- [Announcer] This is CBN Newswatch.
- And thank you so much for joining us.
I'm Efrem Graham.
Students at Wheaton Collegesay an African American
pro-life activist made them feel quote,
"unsafe and unheard"
as he addressed racialjustice and abortion
during a campus forum.
It's a story our Mark Martin
is following for us at this hour.
He joins us now in the CBN Newsroom
with more on what he's found.
- Efrem, Ryan Bomberger wasinvited by the student group
Wheaton College Republicansto speak at a campus event
called Black Lives Matter,In and Out of the Womb.
During the 15 minutepresentation, Bomberger spoke
about the impact that abortions are having
on the black community.
- was birthed in eugenic racism
but they never severed that timeline.
They never severed that connection.
How do you sever fromyour past if every year
you give out the Margaret Sanger Award?
You don't give out awardsto people that you don't
hold in high regard.
- Afterwards, there was a 30minute question and answer
session where students had theopportunity to ask questions.
Bomberger also stayed late toanswer additional questions.
Six days after the forum,Bomberger was criticized
in and open letter by StudentBody President, Lauren Rowley,
Vice-President Tyler Waalerand Executive Vice-President
of Community Diversity, Sammy Shields.
The letter was sent out to the University
denouncing Bomberger'svisit, saying "The speaker
"made several comments at the event that
"deeply troubled members of our community.
"His comments, surroundingthe topic of race,
made many students, staffand faculty of color
feel unheard, underrepresentedand unsafe on our campus."
The students said theywrote the letter to respond
to the quote, "offensive rhetoric."
Bomberger responded tothe students, writing
that they failed to mentionthe special interest group
that invited him andhis racial background.
He wrote, "I am a personof color, a clarifying fact
"which you conveniently left out of your
"letter of denouncement.
"I was primarily presentinga perspective of those
"who are never heard,always under represented,
"and are actually unsafe -- the unborn."
CBN News has reachedout to Wheaton College.
According to their MediaRelations Department,
the three students are choosingnot to comment at this time.
Efrem, back to you.
- Mark, thank you.
Ryan Bomberger joins us now.
So Ryan, what comments doyou think these students
may have taken issue with?
- I think the main issuewas, they didn't like
that I was criticizing theBlack Lives Matter movement.
So how dare I, someone with brown skin
if you noticed, (laughing)
how dare I actually takea different position
with that social movement?
And I point out very specificallywhat I had issues with.
One, that they announce solidarity
with the abortion industry,
that their policy platformis based on the negation
of fathers, that they promotea radical LBGTQ ideology.
So there are a number ofthings that I pointed out.
But that really was the issue, I believe,
that they think was offensive.
- Now, have you seen thisopen letter to the University
by student leaders, andif so, how do you respond?
- Oh, I did.
Yes, I received it.
And it was actually disheartening
because the wholepresentation was fact based.
It was grace based, itwas biblically sound.
And to read an attack like that to say
that what I said was offensive rhetoric.
I mean, to say that we're one human race,
is that offensive rhetoric? (laughs)
To say that we shouldactually get to know people
beyond the pigmentation,know who they are,
talk to them, formrelationships with people
who look different than you.
I don't know exactly
what they were suggestingwas offensive rhetoric.
But to then say that students felt,
not just students,
students, staff and faculty felt unsafe.
I mean, come on.
This is the culture in which we are
we're creating individuals who just don't
want to be offended or don't want their
opinion to be challenged.
And that's really tragic, especially
on a Christian college campus.
- Now school leaders saythey've reached out to you
to have a meeting with you.
Has this taken place?
- Well it's correct thatwe reached out to them
(laughs) several times.
There was 15 days that wentby and they didn't respond
to any of our emails.
We reached out to them because,as we put in our emails,
we wanted to reach a godlysolution to this issue.
So, no they did not reach out to us.
Then, we had a phone callscheduled for Monday night
and asked that one of ourBoard Members join in the call.
And they resisted that.
There were several emails back and forth.
And they kept questioning why,
why this unexpected change?
And then we asked, whatwas your reservation
having one of our Board Members join
this off the record, private call?
And their next email was
we decline this unexpected change.
And they never called in.
So we have made attempt after attempt
to speak to them, to bringabout a godly resolution,
to allow truth to prevail.
And unfortunately, they arethe ones who have refused
the communication, whohave refused a Matthew 18
sort of model of conflict resolution.
- At this point, what are youhoping will come out of this?
- Truth.
