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Faith Nation: December 7, 2018

Faith Nation: December 7, 2018 Read Transcript

(light music)

- Staffing changes withinthe Trump administration.

Welcome to Faith Nation,I'm Jenna Browder.

Well President Trump isnominating two familiar faces

to fill two key roles.

Bill Barr is the President'schoice to replace

Jeff Sessions as Attorney General.

If confirmed, this willbe the second time he will

serve in that role.

From 1991 through theend of his term in '93,

Barr headed the JusticeDepartment for the late

President George HW Bush.

Today, President Trumpexpressed his confidence

in the nominee.

- A terrific man, a terrific person.

A brilliant man, I did not know him for

until recently when Iwent through the process

of looking at people.

And he was my first choice from day one.

Respected by Republican'sand respected by Democrat's.

- And the President hasalso named his choice

to fill the top US roleat the United Nations.

- Somebody that we knowvery well who's done

a great job at the, asworking with Mike Pompeo

and others over at the State Department.

Heather Noward will be nominated.

She's going to work withNikki Haley to replace

Nikki at the United Nations.

She'll be ambassadorto the United Nations.

- And Noward has servedat the State Department

as the spokesperson since April of 2017.

In her time there, she'salso been named acting

under secretary of state for public

diplomacy and public affairs.

Before joining the state department,

Noward worked as ajournalist for Fox News.

And there are also reports tonight

of a potential shakeup in the West wing.

Multiple news outlets sayChief of Staff John Kelly

is heading for the exit.

He's expected to leave hisposition in the next few days.

Kelly joined the Trump administration as

the Secretary of HomelandSecurity back in January of 2017.

Six months later, hereplaced President Trump's

first Chief of Staff Rights Previs.

And here to help us all unpack this,

the CBN News Chief, politicalanalyst David Brody.

David, we have heardthis before, do you think

Kelly is really leaving this time?

- Yeah, I think so Jenna.

I don't think there'sany question about it.

I mean, we have heard this for awhile now,

but beyond the fact that thereare just too many reports

out there that would suggestthat this is going to happen.

There's a few other things in mind.

Let's remember, John Kelly isa marine four star general,

Donald Trump kind of wings it and goes

with his gut instinct.

That doesn't play well withmarine four star generals,

and I think there hasalways been that rub.

I can tell you a personalanecdote, I've been in the

Oval Office three times now.

There was one time whereI was actually going in

there to talk to him about a book I wrote.

There was John Kelly, ushering me in.

The next time I went into the Oval Office,

there was no John Kelly,and the reason I bring that

up is because over time,it seems like John Kelly's

kind of thrown up his hands and said look

Trump is gonna do what Trump is gonna do.

And we started to see thatJohn Kelly wasn't having

as much of the makingsure the gate keeper role

that he had early on.

- If he does leave, David,what are you hearing

about who might replace him?

- Well it could be NickErrors, we've heard about him

before, 36 years old,and by the way Jenna,

a multi-millionairealso I should tell you.

Because this guys verysuccessful, Republican

governors association, hewas the executive director

of that, he knows a lot ofRepublicans in a lot of places

in a lot of states.

He's very political,he's also Mike Pence's

Chief of Staff, and soyou would think that

there would be some comradery there.

And indeed, apparentlyPresident Trump and Nick Errors

do get along, Jenna, youknow Nick, I do as well.

And he's very likable,he's a guy that is not

gonna probably ruffle too many feathers.

But at the same time, youalso don't want to mess

around with him because hehas that side to him as well.

- Kelly, he's been seenas someone who can really

be a stabilizing force in that West Wing.

David, do you think Nick Errorscould also fill that role?

- Yeah, I think there'sa potential for that.

Look, he has the support of Ivanka Trump

and Jared Kushner, which ofcourse is a good head start.

And any time you havethat, you could have a

stabilizing force as well.

But I think the keyglue here is Mike Pence.

Mike Pence and Nick Errorskind of come as a package deal.

Obviously, we know thePresident loves Mike Pence.

