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The 700 Club - March 14, 2019

Meet horse racing legend Mike Smith, the jockey whose horse won the Kentucky Derby and then claimed the next two legs of the Triple Crown. Plus, see why getting a smaller tax refund might actually be a good thing. Read Transcript

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Narrator] Coming up,

a massive late winterstorm heads to the Midwest,

with a destructive weathersystem called a bomb cyclone.

And, Maduro henchmen roam thedangerous border of Venezuela,

where CBN's Chuck Holton is attacked.

Then, before you file your taxes,

find out what you really owe,

and see why getting a smaller refund

might actually be a good thing.

Plus, the jockey whose horsewon The Kentucky Derby.

- She really did something special.

- [Narrator] And then claimed the

next two legs of the triple crown.

- Just incredible.

- [Narrator] Meet horseracing legend Mike Smith.

- You trust them with your life.

- [Narrator] On today's 700 Club.

(dramatic music)

- Welcome folks.

You find this bit of news interesting?

I was reading today that we have

more millionaires in the United States

than there are people who live in Sweden.

- Wow.

- How about that?

That's a- That is interesting

good way to start your day.

The other thing,

well this bomb cyclone is crazy.

What in the world isgoing on with the weather?

But hurricane force winds, and a blizzard,

are mauling the Midwest.

The storm is called a bomb cyclone.

Colorado Springs felt a windgust of 97 miles an hour,

and well we're gonna take a look at that

and some other things on the highway.

Trains thrown off the track, it's crazy.


- Trailers overturned.

Well the storm shutdown the Denver Airport,

leaving thousands of people stranded.

It's also caused at least one death.

Washington reporter Jenna Browder reports.

- What was supposed to bean ordinary winter storm

has turned into a bomb cyclone.

When atmosphere pressuredrops low enough to bring

hurricane winds, tornadoes,and severe blizzards.

In Colorado, white out conditions.

Colorado Springs saw one windgust of 97 miles an hour,

the same as a category two hurricane.

- I grew up in New Orleansso I've seen a hurricane,

but this is a snowicane.

- [Jenna] The storm forcedDenver International Airport

to close all runways, cancelingmore than 1300 flights.

And on the roads, part ofinterstates five and 70

were shut down by crashes,stranding some 1000 drivers.

The storm turned deadly whenthis Colorado State Trooper

responded to a crash andwas hit by a sliding car.

Roughly half a million people lost power

in Colorado and Texas,

winds flipping these smallairplanes like toy models.

In New Mexico a funnelcloud, caught on video.

Near Logan, heavy winds knock these

train cars right off the tracks.

Even weather experts aresurprised at the storm's ferocity.

This meteorologist trying to release

a weather balloon in South Dakota.

- This time of the yearproduces these monsters, folks,

from time to time.

Now, the positive spin on this,

if you wanna put it that way,

is it was so much energyfocused with the storm,

if you look at the usual tornado outbreaks

that occur with these big storms

that go up into the planes,very minimal overall.

- And the storm was rolling right along,

expected to cross the GreatLakes today and tomorrow,

bringing rain to the northeast

and possible tornadoes to the south.

Jenna Browder, CBN News.

- Well something else is happening.

The 737 MAX has been groundedhere in the United States.

Boeing has sold 5,000 of those things,

it is a huge money maker,

it has been the most popular plane

probably they've ever produced,

and this is hitting them really hard.

John Jessup has more.

- That's right Pat,after mounting pressure

the Federal Aviation administration

grounded those Boeing planes Wednesday.

The decision follows the global response

already taken by dozens of countries,

banning the plane after theEthiopian Airlines crash Sunday.

All 157 people on board were killed.

Another MAX 8 plane,an Indonesian Lion Air,

crashed four months earlier killing 189.

The FAA said the decision was made

after enhanced satellite tracking data

and new physical evidence on the ground

actually linking themovements of the two planes

that led to those crashes.

Well the lights arestarting to come back on

in parts of Caracas, Venezuela's capital,

but the extended poweroutage sent a tidal wave

of people fleeing the country.

In the border town of Cúcuta, Colombia,

thugs paid by Nicolás Maduro's regime are

targeting people forrobbery and kidnapping.

That's where CBN contributingcorrespondent Chuck Holton

had a dangerous encounter.

- So the border betweenVenezuela and Colombia

is now officially closed.

The bridge that twoweeks ago when I was here

had tens and thousandsof people crossing it,

now is essentially empty.

But this is what they call las trochas.

This is how people are getting across now,

and as you can see, it has not affected

the number of people crossing,

they're just now crossingin a very different way.

They call this the shortcut.

But for those fleeing Venezuela,

crossing illegally is fraught with risk.

These people say they're being prayed upon

by members of criminal bikergangs called colectivos,

who support NicolásMaduro, and charge a fee

or even rob people tryingto get across the river.

And they aren't making empty threats.

As I was filming on the river bank,

I was attacked by three men who

tried to drag me into Venezuela.

Now it's empty, but people are not...

Come on, come on.

Come on, man.

Come on, man.

You got a problem?

Fortunately I was able toget away from my attackers

and they fled back across the river.

