- Welcome folks to thisedition of the 700 Club.
The merchandise trade deficit
in the United States hita record $891 billion,
the highest in historydespite all of these tariffs
that have been in effect.
And my wife's favoriteprogram, I might add,
is something called Jeopardy
and Jeopardy's Alex Trebek says he'll beat
stage four pancreatic cancer.
He says he has to beat it
because he's under contractfor another three more years.
And ABC's David Muir hits number one
in audience key demographicsand there's some thought
that CBS, at the bottomof the heap will move
Nora O'Donnell into the anchorroll in the evening news.
But first, the Democraticparty is in meltdown
as it tries to deal with thecharges of anti-Semitism.
Once again, a freshman congresswoman
is giving the leadership headaches
over her controversial remarks.
- Well younger Democratsare calling on the party
to support Representative Ilhan Omar
but seasoned leaders say the party
should condemn the comments.
Amber Strong has thereport from Washington.
- House Democrats delayed a vote
on a resolution condemning anti-Semitism.
This, after a party meetingerupted over disagreements
over how to deal with thelatest controversial statements
from Congresswoman Ilhan Omar.
There's a tear in the big tent,
as Democrats grapple overthe right way to deal
with controversial comments
from freshman Congresswoman Ilhan Omar.
- I want to talk aboutthe political influence
in this country that saysit is okay for people
to push for allegianceto a foreign country.
- [Amber Strong] Omar was referring to
lawmakers who support Israel and that led
to accusations of anti-Semitism by members
of her own party.
House leadership hope to vote
on a resolution condemning the statement
but not naming Omar but her supporters
in the house say theresolution needs to be broader.
And that criticism of Israel
doesn't always equate to anti-Semitism.
Presidential hopeful,Bernie Sanders stating,
CBN chief politicalanalyst, David Brody says
the rebuke from Democratsneeds to be clear.
- It doesn't mention her name,
that's a watered-down situation.
They're also talking about, well we need
to put anti-muslim bias in there as well
so you know it's watered-downafter watered-down.
President Trump weighed in, tweeting,
"It is shameful that HouseDemocrats won't take a stronger
stand against Anti-Semitism."
It's not the first time Omar has gotten
into hot water withstatements about Israel.
She's has to apologize before.
Now a number of Republicans are calling
for Omar to be removed from her seat
on the House Foreign Affairs Committee.
- It's unconscionable for any member
of the United StatesCongress, even less a member
of the House Foreign Relations Committee
to repeatedly traffic in base stereotypes.
- [Amber Strong] Thedemocrats say the GOP needs
to take a look in the mirror.
- And when has he ever said anything
about the hateful remarksthat continue to flow
out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
- [Amber Strong] Regardless,former Democratic V.P nominee,
Joe Lieberman says Congressshould send a message
to its members.
- When people say wordsthat are biased, bigoted,
and hurtful, they have to be condemned.
- The House ForeignAffairs Committee has taken
over the measure and those now word as to
when that vote will take place.
Amber Strong, CBN News, Washington.
- One of the cardinal rules in politics
when you're enemy is destroying himself,
don't interfere and Ithink the Republicans
should keep their hands off and let
the Democrats destroy each other.
That's what they want.
Well in other news,another Democrat newcomer
to Congress is causingproblems for the leadership.
John Jessup has more on that.
- Thanks Pat, MichiganCongresswoman Rashida Tlaib,
announced she'll file a resolution
to impeach PresidentTrump, against the wishes
of Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
- If we don't hold impeachmentproceedings today, start them
today and hold him accountable
to following the UnitedStates Constitution.
Think about that.
- [John Jessup] After her remarks,
demonstrators went straightto Speaker Pelosi's office
calling for her support.
Pelosi and other Democraticleaders say it's too soon
to talk impeachment.They want to wait and see
what the House investigationsinto the President turn up.
