- As more and morecandidates jump in the race
for President, we lookat how Millennial voters
could be the biggest factor come 2020.
How lawmakers are pushingback on the President
for his decision to pulltroops out of Syria.
And the fight against human trafficking
at the southern border.
All this and more tonight on Faith Nation.
(friendly music)
The race for 2020 is up and running.
Welcome to Faith Nation, I'm John Jessup.
- And I'm Jenna Browder.
As Democrats all tryto set themselves apart
in a very crowded field,there's one group of voters
they all want to appeal toand that is Millennials.
- Republicans need themtoo, but historically
have struggled to connectwith younger voters.
If that doesn't change,it could cost the GOP
greatly this time around.
- Come 2020 Millennials willbe the largest voting block,
surpassing Baby Boomers.
And that could spellreal trouble for the GOP.
- There's a number ofthings happening at once.
- [Jenna] Republicanstrategist, John Brabender
sees a potential perfect storm.
First, Millennials, age 20to 34, are bigger in number
and more engaged than ever.
- Number two, is youalso have this increased
engagement by them.
It used to be younger voterswere somewhat apathetic
and they would increasetheir participation
as they got a little olderbut we found in the mid-terms
that in a lot of the states,in fact, the most targeted
states, saw this bigincrease, as much as 10%
by Millennial voters.
- [Jenna] The also overwhelmingly voted
for Democrats in 2016.
And number three.
- Number three is how they get their news
has changed dramatically.
They're leading sort of thecord-cutting revolution.
They're spending a lotmore time on connected TV,
watching even on smartphones,rather than traditional TV.
And where they go fortheir content for news
is sort of this blending if you will,
of entertainment and politics.
- [Jenna] For example,Brabender says that many
young voters are morelikely to watch a show
like Saturday Night Livethan the nightly news.
That's a space Republicanshave almost no presence.
- There's gotta be some changes
or we're gonna lose anentire generation of voters
for all practical purposes.
- [Jenna] He says Republicansneed to figure out
how to reach Millennials.
- Spending as much as wecan, simply on 30 second
commercials, doesn't workas much as it used to,
at least not to this audience.
In fact, Ad Week Magazine did a study
and found in the mid-term elections, 40%
of Millennials said theydid not remember seeing
one political ad.
- [Jenna] And more than that,he says messaging is critical.
- Even tone and tenor matters a lot.
We have a tendency towant to sell and preach
and lecture, whereas,this audience cares more
about education and learning and coming
to their own conclusions.
- [Jenna] And on actual issues.
- We've ignored everythingfrom climate change
to student loans to otherissues that we haven't
seen important enoughbut they do so we have
to start talking there.
- And it's not just Millennials.
Brabender says theyoung people after them,
Generation Z will createeven more of a challenge
for Republicans down the road.
He says there is no morewaiting out that storm.
- Wall, another day, another candidate
running for the White House.
New Jersey Senator CoreyBooker is the latest
politician to announcea bid to be President,
timing the announcement to coincide
with the start of Black History Month.
A theme of his campaign is, We Will Rise,
the title of a video he released today,
with clips highlighting his background
and his vision of the future.
A Yale Law School grad and Rhodes Scholar,
he first drew attention as ayoung vibrant mayor of Newark.
Booker served has served in the Senate
for the past five years,and joins an already
crowded Democratic field.
- And CBN News ChiefPolitical Analyst, David Brody
joins us now for more.
David, Corey Booker, helaunched his campaign
early this morning but last night
he was at a church andthere was another video
that went out today ofpeople praying over him,
laying hands on him.
Faith going to be a big elementof his campaign it seems.
- Yeah, right off the get-go.
Even the oil out in force as well.
And they were anointing him with oil.
This was before he announcedofficially for President
of the United States.
So if Corey Booker'sgoing to be an interesting
guy to watch.
He grew up in a very religious household,
African Methodist Episcopal Church
and is not afraid to talk about his faith
unlike, wait for it,
Hillary Clinton, in 2016,who decided to run away
from her Methodist faith.
But Corey Booker isnot and there are a lot
of other candidates alsothat we're starting to see
that as well.
- David, Booker isn't theonly one who's talking
about his faith withinthe Democratic Party.
Talk a little bit more about that.
- Yeah, Kirsten Gillibrand.
She's out actually andsaying that Donald Trump's
policies are, wait for it,
biblically evil.
