- This is CBN Newswatch.
- And thank you so much for joining us.
I'm Efrem Graham.
Attorneys are back in courttoday in Iowa to argue
whether the state's fetalheartbeat law should go to trial.
It's a story our MarkMartin is following for us
and he joins us in the CBNNewsroom now with more.
- That's right Efrem.
The heartbeat law, which bans abortions
once doctors are able todetect a fetal heartbeat
was passed earlier this year.
Lawyers for two abortionproviders in Iowa,
Planned Parenthood of the Heartland
and the Emma Goldman Clinic later filed
a lawsuit against it.
They argue the law violates women's rights
under Iowa's Constitution.
A judge then blocked thebill from taking effect
until the case was resolved.
Supporters of the billcelebrated its passage
and say it's importantprogress in the pro-life cause.
Last year, Iowa USRepresentative Steven King
took the fight for life to Congress,
pushing to get a billpassed on the federal level.
He and other pro-lifelawmakers say the sound
of a heartbeat is evidence of life.
- I think we have a nearly universal
consensus in America, wherever you sit
on the political spectrum,
that human life is sacred.
- CBN News reached outto the Christian pro-life
organization, the Family Leader in Iowa.
The group sent us a statement saying
that in today's hearing,the District Court judge
heard arguments andPlanned Parenthood's goal
that the judge willgrant summary judgment.
The Family LeadersDirector of Communications,
Drew Zahn, said a summaryjudgment would effectively
kill the state's heartbeat law
before it can even go to trial.
The judge is expected to make a ruling
within 60 days.
Zahn went on to say, "No matterwhich way the judge rules,
"it is likely the case will be appealed
"to the Iowa Supreme Court.
"Iowa's coalition of pro-lifeleaders will continue
"to fight for life,knowing that it is clear
"that when a baby's heart is beating,
"she's a living person.
"She's a baby."
And, Efrem, Zahn says the Family Leader
is planning to invitecitizens to tell the court
through an official court record petition
that they want all life to be protected.
Back to you.
- Alright, Mark.
Thank you so much.
Sue Thayer used to be a manager
for Planned Parenthood in Iowa.
She is now an avidpro-lifer and joins us now.
So Sue, what are your thoughtson the state's heartbeat law?
- You know,
the Heartbeat Bill is anawesome measure really,
of where we're trying to go.
But I just can't helpbut think it's sad that
in our country we are still debating
is human life valuable.
When does life begin and
I remember working as a,
in hospice care.
Until the doctor came andchecked the heartbeat,
to see if there was any sound there,
if the heart was still beating,
the patient was considered alive.
So if they have aheartbeat, they're alive.
But they don't affordunborn babies that same
measure of respect.
And of course, we knowthat Planned Parenthood,
any time they get a rulingthat they don't like,
their immediate responseis to just appeal it.
And that's what they did in this case.
- It's been reported Republican lawmakers
hope a challenge to the Heartbeat Law
will overturn Roe versus Wade.
How so?
- Well you know, Iowa is the state where
webcam abortion began.
At one time in Iowa we had29 abortion facilities,
which is more per capitathan any other state.
So Iowans, pro-life Iowansfelt that it would be
just an amazing turn if somehow
this Heartbeat Bill could be the one
that would rise to the US Supreme Court
and be a challenge to Roe v. Wade.
And I think that's whatit's gonna really take
from some state.
Hopefully, it'll be Iowa or any state.
But to really challenge Roe v. Wade.
And in 1973, when it was passed,
we did not understand life.
And now all you have to do is get online
and look up whatultrasound images look like
of babies and you can seethem sucking their thumbs
and waving and all the things that they do
at such a tiny age.
So it really is time totake a look at that again.
- Do you think Roe versus Wade
will eventually be overturned?
- That is certainly our prayer.
It's hard to imagine that we, like I said,
that we even have to debate it.
But we have, we'reguaranteed the right to life,
liberty and the pursuit of happiness
in our founding documents.
So to think that we'velost 61 million babies,
at the hands of abortionistsacross the country
is just unconscionable.