But it was a powerful lessonin how Maduro's brutal regime

uses its power againstthese people everyday.

From Cúcuta, Colombia, I'mChuck Holton, for CBN News.

- Thanks, Chuck.

The republican controlled senate is

expected to pass a resolution blocking

President Trump's declarationof the national emergency

on the southern border today.

The house already approvedthe resolution last month,

but the president isexpected to veto the measures

so he can access eight billion dollars

to build a border wall.

If the vote goes as expected it would be

the President's second defeat this week,

as a senate voted Wednesday to end

US military involvement in Yemen.

Well Texas democrat Beto O'Rourke says

he's running for president in 2020.

The 46 year old three term congressman

made the announcement in avideo recorded from his home,

with his wife at his side.

Beto gained national attention

in the 2018 midterm elections,

when he came withinthree percentage points

of upsetting republican senator Ted Cruz,

raising records amount of cash,

while mobilizing youngpeople and minorities.


- Thank you.

You know there's aninteresting thing going on.

Democrats have a woman whofilled out an application.

She's a native born American

of Anglo-Saxon descent,

and when she filled out anapplication some years ago

she said she is American-Indian.

And so you think alrightwe've got a senator

who claimed to be American-Indian,

now we've got an Irish man whohas picked up a Mexican name,

that Beto is a relation ofthe Spanish word Roberto,

and he is claiming essentially,

he's running essentiallyas a half Mexican.

Beto O'Rourke.

He's actually a long time...

He's Irish and Welshby all his background,

but in order to go after Ted Cruz

he decided he was goingto be half Mexican, Beto.

So he's kept that name eventhough it stands for Roberto,

which came from being born in

one of the border cities in Texas.

And then you've got Kamala Harris,

I'm not sure what her background is,

but I'm sure it's not whateverthey're being claimed.

And then before long,

we had another president whowas the son of an African,

he was a radical, he was a communist.

His name was Obama,

and that was a mixed situation.

But the thing aboutObama was he thought that

he had a messiah complex,and he says, "I have a gift."

He said that, "I have a gift,and my speaking is so gifted."

Well I'm afraid this Beto has said

pretty much the same thing in Vanity Fair.

Like I've seen a vision, I'mkind of like the messiah,

and I have a call from on high to run.

So I don't know how many of these

democrat messiahs we need in our country,

but I'd just as soon not have any of them.


- Pat, across America young people are

being turned away from Christianity,

as some schools and universities question

the validity of the Bible.

But as Chris Mitchellreports, a new movie is out

presenting strong evidencefor the bible's authority,

and one of its best known authors.

- [Chris] The new film,

Patterns of Evidence:The Moses Controversy,

looks at a debate enteringtoday's college classrooms.

- The Moses Controversyis really the question of

did Moses write thefirst books of the Bible?

And from a lot of Christiansit's not a controversy at all,

but as soon as you sendyour son or daughter

off to college or university,

they're gonna hear a different story.

- [Chris] Film producerTimothy Mahoney says,

"This lack of understanding is rampant

"in today's higher learning."

- It's huge, the number of people in

mainstream scholarshipthat don't believe that

Moses was the author of thefirst books of the Bible.

And so they're basically saying,

"Well this is just abeautiful piece of literature

"but it's not real history."

- [Chris] And Mahoneysays that's the issue.

- The problem with that is that

Jesus believes that Moses wrote

the first books of the bible.

In fact Jesus says, "Forif you believe Moses,

"you would believe me, for he wrote of me.

"But if you do not believe his writings,

"how will you believe my words?"

- [Chris] Mahoney traveledthousands of miles

and spent years investigatingthe Moses question.

- What I realized is thatif Moses doesn't exist

and Moses didn't write thesefirst books of the Bible,

this impacts the rest of the Bible.

- [Chris] While manymainstream scholars cast doubt

on the history and archeology of Moses,

Mahoney says he canshow why they're wrong.

- In fact this film is gonna show you

Bible affirming evidencethat Moses had the

ability to write thefirst books of the Bible.

- [Chris] With biblicalvalues under assault

in today's culture,Mahoney says his project

can speak to both believer and skeptic.

- Now if you have a familymember that doesn't believe,

and you've been looking for an opportunity

to bring them to something such as,

or to talk to them about the Bible,

this film is a perfect tool for that

because it's done very scientifically.

- [Chris] Mahoney says today's generations

have doubts and ask tough questions.

- But there are answersfor these questions.

We don't have to lose our sonsand daughters to skepticism.

- [Chris] Mahoney saysin order to know God,

people need to know his word.

He hopes his film will tiethat understanding together.

- It shows that this ability to do

exactly what was commanded in the Bible

fits the history and thearcheology, matches the Bible.

The pattern of evidence fits.

- [Chris] Chris Mitchel,CBN News, Jerusalem.

- Thanks, Chris.

Patterns of Evidence: TheMoses Controversy will be

in theaters across the countryon March 14th, 16th and 19th.

You can go to CBNnews.comto find a theater near you.

Pat, back to you.

- Well there's no questionthat the Israelites

came out of Egypt,there's no question that

this group of people havebeen persecuted by Pharaoh.