And when you put the two together,

Nick Errors might be thesweet spot in the middle,

we'll see.

- All right, let's talkabout the attorney general.

Bill Barr, unanimouslyapproved by the Senate

during Bush 41's administration.

David, what do you think?

Will that be the case this time around?

Will he see bipartisan support?

- I have to tell youJenna, I think this is a

shrewd pick by the President.

I mean, remember, Bill Barrwho worked for, who was it?

President 41, George HWBush, Democrat's just spent

a week lotting 41, andhere comes President Trump

saying you know what, I'mgonna pick an attorney general

under 41, so what areDemocrat's supposed to do now?

Say well, he was good forPresident Bush back then

but he's not good forPresident Trump today.

I think it puts them in a tough spot

and you've got to get the votes there.

Now, he only needs 50 andthey have 53 Republican's

so he should be fine.

But I think it's overalla pretty good pick.

- Yeah, Nikki Haley, over atthe UN has been a real force.

What's your take on the President's choice

of Heather Noward to replace her?

- Well it doesn't surpriseme for a communicator

in Chief he picks apretty good communicator

over at the State Department.

Look, she's tough as nailsand you and I know that.

We were over at the StateDepartment with Mike Pompeo

when I had a chance to sitdown and interview him.

And there was Heather Nowardand boy, she keeps those

trains running and shedoesn't mess around.

So anybody that thinks thatthis is some sort of Fox News

personality that doesn'thave the heft for the

international stage, mayhave another thing coming.

I think she's got a lotof that Nikki Haley,

that inner Nikki Haley in her.

We'll have to find out,it'll be interesting to watch

because she'll have a lot ofchallenges right from day one.

- Yeah, David, many peopleof course in the Christian

community have been reallysupportive of Nikki Haley

especially the stance thatshe's taken towards Israel

and her support of that country.

Do you think Noward will have that same

kind of reception among Christians?

- Well she's going to have to earn it.

And it's a good question,it's a question we asked

the international religiousfreedom ambassador,

Sam Brownback at the State Department.

We had a chance to speak withhim about Heather Noward.

And specifically thisidea that will she be good

on Israel, will she be toughor supportive for Evangelicals?

Have a look.

- She'll be a staunch supporter of Israel.

She was as a spokesperson here,

the move of the embassy,our embassy to Jerusalem,

it was a mammoth thing.

And the President, godbless him for doing it,

did it when other Presidentsbefore him wouldn't do it.

Said they would and wouldn't do it.

He did it, she stood up thereand defended the ground.

Cause there's a lot ofmedia and people around

the world pushing against that.

It's the right thing to do,there are other countries

following suit now.

And she's gonna be astrong supporter of Israel,

she has already been.

- [David] What about someof the critics who say

the experience, obviouslyit's not necessarily there

but they want to ding her for that?

- You can say that aboutthe last person in that

job, Nikki Haley, who, sheand I served as governor's

together, so what does sheknow about foreign affairs?

She jumped right intoit, did a fantastic job.

Schooled herself on the issues,was again the strong voice

for the United States.

- Jenna, that word voicecame up, I counted it,

five times in our prettyquick conversation.

The point is is that Heather Noward,

according to Sam Brownbackwill be a very strong voice,

and you need that voiceon the world stage.

And Donald Trump knows athing or two about a voice.

- A lot of support fromMike Pompeo as well,

all right David, thank you.

- Thanks Jenna.

- Well President Trumpwent on a Twitter tirade

today against specialcouncil Robert Mueller's

Russia investigation.

In one of a handful oftweets, the President claimed

"Mueller and Leakin LyinJames Comey are best friends."

Calling it a conflictof interest in the case,

and once again a witch hunt.

The President also tweetedthat once the Mueller report

is finished, a counterreport will be released

tweeting "an investigationlike the one he's facing,

"shouldn't happen to a future President."

Well despite recentbacking from the President,

new criminal justice reformlegislation may be in jeopardy.

With little time left inthis lame duck Congress,

the window is closingto get a bill passed.

As Abigail Robertsonreports, many lawmakers say

it's now or never to approve the measure.