That's an actual quote.
So she's already talking there,
she was actually in anAfrican American church
talking about wearing,or basically putting on
the full armor of God.
I mean, they are all, they're in.
They're in and we shoulddo a story about it.
We should do a segment, should we not?
- Yeah, we really should.
- Yeah, so have me back if you don't mind.
But it's not just her,it's just a lot of others,
Kamala Harris has a story as well.
- David, let's talk aboutsome of these others
and some who have announced and others
who are getting close to throwtheir hats into the ring.
- Alright, well let's go down the list.
I'm glad you asked. (laughing)
Shall we?
Shushana, cue the graphic.
First of all, there sheis, Elizabeth Warren.
She's in from her home, her Instagram
situation, that was interesting.
Anyhow, a grade of A onthe Progressive Scale.
Look at that, 99.33.
How did they do the decimals on that?
I don't understand.
Let's keep going.
So she's gonna be in officially soon here.
There's Kamala Harris,also another Grade A,
98.80 Progressive Score.
This is from a Progressive group,
that keeps these statistics.
I had no idea they were getting it down
to the decimal point.
Let's keep on moving, we'll just go on.
And there's KirstenGillibrand, Grade A, 98.14.
And then we have some folksthat haven't quite announced.
Well, Corey Booker just did, 97.94.
But you see, you notice the trend here.
They're all A's and they'reall within point whatever
of each other and Bernie Sanders as well
who will eventually announce.
And then look at the last one,
This is interesting.
Here we go, ooh, a GradeC, Amy Klobuchar, 88.59.
Watch out for her becauseobviously, she's a C
and that might be more moderate.
- Key word "her", a lot of women in this.
- Yeah, which is funny'cause Kelly Ann Conway
came out today and saidthat Corey Booker's
campaign is already sexistbecause why is he getting
in the race becausethere's all these women?
(laughing) They're anaccomplice so he shouldn't
get in the race.
What is he doing?
Once again, tongue incheek, but the Liberals
have a lot of.
- [John] It's a very diverse field.
- It's a diverse field butthey've got some issues.
I mean, the abortion stuffthat we talked about.
A lot of these other issues, single payer,
how far left are they gonna go?
And if they go too farleft, Donald Trump is right
there in 2020.
- He was tweeting about it the other day.
- I sure he was.
- Alright, thank you David.
- Well, new signstonight, ISIS could retake
territory in Syria.
More details are expectedin a report to the Pentagon
set to be made public next week.
But the news comes justmonths after President Trump's
surprising announcement of aUS withdrawal from the country.
CBN Capitol Hill Correspondent,Abigail Robertson
joins us as the Senate preparesto vote on a final bill
opposing the President'splanned withdrawal.
- Thanks.
Senators on both sides of theaisle came together Thursday
on a bill that rebukesPresident Trump's plan in Syria.
Now, this measure is part ofa broader Middle East policy
that's expected to passthe Senate next week.
The Majority Leader, MitchMcConnell took the lead
on proposing this amendment.
- ISIS and Al Qaedahave yet to be defeated.
- [Abigail] That statementfrom the Majority Leader
was a direct hit against this.
- And we have won against ISIS.
- [Abigail] Senators votedoverwhelmingly against
the President's assessment,siding with testimony
presented at a SenateIntelligence Hearing this week.
- ISIS is intent onresurging and still commands
thousands of fighters in Iraq and Syria.
- [Abigail] President Trumpat first said America's
top spies are wrong.
- I disagree with certainthings that they said.
I think I'm right.
- [Abigail] Then, aftera closed door meeting
with Intelligence Heads,the President said
his intel team was quote,"mischaracterized."
- They said that theywere totally mis-quoted
and they were totally, itwas taken out of context.
- [Abigail] White House PressSecretary, Sarah Sanders
told CBN News this week,that the US will maintain
a presence in the region until ISIS is,
quote, "completely destroyed."
- The idea that the Presidentis just stepping away
and ignoring any potentialproblem, doesn't understand
the fundamental decision that he's made.
He wants to bring ourtroops home out of Syria
but we're not leaving the region.
- [Abigail] Secretaryof State, Mike Pompeo
said Thursday, the WhiteHouse will continue
to put pressure on ISISand added this tease.
- Well, the President willmake a significant announcement
in the State of the Union next week
with respect to thestatus of the Caliphate.