And they had what was called the exodus.

And later that exoduswas a man named Moses,

who had been drawn from the waters,

that's where the term came from.

He was put in a basketby a Pharaoh's daughter

and he was raised inthe house of a Pharaoh.

And the Bible says he was trained in

all the wisdom of the Egyptions,

so he was a scholar, buthe was also a warrior.

And he grew up in Pharaoh's house,

there's no doubt about that.

And so then he went out andcame back into Egypt later on,

after many years in the wilderness,

and he led the people thenup into the promise land.

There's nothing that wouldbe contrary to the fact

that he could have beenthe author of these books.

Well why not?

I mean one is the book of laws,

and the other has to do withthe history of the people,

and you have a genealogicalrecord of the births

of the people, you read all that.

But Genesis goes back tothe beginning and then

Exodus talks about thecoming out of Egypt.

Well why not Moses?

I mean who else could have done it?

It didn't detract inany way the fact that he

was a living person,everybody knows Moses.

And there are a wholegroup of Jewish people

who certainly believe inthe books of the Bible.

Then you've got the 10 commandments

that have been preservedthrough the years.

The Hebrew text of the OldTestament is amazingly preserved,

every letter all the way throughis scrutinized by scholars.

And that record goes way way back,

and is a good authentic record.

So I appreciate whatthese people are doing,

but scholars will do everything they can

to distort the truth,that's what's so terrible.

- Well the whole education system has been

filtrated with that kind of doubt,

and really lack ofunderstanding of all of this.

So our kids are really being compromised.

- I keep talking aboutTeachers College at Columbia,

but Teachers College inColumbia was the source,

and the man in chargeof it was an atheist,

and a hardcore atheist.

They train teachers overand over and over again

and have affected theeducational system of America.

So you have some of themost virile Anti-Christians

located in the educational establishment.

And I'm pleased to report thatRegent University right now

is training a new generation of teachers,

and they are taking positionsof educational leadership

all across the country.

There's some dedicated,wonderful teachers,

but nevertheless thisTeacher's College in Columbia

I think has lost its impactof what it used to be,

but nevertheless it had a profound impact

on the educational system.

- Well sounds like thisfilm is gonna be something

worthy of our time,

and significant.- Absolutely.

- I didn't get whenit's gonna be available.

- Well go to,because all of it is there.

You can find out where it'sgonna be seen in your area.

There is a limited viewing,

but be sure to take advantage of that

and support the film as well.

Well coming up, did youreceive a smaller tax refund

this year compared to last year?

Well if so, the reason isnot what you may think.

Tax expert Dan Pillerexplains why a smaller refund

is actually a good thing, after this.

- Well it's tax time, as you know,

and many Americans willbe taxed on April 15th,

but many Americans are receiving smaller

federal tax refunds compared to last year.

And that's led to sometax payers complaining

that they've been overcharged.

Well, is that true ornot, let's take a look.

- [Heather] Democratsare up in arms over a

treasury department report showing

tax refunds this year aredown about 9% over last year.

And they're blaming PresidentTrump's tax cuts and jobs act.

California senator Kamala Harris tweeted,

"The average tax refund is down

"about $170 compared to last year.

"Let's call the President'stax cut what it is:

"a middle-class taxhike to line the pockets

"of already wealthycorporations and the 1%."

But tax expert Dan Piller says,

"Democrat law makers and some tax payers

"are looking at it all wrong."

He says, "Receiving a smaller refund is

"actually a good thing,because that refund

"is only what you overpaid in taxes,

"and is no indication of whether your

"tax liability went up or down."

Piller also says that thewhole controversy shows that

the average person has noidea what they pay in taxes,

and he said, "That's theproblem with the system.

"Many taxes are hidden,and people don't know

"what their tax burden actually is."

Heather Sells, CBN News.

- Thanks, Heather.

And tax expert DanPiller's joining us here,

it's always a pleasure to have him.

Dan, good to see you again.

- It's good to see you, Pat,happy birthday by the way.

- Thank you very much,sir, I'm getting close.

- Getting close.

- Let me ask you, what isit the onus tax refund,

is that a good thing or a bad thing?

- Well first of all it'snever a good thing to get

a tax refund becauseit means you overpaid.

The typical tax payer overpaysby about $3,000 a year,

that means you're payingabout $275 a month,

month in and month out,in taxes you don't owe,

and you have to wait a full year,

actually more than a year, 14, 15 months,

before you get your money back,

and then they don't give you any interest.

So it's the world'sworst way to save money.

- Why do people do that?

- Well they do thatprimarily out of ignorance.

They don't know how to fillout the withholding form,

the W4 form, to report to their employer

the correct number of allowancesthat they wanna claim.

And so they think theyhave to overpay their taxes

because they think thiswithholding is just automatic,

and it's not, you have the right to

adjust the withholding tomatch your tax liability

and people just don't know how to do that.

The national taxpayer advocatehas reported to congress

that the vast majority of American people

have no idea how to work their way through

that W4 instruction formbecause it's so confusing.

And this is part of theproblem with the tax law.

And they do it on purpose, Pat,

because they want themoney, they want the money.

