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CBN NewsWatch AM: March 7, 2019

CBN NewsWatch AM: March 7, 2019 Read Transcript

(riveting music)

- [Announcer] This is CBN Newswatch.

- And thank you so much for joining us

for this first edition of CBN Newswatch

for Thursday, March 7th, I'm Efrem Graham.

Ahead today, the Trumpadministration warns there

is a border crisis as theHomeland Security secretary

says the system is not designed

to handle the recordnumber of people flooding

across the border.

And Democrats in disarray as they try

to figure out how to handle the charges

of anti-Semitism by a newDemocratic congresswoman.

Plus, one of the leading African voices

in the United Methodist Church explains

why he voted against same sex marriage

and LGBTQ clergy in his denomination.

And we're gonna take a look at the science

behind the recent claimsfrom an Israeli company

about a possible cure for cancer.

All those stories and more are ahead today

in this edition of CBN Newswatch.

We wanna begin, though, withthe Trump administration

stepping up its effortto control the influx

of illegal immigrants cominginto the United States.

February marked a 12-year high

as nearly 76,000 asylum seekers

were stopped or apprehended at the border.

Now that number has morethan doubled from last year.

Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen iscalling the situation a crisis

and says border patrol agents

could apprehend amillion people this year.

- The current system isn't working.

These increases willoverwhelm the system entirely.

This is not a manufactured crisis.

This is truly an emergency.

- [Efrem] The administrationis telling border agents

to target immigrants from Latin America

and require asylumseekers to wait in Mexico.

The new instructions say Mexican officials

currently insist that nomore than 20 asylum seekers

are returned each dayfrom San Diego to Tijuana.

That shows the challenge the US is facing

as it tries to enforce the border.

Right now, border agents are only supposed

to send back those who cross illegally

into the US as a single adult.

Our CBN news correspondent Chuck Holton

has been covering the crisis

on the US border and is here now.

So you traveled with thecaravans that came to the border?

What can you tell us about the people

who are trying to come to the US?

- Well, the vast majority ofthem are economic migrants.

As I traveled with thecaravan and talked to them.

You ask them why they're coming,

they say I'm coming for abetter job or a better life.

So that would mean that theydo not qualify for asylum,

for the most part.

And we're seeing about80%, what I would call,

military-aged males and about 20% families

and children at that time in the caravan.

Now they're saying that it'slarger numbers of families,

and that just reflects the fact

that they understand the rulesand they're gaming the system

to try to get in becauseif they bring their family,

if they bring a child with them,

they can get in more easily.

- Okay, what do you think it will take

to put an end to theproblems at the border?

- I think we've gottaaddress the pull factors,

the things that are causing them to decide

to come to the United States as opposed

to go to someplace safer that'scloser to where they live.

And there are lots of those places.

So we've gotta addressthe fact that they believe

that they can game thatsystem and they can get a lot

of free stuff here in the United States.

You have to understand that,in most of Latin America,

there's no such thing as free education.

There's no such thing as free healthcare.

There's no such thing as any kind

of social welfare safety net.

And so those kinds ofthings are an enormous draw

for people coming from Latin America

'cause it's like winning the lottery.

- Yeah, I wanna talk aboutVenezuela for a second.

That country is falling apart.

What is daily life like for people there?

- Oh, man, the stories thatI heard from people coming

out of Venezuela, of just deprivation,

of actual starvation,people are really upset

because Maduro has these colectivos,

these gangs of thugs that he's armed

who are basically going around

and intimidating, raping,pillaging the countryside.

And they are very upsetabout those things.

- So how long do youthink Maduro can survive,

and what is it going totake to get rid of him?

- Because of the fact thathe has surrounded himself

with the Wagner group, whichare mercenaries from Russia,

very, very brutal, it's gonna be bloody

to get him out of there,I really believe that.

And I'm not sure exactly howmuch pressure the United States

can put on them becausewe can have all that aid,

we can offer the aid to the people

as soon as they get him out of there,

but, as you can see on the screen,

the only thing they have to do that with

are rocks and bottles.

