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Faith Nation: December 6, 2018

Faith Nation: December 6, 2018 Read Transcript

(upbeat music)

- Thanks for joining us for Faith Nation.

I'm Jenna Browder.

Antisemitism is on therise around the world.

It's long been a problem in Europe and now

it's spreading to the United States.

In October we saw thedeadliest antisemitic attack

in American history.

- [Reporter] 11 Jews who were worshiping

inside this Pittsburgh synagogue died

when a gunman opened fire.

Police say Robert Bowerstargeted Jews online

and made antisemiticcomments during the shooting.

- It's like a contagious disease that's

always under the surfaceand sometimes it spurs up

into epidemic proportions andthen sometimes it recedes.

- [Reporter] Michael Rydelnikwith the Moody Bible Institute

whose parents both survived the holocaust

is a scholar of antisemitism.

- We thought after theholocaust, most historians

and analysts thought that's the end of it.

We saw how evil it is, it would be over.

And yet, in recent days it'srevived really strongly.

- [Reporter] TheAnti-Defamation League recently

issued a report that showsantisemitic incidents

rose nearly 60% in just oneyear, from 2016 to 2017.

Rydelnik says antisemitismknows no political party

and exists in both extreme fringes.

- Well, I think it's really interesting

that the new antisemitismused to just be on the right,

right wing fascist kindof Nazi kind of ideology,

extreme right.

I don't wanna think allconservatives are like that,

but the extreme right.

Now the extreme lefthas embraced it as well

and so you have twogroups and I think also

the part of the liberal ideology today,

the extreme left, is extremely anti-Israel

and because of that there'sa greater propensity

to persecute Israel, oppressor argue against Israel,

but it's because it's a Jewish state.

It's the Jewish state of Israelthat they're angry about.

- [Reporter] As CBNNews has reported that's

especially prevalent on college campuses

and it's not just here in the West.

Antisemitism is also on the rise in Asia

where there are very few Jews.

- They've never seen aJewish person before,

but there's this idea that Jewish people

are controlling the world,you know, and it was

something that wasprevalent in the Nazi era

and even today in countriesthat you wouldn't expect

that they'd think that.

- [Reporter] And in communitiesyou wouldn't expect it

like this quiet one in Pittsburgh.

- Americans have realizedantisemitism is on the rise,

but what's surprising ishow much it's happening

on America's college campuses.

Paul Strand reports.

- Some folks hear aboutantisemitism here in America

and they tend to blamepeople on the right,

but often it's coming from the left

and sometimes right hereon college campuses.

- The truth is that antisemitism has been

on the rise across the board.

The Anti-Defamation Leaguetalks about how there's been

an uptick, I think it's 57% increase,

but on the university campusesjust in the last year alone,

it's over 80%.

- [Paul] For example, UCLAis taking heat for hosting

the Students for Justice inPalestine Annual Conference

as philanthropist, AdamMilstein, pointed out in a tweet.

Its members use words like,"let's stuff some Jews

in the oven."

"Kill all the Jews, don'thesitate to slash their throats."

Alyza Lewin of the Brandeis Center speaks

of Jewish students afraid towear shirts showing Hebrew.

- Because when they wear Hebrew t-shirts

they feel that it makes them a target.

- Being accosted by otherstudents and calling them

Zionist baby killersand that sort of thing.

- [Paul] Professor DavidBernstein at George Mason

University's Law Schoolwrites about antisemitism.

Some of it comes from MiddleEastern Muslim students

now studying here.

- Antisemitism is commonand unobjectionable

in the Middle East.

Rates of antisemitism in Syria,the Palestine territories,

Jordan, Egypt, are 80% plus.

- [Paul] And the Jews getjudged for their defense

of the Jewish homeland, Israel.

- If you demonize Israel,if you think that Israel

is so awful, that itshould be the one country

singled out for sanctionsand boycotts and all of that

and you say to yourself,well, who's defending

this evil country and notsurprisingly the people

that are most active in defending Israel

on many campuses areJews, so there must be

something wrong with the Jews.

- [Paul] Lewin says people on campus

who say they're justanti-Zionists not anti-Jew

don't understand how crucialZion is to most Jews.