- [Abigail] That doesn't seem to be enough
for Republican lawmakers.
- It is a mistake to proceedwith withdrawal from Syria
in the pace and scalethat is currently proposed
or that the White House has announced
that they're going to undertake.
- [Abigail] With FloridaSenator, Marco Rubio,
saying the troop withdrawalwill come back to haunt the US.
- We can ignore ISIS andwe can ignore Al Qaeda
and we can ignore Iran butthey will not ignore us.
If we allow Al Qaeda and ISIS or both
to have a resurgence,
they will attack theUnited States of America.
- Now this bill is expectedto pass the Senate next week
with a broad bi-partisansupport and then move
on to the House but thereal question will come
if and when it makes itto the President's desk.
- Alright, we will see.
Abigail Robertson for uson the Hill, thank you.
Well, Christians is Syriafear the pullout of US troops
could lead to possible genocide by Turkey.
CBN's Christ Mitchelltraveled to Northeast Syria
and talked to believers hoping and praying
President Trump changes his mind.
- With the pullout of UStroops, Christians here
in Northeast Syria toldus their future hangs
in the balance.
With the region on the brink of chaos,
they're fearful andwarning of a new genocide.
Just a few years ago, ISISleft a scar on the land
in the form of an historic genocide.
Now, Christians fearanother potential apocalypse
with enemies all around them.
Turkey is the main concern.
(speaking foreign language)
- [Translator] Afterthe threats of Ergodan
this region that hewants to take the place
of the great force of America,
we felt danger because of this void.
If it was filled by thecountries of this region
or another power, therewould be danger in general
for the people and especiallythe Christians people.
- The reason many people inNortheast Syria are afraid
of Turkey is because ofwhat happened last year
in Northwest Syria.
The Turkish invasion of Afrin.
(weapons blasting)
In January 2018, its armyalong with Islamic militias
called the Free Syrian Army,began a military campaign
to capture the city of Afrin.
Charmaine Hedding ofthe Shai Fund lays out
the Turks' goals.
- We know from what thestatements that they've made
that they want to get ridof the people in this area
and bring in other people from Syria.
So it's a population displacement.
- [Chris] To find out moreabout the Afrin campaign
we traveled here to the city of Kobani
and this Evangelical church.
Last year, Christians fledAfrin during the Turkish
operation to take over the city.
Some came here to Kobanito find refuge, security
and a place to worship.
(worship music)
Zani pastors this church.
He and his wife Chinar fled Afrin.
(speaking foreign language)
- [Translator] Everything inthe church has been stolen.
It's the terrorists'very nature of behavior.
And the burned the church.
- [Chris] Islamic soldiersallied with Turkey
killed her cousin's child.
(speaking foreign language)
- [Translator] They were agroups of people with weapons
that entered our neighborhoodand they were stealing
so my cousin went out and asked them,
what are you doing?
So the men with weaponsattacked my cousin's house
and shot and killed his son.
- [Chris] Turkish PresidentErdogan has threatened
a similar campaign into Northeast Syria.
When Chinar heard about President Trump's
decision she prayed.
- [Translator] Every day wecried and prayed to the Lord
that we would not end up like Afrin.
- [Chris] President Trump'sdecision surprised them.
- [Translator] We love theAmerican President a lot.
I have said that he is abeliever and that he prays
and so I was surprised.
Why did President Trump dothis that he immediately
wants to withdraw the forces from here?
Is it possible that he wasnot considering the church
or that he doesn't know thatthere are believers here?
- [Chris] In all, there'sabout 100,000 Christians
in Northeast Syria, mostfearful of genocide.
President Trump slowed down his timetable
to pull out US troops.
But for Christians here,they're hoping and praying
for much more than that.
Chris Mitchell, CBN News,Kobani, Northeast Syria.
- [John] And for morenews from the Middle East,
tune in to watch JerusalemDateline on the CBN News Channel.
Show airs every Friday at 9:30 pm Eastern.
For more information headto CBNNewsChannel.com.
- Well, tonight, growingtension with Russia
as the US announces itswithdrawal from a nuclear
arms treaty between the two countries.
The move comes afterAdministration reports
of Russia violating the deal.
Back in October, the Trump Administration
issued a 60 day warning toMoscow to begin adhering
to the rules of the treaty.
- We provided Russiaan ample window of time
to mend its ways and forRussia to honor its commitment.
Tomorrow, that time runs out.
