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Your Questions, Honest Answers: - March 8, 2019


- We want to answer someof the email questions

that you all have sent in.

Gordon, this first one is from Jackie,

who says, Gordon, my son was a Christian.

He rebelled and then he died.

I live in torment every daywondering where he went.

Will I make God angry if Iask Him where my son went?

It was so hard to watch my child walk away

from the way that I raised him.

- Jackie, you're not going tomake God ever angry at you.

That's not going to happen.

You're one of the redeemedand He loves you infinitely.

Don't ever worry you'regoing to make Him angry.

That's not going to happen.

I would encourage you,though, don't play God,

and don't assume that your sonpassed away apart from God.

Here's some foundationalScriptures, and I think this

needs to be reminded to every Christian,

just how wonderfully easyGod has made it to be saved,

regardless of what we've done,regardless of what we knew,

how much we walked away.

Here it is.

It's from Joel chapter two verse 32,

"And it shall come topass that whoever calls

"on the name of the Lord shall be saved."

Now two apostles repeated this.

The first one is the apostle Peter

in Acts chapter two, and he says

"It shall come to pass that whoever calls

"on the name of the Lord shall be saved."

Then Paul repeats it in Romans chapter 10.

"Whoever calls on the nameof the Lord shall be saved."

Believe that.

Your son could have calledon the name of the Lord.

Is he saved?

The answer from Scripture is yes.

So be encouraged with that, and pray that,

and see what answer you get from God.

- This is a viewer who says

how do I remove doubt from my heart?

- Well that's a question forall Christians everywhere

and it's the fundamental behind

the fight the good fight of faith.

Jesus actually ran into this,

so if Jesus is runninginto doubt and unbelief,

we can expect ourselves torun into doubt and unbelief.

Here it is from Mark chapter nine.

"Jesus says to him, if you can believe,

"all things are possibleto him who believes.

"Immediately the fatherof the child cried out

"and said with tears, Lord,I believe, help my unbelief."

For me, one of the things I've learned

is that's a great prayer.

Then the second part is insteadof focusing on my doubt,

let's start focusing on some great facts,

and here's some great facts.

Jesus came and He dwelt on the earth

and He lived a sinless life.

The promise of the Old Testament,

the promise of a Messiahwas fulfilled by Him.

He fulfilled every Scripturethere was to fulfill.

He has done it all.

He'll fulfill even morewhen He comes back again

and ushers in the Messianic age.

What a wonderful thing.

He died on a cross, andHis blood was shed for me,

and He forgives me of all my sin.

He sets me free from all ofthat, and He didn't stop there.

He went on, was raised fromthe dead three days later,

and now He is at theright hand of the Father

and what is He doing?

He's praying for me, so youfocus on all those facts

and doubt and unbelief go away.

- This is Neil who says my question is

what do you think oftranscendental meditation?

I understand it's a type of meditation

used for relaxation and anxiety.

I am a Christian, I need your advice.

- I would stay away fromtranscendental meditation.

Any meditation that says let's take

all thought out of your mind,

you need to have your mindfilled with the Word of God.

Here is the Biblical meditation.

You find it in Joshua chapter one.

"This Book of the Law", so it's the Torah,

"shall not depart from your mouth."

That means we need to speak Torah.

"But you shall meditatein it day and night,

"that you may observeto do according to all

"that is written in it, forthen you will make your way

"prosperous and then youwill have good success."

I encourage Christians,meditate on the Word.

Put yourself in the Biblical scene.

Have these words in yourmouth, in your heart.

Memorize them, write themon the door of your house,

write them on plaques andput them up on your walls.

Have these words fill youand you will have success.


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