in this case

just keep on loving her.

Because the Lord can savesomebody who's taking meth.

I mean that doesn't mean.

But cooking that stuffI mean it'll kill you.

That's the big thing.

The reason we don't like itbecause it'll kill people.

All right.

- All right Dennis says,

dear Pat, with the tens ofthousands of students graduating

from Christian colleges each year,

why does it appear that America

is in such dire straitsspiritually? Good question.

- I hate to tell ya.

There are not tens of thousands,

we've got 2,200 gonna graduatefrom Regent this spring.

It's the biggest graduatingclass in history.

But there are not thatmany Christian colleges.

And there are not that many students.

But there are millions ofstudents that are being trained

in secular educationalsystems that are anti-Christ

and anti-God.

I mean they're against allthe principles we stand for.

And they're training these students.

And a lot of the kids

they don't have any training whatsoever.

And so I wish the Christiancolleges would come up.

But there are not that many.

And they don't have that many students.

But this whole culture has gone astray

and we need a radical,

not a political upheaval,

we need a radical spiritual upheaval.

We need a revival from the Holy Spirit.

And without that, we're not going to see

this country changed.

- Amen. Well KT says,

why was the book of Enochleft out of the Bible?

Do you believe there is any truth to it?

- No, I really don't.

And I think the Canon of scripture

that the New Testament haspretty much been decided

by the churches along the way

it makes up the Canonof the New Testament.

The Old Testament was pretty much decided

by the Jewish people a long time ago.

And the so called apocryphal books

which includes the bookof Enoch was not included.

The church and the Jewish leaders

have not included these things as part of

the Canonical Scripture. You can read 'em.

They're such fantasible nonsense.

I mean there's really nothing in there

that I think is of any value.

- This viewer says, I've been married

for a little over five years,

and my husband hasn't had a steady job

since before we were married.

A lot of the financial burdenfalls on me most of the time.

He has said in the pastthe he's waiting for God

to give him the job he wants.

It has become increasinglydifficult to support him

until his dream job comes along.

Is there any way I can talk to him

so he will understand mydesire for him to make more

of an effort to contribute

without making him feel attacked?

- I think he needs to getfeeling like he's attacked.

You know the Bible says if any man

will not support his own,

he's worse than an infidel.

He's worse than an infidel.

A man needs to support his family.

And these holy prophetswho are nothing but

spiritual bums who willgo around trying to leach

off of the working population.

I don't have any use for them.

I really believe in this case,

that man needs to support you.

And I think you worryabout making him feel bad.

I would bring a lawsuitagainst him for support.

And make him go to work.

The idea he's waiting forGod to give him a job.

I mean come on. That's nonsense.

I mean just, you need to make him feel bad

that what he's doing is wrong.

- Amen. Well Joan says,

dear Pat, what did Jesus mean when he said

whatever you bind on Earthwill be bound in Heaven

and whatever you loose onEarth will be loosed in Heaven?

- All right the Rabbis used tobind requirements on people.

And well Jesus wassaying to his disciples,

I'm giving you authority.

You can determine what'sgoing to be a regulation

and you can decide whatwon't be a regulation.

And he said you when you do this,

I will give authority inHeaven to your decisions.

And that means, you know ifwe wanna talk about divorce

and remarriage well wecan do that as the church.

We have the church to say,

you eat pork and it's asin or it's not a sin.

You know all the way down the line.

And so that's why he sayswe can bind or we can loose.

That's what he's talking about.

He's talking aboutregulations and requirements

that can be made or notmade by the church of God.

- All right here's one from Sandra.

She says, Pat at what age do children

stop being automaticallydestined for heaven?

- Well I think as soon as they understand

what's right and wrong.

That's in a friendly urge.

The Baptist used to call itthe age of accountability.

Where there's no law, there's no sin

that's what the Bible says.

If there's no law youcan't sin against a law

'cause there no law.

So a little kid doesn'tunderstand the law,

doesn't understand right and wrong,

but they learn very, very quickly.

And from then on out,they are accountable.

And from that moment on,

they're going to be held accountable.

- There's no age or it would be

everybody is different.

- Everybody is different.

You're asking that, but I don't know.

I've never seen it quite that way

that everybody at a particular time

is automatically gonna go to Heaven.

I think we are held accountablefor breaking the law,

breaking rules, and doing wrong

and we know is wrong.

Because they say in theBaptist what they call

the age of accountability.

Whenever that is dependson the individual.

- All right. Amber says,

I'm 25 years old and have never

been in a serious relationship.

I'm healing from a pastrejection from two years ago.

I'm better now than I was back then,

but off and on I do get lonely.

I have been going tochurch about five months,

and I'm interested ina guy that goes there.

How do I put myself out there?

I'm really scared to get rejected.

- Well I think I'll ask Wendy.

Wendy is a beautiful girl.

What would you tell that young lady?

- Well how do you put, heyyou're already out there.

You're going to church.

Maybe you're doing some other things too.

But let him come to you.

I mean, be nice, smile.

Smile, it's always a good idea to smile.

- The worst thing about a man,

is he doesn't like getting chased.

So always make him think he's the pursuer.

Whatever it is.

- Hey, smile at him. But you know.

- Smile, and show thatyou wanna be friends.