- Well what about the whole you

fill in a postcard and send it in.

- And that's a farce too, listen.

The tax form was redesigned.

All they did is they took79 questions or 79 lines

off of the form 1040 andthey spread those 79 lines

over six additionalattachments to the tax return.

So the form 1040 is shorternow, it's only 12 or 14 lines,

but all the rest of those70, what, 65 lines or so,

are spread over six more forms.

So it's a complete farce,it's a total farce.

- What about this dealabout those states like

California and New York,that have such high taxes

and they don't get adeduction on their state taxes

beyond a certain percentage?

- Well what happened isthey capped the deduction

for state and local taxes at $10,000.

So these states that have high taxes,

New York, California, coupleof the other states out there,

Connecticut and so forth, New Jersey,

they're all complainingthat now their citizens

have to pay higher federal taxes,

because they can't get a full deduction

for their state income taxes.

My advise to the high tax states,

cut your tax burdens, loweryour taxes for your citizens,

don't whine about thecap on the deduction,

lower your tax burdens forthe citizens of your states.

That's why people are leavingthose high tax states, Pat.

- [Pat] They really are aren't they?

- Yeah they're leavingthose high tax states.

- What are the low tax ...

Do you have clients that you

recommend that they go to Florida?

- I've had a lot of clients that have...

Of course I have clientsall around the country,

so we got them everywhere,

but yeah the fact of thematter is that there's

all kinds of people that are leaving

the high tax jurisdictions that are

going to lower tax states.

But here's the thingabout the set up piece

that I wanna talk about.

You know they talked about early on

the tax refunds being down,

but Pat, when they did that analysis,

that was over a monthago when they did that.

There was fewer than 20 milliontax returns that were filed,

so it was a very small sample size.

Now they redid the analysis,just the other day,

I got most recent numberswith me right now,

based on over 50 milliontax returns that were filed.

So almost a third ofthe returns are in now.

The tax refunds are up,the average tax refund

is higher now than it was last year,

so these people that are claiming that the

lower tax refunds provethat the jobs act was taxed,

because for the richit's complete nonsense,

it's a total fraud.

The fact of the matter is80% of the people out there

are gonna see a tax cut,and now we're seeing

that manifest in higherrefunds, not lower refunds,

higher refunds thanlast year as more of the

tax returns roll in during tax season.

- The actual tax burden,that the democrats say

will only help the top 1%, it'sa tax cut for the rich, etc.

Talk about that.

- Well it's just a complete farce, Pat.

It's just absolute...

Listen, the democrats,the leftist democrats

continue to pound on thisidea that every tax reform

is nothing but tax cuts for the rich,

and it's simple nonsense.

The fact of the matter isthe top 1% of income earners

pay about 13% of all of the taxes paid.

The top 5% of income earnerspay over 60% of the tax burden.

There is no such thing asrich people not paying taxes.

It's just complete nonsense.

- You hear Bernie Sanderssay well let's make

the tax code fairer and let'smake the rich, "fair share".

What is that?

- Well there's no definitionof fair share, Pat,

that's the problem, there'sno definition of it.

And no Bernie Sanders isproposing a wealth tax.

Not an income tax, not atax based on what you earn,

he wants a second assessmenton top of the income tax

based on the assetsthat you've accumulated.

It's like an estate tax, Pat,only you're not dead yet.

These people don't evenwanna wait until you're dead

before they steal your money.

- Well that's unconstitutional isn't it?

- It's immoral and it's unconstitutional,

and it's just out...

Listen, there's no other wayto describe that kind of tax.

It's outright unadulterated,unmitigated theft,

that's what it is.

- Well why do you think thedemocrats have gone so far

to the left on their proposals?

It's just insane.

I mean Medicare for all, tuition for all.

- They're falling all over themselves

to create more giveawayprograms to entice people

to vote for something for nothing,

that's what it's all about.

It's all about how can wegive, how can we buy votes

for the leftist democratsas fast as we possibly can?

Now here's the thing that's troubling

about Bernie Sanders and his wealth tax.

According to a political poll,

60% of the people that were polled, Pat,

are in favor of this thing,

as long as it's pointed at "rich people".

Here's what the problem is.

The leftist democrats think that anybody

who's making $100,000a year or more is rich.

That's what the definition is.

Listen Pat, when yougot a husband and wife,

you got two or three kids in the family,

100,000 a year is not that much money.

- It's not, yeah.

- It's not that much money.

- What is the average income these days?

- The median income rightnow is about $54,000.

Plus or minus.

- Well that's not reallyenough to live very well on.

- No it's not, andespecially if you consider

that you got a family, ifyou got one income earner,

and we're talking about$55,000 a year roughly,

a kid or two, two or threekids, that's not a lot of money.

If you got a husband and wife that are

out there in the market, in the workforce,

now we multiply that times too basically.

So there's your $110,000 a year.

You're a rich family.

Yeah that's rich by their definition,

and they just wannasteal more of your money

because they think that somehow you're

taking advantage of the system

because you're out there working hard

and trying to make a living.

- You know, you rememberObama, you didn't bill that,

he didn't make that.