The United States will thereforesuspend its obligations
under the INF Treaty,effective February 2nd.
- [Jenna] The Treaty dates back to 1987.
The US exit is promptingfears of a potential nuclear
arms race with Russia.
- President Trump is preparingfor his State of the Union
Speech and according to the White House,
one of his topics willinclude abortion in America.
- He may ask Democrats,I'm not gonna tell you
what's in his speech.
I've seen it but maybe he'll ask Democrats
in view of the new news,
why do you object to the Pain Capable Bill
that non-partisan scientists say,
a baby can feel pain after the 20th week?
And now we've got, governorsand state legislators
in many places, but mostillustratively and recently
in New York and Virginiasaying that a baby
can be, can have hisor her life snuffed out
of him or her 20 weeks after 20 weeks.
Is this who we are as Americans?
- The State of the Union isthis coming Tuesday night
and CBN News will be providing
special live coverage
of the President's speechincluding Jenna and myself
and the entire DC News Team aswell as crews at the Capitol
and the White House.
You can watch our special coverage live
on the CBN News Channel beginning
at 8:30 Eastern Tuesday night.
- [Jenna] And a big night it is.
Well, coming up, the fightto end human trafficking
here at home,
We'll look at what the US isdoing to combat the problem.
(thoughtful music)
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(inspirational music)
- Welcome back.
Well, in just 14 days the US could face
another government shutdown.
A group of Democraticand Republican lawmakers
are meeting to come upwith a possible deal.
But the President isholding firm to his demand
that any agreement include money
for a border wall with Mexico.
Today he said if not, heconfirmed he was willing
to go around Congressand declare an Emergency
at the southern border.
- We will be lookingat a National Emergency
'cause I don't thinkanything's gonna happen.
I think the Democratsdon't want border security.
And when I hear themtalking about the fact
that walls are immoraland walls don't work.
We're getting nowhere with the Democrats.
We're not gonna get anywhere with them.
It's gonna be a partof their campaign, but
I don't think it's good politically.
- Well, President Trumpmade those comments
at a White House meetingfocused on human trafficking
at the southern border.
- For more on that, we'rejoined now, by CBN White House
Correspondent, Ben Kennedy.
- Well, John and Jenna,today Ivanka Trump,
daughter and advisor tothe President called human
trafficking the gravest ofhuman rights violations.
It's estimated about 600 to 800,000 people
are trafficked acrossinternational borders every year.
And that women and girlsrepresent the largest group
of trafficking victims.
While President Trumptackled the crisis during
round table talks to tryand hash out a solution
to end this crisis.
- Human trafficking is worsenow than it's ever been
in the history of our world.
It's a world problem, it's a US problem.
But it's a world problem,
caused to a certainextent by the internet.
One of the reasons that we have it so bad
is the internet.
That's why it's picked up tremendously
over the last five years.
- Now, Trump gave thoseremarks on the heels
of a major human traffickingbust in California
where 339 people were arrestedand more than 50 victims
it has rescued, over a dozen children.
Now I just spoke with Linda Smith
who is the President and Founder
of Shared Hope International,which is dedicated
to bringing an end to sex trafficking.
Well, Linda, President Trumpjust wrapped up a meeting
on human trafficking.
What advice would you givethe Commander in Chief
to combat this crisis?
- I would say that he'sgetting a lot of advisors
but I would want him tothink of every child,
whether they come acrossthe border, or they're
in our communities as a vulnerable child,
in need of protection.
So he should be reallylooking at those borders
and some kid says, this is my auntie,
no, that might not be true.
- [John] Now, Linda, you'retalking about the victims
walking amongst us.
It is really hard to detect sometimes,
who needs help.
How do you do that?
- What Share Hope Internationaldoes is we just look
at children as vulnerable.
And we look at the federallaw that says any child
that is in prostitutionperformance or pornography
or were suspect thatthey're vulnerable to that,
that we as a nation andcommunities across the nation
should be protecting those children.
So we believe that we could teach everyone
around the children, whetherthey're border agents,
and really there is good training there.
Whether they arecommunities of support like
the social workers, the teachers, others,
to identify the signs of trafficking.
The border is a vulnerable place.
And I wouldn't want the kids to be caught
between the right andthe left or the negative
at all, because we shouldhave a methodical system
which we've had at theborder, and need to continue,
even if there's all these children.
We should slow it down, takea look at these children.