Well an attorney for MichaelCohen says Trump's former
personal lawyer did initiatetalks about a pardon
with the president's legalteam, Lanny Davis cited
in media reports today sayingCohen directed his lawyers
to explore the possibility of a pardon
with Trump's attorneys.
That's an apparent contradictionto Cohen's statement
last week to Congress when hesaid he never asked for pardon
from the President.
Cohen's critics, Pat,point out that he's lied
to congress before.
- I don't know why they'remaking such a hero of this guy.
I mean, he has lied and lied.
He's convicted of lying,
he goes before Congressional Committee,
he's under oath to tell thetruth, he raises his hand,
I swear I will tell thetruth and then he lied
about the fact that hewanted a pardon, unbelievable
and yet the media isjust coming all over him,
everything he says, theirtaking as if it's the gospel.
It's not, he is a liar, he'sa big-time liar and I think,
but the media has madea darling out of him
because he's criticizingthe man they hate,
and that's Trump. Jon.
- Pat, the Trump administrationis telling border agents
to target immigrants from Latin America
and require asylumseekers to wait in Mexico.
This as testimony fromHomeland Security Secretary,
Kirstjen Nielsen revealed a300% increase in detentions
at some parts of the border.
CBN's White House Correspondent,Ben Kennedy has more.
- Secretary Nielsen calledthe current projections dire.
She says it is a crisisand border officers are
on track to apprehend amillion people this year.
- The current system isn't working.
- [Ben Kennedy] That'sbecause it's not designed
to handle the record number of people
at the Southern border.
Homeland Security, KirstjenNielsen broke down the stats
to Capital Hill lawmakers.
She said border arrests spiked
to nearly 75,000 people last month alone.
That's up 80%, over thesame time last year.
- These increases willoverwhelm the system entirely.
This is not a manufactured crisis,
this is truly an emergency.
- [Ben Kennedy] The Customs
and Border ProtectionCommissioner says his agency
is at a breaking point.
- We're facing alarming trends.
- [Ben Kennedy] The trendsare caused, he said,
by criminal organizationsexploiting U.S. immigration laws.
- This increased flow presents currently
at our highest levels in over a decade,
both a border security
and humanitarian crisis.
- [Ben Kennedy] CBN contributorChuck Holton shared his
firsthand experience atthe border on Faith Nation.
- I live in Latin America, soI mean hear this all the time,
people know that the Democrats in Congress
in the United States areon their side and are doing
everything they can to make itpossible for them to get into
the U.S. and their takingadvantage of that now.
- [Ben Kennedy] These staggeringnumbers are a major reason
President Trump declared anational emergency at the border.
Nielsen says we need moremanpower, technology,
and border barriers to combat the crisis.
- Have you advised the President
on his emergency declaration?
Have you given him the grounds for
this emergency declaration in the context
of what emergency means?
- What I have done is I'vegiven him all the facts.
- [Ben Kennedy] But theCommander-in-Chief is getting
Congressional pushback including
the Republican-controlledSenate, which could block
the President's declaration.
Critics argue it's an abuse of authority
and warn it would open adoor for future presidents.
- I think what is clear inthe Senate is there will be
enough votes to pass theresolution of disapproval.
- The Senate is expected tovote in the next two weeks.
If they vote as expected,the president will veto it.
It is highly unlikely Congresswill have enough votes
to overturn that veto but in the meantime,
Secretary Nielsen warnsborder crossings are
only going to increaseas the weather warms up.
Ben Kennedy, CBN News, The White House.
- Setting the stage for ashowdown over this resolution.
Pat, back to you.
- You know, I just don't understand
what the thinking is in Congress.
These people come to usand want free healthcare.
They want food and clothes.
They want whatever else wegive in terms of education.
They want to be treatedas citizens and they want
to have a good life here.
You can't blame somebody forwanting to have a good life
but no country can justbe overwhelmed with people
from a foreign nation.
It can't happen. Borders areimportant and the integrity
of your system is importantand we provide here
in this country a superbsystem of healthcare et cetera
but if it's drained outfor all these immigrants,
by the thousands they're coming in,
how can we accommodateseveral hundred million people
from Latin America?