- No, we did that, thegovernment did that for him.

The government did that for you,

you didn't do that by yourself.

- Did you see that statisticI mentioned earlier,

that we have more millionaires in America

than there are people living in Sweden.

Have you checked that--

- I did see that, yep, yep.

And that's astonishing.

And you know what, god bless these people.

Listen, here's the thing, Pat.

If you make the money honestly,

if you don't steal it from somebody,

if you earn the money peacefully,

then you have a right touse and enjoy that money.

You don't owe it to the government,

and you certainly don't owe it necessarily

to somebody who didn't earn it.

Now you've got a biblical responsibility

and a moral responsibilityto voluntarily give back time

through churches andorganizations that are

gonna use that money to help people

that are downtrodden and so forth.

We all understand thosebiblical principles.

But those principlesare based on conscience,

and those principles arebased on voluntary action,

not the force of government.

When you've got thegovernment that's got a

gun to your head, that's notcharity, Pat, that's theft.

- How come the majority ofpeople, these young people,

will tend to thinksocialism is a good thing?

Social is horrible.

- Because they're ignorant.

Listen, it's as simple as this.

Our schools are turningout high school kids

that are ignorant of civics.

I'll give you some numbersfrom the national report card.

Of course you know this isthe organization that looks at

what the educational levelsare in our high schools.

And we've got numbersthat show that fewer than

40% of the high school graduates,

now we're talking abouthigh school seniors,

are proficient in reading.

Fewer than 35% are proficient in writing.

Fewer than 25% are proficient in civics.

And this is the numberthat I remember vividly,

is 12% are proficient in US history.

So we've got generations of kids, Pat,

that can't read andwrite, that don't know how

their government works, andknow nothing about US history.

And so when you take all of that

and you add all that together,

what you get are socialists,

because these are thepeople who think that

somehow government isgonna do them a favor,

that somehow government cangive them something for nothing.

It's ignorance talking,Pat, that's all it is.

- Well that's a shocking indictment

on our educational system.

- Yes, and it's what we callthe failed academy, for sure.

- We've had that modern mathand that modern teaching

and so forth, that just is absurd

that people aren't being taught the...

They can't read and write,

they're functionally illiterate by

the time they get through the third grade.

But you're saying is ageneration of socialists,

of ignorant socialists is being...

- That's what it is, I mean listen,

the more ignorant people are of history,

the more they tend to believe that

socialism is a good thing.

The more educated people arewhen it comes to history,

the more they realize that socialism

is not only a failed system, Pat,

it's a diabolical systemthat is responsible

for the murder of hundreds of millions

of people across the world.

It is not...

And listen, we don'thave any better example

in front of our face right now

than what's going on in Venezuela.

- [Pat] Absolutely.

- And yet people look at that...

I don't even think they look at it, Pat.

The thing is they don't even look at it.

And yet there it is, right there,

a glaring example of what's going on.

- I would like to launch the Dan Piller

for president society,if you decide to run.


Thank you, Dan.

- Thank you, Pat.

- Appreciate it.

Alright, Terry, what's next?

- Well we want you to knowDan has many resources.

You can find out more aboutwhat he has, including his book,

How To Win Your IRS Tax Audit.

It's all on our website, go for those links.

Now, coming up, the oldest jockey to win

horse racing's most coveted triple crown.

- To win one of the triplecrown races is amazing

but to pull them all off,it truly is life changing.

It'll, forever, no matter what happens,

at this moment on, we'llgo down in history.

- Mike Smith talks abouthis glory days on Justify,

when we come back.

American jockey Mike Smithhas 26 breeders cup wins,

the most of any jockey.

He's also the second leadingjockey of all time in earnings.

And last year, Smith rodeJustify to the triple crown,

setting a record as the oldestjockey to win that title,

at age 52.

Well recently sports reporterTom Burying talked to Smith

about the legacy of faithbehind his incredible success.

- [Tom] On a dirt stretch sprint,

aboard a horse named Justify,

Mike Smith was foreverdecorated with racing grandeur.

- When you're passing up to just win

one of the trip crown races it's amazing,

but to pull them all off,it truly is life changing.

It'll, forever, no matter what happens,

at this moment on, we'llgo down in history.

- [Tom] June 9th 2018from the Belmont Stakes,

with over 5400 career wins,

the accomplishedcompetitor becomes the 13th

and oldest jockey to win the triple crown.

Mike, what do you thinkis the benefit of you

waiting so long to becomethe triple crown winner?

- God has a way of giving you things

that you're able to handle.

I'm not too sure at a young age if

I'd have handled it all so well.

- The success of it?

- The success, to reallyappreciate what happened

and what we were blessed to accomplish.

Because it was the mosthumblest, complete feeling

you've ever felt in your life.

I don't know if I'd havefelt that in my 20s.

Here in my 50s now, atthis stage in my career,

towards the back endof it, just incredible.

- When and where was that,

where you thought this is my race to take?

- Really the most importantpart was the break.

I thought that if we could jump very well,

if we could get out of there really good,

means he was in the one hole,

pretty much we'd have this race won.

I just kept smiling.