And when you're facing down armed troops,

that's pretty tough.

- Yeah, I tell you, uphill battle indeed.

Chuck Holton, thank youso much for your time.

- Sure.

- House Democrats have delayed the vote

on a resolution condemning anti-Semitism,

instead pushing for a measure

that also condemns anti-Muslim bias.

This comes in the wakeof controversial comments

from freshman congresswoman Ilhan Omar.

Omar's latest chargeequates support of Israel

to allegiance to a foreign country.

House leadership hopeto vote on a resolution

condemning the statements, butnot specifically naming Omar.

But her left-wing supporters in the House

say the resolution needs tobe broader and that criticism

of Israel doesn't alwaysequal anti-Semitism.

President Donald Trump weighed in,

tweeting, "It is shameful House Democrats

"won't take a stronger standagainst anti-Semitism."

A number of Republicans alsoweighed in to that controversy.

- If they really are seriousabout addressing the problem,

Nancy Pelosi has to remove her

from the Foreign Affairs Committee.

- It's unconscionable for any member

of the United States Congress,

even less a member of the HouseForeign Relations Committee,

to repeatedly traffic in base stereotypes.

- The House Foreign Affairs Committee

has taken over the measure.

No word as to whetherthe vote will take place

at any time this week.

Hoda Muthana is the Alabamawoman who joined ISIS,

and she's begun her legal fight

to return to the United States.

Earlier this week, a federaljudge denied a motion

to fast track her case.

She said she could be harmed if forced

to remain in the northernSyria refugee camp.

But President Trump saysMuthana is not a US citizen

and should be denied entryinto the United States.

And Secretary of State MikePompeo says she poses a risk

to this country.

Should Muthana be allowed to return home?

On tonight's CBN Newsprogram The Global Lane,

author Jamie Glasov says the leftists

control American discourse,so he wouldn't be surprised

if the judge eventually givesMuthana a favorable ruling.

- They call them the Jihadi Brides.

A little bit uncomfortableeven with that label.

These are individuals that, at the least,

stood there and stoodby during gang rapes,

slavery, torture,


These are war criminalsthat should be in a cage

in front of some kindof a court and tried.

- To hear why Glasovbelieves Islamic terrorists

like Muthana are undeserving of sympathy,

you can watch The Global Lane.

That is tonight at 9:30on the CBN News Channel.

Coming up, we're gonna find outwhy a leading African pastor

decided to vote against same sex marriage

and LGBTQ clergy in his own denomination,

the United Methodist Church,at its recent conference.

We've got the story when we come back.

Stay with us.

(dramatic, riveting music)

(uplifting string instrumental music)

- [Narrator] When yougive, smiles grow bigger.

When you care,

homes are happier.

When you comfort,

the hurt goes away.

When we all come together to love,

miracles happen.

- Hello, I'm Terry Meeuwsen.

Did you know there are morethan 148 million orphans

in the world today?

148 million.

But it was three littlegirls that taught me

about the plight of orphans.

My husband and I spentnearly a month immersed

in the daily activitiesof a Ukrainian orphanage

as we waited to adopt three sisters.

I saw firsthand the utterloneliness, the pain of rejection,

and the overwhelming desire to be loved.

That experience changed me forever,

and out of it grew aministry from my heart

called Orphan's Promise.

Today, we're helping orphansand vulnerable children

in more than 50 countries worldwide.

Thousands of childrenare now in safe homes,

they're being educated, andthey're learning life skills.

I'm asking you to join with me

and become family to these children.

Will you call the numberon your screen right now?

Because every child deservesa chance to be happy.

- Hello, is this thing on?

Hey, kids!

Do you love games?(children cheer)

And do you love discovering things?


Well, do ya?- Yeah!

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- [Caitlin] Check out the CBNNews Daily Rundown podcast

each weekday with me, Caitlin Burke.

