A Pro-Life Fashion Line? The Unique Way a Mom and Her Daughters Are Fighting for the Unborn
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- But the big joke in our family
was that I was eithergonna have to start sewing,
which is a really bad idea, Jenna,
because I'm very good with a glue gun,
but not with a sewing machine,
or we were gonna have tostart our own fashion line.
- [Jenna] And that'sexactly what Carla D'Addesi
and her three daughtersdid, introducing COL1972.
- We were eating pasta,
that's what good Italian families do,
and this idea came up andwe sketched everything
on a piece of paper andwe thought of COL1972,
we'd really like to getback to a culture of life,
the year 1972.
1973 is when our Supreme Court ruled
that the tiniest people didnot have the right to life.
And since 1973, there's60 million tiny people
who have not had the right to life.
- [Jenna] Carla says theline is meant for girls
just like her daughters.
(rhythmic music)
- So we say that we're street chic
because you'll notice thatthe 10 to 30 year olds
just kind of live in this athleisure wear,
tights and really comfyfleece sweatshirts.
So we worked with a designerin L.A., in California,
that has launched brands before
because we really wantthis brand to be excellent.
We don't want to do it in a shabby way
because it's not onlyrepresenting my family,
but celebration of life,this whole entire movement.
And so we worked with herand we chose kind of colors
that we thought kids would like
that are really hot right now.
- [Jenna] She says thereception so far has been huge,
pointing to just howmany pro-life young women
there are out there.
- So we did the research by the way also,
18 million teens, tweens, millennials,
girls in the UnitedStates, 18 million of them,
nine million of themidentify as being pro-life,
which was such an encouragementto my daughters and I
that nine million identify as loving life.
So we thought wow, if wecan just present a product
to these young girls thatthey feel beautiful wearing,
glamorous wearing, and thenit's just this great message
that they can share withtheir college friends,
their high school friends, their family.
- [Jenna] She says their pieces
are also great conversation starters.
- The messaging is very quiet, you know,
and we're actually sharing with the kids
how to talk about the messaging.
So COL1972, if someone comes up
and says I love that camohat that you have on.
What does 1972 mean?
You can say that's a year thatwe just celebrated all life,
an amazing year, we'd liketo get back to that time.
- [Jenna] And for familieswho want to support companies
with values that align with theirs.
- But really, I'm amom of three daughters,
so, you know, our cardio isshopping, honestly, you know?
Like we are shopping all the time
and we just felt a little bit marginalized
because some of the messagingthat was on the shirts
just went against our coreprinciples, our core values.
And then again, like I said,
a lot of these peopleare using spokespeople
that maybe do not standfor the national anthem,
which is so important to our family.
We just feel like it's such a privilege
to stand for the pledge of allegiance
or the national anthem for those heroes
that have gone before usor even today, right now,
that are fighting for our freedom.
So we want to support companies
that support our core values.
So we say that COL1972is guilt-free shopping.
It is going to be shoppingthat is family approved,
mom and daddy approved,but also kid approved.
(mellow rhythmic music)