At the three race I was thinkingto myself let's go do this,

let's go have fun, and justsee him just taking off.

- Immediately the history sets in.

Does the horse sense the moment?

- They certainly know when they won and

they certainly know when they've lost.

They'll hang their heads and walk back

when they've gotten beat.

Justify is an extremelybeautiful, proud horse,

and he kind of knew it.

I remember Bob sayingthey got back to the barn,

he was already just full of himself.

He knew he did something special.

- Your respect for, demand of,companionship with the horse.

- It's about getting along with him.

Their mouth is very very important.

It's a sense of everything.

I treat the horse's mouth the way

I'd want someone to treat mine,

or say my mother's.

Extremely delicate, kind.

Every now and then you mighthave to be a little bit firm,

but all in all it's just finesse.

I get along with the horse probably

better than I do people,to be honest with you.

- [Tom] How do they earn your trust?

- [Mike] Some of them aint so trustworthy.

But you'd be surprised, onthe whole most of them are.

You have to trust them.

You really, you truly do.

You're trusting them with your life.

You're on him and my job is to get the one

that's way back thereto believe that he can

actually be the one that's in front.

And I only have five minutes before

I get in the gate to figure it all out.

- [Tom] Talk to me about that tandem.

- [Mike] It's a given take,it's a very slight touch,

sometimes an extremely hard touch,

just depending on what the situation is.

But they're trained so well

before they even get into a race.

They actually know their job pretty good.

You'd be surprised howintelligent they are.

Their interaction with ahorse is just being very calm,

hanging my feet a little bit,

maybe give him a little hug with my legs.

I don't know, they take a deep breath

and they kinda let it out,

and I know that I have him at that moment.

I feel that we've connected.

It can happen in a matterof just a few steps.

- [Tom] What is it about a horse that

all of us could learn something from?

- That's a great question.

There's so many things.

You never conquer it, you just learn

to get better at it, youlearn to work with it.

Not just about a horse and somany different things in life,

but when you're on a horse just makes it

even that much more special.

- What compels you,you triple crown champ,

to willingly wear a bridle of humility?

- I'm just being me.

My grandparents were a biginfluence in my life growing up.

They were just wonderful people.

My grandmother believed in the Lord,

like so strongly, it was amazing.

I can remember as a young child,

just always talking aboutit, praying about it.

I think that's where it comes from.

You got me emotional.


- [Tom] What do you admire mostabout the savior we follow?

- Everything I do in life is about him.

There's not a second in the daythat I'm not talking to him.

All the time.

- Fitting that that comesfrom a jockey, right,

who's in tandem with a horse.

- Yeah it's pretty crazy.

I'm just doing what I love,

and having a wonderful time at it.

It also gives me a chance to show people

where it comes from, whichis my lord and savior.

I'm a strong believer.

I don't try to push it onpeople, it's just there.

- [Tom] In the Bible it talksabout when Jesus comes back,

and of all things,riding on a white horse.

As a jockey, what is it about a horse

do you think that he wouldchoose to come riding on?

- Oh wow, just how magical they are.

Just beautiful.

What else would you ride in on?

It has to be a horse.

Just look at them, I mean they're the most

beautiful creatures you've ever seen.

I mean the muscle tone and their power,

their beauty, their strength,

how fast they are.

It's incredible.

- I've heard owners comment,

"Mike was justified afterall these years to win."

- Before I even saw him,this horse's name is Justify,

right away it was...

That's a powerful word.

The chosen one so to say.

To me, when you say that word,

it reminds me of my lordand savior, Jesus Christ.

That's just what it is.

I felt that way when I rodehim, when I was on him.

You just knew you wereon something special.

- What a fascinating story,

and what a fascinating relationship

this man has had with that horse.

- I know, winning the triple crown

is every bit as importantas winning the Superbowl.

I mean this is a huge huge thing.

Only a few horses haveever done it because

first they're young.

Kentucky Derby is very exhausting,

then they've gotta go shortly thereafter

run the Preakness in Maryland.

Then they've gotta go up anddo that long, long Belmont,

which is like a mile and ahalf and it's exhausting.

And to find a horse thatcan do all three of them,

and a jockey that can ride them.

And interesting enough,the owner of that horse

is a born again Christian,he's a software magnet,

he's made a lot of money in high tech.

And he just got this smart horse.

But they're not many ofthem who've ever done that.

It's an amazing thing andMike Smith's extraordinary.

I mean it's dangerous,you're a little old guy

sitting on top of somethingthat weighs about 1200 pounds,

going as fast as he can.

And here you are perched up on that thing.

The slightest movement of thathorse can throw a jockey off.

- Well the slightestmovement of the jockey can--

- Throw the horse off, yeah.

- Throw the horse off, yeah.

I know you are very familiarwith that relationship

between a rider and a horse.

I mean your whole lifeyou've been able to do that.

- I was riding a high level dressage and

the horse gets so that theyknow exactly what you wanna do.

If you can think pictures,if you could see a picture,

the horse can...

You can communicate with an animal,

they are very very sensitive to your moods

and what's going on in your life.

And so if you're frightened,they get frightened.

If you're confident, they're confident.

And they'll want to doeverything to please you.