- Lawmakers say the time is now or never

to pass a criminal justicereform bill that's sitting

in the Senate waiting on a vote.

It's major legislationwith the goal of trying

to make sure people don'tend up back in prison.

Leader McConnell has saidthat he does not know

if he will have time tobring it to the floor

by the end of this year.

What is your response to that?

- My response to it is thathe has a very legitimate

reason that he wantsto get judges through.

We can work on judges next year,

because Republican's control the Senate.

Whereas if we don't dothis bill and Democrat's

come in and control theHouse, we're not going to

get the broad bipartisansupport that we have for this.

- [Abigail] The bill hasalready passed the House

and Grassley believesmore than 75 senators

would vote yes if it makesit to the Senate floor.

He worries if it's delayeduntil next year, it's over.

Lawmakers have a lot to dobefore the end of the year.

Including paying for border security.

Grassley is confident lawmakers can avoid

a partial government shutdownsimply because he says

it costs a lot of money toopen and close the government.

- I don't think with thefiscal situation in our country

we should do anything as stupid

as shutting down the government.

- [Abigail] A few senatorslike James Lankford

are working to permanentlythe threat of these shutdowns.

- When you're constantlyfighting about a government

shutdown, then you're on always distracted

over what the real issues are.

- [Abigail] Lankfordintroduced a bill that would

require the previousyears funding to kick in

until Congress passes a budget.

And only punishes lawmakersfor missing their deadline.

- Congress has to be able to stay here and

be able to get its work done.

Rather than, it's not doneso we do these government

shutdown fights orextensions and the American

people go through all the turmoil.

Let's put the pressure wherethe pressure needs to be.

- Congress has untilDecember 21 to fund the rest

of the government,reporting from Capital Hill

Abigail Robertson, CBN News.

- Well James Ackerman of Prison Fellowship

and Mark Holdon of KochIndustries join us now

for more, both of youthank you for being here.

- Thank you for having us.

- You know, I know thisis an issue that is very

important to both of you.

Just real quickly, tellus about your respective

organization's and how theyare involved in this big push.

- So Prison Fellowshipis the largest Christian

nonprofit dedicated toserving incarcerated men

and women, those returningto society from prison

and their families.

And Chuck Holson whofounded Prison Fellowship

and who as you know gotcaught up in the Watergate

Scandal and served a prisonsentence himself for that

before starting PrisonFellowship, was hugely

passionate about givinga voice to people who

are largely marginalized and forgotten.

Which is people who are incarcerated.

So Prison Fellowshipadvocates for fair justice

in the Justice system.

And works very closelywith Mark and many of

his colleagues to push that forward.

- And Koch Industries also very invested.

- Absolutely, it's a big issue for us.

We're very focused andCharles Koch, our CEO is very

focused on this issueand breaking barriers

to opportunity generally speaking.

And we see the criminaljustice system in this country

as a huge barrier toopportunities for millions

and millions of people, particularly those

who have the leastresources and it creates

a poverty trap.

It makes us less safe andwastes a lot of resources,

both human potentialand monetary resources.

So we're very focused ontrying to make the system

better, fear or safer for everybody.

And also be redemptive.

- There's talk of amulti prong approach here

in terms of tackling this problem.

How important though is legislation?

- It's hugely important,one just from a programming

perspective the firststep act which is before,

soon to be before the Senate potentially.

Is all about in partdelivering more programming

into the federal systemand implementing a more

restorative approach to criminal justice.

People do need to bepunished when they commit

a crime, and they need asentence that's proportionate

to their crime.

But the second they stepinto the criminal justice

system, we want to see them put on a path

that helps them becomehealthier and more productive

citizens because 95% ofpeople who go to prison

will return to our communities.

And we would want themreturning to our communities

as safer people.

- And Mark, what kind ofsupport are you seeing

from the lawmakers?

- Well it's at the federal level.

With the state level, asyou know, for the last 10 or

15 years, there've beenrevitalizing and reforming their

criminal justice systems.

Texas, South Carolina, and Georgia.