I also hope that studentsrealize that they
can be courageous right there on campus.
Even if it seems like theculture is against you,
love is illuminating the truth.
It's always illuminating the truth.
And so our prayer, as an organization,
the Radiance Foundation,
is that students feelequipped and empowered
to engage in these reallytough culture shifting issues
and that they are not willing to back down
because of a culture ofpolitical correctness
or even a worship, whatI think, is this worship
of the deity of diversity.
If truth has to besacrificed for you to spread
this false diversity, then it's
false diversity and it's false unity.
So, there are a lot ofthings we want out of it.
But we really want truthto prevail over all.
- Alright, Ryan Bomberger,thank you so much for you time.
- Thank you.
- The United NationsSecretary General is urging
world leaders to take the threat
of climate change seriously.
It comes at a United NationsClimate Summit in Poland.
Antonio Gutierrez saysbold action is needed
to prevent a catastrophicrise in temperatures
before the end of the century.
But some anti-governmentprotestors in France
are not buying it.
They launched massiveprotests and riots in Paris
to thwart government plans to implement
a heavy carbon tax on gasoline.
That caused FrenchPresident Emmanuel Macron
to temporarily cancel the tax increase.
But Gutierrez said notionsare not moving fast enough
to prevent an irreversible catastrophe.
- If we fail the Arctic and the Antarctic
will continue to melt.
Corals will bleach and then die.
The oceans will rise, more people will die
from air pollution, waterscarcity will plague
a significant proportion of humanity
and the cost of disasters will skyrocket.
- - [Efrem] Adding to the conversation,
President Donald Trump tweeted this week,
"I am glad that my friend, Emmanuel Macron
"and the protestors in Parishave agreed with the conclusion
"I reached two years.
"The Paris Agreement is fatallyflawed because it raises
"the price of energy forresponsible countries
"while whitewashing someof the worst polluters."
CBN's Drew Parkhill,spoke with Steve Moore
about how seriously thesereports should be taken.
Moore is the co-author ofTrumponomics, a new book
about the President's economic plan.
- You've also paid attention to these
warnings about climate change
which have come for many yearsalong with other warnings.
What was your take onthe government's report
that came out recently?
- Well, there's a doom and gloom lobby
in America today and around the world.
And I estimate that the ClimateChange Industrial Complex,
and that's what we have today,
is 10s and 10s of billionsof dollars to spread
this doom and gloom.
We've created whole industriesof climate scientists
that come up with these
with these models that predict the world
is coming to an end.
Now, the problem with this isthat all of the predictions
that these same doom andgloom people have made
over the years have been wrong.
I mean, I don't know ifyou're old enough to remember
you remember the populationbomb of the 1960's
that we're gonna be standing
elbow to elbow- Limits the growth.
- With each other.
And then there was the limits to growth
and then there was
we're gonna run out offood, everybody's gonna
starve to death.
And then of course, there was the,
do you remember thesecond Ice Age is coming.
That's what they used to,
now they say it's warming but then
they said it was cooling.- That was in the last 70s.
- Yes, and of course, thenthere was the peak oil
that we're gonna run out of oil.
And does anybody todaybelieve we have peak oil?
So look, that doesn'tmean that they wrong.
Here's my point as an economist.
'Cause I'm not a climatologist,I'm an economist.
They say if we don't take this action,
that the world economy
a hundred years ago is 10 percent smaller.
If you destroy our energy capacity,
and that's what this is all about,
when the UN and these climate reports say
we have to take action,what they're saying is,
don't use energy.
Don't use oil, don'tuse gas, don't use coal,
don't use nuclear energy.
Well, that will completelycollapse our economy.
- Right, right, right.
Okay, how, why arethese predictions wrong?
Is it because people justcome up with better ideas
that doomsayers don't see coming?
- Well this is the other point.
Is every action that theysay needs to be taken,
is action by government.
It's actually a big, big, hugegovernment power grab here.
They're gonna tell you what,
what kind of toilet you have,what kind of light bulbs
you use, what kind of energy you use,
how much energy you can use,
what you set your thermostat at.
This is an incredibly invasive idea
that takes away people's personal liberty.
My feeling is look, let'sassume that there are problems
with the future of the climate.
By the way, the climate'sbeen changing for hundreds
of thousands of years.
This isn't going to becombated by government action.
I mean, does anybody reallythink the United Nations
can change the world temperature?
It will be combated by Americans
who are ingenious, who willcome up with new technologies,
new innovations to deal with this crisis.
It's not gonna come from government.