They're wonderful animals,

and the fact they'reso mistreated so often

and spurred and kickedand pulled and all that.

I used to have...

Was taught that...

You see my hand here,that's all the pressure

you need on a reign,you never jerk a horse.

You just squeeze your handand the horse feels it.

And you know, they're very sensitive.

- Well they certainly are majestic.

- They are.

Well the one thing, when theyget acquainted with each other

they blow on each other's noses.

So when I'd get with ahorse I'd blow on his nose

and let him know that I speakhorse, I speak his equine.

- He's never spoken it here but I do know

that he knows how to do it.


- Alright, what you got?

- Okay, well it's time for some email.

Pat, this first one comesfrom Marie, who says,

"Pat, my husband says he's a Christian,

"but he lives a sinful life.

"He has a gambling addictionwhich has put us in debt

"and behind on bills, andthis affects my credit, too.

"I try to encouragehim, and I pray for him.

"He begs God to take this addiction away,

"but still wants to live a sinful life.

"What else should I do?"

- You know, the Bible saysthat those are in the flesh,

cannot please God, andthis man is in the flesh.

The flesh, the carnal naturehas got control of him,

and that man has never been born again,

his spirit is not in control of his life.

We say well he's a nice man and all that,

oh he's a wonderful provider,but he's not born again.

And those that are living by the

carnal nature cannot please God.

So what do you do witha situation like that?

You don't reform somebody like that,

he's gotta be transformed.

And I don't know, one thing about though,

the fac that he's buildingup debts and signing stuff,

you've gotta be careful justfrom a practical standpoint

that you're not getting sucked into it,

because if you've signeddocuments, especially a tax return,

that is inaccurate, thefeds will come after you.

You say, "Well I didn'tknow what I was doing."

That's tough luck.

You've got to be careful with that.

What do you do?

I don't like to counsela breakup of marriages

but a thing like that, thisman's gonna destroy you

unless he gets born again, alright?

- This is Todd, who says,

"What about Christians whonever get their healing?

"I don't mean an end of life illness,

"but a lifelong illness or condition

"that the Lord never delivers them from.

"Are they not prayingcorrectly or living correctly?

"Is that why they neverreceive a healing?"

- I don't have theanswer to that question,

you've asked me too much.

Why aren't people healed?

There's some people really who are

content with their sicknesses.

The sickness becomes acrutch they can lean on

and the fact that wellI can't compete here

because I've got a bad hip or whatever.

I don't know if that'sthe case, I don't know.

But there's some peoplethat have resentment.

If somebody has resentment intheir heart against somebody

they're not gonna get healed.

If somebody has a long standinganimosity against somebody,

there's so many things.

They need to get theirhearts right with God.

And I don't know what else to say.

You ask me how come they're not healed,

well there are many manythings why they're not healed,

but they are a couple of them.

- Kitty and Paul are asking,"Pat, help us understand

"how you can lump SocialSecurity in with entitlements.

"We and our employers paidinto it for 45-plus years

"to ensure we had old age benefits."

- Do you know what theword entitlement means?

It means you're entitled to something.

That means you are owed it,that's what entitlement is,

and that's what the term means.

How can I lump it together?

Well you've paid in for sure,

but the congress took yourmoney and lumped it together

with the current accountand they spent the money.

It doesn't exist in that form.

They may have put somegovernment bonds in there.

How can I lump it together?

You've paid in, I've paidin, I'm still paying,

I'm still paying on allthat Medicare stuff,

and they keep hitting meand they refuse to give me

Medicare because I haveprivate health insurance

so they won't pay Medicare.

So I'm paying in just because I'm paying.

And they've capped off the amount of

social security but sure you pay in.

How can I lump it together?

Well entitlement meansyou're entitled to something.

So it's not a bad term.

But those big accounts are so huge,

they're going to sinkthe federal government

because the debt is already enormous

and you add to that anothermaybe 50, 60 trillion dollars

against what we've already got,

and it's going to destroythe federal fiscal system.

It's got to be taken care of,

and if they don't do it we're in trouble.

- Here's a viewer who wants to know,

"In the Gospel account ofJesus casting out the demons

"from the man into the herd of pigs,

"why did Jesus allow the demons

"to request their own destination,

"and furthermore, why didJesus grant their request?"

- How am I gonna tell youwhat was in Jesus' mind?

Why did Jesus do what he did?

He's son of God, he's a perfect man.

He granted the desire of those demons,

they said, "Let us come out."

He said, "Okay, I'm gonnasend you to the pit of hell."

And they said, "Well don't do it,

"please don't send us to hell yet."

He said, "Alright, I'llsend you to those pigs."

And so the pigs, they were...

A pig is an unclean animal,

they shouldn't have beengrowing pigs anyhow.

So that was a double whammy, all that.

The other thing God said,"I wanna go with you."

And he said, "No you gohome and do your thing."

So there was a purpose in all of it,

but you say, "Why did he do that?"

And I answer why did Jesus,why did he do anything?

I mean he did it becausehe's listened perfectly

to God, the father, that's why.

And he knew exactly, henever made a mistake.

All the rest of us apologize.

