Escaping 'Trans La La Land': Dozens of Transgender Regretters 'Come Out' to Tell the Truth
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- More than a dozenformer transgender people
are shedding light onwhat it's really like
to change their gender, andthey say why it doesn't work.
Author Walt Heyer has puttogether their stories
in a new book called Trans Life Survivors.
The book highlights whatsome call trans regret.
Heyer writes, Trans LifeSurvivors showcases emails
from 30 or so people,selected from among hundreds
who have written me,concerning what many call
the biggest mistake of their lives.
The book also explores thepush in the United States
to normalize gender dysphoria.
And joining us now to share more
on this subject is Jeffrey McCall.
He used to live as a transgender woman,
that is until God changed his life.
Now Jeffrey leads a yearly event
where former LGBT individuals share
how they abandoned theirlifestyles to follow Jesus Christ.
Jeffrey, we wanna begin.
First off, what is trans regret?
- Well, trans regret is people
that have began livinga transgender lifestyle
and tried to transitioninto a sex that they are not
and the regret that comes
after taking hormones and after surgery,
and it's them regretting trying to change
into something that theywere never meant to be.
- There is a push topromote gender transition
as the solution for those
who are suffering from gender dysphoria.
Why is this dangerous in your estimation?
- It's very dangerous becauseI personally know about it.
It happened to me.
After seeing a psychiatristand psychologist
for just a few visits,
they were both diagnosingme with gender dysphoria
and saying that I wasScarlet, the name I went by,
that I truly was a woman,
that I was trapped in a man's body,
and that these were real feelings
and that I at any point couldstart surgeries and hormones
to change my body into whatI was truly supposed to be.
So I understand the importance
and how dangerous itcan be diagnosing people
with gender dysphoria.
It brought on a lot of pressure,and it brought on a lot
of suicidal thoughts and other things,
so it's very dangerous to do to people.
- So would you say you're someone
who lives with trans regret?
- I am not.
I never had any surgeries physically.
I began living as a woman, as Scarlet.
I was diagnosed with gender dysphoria
by psychologists and psychiatrists
and I began living asScarlet, but I never went into
actually cutting and changing my body.
I was very close,
but I was saved by JesusChrist before I went into that.
- Do you find there are many people
who are regretting the decisionto change their gender?
- Yes, story after stories online.
There's now this book with trans regret,
and there's just storyafter story of people,
women that tried to transition into men
and men that tried totransition into women
who regret after they start the hormones
and have the surgeries
and begin fully living as that other sex.
There's lots of regrets
and there's a lot of stories out there,
and anyone could easily find that.
- What do you say to themand to those watching
in terms of if they areliving that being the case,
will they begin to recover?
- Anyone can recover,
and that's the power of ourLord and Savior Jesus Christ.
He will take you through any journey.
No matter how far you'vegone or what you've done,
there's saving grace and power
through Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
And by surrendering your lifeto him, he can heal the mind,
which is the first thingthat needs to be healed.
And then as he heals the inside,
the outside stuff will manifest.
But yes, there is hopefor anyone through Jesus.
- Would you say that you're aliving example of that help?
- I am a living example of that help.
When I was living asScarlet, I was suicidal.
I wanted to die.
It was just a crazy, tumultuousmental state I was in.
And it was during that time
that I had a supernaturalencounter with God,
and he spoke to me andI left all that behind.
I threw away my life asScarlet in a dumpster,
and I just moved forward
and he started showing me that he loved me
and he created me as Jeffreyand for a purpose and a reason.
And so I just wanna give that hope
to anyone out there that wants it.
If something's inside of youchurning and yearning for more,
it's because God createdyou for so much more
and he is drawing youand wooing you to him.
- All right, Jeffrey McCall.
Thank you so much for your time.
- Thank you.