- The special feelingabout Zion, about Israel,

is an integral part of Jewish identity.

It is a deep, there's adeep spiritual, religious

connection to Israel thatpredates the creation

of the modern state of Israel.

- Some folks dream that things like racism

and antisemitism may just fade away

as civilization progresses,but if it's starting

to bubble up on collegecampuses and among the young

maybe it's a dream that hasto be put off for awhile.

Paul Strand, CBN News,

reporting from theGeorge Mason Law School.

- Well, Senator BenSasse recently released

a book called Them, Why We Hate Each Other

and How to Heal.

John Jesop sat down withhim to talk about that

and how the country can come together

when we're divided by beliefs.

- It's very difficult.

If Americans don'tstart with an assumption

about basic facts, howare we gonna be able

to fight back against what China wants

to do to us in the future?

We're headed to an era of cyber warfare

where the Chinese government is going

to be able to create fakeaudio and fake video.

They're gonna drop on the internet stuff

of a politician taking a bribe or somebody

on a conference call wherethey're planning something evil,

republican against democrat ordemocrat against republican,

and if we're addicted to allof that sort of anger centric

view of politics we'resetting ourselves up

to be weak and vulnerable in the face

of future battles thatwe're gonna have with China

about this kinda cyber war.

So, it's really importantfor Christians in particular,

to start with an assumptionabout loving their neighbor

next door to them and then building out

and projecting good things on other people

you're debating beforeyou get to the place

where you actuallyidentify what the lines are

between good and evil.

It's not helpful to startwith all of politics

as good and evil fighting.

- Senator Sasse, how dowe restore credibility

and the sense of trust in someof our public institutions

that have been revered, whether it's

the Supreme Court, whether it's the body

in which you serve, asa member of Congress?

How do we restore somecredibility that has been lost?

- Yeah, so one of thethings we need to do I think

is send different kindsof people to Washington.

The public trust issue youflag is one of the most

important crisis of our time.

Americans have less and less trust

in our institutions, but definitely

that includes governmental institutions

and one of the reasons is because we send

a whole bunch of people to Washington

who plan to be politiciansfor their whole life.

That's not how our founders intended it.

We're supposed to be public servants

who serve the peoplefor a time by going away

from the places where we live.

Fremont, Nebraska, thetown I live in Nebraska,

where I wanna be raisin'my kids is where I wanna,

Lord willing, die.

We bought cemetery plots there.

I don't wanna move to Washington, DC

and become a lobbyist.

Right now, too many peoplego to DC and they think

that Washington is thecenter of the world.

Washington should be a servant community

for the place where allof your viewers live

'cause every community where they live

should be the center of the world

'cause that's wherethey're raisin' their kids,

where they're helpin' carpoolaround their grandkids

and where their lovin' their neighbor.

That's the center of the world

and Washington shouldbe a servant community

for those places.

- I love that.

Senator Sasse, I wannaget to the last part

of the title of your book, How to Heal.

A lot of people point to our leadership

and say that our leadership lead the way

when it comes to civility and healing,

but I'm curious for you, someone who works

in a very divided body and avery divided partisan city,

what do you think is the best solution

toward healing the brokenness and healing

the incivility in thesociety in which we live?

- So, there's a lot that hasto be healed in Washington.

That's for sure and politicalleaders should lead,

but in America we've neverthought that politicians

are the center of our life.

George Washington refused to be king

when there was a chance for him to do that

after the Revolutionary War.

He refused a chance tobecome the essentially

lifetime president.

He wanted to go back to Mt. Vernon

and we need our politiciansto wanna go back

to where they're from becausewhere your viewers live

are the kind of places where moms and dads

and Kiwanis and Rotary Club members

and little league coachesand volunteer firemen

and teachers and nursesand especially pastors

and people who are deacons and elders

at their local congregations, those places

are the places whereyou first live to love

a neighbor who lives next door to you.

When you model that kind of love next door

you can expand into other communities

beyond your county and beyond your state.

Washington is not gonna lead on this.

We're gonna need people to lead the places

where they actually liveand one big piece of this

is gonna be about comingup with new habits

for rootedness andmindfulness and presence

even in a digital agethat constantly tempts

by our phones to believe thereally interesting place,

the important place, issomewhere far from where

you live today.