- Now you used to be amanager for Planned Parenthood
in Iowa, you're a pro-life advocate now.
What advice would you have
for someone considering an abortion?
- Call, get help, alot of women that I saw
in my years at PlannedParenthood would say,
I don't really want to have an abortion
but how am I gonna take care of a baby?
And of course, Planned Parenthood's staff
is really trained to funnel those women
down the chute towardsthe abortion facility.
We would say things like,
you know, have you priced diapers,
you know how expensive itis to take care of a baby.
And we had goals andquotas that we had to hit.
So that was always our goal.
But if a woman finds herself in a position
where's she facing an unplanned pregnancy,
there are so many pregnancy help centers
all across America thatstand ready to help
in any way possible
to help that womanchoose life for her baby.
So I think if women reach out,
get an ultrasound, go see a picture,
an image of that baby.
You can see the little tiny spine
and the wee tiny heartbeat, sometimes
between five and six weeks.
And what a miracle that is to see that.
- Alright, Sue Thayer, thankyou so much for your time.
- Thank you for having me on.
- President Donald Trump is nominating
State DepartmentSpokesperson, Heather Nauert
to be the next Ambassadorthe the United Nations.
Nauert has been the StateDepartment Spokesperson
since April of 2017.
She was then appointedas acting Undersecretary
of State for PublicDiplomacy and Public Affairs,
making the former broadcast journalist
one of the highest rankingwomen in the agency.
If confirmed by theSenate, she would replace
Nikki Haley at the United Nations,
who's been a vocal advocatefor US foreign policy
and for Israel.
The President has alsonominating William Barr
for Attorney General.
He'd replace JeffSessions who the President
forced out in November.
Barr served as Attorney General under
President George H.W.Bush from 1991 to 1993.
Facebook is facing possible new regulation
from the European Unionafter British lawmakers
outed the platform for giving developers
access to users' data,
but also cutting off its rivals.
A British lawmaker publishedprivate conversations
between top Facebook executives,
including CEO Mark Zuckerberg
that indicate Facebookwas making secret deals
in an effort to make moneyand stifle competition.
Facebook is insisting itdoes not sell users' data
but the revelation is likely to bring down
the wrath of European Union regulators
on the social media giant.
And joining us now to share more is
Senior InternationalCorrespondent, Dale Hurd.
So Dale, how did Britaingain access to these emails?
- Well, it's interesting.
They were in the possessionof an American businessman
who was a hotel room in London,
when this Sergeant at Armsof the British Parliament
came to his room and demandedthat he turn them over.
Facebook insists they wereleaked to the Parliament.
And it certainly looked suspicious.
What's an Americanbusinessman doing in London
with the documents?
I think some plan was underway.
- What do these emails show?
- Well, the show the ruthlessness of
the, kind of a ruthless,cutthroat attitude
at Facebook, as one person said.
Facebook doesn't really have allies
or it uses companies and thenkind of throws them away.
It's also a big red flagfor people who use Facebook.
- Speaking of a redflag, what do you think
this means for users?
- If you're using a platform like that,
your data is being mined.
I searched for a producton Google the other day
and a few minutes later,
a similar product showedup in my Twitter feed.
So if this is the firstyou're hearing about it,
wake up, if you're on a platform like that
that's free, they're using your data.
And they're making money from it.
- Yeah, money's, money'sgotta be made somehow.
What is the likely EU response
to these revelations about Facebook?
- It's a great excuse for them to regulate
another American tech company,
which the EU loves to do.
I'm convinced part ofit is anti-Americanism,
but part of it is sort of a high-minded
we're gonna protect European consumers
from these vulture capitalists.
But it's ironic because
the European Union
is not very democratic.
But they love going afteran American company.
- What do you think the dangers of these
regulations would be?
- It doesn't help European companies.
It damages America companies.
There are no European techcompanies in the top 20
in the world.
So this punitive stuff isnot helping European tech.
I think it helps EuropeanUnion bureaucrats
feel better about themselves.
- Real quick, Dale, what do you think
this revelation in Europemeans for us in the US?
What should we be paying attention to?