It's taken a longer time toget there at the federal level.

At the federal level, nowit seems to be everything

is coming together.

President Trump is fully on board.

He's fully on board with prison reform,

he's fully on board withthe sensing reform issues

as well that the Senate has introduced.

The House, the House ofRepresentatives passed

this bill 360 to 59 inthis incredibly polarized

environment we're in.

That flew through the Houseand a lot of our good friends,

I think every one of thefreedom Caucus members

voted for it.

So we've got that in theSenate, we've got broad

support from Republican's and Democrat's.

This is the time to doit and really it's called

the First Step Act for a reason.

We haven't had any real reforms other than

the fair sentencing act a few years ago

that have made our system less punitive

and more redemptive.

This is gonna be a big first step,

and that means after that,there's going to be more to do.

So we're very excited, andthis is the time to do it.

We're hopeful we get it done this year.

- Yeah, it's nice to that bipartisanship

and it's rare here in Washington.

This next question for you James, how has

the faith community involved in this?

And what role do churchesand other organization's

have to play?

- Absolutely, we actuallyworked with the Charles Koch

Institute to pilot a program, a curriculum

that we distributed to churchescalled Outrageous Justice

to help better educatethe Church community on

the importance of takingthis issue seriously.

Remember, in Matthew 25,Jesus himself calls us

to visit the imprisoned, right.

And Hebrews were calledto visit those imprisoned

as if we are serving time with them.

This is close to the heart of our Lord,

and it needs to be close to the Church,

the capitalcy churchcommunity because we are one

body in Christ and ourbrothers and sisters

in the Lord in prison needto be part of that body.

- So the big question is,can it get past the Senate?

Mark what do you think?

How hopeful are you?

- Very hopeful, I thinkright now it would,

with the votes we haveright now that we're aware

of the hard yeses, combinedDemocrat's and Republican's

we would get more than 60 votes.

And I think that that'sjust gonna more and more

pick up momentum with sometweaks that could be coming

to the bill to get more people on.

So we're very optimisticabout it and it needs

to happen, it has to happenand everybody that we've

dealt with by large, there'sa couple of outliers,

but by and large everybodyis trying to get to yes

on this cause they knowhow important it is.

And they come fromstates where it's worked

and it's really saved people's lives,

made communities safer,made law enforcement safer.

And reduced incarcerationrates, reduced recidivism,

and also freed upresources for other things

that are needed like Kthrough 12 education.

So in the states itsworked, and we're gonna see

that happen at the federal level as well.

- And Prison Fellowshipon Thursday night, Mark,

awarded you with the Charles Colson award,

tell us a little bit about that.

- So each year we issue five awards.

One of them is the CharlesColson Advocate of Hope

award, the governor ofKentucky, Governor Bevin

nominated Mark for theaward and it was really

a wonderful night lastnight celebrating his work,

his passion for criminal justice.

This man has played arole in federal campaigns,

in state campaigns, all overthe country to implement

a more restorative approachto criminal justice

since we had the chance to honor him.

- Congratulations, andboth of you, wonderful,

this is such an importantcause and one that I know

you've both worked very very hard on.

So thank you so much for joining us today.

- Thank you so much.- Thanks for having us.

We appreciate it.

- Wall Street woes, whatthe turbulent market

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(light music)

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- Well, it's been a roughweek on Wall Street.

And today that trendcontinued as the Dow Jones

Industrials average took a dive.

The DOW was down about560 points at the close

of trading, bringing itsoverall drop this week

to more than 1000 points.

The S&P was down morethan 4% for the week.

All of this begs thequestion, what is behind

this rollercoaster ride?

Is it a slowdown for our booming economy?

Or are we looking at a possible recession?

- No this is no recession,look if you look at

the fundamentals to theeconomy, look at manufacturing,

look at construction, actuallylook at corporate earnings.

Those have been verystrong, which is moving in a

different direction thanthe stock market is.

So I think the economy is really strong.

- [Jenna] Stephen Moore, aneconomist with the Heritage

Foundation, then an economicadvisor to the Trump campaign,

is optimistic and pointsto two main factors.