Actually, God's probablycalling you to live

mostly right now, theordinary, sometimes boring life

which we live on our street'cause those are the places

where people have skinned knees and where

they're lonely and wherethere's some shut-in

who needs you to take them a casserole.

That's probably yourordinary calling today.

We need to do more ofthat love of neighbor.

- Senator Sasse, thankyou so much for your time.

We really appreciate it.- Thank you John.

- [Reporter] When wecome back we'll bring you

the story of the neo Nazi and the woman

who opened his eyes to the horrors

of racism in America.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Announcer] This isour nature as a country.

- [Narrator] To make theworld a better place.

- Literally, we felt the earth shaking.

- [Narrator] The ChristianBroadcasting Network presents,

To Life, How Israeli Volunteersare Changing the World.

- This film needs to be seen by everyone.

- I was in tears.

- [Narrator] Now you can ownthe inspiring documentary,

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- There is blood on our hands if we know

and we walk away.

- I'm so grateful that this film was made.

- [Narrator] To Lifecan be yours for a gift

of $10 or more.

Call 1-800-700-7000, or logon to

- We know that every minutecounts to save lives.

It'll bless Israel.

It'll also bless allthe friends of Israel.

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- Years of abuse led a Brooklynman in search of strength.

He found it in the NationalSocialist Movement,

a Nazi group, here in the United States.

He quickly became second in command,

but as Caitlin Burkereports, he harbored a secret

and her name was Catherine Boone.

- [Reporter] Duke Schneider learned early

that weakness wasn't anoption if he hoped to survive.

- My father left when I was very young.

He could no longer endureliving with my mother

who was psychotic and atotal and complete neurotic.

- After years of abuse Duke had one focus,

becoming strong enoughthat no one could hurt him.

That led to two things,

a wrestling career combinedwith a Nazi fascination.

Duke saw Nazis as ArianSupermen, projecting strength

and invincibility and on theJames Madison High School

wrestling team Dukedeveloped his own strength

beating opponent after opponent.

- I had achieved somethingthat I had always wanted

as a child, to be so physically tough

that I could not only endurethe beatings I was getting,

but that I could make a verydevastating comeback as well.

- [Caitlin] Duke eventually left the ring

and went into the personalsecurity business.

That's when he met Catherine Boone.

- What stood out mostabout Catherine's case was

the simple fact that shewas a woman who was living

in mortal fear and Iidentified with that fear.

I knew what it was liketo be afraid and have

nobody to protect me whatsoever.

- [Caitlin] Catherine wanted a body guard

because her ex-husbandwas fresh out of prison

and reportedly looking for her.

Duke took the job, waived his usual fee

and suggested Catherinemove into his spare bedroom.

- I had no idea whomight have gotten a bead

on where she was living.

Now, I could look afterher during the day,

but I was working at night.

Most crimes are committed at night,

so if anybody was lookingfor her I was quite sure

they would come looking for her at night.

- Where I felt safe,nobody's gonna come in here

and bother me or hurt me.

- [Caitlin] Then, one day on a public bus

a group of white supremacists came at her.

- They was in the back talkin' 'bout me

'cause they were lookin'at me and they were

tryin' to get, they were confrontin' me,

say you in the wrong neighborhood.

- [Caitlin] Duke was furious and came up

with a plan to find them.

He figured if he could infiltratea neo Nazi organization

he could eventually shut them down.

- And I joined theNational Socialist Movement

that very week.

- [Caitlin] Things quickly went downhill.

- What happened was I gotinvolved with the intentions

that I had predominantlyas an infiltrator,

but then the intoxicationof them moving me

up the ladder on aperpetual basis, that was

almost like a childhood dream.

- [Caitlin] For sevenyears Schneider climbed

the movement's ranks whileplaying a double life,

a Nazi by day who camehome to an African American

roommate each night.

- As long as we kept thingson a professional level

I didn't see any kind of a conflict.

- [Caitlin] Concernedand frightened Catherine

took her fears to God.

- I just prayed for him, thathe'd get outta there safe,

that nothin' happens tohim, that he'd make it home.

- [Caitlin] Catherine said God answered

in an unexpected way.