- As I said, if you're on a platform,
expect that your data is being looked at
and possibly being sold.
That's just the way it is.
That's the reality on the ground.
- It is indeed.
Dale Hurd, thank you so muchfor following this for us.
- Sure.
- Seven in 10 Americans use social media
which means whoever createsit has enormous power
to influence.
It's why Bethel Church in California
has created a school to send what it calls
digital missionaries.
Heather Sells explains.
- The Bethel Tech Schoolaims to send digital
missionaries into themarketplace to impact
the culture right where it's at.
- We started thinkingabout how do we actually
shift the mindset of communities?
And how do we shiftthe mindset of society?
You can create new laws, you can create
you can put people in political places,
but if you don't changethe way people think,
you're not gonna change culture.
- [Heather] Bethel pastor, Kris Vallotton,
is on to a cultural shiftthat's hard to measure,
the many ways in whichwe are all connected
digitally and how thatinfluences our thinking.
It's a shift that has come quickly.
In 2005, just fivepercent of American adults
used at least one social media platform.
Today, it's 70 percent.
The Pew Research Center says Facebook
is still the most widely used,
but Twitter, Pinterest,Instagram and LinkedIn
are also big.
- So we just got this idea of like,
what if we raise up digital missionaries
and we send them like,like a people group.
We send people to Africaand India and some of these
dark places you know.
What would happen if we, thedarkest places on the planet,
they're not geographic areas.
They're actually social groups.
- [Heather] The Bethel TechSchool is a faith based program
that trains, what it calls, technologists,
to enter the workplace with excellence.
It offers accelerated33 week online programs
for students of all agesto enter a workforce
that needs talent.
- There will be over onemillion unfilled tech jobs
within the next two years.
These aren't white orblue collar jobs, these
are the new collar jobs.
- [Heather] Bethel's philosophy,
to bring kingdom values to the workplace,
not just to bring salvationto workplace colleagues,
but to shape media giantsin a way that uplifts
and ultimately points millions
of social media users to Christ.
Reporting in Redding, California,Heather Sells, CBN News.
- A 2010 video of missionary, John Chau
is circulating weeksfollowing his death in India.
The video shows himteaching fellow students
about accountability andreally following Christ.
- We can't just call ourselves Christians
and then just the next day just be like
yeah, yeah, let's go party, get drunk and
get high, whatever, and get wasted.
And live a lifestylethat's totally against
what Christ called us to do.
You actually have to do something.
And one of the commands thathe gave us was in Matthew
28, 19 through 20, when he says,
therefore, go and makedisciples of all nations,
baptizing in the name ofthe Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit,
teaching them to obey everythingthat I have commanded you.
- Chau was going toIndia's Sentinel Island
to take the gospel topeople who have virtually
no contact with the outside world
and are considered anunreached people group.
From Washington, DC toIsrael, the Jewish community
is continuing their Hanukah celebrations.
Coming up, how Jews across the world
are recognizing the holiday.
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(pounding music)
- Hello, I'm Terry Meeusen.
Did you know there aremore than 148 million
orphans in the world today, 148 million?
But it was three littlegirls that taught me
about the plight of orphans.
My husband and I spent nearly a month
immersed in the dailyactivities of a Ukrainian
orphanage as we waitedto adopt three sisters.
I saw first hand theutter loneliness, the pain
of rejection and theoverwhelming desire to be loved.
That experience changed me forever.
And out of it grew aministry from my heart
called Orphan's Promise.
Today, we're helping orphansand vulnerable children
in more than 50 countries worldwide.
Thousands of childrenare now in safe homes.
They're being educated andthey're learning life skills
I'm asking you to joinwith me and become family
to these children.
Will you call the numberon your screen right now,
because every child deservesa chance to be happy.
(glorious Christmas music)
- With Hanukah comingto an end this weekend,
President Donald Trumpcelebrated the holiday
Thursday evening at aWhite House reception.
At the East Room reception, the President
invited eight Holocaustsurvivors onto stage with him.
The President calling theera, history's darkest hour.
He told the survivors,they inspire the world
with their courage and they had seen
evil beyond description.