I mean I apologize, Terryapologizes, we all apologize,

we all make mistakes.

Jesus never once had to apologize

because he listened to the voice of God,

and he was God in the flesh,he didn't make mistakes.

- Well that's all thetime we have for today,

but thank you and thank you.

It's great to hear from you always.

Well still ahead, meet oneof the youngest managers

of a major drugstore chain.

- To me it was a real eye opener.

I'm like wow, this ispossible, it is real,

it was proof in my eyes that it does work.

- [Terry] This millennial shares

the secret of his success with you.

That's coming up.

(dramatic news jingle)

- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN news break.

Former Trump campaignchairman Paul Manafort is

looking at seven and ahalf years behind bars.

Wednesday, a federal judge in Washington

sentenced Manafort to 43 months

on conspiracy charges,adding to another sentence

handed down last week in Virginia.

The federal charges sprangfrom Robert Muller's

Russia investigation.

Immediately after thesentencing New York state

prosecutors issues newindictments against Manafort.

Well Britain's parliamentsays it won't leave

the European Union without a deal,

voting Wednesday not to leave the EU

unless an agreement is reached.

The surprise move comes after parliament

rejected prime minister Theresa May's

second Brexit agreement with the EU,

lunging the situationinto chaos and confusion

before the officialseparation date on March 29th.

Well you can always getthe latest from CBN News

by going to our website at

Pat and Terry will be backwith more of the 700 Club

right after this.

(dramatic news jingle)

- At the company where heworks, James Lewis is the boss,

and he's only 23 years old.

James credits all his successto something he learned

while watching the 700 Club.

- [Narrator] James Lewis isone of the youngest managers

of a major drugstore chain.

When he got his firstjob there in high school,

he immediately knew what hewanted to do with his life.

Thanks to what he'd learned growing up

watching the 700 Club.

- When I was a young teenagerI watched it even more.

I started to really getcurious about the Bible,

and I just started reading it.

And I heard about tithing,

so I decided to put it to the test.

I expected just for Godto work his miracles,

just to open up doors for me and

to really almost proveto me that it is real.

- [Narrator] As James began togive, he saw more doors open.

He received extra hours and decided to

increase his giving to CBN.

- Whenever I got a biggerpaycheck or worked more hours

I would always give more tohelp out other people of course,

and just knowing thatmy money's going to help

whatever the 700 Club may need,really makes me feel well.

- [Narrator] As James continued to give,

he continued to receive promotions.

Within three years of starting his job,

he earned a promotion to store manager.

- That, to me, was a real eye opener.

I'm like wow, this ispossible, it is real,

and because of all the opportunities

he's given me in the past,to get to that position,

it was proof in my eyes that it does work

and that you do reap what you sow.

- [Narrator] Now James isputting himself through college

as he continues to climbthe company ladder.

And when asked about thesecret to his success,

he says the key is found ingiving faithfully to the Lord.

- I would encourage othersto give to CBN because

it's such a great organization.

They're global, they helppeople around the world,

every day, operationblessing, the testimonies.

It gives people hope andstrength and comfort.

I think if people start givingand just give God a chance,

give something, anything,whatever you can do,

and discover the law of reciprocity,

you'll start seeing doorsbeing opened for you.

- Well God bless him.

Isn't that true?

The Bible says give andit will be given unto you.

Press down, good measure, running over,

will then heap into your bosom.

That's the law of reciprocity.

You give and will be given unto you.

So James has got it and the Lord...

Man is the youngest storemanager in the whole chain.

- Yes, that's awesome.

- 23 years old.

Isn't that great?

- Good testimony of thedestiny of all this.

- For those of you who watch the 700 Club,

well it's $10 a month,excuse me, $20 a month,

and it's 63 cents a day.

And I wanna send you somethingcalled The I Wills of God.

I think it'll be a blessing to you.

You have a...

- Well this is Julie, shelives in Camden, Ohio,

and she's had occasion to watch this DVD.

And this is what Julie has to say.

"The I Wills of God DVD was a blessing.

"I lived in constant fearthat I may get cancer

"and not live to be aroundto see my eight children

"and my one grand baby grow up,and I feared losing a child.

"After watching this DVDI declared in Jesus' name

"for healing on my children and me."

And she's no longer fearfulof all of those things.

- You want get this, this will bless you,

it's from the 91st sermon.

It's really something tremendous.

- Hey I have an answerto prayer here for you,

would you like to hear it?

- Yeah.

- This is Diana, she livesin Athens, Tennessee,

suffered from asthma, dependedon using oxygen daily.

She was watching thisprogram, she heard you pray,

"Someone with asthma's being healed.

"You can hardly breathe, but God right now

"is opening up yourairways and that condition

"is leaving you in the name of Jesus."

She said she took a deep breath,

immediately noticed an improvement,

has not used extra oxygen since the day

she prayed with you on air.

So thank you.

- Okay, well God answers prayer.

Well, today's powerminute is from psalm 37.

Commit your way to theLord, trust also in Him,

and He shall bring it to pass.

From Terry and all of us,this is Pat Robertson.

Thank you so much, we'llsee you tomorrow, bye bye.


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