First, the trade friction with China.

- I think the problem hasbeen investors are spooked

by the inability of Chinaand the United States

to get a trade deal done.

And it looked like wehad a trade deal done

this weekend, and thenChina started backpedaling

from that and I thinkthat's really giving the

heebie jeebies to the stock market.

- [Jenna] The second concern,rising interest rates.

On that front, Moore points his finger at

the Federal Reserve.

- The economy was flyinghigh back two months ago,

and then the Feds startingto announce this constant

increase in interest rateswhich is just sucking

the oxygen out of the economy.

The Fed has to reversecourse, and actually put

some oxygen in the economy, keep it going.

- [Jenna] His advice.

- I always tell people,when you see a slide

in the stock marketlike we've seen over the

last few days whereyou've seen about a 1200

point decline in stockvalues, you don't want to

sell your stock causethen you're selling low.

What you want to do inthe stocks is sell high

and so people get panickedand they sell when

the market is falling andthat's the opposite to

what you want to do.

- And looking ahead thesenext couple of weeks,

Moore says one morefactor could be the budget

and whether or notPresident Trump and Congress

can work out an agreement.

A final farewell to the 41stPresident of the United States

when we come back.

(light music)

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(light music)

(Christmas music)

- [Narrator] Young people,millennials are flocking

to church.

- [Female] It's not anexaggeration to say that we love

to meet them and that welove to know their stories.

- Much of America pausedthis week to honor the life

and legacy of PresidentGeorge Herbert Walker Bush.

And after a final day ofmoving tributes, laughter,

and tears, the 41st Presidenthas been laid to rest.

Jennifer Wishon has moreon his remarkable journey

to his final resting place in Texas.

- [Jennifer] For his final trip.

(train horn)

George Herbert Walker Bushchose a mode of transportation

befitting one of the last President's of

the greatest generation.

(train horn)

A train bearing his name.

Thousands of Texans linedthe rails to honor 41

as he traveled to his final destination,

the Bush presidentiallibrary in College Station.

- It's just an honor to behere, he served our country

for so many years.

- [Jennifer] It was apeaceful journey that

began in Houston at Saint Martins Church.

♪ Amazing grace ♪

A final service to say goodbye.

At the same place the Bushfamily gathered in April

to remember their motherand grandmother Barbara.

♪ In heaven ♪

Bush's secretary of state and dear friend

James Baker was with him when he died.

- We rejoiced Mr Presidentthat you are safely

tucked in now and throughthe ages with God's

loving arms around you.

Because our glory George was to have had

you as our President and as such a friend.

- [Jennifer] His grandsonand namesake George P Bush

offering yet another heart warming glimpse

into the life of 41.

- In a typical day, he'dwake up around 5:00 AM

to review security briefingsand grab his first coffee

of the day.

When the coast was clear,all the grandkids would

try our best to snag a spoton the bed and nestle up

between him and Gannywhile they read the paper.

- [Jennifer] Onto college Station.

(presidential music)

One final hail to the Chiefand the largest missing man

formation ever with 21fighter jets honoring

the former navy pilot.

(planes flying)

Bush now rests alongsidehis wife of 73 years,

his silver fox that he called Bar.

And his daughter Robin,who the couple lost

to leukemia when she was three.

Now as 41's remarkable lifeof service comes to an end,

for his family.

- God bless you Gampy,until we meet again.

- [Jennifer] And American'severywhere, this final

farewell is bittersweet.

- It's happy becauseGeorge Herbert Walker Bush

gets to be with his wifebut it's sad because well

we don't have him anymore.

- [Jennifer] Amen,Jennifer Wishon CBN News.

- And this weekend, the CBN Newschannel

will rebroadcast Bush41's memorial service

at the national cathedral.

You can see it Saturdayand Sunday at 7:00 AM,

3:00 PM and 8:00 PM.

For more information on howto find the CBN Newschannel

in your area, check outour website,

Well that is going todo it for Faith Nation,

have a great weekend.


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