But the big thing is be attractive.

Be doing something that's interesting.

And people will be interested in you.

Don't be always interestedin the quote a relationship.

That will drive people away quicker than

anything you ever saw.

- Good advice, Pat.

Linda says, if someoneis a Christian but living

with someone is their soul in danger?

- You're saying that you're having

what's called fornication.

You are living together,but you're not married.

I guess two of you, orthis is multiple times.

I don't have enough information.

Your soul is in danger.

But the biggest thing isif anybody is in Christ,

he's a new creation.

And what we're talking aboutis a new creation in Christ.

Where the law of Godis placed in your heart

and you're living for him.

And it's not those fringethings that'll put you in hell.

What will put you in hell,

is that you don't know the Lord

and you're a sinner andyou're a rebel against God.

And what you're sayingis, God has a standard

for people living together.

And the sexual union is meant for marriage

because it's to procreate children.

And it's to bring twopeople together in love.

And if you don't have thatkind of a relationship,

you know you're doing something wrong.

So if you know you'redoing something wrong,

then God who knows more than our heart

will prevent us from havingthe answers to our prayers.

Okay, one more.

- All right. Gayle says,dear Pat these two scriptures

seem to say the opposite.

John 14:9 Jesus said He who has seen me

has seen the Father.

And then John 4:12 no onehas seen God at any time.

What are we to think of that?

- Well, the Father, theone who is beyond all

human understanding is acreature of immense power

and majesty.

And what the scripture is saying,

nobody has seen that person.

I think Moses on the mountainmay have seen God at that time

but what Jesus says is look the Lord

with all his power came into human flesh

and the Father is in me.

And if you've seen me, I'mthe human representation

of what God looks like.

Is what he said.

All right. Thank you for those questions.

- Interesting questions today.

Yeah, great answers, thank you Pat.

- Oh man, we. That'sgood. I like it. Okay.

- Well leaves boiled in water.

Some days that's all Martaand her three children

had to eat.

Other days they had nothing

until Marta received a handup

for the first time in her life.

- [Narrator] Isaiah knew how hard it was

for his mom to providefood for the family.

So he went searching nearhis home for wild plants

and roots to cook.

- I found somethingcalled (foreign language)

it is a little like the spinach

that adds some flavor to the boiled water.

- He collects the plants.And I make the broth.

- [Narrator] But thisflavored broth provided

only a few calories.

Marta and the children were starving.

- Some days when I can't find work,

I say I'm sorry children.

Today we're not going to be able to eat,

tomorrow I will see what I can do.

- [Narrator] Marta is a singlemom raising three children.

Her husband abandoned them four years ago.

- We are all struggling to survive.

- [Narrator] So OperationBlessing met with Marta

and trained her to run a business.

Then we delivered a largeamount of flour, eggs,

and other staples tosell right from her home.

- Even when I had them in my hands,

I couldn't believe it.

Because I have never receivedhelp like this, never.

- [Narrator] Business hasbeen brisk over the past year.

And Marta earns $250 a month in profits.

Plenty to support her family

and provide enough for them to eat.

- Having a place to sleepand having something to eat

every day is the best thingthat ever happened to us.

- Thanks Operation Blessingfor helping our family.

- Isn't that smile great.

Well if you would liketo be a part of what

God is doing all aroundthe world and here at home.

It's so easy, just goto your phones right now

and say yes, I want to join The 700 Club.

It's just $20 a month.

That's just 65 cents a day is all it takes

to help so many people.

And when we all join together,

we really do make a hugedifference for the kingdom.

1-800-700-7000 is the number to call.

We also wanna give you a gift

when you join today.

It's Pat's new teachingcalled the I Wills Of God.

Your Path To Overcoming Fear And Anxiety

And Making 2019 TheBest Year Of Your Life.

We want you to have it

and it's yours when you call right now.

Somebody's already seen this Pat.

Kelli from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania said,

I've said it before, I'll say it again

I really like the chemistrybetween Pat and Scott Ross.

I also enjoy how Scott'squestions in The I Wills Of God

paved the way for Pat'swisdom from God to flow.

Pat's experiences andtestimonies are a treasure.

The format of streetinterviews, testimonies,

and reenactments are better than cable TV.

Well thank you so much Kelli.

That is a fantastic review.

- You were out getting some for the

- And I was out getting moreof the man on the street

interviews yesterday in San Antonio, Texas

on that gorgeous river walk.

- [Pat] Oh, it's beautiful.

- They had dyed the waterlike they do in Chicago

green for St Patrick's Day

so it was even prettier.

But that's coming up in May.

So we'll have to stay tuned for that.

And Kelli we want anothergreat review from you.

- Well today's Power Minuteis from the book of Exodus.

I am the Lord who heals you.

Tomorrow, she is the mother who defied

our culture of death.

See how this wonderfulwoman's final moments

have come to the big screen.

That's tomorrow.

Well for Wendy and all of us,

this is Pat Robertson.

Thank you so much for being with us.

Remember our telephones are available

while we're off the air.

Somebody's there if you needprayer, if you need praise

it's 1-800-700-7000.

So for all of us, this is Pat Robertson.

And Lord willing, I'llsee you tomorrow. Bye bye.

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