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Your Questions, Honest Answers: - March 11, 2019

Did the nurse have a right to interrupt our discussion about God? What can I do to help my wife get back to the ordinary life we used to have? Could a couple with a common law marriage go to heaven when they die? Read Transcript

- Well, you all have sentin some wonderful questions,

and so Pat, we're gonna start with George,

who says, "My spouse and I weresitting in a doctor's office

and had a discussion aboutGod with two other people.

The nurse interrupted us andtold us to change the subject.

She was obviously offended.

Did the nurse have a right to do that?

- Oh, of course not, that's an intrusion

that I can't believe,

but you know what youmight ask that nurse?

You know, what's eating you?

Tell me about you.

- I want to come to thatoffice and see that.


- Yeah, really.

- Wait for me, I'll be there.

- Well, seriously, I mean, that--

- Yeah.- The idea that a nurse

would interfere with peopletalking about the Lord,

that's ridiculous.

Now if, okay, it dependson what you were saying.

I mean, if you were arguing and fighting,

that's a totally different matter.

- We live in such a cultureof lack of tolerance

of things, though.- Yeah, but I mean

the fact that the nursewould interfere with a

patient talking about something,that would be ridiculous,

but I would ask that nurse if, you know,

tell me about you, what'sgoing on in your life?

Okay.- This is Matthew,

who says, "I'm a Christianman married to my wife

for eight years in April.

I thought our marriage wasalright, until I found out

that she's been talking online

with a gay woman that she likes.

I am worried that thisgay woman might be taking

my wife away from me, and that

her faith in Jesus is fading away.

She spends more timeonline with this woman

than going to church.

What can I do to help my wife back

to the ordinary life we used to have?

- That's a serious thing,and what are you gonna do?

Are you gonna tell her she can't do it,

and then she'll rebel?

She's being captured, you know?

That's what it is, is a capture,

and you need to deliver her from that,

but I think she needs help,

and you see, what would you do?

That is a tough one, I mean, really.

- It really is a tough one.- What would you--

- Maybe a conversation, you know,

just to talk with her aboutit if she's willing to.

Sometimes people aren'twilling when they're doing--

- Yeah.- Something that they--

- Well, perhaps you canfind a woman in the church

who is a Christian who is solid

who would talk to your wife about this

because this is an infatuation

and when it's all over,she's got to come back to you

because she'll be left with nothing,

and I think she needs to facewhere she's going, you know?

If she continues in thisso-called relationship,

she will throw away everything she's got

and when it's all over with,she won't have anything.

All right.

- This is Judy, Pat, who says, "Hi, Pat.

I was watching The 700 Club yesterday

and a question was askedabout whether or not

a couple who had a common-law marriage

would go to Heaven when they died.

I kept waiting for youto say that the reason

anyone would not go to Heaven

was because Jesus was nottheir Lord and Savior.

That's why people go to Hell.

Could you clarify that, because I'm sure

other people thought like I did.

- Well, I thought that waskind of an unspoken thing.

Of course, you have to come to the Lord.

People are always thinking ifI do this I'm going to Hell.

If I don't do this, I won't.

Christianity is an exchange life.

It's a whole new life in Jesus.

Your life is transformed,and that's what it is.

Except a man be born again,he cannot see the kingdom,

he cannot enter the kingdom,

and you have to be born again,

and I think in this program,it goes without saying,

so maybe I didn't make it clear, but

the fact that somebody isdoing a particular thing

is not going to send them to Hell,

or not send them to Hell.

What Heaven is about

is entering into a newlife in Jesus Christ.

All right.

- Evans wants to know who is Melchizedek?

- Well, he's a person theysay without ancestors.

The word melech in Hebrew is King,

zedek is a word for righteousness,

and he's the king of righteousness.

He was also the king of Salem,

so he was sort of like an epiphany,

but they talk about Abrahamgave tithes to Melchizedek

but he doesn't have any ancestors.

You don't know who he is, but he appeared.

He was king of righteousness,

and that's what Melchizedek means,

and you know, Abraham gave him tithes,

which is to say he predatedthe law that was given

on Mount Sinai to Moses, all right?

- This is a viewer who says,"My fiance cheated on me

with an ex, and the ex-girlfriend lied

and said she was pregnant atthe same time I was pregnant.

I don't know why she did this.

What do I do now?

Do I move on or try to forgive

so our baby has a father?

- I think you should doeverything you can to forgive.

You know, he cheated, butyou've got to forgive him

and yes, your baby need--

I don't know what kind ofrelationship you've got.

It sounds like somethinglike one of those daytime--

- Talk shows.- Oh, yeah.

Horror stories, but I justdon't know which kind of life--

You need to get your life together.

You need to find the Lordmore than anything else.

And rather than going inall these relationships,

get your relationship with God first

and then you can take careof these other things.


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