Click on the show tab at

where you can listen and subscribe.

- A leading African pastor says the church

in America has lost its way,and he's urging the nation

to return to the faith of our forefathers.

On today's edition of WorldBeat,

George Thomas spoke to oneof the leading African voices

in the United Methodist Church

who voted against same sex marriage.

(dramatic, moving music)

- Hello, everyone, welcome to WorldBeat,

where we show you what'shappening in the world

and how you can pray about it.

In a dramatic move, theUnited Methodist Church

recently voted for atraditional view of marriage.

It also decided that it willnot ordain gay clergy, either.

At the church's conferencein late February,

delegates voted for a measure supported

by conservatives calledThe Traditional Plan.

About 43% of the delegateswere from foreign countries,

mostly Africa, and theyoverwhelmingly supported

the traditional views.

My next guest, who is fromthe West African nation

of Liberia, called The Traditional Plan

quote "the Biblical plan."

Now many liberal churches in the US

may leave the denominationbecause of the decision.

By the way, the United Methodist Church

is the second-largest Protestantdenomination in the US.

Well, joining me now to discuss the vote

is Reverend Jerry Kulah.

He's dean at United MethodistUniversity in Liberia.

Sir, thank you for coming on the show.

What would have happened to churches

in Africa if UMC voted for gay marriage?

- We would have disassociated ourselves

from the church in Americabecause it's inconceivable

that any church in UnitedMethodist Church in Africa

would have endorsed same sex marriage

because it's againstthe Biblical teachings

and is also againstour cultural practices.

In fact, our national governmentdoes not even condone that.

- You recently wrote that, "we Africans

"are not children in needof Western enlightenment

"when it comes to thechurch's sexual ethics.

"We do not need to hear aprogressive US bishop lecture us

"about our need to grow up."

Can you elaborate on that comment?

- Yes.

Unfortunately, there aresome members of the church

who think that Africans are neophytes.

Africans are people who are unenlightened,

and so I wanted to putforward that the whole concept

of traditional practicesas far as the Scripture

is concerned is part of our DNA.

That is what the church hasbeen known for in Africa.

And so there is no need for someone here

to think that we arechildren and are ignorant.

We are well informed, both in Scripture

and as far as life andeducation is concerned.

- Revered Kulah, how long can the church

in Africa withstand the intense pressure

from the West to embracethese controversial ideas

surrounding sexuality and the family?

- It is only a matter oftime that the leadership

of the church will beginto come from Africa

because the church inAfrica is growing in leaps

and bounds while the churchin America is declining.

Secondly, the economic strength

and the numerical strengthof the church lies

in the hands of the evangelicals.

So as long as the churchin Africa continues to grow

and we continue to build relationships

with the evangelicals here in America,

we are bound to continue to excel

in every aspect of the life of the church.

For Africa in particular,

our major concern is economic growth,

and we are now prioritizingthat very seriously

so that, in the soonest future,

we are able to be interdependent

as far as doing ministry is concerned.

- You've said that the church in Africa

is quote "grounded in God's word,

"and the gracious and clearteachings of our church.

"On that, we will not yield.

"We will not take a roadthat leads us from the truth.

"We will take the road that leads

"to the making ofdisciples of Jesus Christ

"for transformation of the world."

Dr. Kulah, you are willing to fight

to preserve what you believe in, right?

- Yes.

It is a matter of standing for the truth

and living out the truth sothat you make more disciples.

We are not really in a fight with anybody.

We are simply standing for the truth,

teaching the truth, living the truth.

- When you look at thecondition of America,

what makes you so sadabout what is happening

today in the church here in the States?

- The church has deviatedfar from the teachings

of the forefathers.

We received Christianityfrom America and Europe.

Unfortunately, we have to bringback Christianity to America

because the current generationhave lost their direction.

- How are you praying,sir, for the United States?

- I will pray that the church in America,

especially those who are taking a part

of progressive liberalism, will return

to the faith of their fathers and mothers.