- From the depths ofdespair, the Jewish people
built a mighty and majestic nation,
a thriving democracy in theheart of the Middle East,
and a light of hope to all of the world.
My administration willalways stand with our
cherished friend andpartner, the state of Israel.
- In his speech, thePresident also recalled
the deadly mass shooting ata synagogue in Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania back in October, calling it
a sinister anti-Semitic attack.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
and US Ambassador toIsrael, David Friedman
celebrated Hanukah Thursday, along with
the first anniversary ofPresident Donald Trump's
declaration that Jerusalemis the capital of Israel.
CBN Middle East Correspondent, Julie Stahl
brings us that story from Jerusalem.
(Hanukah music)
- [Julie] This year's celebration enjoyed
a special symbolism.
- President Trump did a greatthing, a historic thing,
because he recognizedhistory, he recognized truth,
the fact that Jerusalemhas been our capital,
the capital of the Jewishpeople for 3,000 years.
- One year ago today, President Trump
on behalf of the UnitedStates, recognized Jerusalem
as the capital of the State of Israel.
- [Julie] And fivemonths later, the capital
city became home to the US Embassy.
- Of the American embassy,said President Trump,
is here in Jerusalem.
And I say the place of all the embassies,
is here in Jerusalem.
This is our capital, alwayswas and always will be.
- [Julie] Prime Minister, Netanyahu
and US Ambassador, David Friedman
lit the Hanukiah togetheron the fifth night
of the eight day holiday.
At an underground sectionof the Western Wall
near the Temple Mount,they compared Trump's moves
to the ancient victory of the Maccabees.
- There is no better placeand there is no better time
to observe the anniversaryof President Trump's
historic decision, thanhere at the Western Wall,
here at the Kotel.
Just a few meters behindwhere we now stand,
some 2,200 years ago, Jewish patriots
reclaimed the Holy Templefrom the Syrian Greeks.
- [Julie] Accompanied by theChief Rabbi of the Western
Wall and IDF soldierswho are alone in Israel,
Netanyahu, who said, it'snot just about the past,
but the future.
- It is important, notonly for historical truth,
and for present day truth,it's important for peace.
Because a peace that isbuilt on the slippery slopes
of lies and slander, will eventually crash
on the rocks of Middle East realities.
- [Julie] Netanyahu praised the relations
between the two allies.
- It's an alliance that'sbased on universal values
that we share, liberty,the love of freedom,
justice and truth.
And for all of these things, we say
(speaks foreign language), Happy Hanukah.
- On behalf of theUnited States of America,
Tammy and I wish the people of Israel,
Jewish people throughout the world,
we wish you all a happy,joyous festival of Hanukah.
(speaks foreign language)
- [Julie] Julie Stahl, CBN News,
the Western Wall, Jerusalem.
- And tonight, we have onCBN's Jerusalem Dateline,
a look at the IsraeliDefense Force's uncovering
of Hezbollah acrossborder tunnels intended
to invade Israel and seize territory.
And we'll talk with author David Rubin,
whose new book, Trump and the Jews,
explores the complexrelationship between the two.
- People have been asking me,
and I'm an American Israeli,so I know both sides,
why do American Jews alwaysvote for the Democrats?
How Israelis can be gung-ho for Trump
and how American Jews, with the exception
of the Orthodox Jews in America,
who are big Trump supporters,
do not stand behind this President
when he has done so manygood things for Israel.
- We'll have that storyand so much more tonight,
on Jerusalem Dateline.
It begins at 9:30 Easternon the CBN News Channel.
After the break we're gonnatake a look at today's
trending stories from FaithWire.
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- And welcome back.
Lauren Daigle, coming under fire
for her comments on homosexuality.
In a heart warming story, of a little boy
and his letter to heaven.
Our Jessica Chaco and Dan Andros
brings us this week's look
at FaithWire.com
- Well, Lauren Daigle ismaking headlines again,
only a month after theGrammy nominated singer
performed on the Ellenshow, she was questioned
about her beliefs on homosexuality.
And her answer has manyChristians concerned.
