'Nothing but the Truth': Filmmakers Tell CBN's Studio 5 That the Quest for Truth Begins Within the Bible
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- What is truth?
Is there a universal truth?
Is there something outside of our opinion?
- Where did this come from?
What birthed the idea?
- [Speaker 1] Unraveling before us,
and if anybody standsfor truth, he looks today
like he's bigoted, we'reall supposed to get along.
- So I looked around and today's culture.
I kept hearing everybodysay to live your own truth.
And that went againsteverything I was taught.
- Not love and it's not loveless truth.
- Jesus said he was the truth and the life
and the only way to heaven.
But all of a sudden I was livingin a society and a culture
that said there's manyroads that lead to God.
There's many different truths out there.
So we wanted to embark on a journey
to uncover that question,is truth absolute?
Are there multiple truthsor is there one truth?
- I do not want my own truthbecause I don't trust me enough
to have my own truth.
- And Steve, where does that journey begin
in this filmmaking process?
- Well, I think the journey begins,
obviously, with the Bible.
Facts have to have foundations, okay?
Even scientific facts have to come back
to scientific studiesand a scientific method.
But when it all comes downto the very basis of it all,
you have to have somethingwhich is the truth.
- But boldly, what the truth of God is.
- So can there be truth and love together?
- Well, I don't think youcan separate truth from love.
I mean, the reality about love
is that God defines love
and that love is defined in the truth.
- You, can't have true lovewithout the truth of God's word
as the foundation fordefining what love is.
- The standard of Biblicaltruth has been abandoned.
- Tell me about some ofthe voices inside the film
and how you guys arrivedat choosing them to do it.
- You know, it's interestingwhen you're doing a documentary
and you're doing adocumentary with a ministry
that's been around for years,you have to be very careful.
I think we've assembleda really wonderful cast
of believers withinfluence and credibility
to bring light differenttopics of the truth.
The truth in finance, for example,
is taught by Dave Ramsey.
You know, the truth of themarriage is taught by Tony Evans
and he said some stuff about marriage
I've never heard before.
Really great insight from him.
But we really tried to choose people
who's walk matched upto the word of the Lord
and that could speak into different areas
and who's walk matchtheir talk, so to speak.
- When you wind up believinga lie and following a lot,
you wind up living a lie.
- The diversity of the characters.
And that's the beautifulthing about people
who love the truth.
It doesn't matter whereyou're from in the world.
It doesn't matter where you come from.
It doesn't matter if youwere born into privilege
or whether you were into poverty.
The word of the Lord isthe truth of the Lord.
And you can meet up withpeople around the world
who are Bible-believing Christians
and living according to the word.
And there is that koinonia,
there is that spirit connection
that you have with those people.
And to me in a world,really, where the media,
oftentimes, it seems theylike to use the divisions
in order to cause a story.
To me, one of the greateststories of this film
is how there's great divisionwith respect to diversity
of all the ways that I have talked about.
And yet at the very same time,
there's complete unityover the word of the Lord.
- Steve, what's your hope forthe project as it is released?
- My hope is that first and foremost,
that it'll energize the church.
You know, the Bible saysthat judgment begins
in the house of the Lord,but revival begins there too.
And I'd like to see thepeople in the church,
first and foremost, repairedto the word of the Lord
so that they would be whom theLord calls His people to be.
And then once they arerepaired to the Lord,
then see them go out intothe world and be active.
- [Announcer] Stand up forChrist and witness to this world
of His grace.
- God does not command thatthe world go to church.
He commands that thechurch go to the world.
- [Speaker 1] We will becivil, but we won't be silent.
- If we only had 10% of the Christians,
the people who call themselvesChristians in America today,
and all 10% were on firefor the Lord, Jesus Christ.
We'd change this nation.