- Will you take a moment right now

to pray for our nation, please?

- Yes, I'll be glad to do that.

Let us pray.

Our gracious Father, we thankYou for this great nation,

that You have blessed so abundantly

with wealth and resources.

But unfortunately, thewealth and resources

and education seem to drivethe nation away from You.

Oh God, we pray that,in Your mercy and grace,

You will restore Americaback to their faith

so that they will continue to be strong,

not only economically and politically,

but they will be strongspiritually so that,

through America, many will come

to know Jesus as Lord and Savior.

We pray especially for the young people

who have lost their direction, and,

by Your grace, they will cometo faith in Jesus Christ.

The Bible will return to the school

so that the children onceagain will know the truth,

and the truth will set them free.

Thank You, Lord, inJesus' mighty name, amen.

- Amen.

Reverend Kulah, thank you so much

for joining us on the broadcast.

- Thank you for the opportunity to speak

to the nation of Americaand to the world at large.

- You're welcome, sir.

Well folks, that is it fortoday's edition of WorldBeat.

Until next time, goodbyeand God bless you.

Now back to Newswatch.

(dramatic, moving music)

- And still ahead here on CBN Newswatch,

a potential cure for cancer.

That possibility came recentlyfrom in Israeli company.

We're gonna look at thescience behind the story

when we come back, stay with us.

(dramatic, riveting music)

(uplifting string instrumental music)

- [Narrator] When yougive, smiles grow bigger.

When you care,

homes are happier.

When you comfort,

the hurt goes away.

When we all come together to love,

miracles happen.

- Hello, I'm Terry Meeuwsen.

Did you know there are morethan 148 million orphans

in the world today?

148 million.

But it was three littlegirls that taught me

about the plight of orphans.

My husband and I spentnearly a month immersed

in the daily activitiesof a Ukrainian orphanage

as we waited to adopt three sisters.

I saw firsthand the utterloneliness, the pain of rejection,

and the overwhelming desire to be loved.

That experience changed me forever,

and out of it grew aministry from my heart

called Orphan's Promise.

Today, we're helping orphansand vulnerable children

in more than 50 countries worldwide.

Thousands of childrenare now in safe homes,

they're being educated, andthey're learning life skills.

I'm asking you to join with me

and become family to these children.

Will you call the numberon your screen right now?

Because every child deservesa chance to be happy.

- Hello, is this thing on?

Hey, kids!

Do you love games?(children cheer)

And do you love discovering things?


Well, do ya?- Yeah!

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- To treat a human, no matter what he is,

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- [Narrator] See how the people of Israel

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- When the chairman of anIsraeli company announced he

could have a cure forcancer within a year,

the news made headlines around the world.

CBN News sat down with oneof the scientists working

on the project.

Medical reporter Lorie Johnson tells us

about the science behindthis promising research.

- [Lorie] Scientists all over the world

have been looking for acure for cancer for years.

Now, two Israeli researchersthink they've found one.

- We didn't want to haveanother drug like everyone else

that would give reliefto some cancer patients

and then the cancer would come back.

We wanted really to curesomething like antibiotics.

- Four years ago, Dr. Ilan Morad

and his partner, Dr. Hanan Itzhaki,

of Advanced EvolutionBiotechnologies, or AEBi,

started research on a cure for cancer.

The concept is based onthe same strategy used

to combat AIDS.

The patient is given a cocktail,

or mix of medications,designed to prevent the disease

from becoming resistant to any one drug.

- Because HIV is very mutagenic creature,

same as cancer.

This is the problem with cancer,

that is very mutagenic and these mutations

help the cancer escape the therapy.

- [Lorie] Here in this tinylab in Ness Ziona, Israel,

these two scientists came up with a theory

they hope will cure cancer.

They call it MuTaTo; thatstands for multi-target toxin.

- The main thing hereis multiple targeting.