And don't just let themgo with whatever family
they were with back into population.
- Linda, you are a part ofShared Hope International
which is dedicated to bringingan end to sex trafficking.
Can you break down the latestefforts by your organization?
- Shared Hope Internationalhas what is called
the Shared Hope International Institute
of Justice and Policy.
And we make sure everystate has laws that deal
with children who are trafficvictims under the federal
and state laws.
And those laws be strongenough to be implemented.
So the border states havebig issues, but as do
all the rest of the nation when it comes
to dealing with these children.
So we're strengthening thelaws, bringing about justice
for these children.
And we're convening groups all over
the United States to help.
- Bottom line, PresidentTrump said a wall or barrier
would help prevent humantrafficking into the US.
It's one reason why he'sjust not backing down
from demanding border wallfunding be a part of any deal
with lawmakers to keepthe government running.
John, Jenna?
- [Jenna] Alright, thank you Ben.
Well just days from the big game.
We head to Atlanta to talk to players
about faith and football,when we come back.
(thoughtful music)
- It seems we've been left alone.
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- Jenna, get this, inthe span of 17 years,
the New England Patriotshave gone from underdogs
to what some people call, Evil Empire.
Nine Superbowl appearancesand a fist full of rings
have created that effect.
- It seems like you everlove 'em or hate 'em.
When the CBN's Tom Veringtalked to several players
on Media Day, he foundthat the Patriots way
is much more than Brady,Belichick and broken rules.
It's a focus on the team itselfand it's bolstered by faith.
- The New England Patriotsare an NFL dynasty
holding five World Championships and nine
Conference Titles overthe past 18 seasons.
Sunday they make their thirdstraight Superbowl appearance.
Long-running success can fuel antagonism
where the achiever becomes the enemy.
It comes with theterritory, but at the core
of the Patriots' dynastyis a haven for players
to cultivate their convictions.
Tell me about the demeanor and the faith,
what makes it unique for this team?
- It's something that you don't expect.
I think outside lookingin, the way that the media
covers our team, faithisn't the first thing
that comes to mind.
We work in such a high stress environment
that you run into pitfallsday in and day out.
And you don't think you're good enough
and you start doubtingyourself and it's this
and it's that.
And then you have leaderslike Matthew Slater,
like Devin McCourty, that comesalong and they lift you up
with words of encouragement.
- Dwayne Allen just toldus what might surprise most
people looking from the outside in,
it's not just the discipline of the team,
but the spiritual value that the team has.
- Oh it's very awesome to be a part of
so many great guys, so many solid guys.
We've grown as a team becauseyou don't play for yourself.
Those earthly glories,stats, awards, whatnot,
you play for God's awardand that's to go out there,
glorify him with thetalents he's given you.
Make the most of thoseabilities and to give
all the praise to him.
- [Tom] How does your Christ following,
impact you, prepare youfor moments like this?
- I think it allows you tonot think of this moment
as too big.
I think my guy, Matt Slatersays it before every game.
Win, lose or tie, we knowwe already have victory
'cause Christ did that on Calvary.
And I think having that message allows you
to just relax and go play football.
- It's the spiritual support that players
have within the New England organization,
what makes that spiritualsupport Matthew, unique?
- I think we have a lotof guys on this team
that really get the big picture.
It's not about us.
It's not about, ultimately,at the end of the day
it's not about what we'redoing on the football field.
It's about how we're growingin our walks with Christ,
how we can bring him more glory,
how we can pick up the lessonsthat he wants us to learn.
Without faith it isimpossible to please God.
Well, I think we had to drawon a lot of faith this year.
There were a lot of timeswhere our destination,
our inroad looked a little cloudy.
But through it all, wemaintained faith in one another.
We maintained faith in our process.
And we're here.
And we're so thankful for what God's done
to build out characterthrough that process.
And just enjoying the ride.
- [Jenna] And this weekend,catch Football Sunday,
right here on the CBN News Channel.
Hear stories from playersthroughout the NFL.
It's all hosted by the NewOrleans Saint tight end,
Benjamin Watson, onlocation in New Orleans.
That airs at 1:00,5:00, 8:00 and 11:00 pm.
- You gonna be watching the Superbowl?
- I am, of course.
- Who you rooting for?
- Well, I would have beenrooting for the Saints,
because I spent some time down there but
the Patriots, we'll go with them.
- Have a great weekend.