- Now, President Trump,you were an advisor
and you still work withhim in the White House,
but during his campaign you were
one of the economic advisors.
President Trump has taken a lot of heat
for pulling out of this ParisAccord on Climate Change.
What that the right move?
- This was the worst treaty ever.
Ever, Ii mean it was totally anti-America.
It was basically saying,we're gonna have to pay
100s of billions of dollarsto the rest of the world.
Why would we?
And second of all, it'sgonna basically shut down
American energy.
We pay all the costs.
And thirdly, none of these other countries
are taking it seriously.
Already, this ParisClimate Accord has been
in action for a year, noneof the other countries
are coming anywhere closeto meeting their targets.
Not China, not India, notEurope, not Australia.
None of these countries,
so the one country, by theway, that's reduced its
carbon emissions the most, isthe United States of America.
We're not even in the treaty.
Isn't that ironic?
- It's just amazing.
Folks, Steve Moore is co-authorof the book, Trumponomics.
He talks about things you won'thear from the major media,
what President Trump was really like,
as well as other subjects.
It's a very good read.
Steve, thanks for being with us.
- [Steve] Thank you.
- Forecasters are predicting what could be
a coast to coast winter weather event,
bringing extremely coldtemperatures, snow and ice.
Meteorologists say the storm system
which will move all theway from the Southwest
to the Mid Atlantic, couldaffect millions of people,
bringing power outagesand making life miserable
from one side of the nation to the other,
with at least a dozen states getting snow,
and another 20 getting very cold rain.
The chief forecaster forWeatherBell Analytics,
Joe Bastardi joins usnow for a closer look
at the forecast.
So Joe, this storm seems tohave something for everyone,
rain, snow, sleet.
Who's gonna get what?
- Well, first of all, I heardthe conversation before,
just real quick, there'sa book I have out called
the Climate Chronicles.
And this is all about H.L. Mencken said,
the urge to save humanity is almost always
a false face for the urge to rule it.
Now, lemme get to theweather over here, 'cause.
I love Steven Moore's,
I've read a lot of the stuffhe's done and really love it.
So it was really interesting listening.
This, it's a major storm.
Listen, we had a similarsituation in 2002.
Now, I've been on severaltimes, even hurricane season,
saying look out.
This winter's got a lot going for it.
It's gotten started early.
This is going to be a historicstorm in the Carolinas,
the western part of NorthCarolina into Southwest Virginia.
Now, through Oklahoma,the Texas Panhandle,
Northern Arkansas, there'sgonna be some snow and ice.
There's gonna be heavy toexcessive rainfall in East Texas.
But the rain, of course, washes off.
And as far as the Texas Panhandle goes,
it'll melt off in a day or two.
But one to two feet ofsnow in Winston-Salem,
I think you're gonna get that there.
Six to 12 inches in Greensboro,four to eight inches
in Raleigh, that's gonnastick around tomorrow.
The people that are reallygonna benefit from this
will be the ski areasin North Carolina into
Southwest Virginia, twofeet of snow in there.
And that's gonna stickaround for a while too.
So this is a major storm.
By the way, Virginia Beach,I think, it's mostly rain.
Though there may be a few inchesof snow up toward Richmond.
Looks like it might go south of DC though.
- So what part of the countryis the worst, North Carolina?
- North Carolina, listen,you know they're always,
they're always making jokes about,
everybody running out to Winn Dixie
or Food Lion or whatever.
This time, it's for real.
It's gonna be a monster stormin Western North Carolina,
up into Southwest Virginia
And it will still be a formidable storm
all the way to the I-95 corridor.
But it wouldn't surpriseme if there's some
single storm records brokenaround Winston-Salem,
Hickory and those places.
And maybe even downinto the Charlotte area.
They should get a lot ofsnow and ice in there too.
- Alright, we'll be watching.
- Asheville looks like ground zero.
That's the place to be, rightat the Biltmore in Asheville.
- Asheville, North Carolina.
Alright, Joe Bastardi, thank you so much.
- Thank you.
- Texas said goodbyetoday to former President
George Herbert WalkerBush, who died last week
at the age of 94.
Today's farewell concludesthree days of ceremonies
in Washington and gave way
to a more personal funeral service.
More than a thousandpeople attended the service
at Saint Martin's EpiscopalChurch in Houston.
Bush's grandson, George P.Bush, and his close friend,
former Secretary of State, James Baker,
both delivered touching eulogies.