Instead of attacking one target at a time,

we connect together several peptides

and we attack several targets at a time.

And because of that, thecancer won't be able,

statistically, won't beable to escape the therapy,

and this is what happened with AIDS.

And this is what wouldhappen here in cancer.

- [Lorie] And they pointout since this cocktail

specifically targets cancer cells,

it is not as harmful to healthy ones.

- The other thing is becauseof this targeting peptides

are connected together and there's

what we call the affinity effect,

the side effect will bemuch, much, much lower,

so it will be like an antibiotic.

- [Lorie] Morad says if scientists

could come up with 100 different peptides,

they believe various combinations

could treat each kind of cancer.

- Each patient will get his own MuTaTo

that will fit perfectly his cancer.

He would have almost no side effects,

and, in no time, hewould be cured completely

because the cancer cellswould be completely killed,

every one of them.

- [Lorie] Morad saysthey have five peptides

in the pre-clinical stage.

When the article came out,

it basically caught themedical community by surprise

because AEBi's experimentshave been limited

and not published in medical journals.

CBN News approached Dr. Charles Geyer,

Associate Director for Clinical Research

at VCU Massey Cancer Center,

who was one of many that urged caution.

"This news is based on limitedinformation from the company

"and its researchers, and the results

"from their pre-clinicalexperiments have not been published

"in any peer-reviewed academic journals.

"I would approach this newswith healthy skepticism

"and also remind people thatit typically takes years

"to translate promisingpre-clinical research

"from the laboratory toevaluation in the clinic."

Morad said he wassurprised by the criticism.

- At least give me the credit.

Ask me what is themechanism of our MuTaTo,

or read carefully the firstarticle in the Jerusalem Post

to see what I really said.

- [Lorie] Morad said they need funding

to move their researchalong faster and would like

to collaborate with largerpharmaceutical companies.

He also made clear theone goal on his mind.

- I don't care about the money.

I want to cure cancer patients.

- [Lorie] Lorie Johnson, CBN News.

- Certainly watching that progress.

Stay with us, we'll be right back.

(uplifting string instrumental music)

- [Narrator] When yougive, smiles grow bigger.

When you care,

homes are happier.

When you comfort,

the hurt goes away.

When we all come together to love,

miracles happen.

- Hello, I'm Terry Meeuwsen.

Did you know there are morethan 148 million orphans

in the world today?

148 million.

But it was three littlegirls that taught me

about the plight of orphans.

My husband and I spentnearly a month immersed

in the daily activitiesof a Ukrainian orphanage

as we waited to adopt three sisters.

I saw firsthand the utterloneliness, the pain of rejection,

and the overwhelming desire to be loved.

That experience changed me forever,

and out of it grew aministry from my heart

called Orphan's Promise.

Today, we're helping orphansand vulnerable children

in more than 50 countries worldwide.

Thousands of childrenare now in safe homes,

they're being educated, andthey're learning life skills.

I'm asking you to join with me

and become family to these children.

Will you call the numberon your screen right now?

Because every child deservesa chance to be happy.

- Hello, is this thing on?

Hey, kids!

Do you love games?(children cheer)

And do you love discovering things?


Well, do ya?- Yeah!

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- It's time now foryour Thursday Thankful,

and today I offer this prayerof gratitude and praise.

"Lord, I praise You for who You are.

"Before you move to doanything on my behalf,

"I know who You are.

"And for this alone, I say thank You."

With that prayer, I encourage you

to make this entire daya thankful Thursday.

That will do it for this firstedition of CBN Newswatch.

Remember that you can always find more

on the issues you caremost about at,

and you can watch CBN News programs

anytime throughout the dayon the CBN News Channel.

We'd love to know what you think

about the stories you've seen here.

You can do that byemailing,

and you can always reach out and touch us

on Facebook, on Twitter, and on Instagram.

Hope you'll join us againright here next time.

Make it a thankful Thursday.

We'll see you here tomorrow.

(dramatic, riveting music)


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