Dan, tell us more about this story.
- I think she was putin a bit of a tough spot
here, Jessica, because, as we all know,
this is such a hot button question.
And Lauren, as an artistisn't always out there
talking on the hotbutton issues of the day.
And she went on a podcast on iHeart Radio,
and she was asked directly, do you feel
that homosexuality is a sin.
And her answer, I'llgive you the exact quote
so I don't mess it up.
She said, "You know, Ican't honestly answer that.
"Too many people that Ilove are homosexuals."
and she said later, that"I can't say one way
"or the other.
"I'm not God."
And so she said, "So whenpeople ask questions like that,
"that's what my go-to is.
"I just say, read the Bibleand find out for yourself.
"And when you find out, let me know
because I'm learning too."
So I think a lot of peopleunderstood what she was
trying to do, that she was trying to give
a non-answer to a questionthat people will take
and make a political hot potato out of.
But it kind of made a lot of Christians
feel like she was not being bold and not
standing up for what thetruth of the Bible says.
And so she was criticized on that front
while others applauded her for her answer
and said she's trying to reach the lost
and so by being Bible thumping, that
that wouldn't get the job done.
So it sparked quite adebate on both sides.
- Thanks Dan.
Well, next up on our trending stories,
a seven year old boysends a letter to heaven.
But Dan, this was notjust any ordinary letter,
because he actually received a response.
Tell us about this story.
- This is really sweet and also sad.
But this little boy who's seven now.
His name is Jase and he's in the UK.
His father passed away in2014 when he was three.
And so he writes a letter, to sort of
reach out to his dad.
And he addressed it toheaven and he sent it.
And the Royal Mail actually picked it up.
And that's their postalservice over there in the UK,
the Royal Mail.
And they picked it up and someone there
saw and actually wrote a response.
And it was just such a sweet response.
I'll read you part of it.
It said, Dear Jase,
While we've been delivering your post,
we became aware of some concerns
so I just wanted to take this opportunity
to contact you about how we succeeded
in the delivery of yourletter to your dad in heaven.
It was a difficultchallenge, avoiding the stars
and other galactic objectsen route to heaven.
However, please be assured,that is important item
of mail has been delivered.
So the boy was justover the moon with this.
The mom said she can't express in words
how emotional this made him.
So it was just a great small gesture
by somebody being alert there on their job
and doing a littlesimple task that probably
didn't take very long,but really went a long way
in the heart of this little child.
- Thanks Dan.
And for these stories and more,
visit FaithWire onFacebook and FaithWire.com
Back to you.
- With Christmas just weeks away,
celebrations are kickingoff across the country.
Up next, how Washington, DCis celebrating this season.
(tense music)
(majestic music)
When you give
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When you care
homes are happier.
When you comfort
the hurt goes away.
When we all come together to love,
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- Hello, I'm Terry Meeuwsen.
Did you know there are morethan 148 million orphans
in the world today, 148 million?
But it was three littlegirls that taught me
about the plight of orphans.
My husband and I spend nearlya month immersed in the daily
activities of a Ukrainian orphanage
as we waited to adopt three sisters.
I saw firsthand the utterloneliness, the pain
of rejection and theoverwhelming desire to be loved.
That experience changed me forever.
And out of it grew aministry from my heart
called Orphan's Promise.
Today, we're helping orphansand vulnerable children
in more than 50 countries worldwide.
Thousands of childrenare now in safe homes,
they're being educated andthey're learning life skills.
I'm asking you to joinwith me and become family
to these children.
Will you call the numberon your screen right now,
because every child deservesa chance to be happy.
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- Christmas is official at the capital
with the annual Christmas tree lighting.
This year's tree comes fromthe Willamette National
Forest in Oregon.
House Speaker Paul Ryan made remarks about
the joy of Christmas.
- We celebrate Christmas year after year,
and somehow it never becomes less special.
It's a season dedicatedto wonder and faith.
We take our joy at the birth of a savior,
heralded by angels and we spread that joy
to all others in their lives.
I think we could all say that we could
all use a little bit more of that.
- Amen to that.
We'll see you next time.