They'll all want to cometo the United States
and Congress has got to do something
and there's some people who say
well the word is out thatwe want to close the border
and therefore they're tryingto get in before the closing.
But more particularly is thatthere's so many loopholes
in the law they know that if they can get
across the border, puttheir feet on the soil,
especially bring children with them,
that they will be grantedsome kind of asylum
or at least access toan immigration court.
The courts are jammed andthose who deal with it
say we are jammed, we can't handle it.
And it is an emergency and nowthe Senate is getting ready
to vote and a lot of the Republicans,
the ones who are votingagainst the resolution,
are saying well what'll happen
if the democrats take charge,
they'll do the same thing to us.
Well you can't deal yourpolicy saying well what will
the other guys do if they havethe same position we're in?
We need to do it now and those people need
to support the President nowbut they're not going to do it
so he's going to veto thislegislation that's coming up
through the Senate but, you know, so what?
As I mentioned before,despite the tariffs,
we've have recorddeficit and John has more
about the trade deficit.
- That's right Pat, asyou were saying at the top
of the show, the U.S.trade deficit in goods hit
its highest level ever lastyear, reaching $891.3 billion
Imports rose as the Americaneconomy remained strong,
increasing demand forproducts from the rest
of the world but exports fell
as the global economy cooled off.
Some economists also blamePresident Trump's tariffs
against China.
The overall trade deficitincluding both goods and services,
hit a 10-year high.
Well coalition forcesmay only be days away
from defeating ISIS in Syria.
As Chris Mitchell reportsfrom Northeast Syria,
American allies areremembering the sacrifice
of their fallen comrades,hoping for a brighter future.
- [Chris Mitchell] That'sthe sound of victory,
as one of the final ISISweapons depots goes up
in flames, one more sign the end
of the Islamic state caliphate is near.
While the U.S. provides air support,
this prolonged fighthas also required boots
on the ground.
- In 2015 the city ofKobani was the epicenter
in the battle against the Islamic State,
nearly four years lateryou can still see much
of the destruction.
It was also the beginningof the U.S. led coalition
to defeat ISIS.
(military guns shooting)
Those fighting alongside U.S. troops
are a team of Curds, Arabs,Christians, and others
called the SyrianDemocratic Forces, or SDF.
As the front lines shifted to the south,
these men and women paid a high price
as they took back territoryfrom the Islamic State.
Aram suffered great personal loss.
- Personally I know all these friends.
- They fought side by side
and now are buried sideby side, even Christians
and Muslims, Armen Mardotakes care of this cemetery.
- They sacrificed themselvesand give their souls
to keep us in safety and at peace
and at least we can just takeof this cemetery for them.
This is our duty.
- The living now fightfor a new way of life here
where everyone is equal.
Chris Mitchell, CBN News,Kobani, Northeast Syria.
- Thanks Chris, wellsad news to report here.
Long time Jeopardy host AlexTrebek is suffering advanced
pancreatic cancer. The 78year old made the announcement
Wednesday directly toJeopardy fans on video.
Trebek says although theprognosis is not encouraging,
he plans to fight.
- I'm going to fight thisand I'm going to keep working
and with the love and supportof my family and friends
and with the help of your prayers also,
I plan to beat the lowsurvival rate statistics
for this disease.
- And certainly a lot of peoplewill be praying for him, Pat
- I say, that's one ofyour favorites right Ter.
- Andy and I watch it almost every night.
- Well my wife, that is herprogram, I mean he's known
as her program, ya know MervGriffin came up with that show
and he said well the problem is there's
not enough jeopardy in itand so he put in the jeopardy
and then he did the themesong, he wrote the theme song.
- He was the genius of game shows.
- Extremely so, he really was but anyhow.
- [Terry] But we wish him well.
- Yeah, Alex Trebek's a great guy
so pray for him. He's a fighterand we're glad to see that.