Baker celebrated Bushas President with quote,
"the courage of a warrior,but the greater courage
"of a peacemaker."
- On behalf of his friends here today,
across America and throughout the world,
we rejoice, Mr. President,that you are safely
tucked in now and through the ages,
with God's loving arms around you.
Because our glory George,was to have had you
as our President and as such a friend.
- The former presidentis being laid to rest
at the President Libraryin College Station, Texas
where former first lady, Barbara Bush
and their late daughter,Robin, are buried.
One person has died after two US warplanes
crashed off the coast of Japan.
The US Marine Corpssaid, a refueling plane
and a fighter jet crashed into each other
about 2 am, landing in the Pacific Ocean.
The two aircraft were carryingseven crew members in total.
Rescuers found two crew members
and took them to the hospital.
One of them is in stable condition
but the second has died.
Right now they are still searching
for the remaining five people.
The cause of the crashis under investigation.
Coming up, an unusual Christmas display
is raising eyebrows in Illinois.
We're gonna tell you what that's all about
coming up next.
(tense music)
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- Hello, I'm Terry Meeuwsen.
Did you know that thereare 148 million orphans
in the world, 148 million?
But it was three littlegirls that taught me
about the plight of orphans.
My husband and I spent nearly a month
immersed in the daily activitiesof Ukrainian orphanage
as we waited to adopt three sisters.
I saw firsthand the utterloneliness, the pain
of rejection and theoverwhelming desire to be loved.
That experience changed me forever.
And out of it grew aministry from my heart
called Orphan's Promise.
Today, we're helpingorphans and vulnerable
children in more than50 countries worldwide.
Thousands of childrenare now in safe homes.
They're being educated, andthey're learning life skills.
I'm asking you to joinwith me and become family
to these children.
Will you call the numberon your screen right now,
because every child deservesa chance to be happy.
- The Illinois capitalrotunda has a brand new
Christmas display this year.
Alongside the nativityscene and Hanukah menorah
stands an arm holding an apple
with a snake coiled around it.
The unusual sculptureis called Snaketivity.
It is donated by the Satanic Temple.
The piece also has a sign that says,
knowledge is the greatest gift.
Lex Manicore, a leader andspokesman for the group
told the State Journal-Registerthe arm represents
Eve in the Garden ofEden where Adam and Eve
disobeyed God by eatingfrom the Tree of Knowledge
of Good and Evil.
He says the group sees Satan as a hero
in that story for spreading knowledge.
He added the group does not worship Satan
or believe he exists butsees the fallen angel
as a metaphor for rebellion
in the face of religious tyranny.
A transgender contestant is being poised
to win the Miss Universe Competition
over the rest of thebiologically female contestants.
Angela Ponce won herqualifying round in Spain
and will represent hercountry at the upcoming
2018 Miss Universe Pageantin Bangkok, Thailand.
Ponce was born a male but underwent
gender reassignment surgery.
The Blast reports onlinebookies are slating Ponce
as a fan favorite.
The Pageant beganallowing transgender women
to compete in 2012 aftera Canadian transgender
model filed a lawsuit.
Can America still have a great future?
That's the subject we're taking a look at
on tonight's Global LaneProgram on the CBN News Channel.
- I'm Gary Lane.
Are America's best daysahead, or are we headed
for a disaster?
WallBuilders President David Barton says
it depends on the choices wemake in education and morality.
Barton says right now,three quarters of American
young people no longerbelieve in moral absolutes.
- When there is no right and wrong,
then you're polarized.
The thing we had at the Great Depression
was you didn't have crime outbreaks
even though there was depression poverty
because everybody stillbelieved the Ten Commandments,
you believed the GoldenRule and you believed
the Good Samaritan.
We don't have that moral foundation today.
And it was full speed ahead
for the American economy this year.
We'll talk to StevenMoore, for his prediction
on what you and yourfamily can expect in 2019.
Watch these segments andmore on this week's episode
of the Global Lane,tonight at 9:30 pm Eastern
on the CBN News Channel.
- That is 9:30 Easternon the CBN News Channel.
You can watch that tonight.
Don't go anywhere, we'll be right back.
Please stay with us.
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Miraculous Blessings.
- The candidates runningfor office in 2020
are getting ready now.
CBN's Heather Sellsspoke with Matt Batzel,
the National Directorof American Majority,
which trains grassrootsconservative candidates
all across the country.
- We've had a situationhere with the confirmation
hearing for Justice BrettKavenaugh, that I think
took, maybe, a lot of people back,
thinking about going back tosomeone's high school days.
And so what are you hearingfrom people who are running
for political office or thinking about it?
- There's several candidates,potential candidates,
that I've talked to already,
that are not probably gonna run, or
are less likely to run because of
the scrutiny that theyfeel that they'll be under.
Not just for themselves,but for their family, right?
This has had an effecton the Kavenaugh family.
Having a young family especially I think,
mothers and fathers that are thinking
about running for office,they're putting their family
through kind of thewringer, and allegations
of how they acted in high school,
and who they were friendswith in high school.
- What do you tell peopleare the deal breakers?
Like, what now, isabsolutely, don't even think
about running for office ifthis is in your background?
I mean, obviously, like Iassume, a felony or something.
But is there anything else now that's like
a deal breaker thatmaybe wasn't in the past.
- People want authenticity in candidates,
they want people that arereal, that are like them.
And so some people can overcome
something that happened in the past,
especially if they can pointto a life changing experience
that has changed them andchanged their worldview,
maybe changed their approach,maybe they became a Christian.
Something like that that helped to change
what happened.
But as long as they,part of it is they need
to catalog all these things.
Candidates are reluctantto do this to begin with.
But they always should talkto their campaign staff.
This is what I wrote in college,
this is what my views used to be
I have now changed.
But let's say in the Republican Primary,
if you had a formerly liberal view,
that will be usedagainst you in a primary.
People will say you're not pure enough
or you're not a Republicanenough or conservative enough.
Even if it's a position you might have had
when you were young, andreally hadn't thought
much about some of theseissues back in college.
- Let me ask you, what are you expecting
for the political climatein the next two years?
What should be all be gearing up for here?
- Well, there's a lotto be gearing up for.
2020 is gonna be an epic battle
for the presidency, obviously.
And I think that's gonna ripple effect
who controls the Senate,who controls the House.
So we're gonna haveinvestigations that are gonna
I think, have an overall,investigations from the House,
and Democrats, trying to get at Trump.
And gridlock and obviouslyWashington as they
try to get things sloweddown and stop Trump's agenda.
I think the economy isgoing to continue to do well
and that'll be a helpful
issue to run on, potentially,for conservatives
that would step forward to run.
But I think it's gonna be,
you gotta be ready for abattle, a fierce battle to win,
especially Congressionalraces, Senate races,
the presidency certainly.
And those battlegroundstates like Wisconsin,
or like, Ohio or Florida,they're really gonna have
a lot of presidential potential visits
and things like that.
Obviously Iowa and NewHampshire for the Democrats
on the Democrats' side.
But the environment iscertainly shaping up to be
an epic clash.
The left is so irritatedby President Donald Trump,
we've probably not seenthe media and the left
react this way to aRepublican presidency ever.
And so they are going to bedoing unprecedented things
I think, to try to stopTrump from getting reelected
and that'll have a ripple effect
to Congressional races as well.
- Well it's sobering.
Matt Batzel with American Majority.
Thanks for joining us.
- Thanks for having me.
- Well, after the break,we're gonna find out
which verse in the Bible wasthe most read online this year.
Stay with us.
(majestic music)
- [Pat] When you give
smiles grow bigger.
When you care
homes are happier.
When you comfort
the hurt goes away.
When we all come together to love
miracles happen.
- Hello, I'm Terry Meeuwsen.
Did you know there are morethan 148 million orphans
in the world today, 148 million?
But it was three littlegirls that taught me
about the plight of orphans.
My husband and I spent nearlya month immersed in the
daily activities of a Ukrainian orphanage
as we waited to adopt three sisters.
I saw firsthand the utterloneliness, the pain
of rejection and theoverwhelming desire to be loved.
That experience changed me forever.
And out of it grew aministry from my heart
called Orphan's Promise.
Today, we're helping orphansand vulnerable children
in more than 50 countries worldwide.
Thousands of childrenare now in safe homes,
they're being educated andthey're learning life skills.
I'm asking you to joinwith me and become family
to these children.
Will you call the numberon your screen right now?
Because every child deservesthe chance to be happy.
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- The Youversion Bible Apphas announced the most popular
verse of 2018 and it comesfrom the Book of Isaiah,
from chapter 41 verse 10 which reads,
"So do not fear, for I am with you.
"Do not be dismayed for I am your God.
"I will strengthen you and help you.
"I will uphold you withmy righteous right hand."
Now the app also saysthat the new You segment
has grown by some 27 percent.
Thanks for watching,we'll see you tomorrow.