- He gave him somethin'that, to think about.

- [Caitlin] Doctors diagnosedDuke with thyroid cancer.

- It was the worst fear of my entire life.

I feared death.

I figured you know, cancer is definitely

a death sentence.

- [Caitlin] Seeing Duke'sdistress a family member

introduced him to Pastor Michael Beck.

- He was most concerned about

what he was facing,

wasn't ready to die, didn't wanna die

and was open and readyfor God's assistance.

- [Caitlin] Before prayingwith him Pastor Beck

asked Duke to take a weekto really examine his life

and confess his sins to God.

Duke not only took thatadvice, he went further,

confessing to Pastor Beckand the entire church.

- I said, I'm confessing this to you now

because God is already aware of it.

I've already prayed for his forgiveness

and now I'm asking youall for your forgiveness.

- [Caitlin] Surgery toremove the cancer came next

and before doctors rolledhim away Catherine told Duke,

God made it clear he would survive.

She also confessed that she'dloved Duke since day one.

- I was very happy.

I was smilin' from ear to ear.

- [Caitlin] Doctorsremoved an eight inch tumor

from Duke's throat andreported that miraculously

no trace of cancer remained.

After receiving a clean bill of health,

complete with no chemoor any other treatment,

Duke asked Catherine to marry him.

He then made a few phone calls.

- And, I called CommanderJeff Schoep and he was

the only one above me in this organization

and I had a talk with himon the phone and I told him,

I said, Commander, I'mresigning my commission

at this time effective immediately.

- [Caitlin] Duke told theCommander of the National

Socialist Movement thathe'd been miraculously

healed from cancer, wasmarrying a black woman

and had committed his life to Jesus.

After breaking those racist Nazi ties

and beginning a new life with Catherine

Duke proved just how muchGod has changed his outlook,

working for a time as the security guard

at a local synagogue.

Caitlin Burke, CBN News,Brooklyn, New York.

- [Reporter] When we comeback we'll take a look

at how the faith communityis working to bring

a reconciliation in areaswith big racial divides.

(upbeat music)

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Announcer] This isour nature as a country.

- [Narrator] To make theworld a better place.

- Literally, we felt the earth shaking.

- [Narrator] The ChristianBroadcasting Network presents

To Life, How Israeli Volunteersare Changing the World.

- This film needs to be seen by everyone.

- I was in tears.

- [Narrator] Now, you can ownthe inspiring documentary,

To Life, on DVD.

- There is blood on our hands if we know

and we walk away.

- I'm so grateful that this film was made.

- [Narrator] To Lifecan be yours for a gift

of $10 or more.

Call 1-800-700-7000, or logon to

- We know that every minutecounts to save lives.

It'll bless Israel.

It'll also bless allthe friends of Israel.

- [Narrator] Discoverthe untold story of how

Israeli volunteers are makingthe world a better place.

Call 1-800-700-7000, or logon to

to get your copy today.

- We will move the AmericanEmbassy to the eternal capitol

of the Jewish people, Jerusalem.

- [Narrator] As the nations rage

you can stand with Israel.

- History is being writtenand I want to be a part of it.

- [Narrator] Call1-800-700-7000 and get To Life.

- [Announcer] This isour nature as a country.

- [Narrator] Discover the untold story

of how Israeli volunteersare changing the world.

- [Announcer] We considerit our duty to reach out

and help others around the world.

- [Narrator] For a gift of $10 or more

you can own the acclaimedCBN documentary, To Life.

- To treat a human, no matter what he is,

which religious hehave, which color he is,

this is what I'm doing.

- [Narrator] Support Israelin their time of need.

Get To Life, now available on DVD.

Call 1-800-700-7000, or logon to

- [Announcer] And I wish that other people

throughout the world couldsee this side of Israel.

- Well, throughout historythe church has often been

the driving force behind social change.

Community driven congregations are still

playing a big role in that.

Amber Strong reports from Indianapolis

where one program is working with churches

to build a bridge betweenneighborhoods and law enforcement.

- Can we all get along?

Can we get along?

- Division between policeand certain communities

is nothing new and whilemany enjoy an amicable

relationship with lawenforcement, social media

shines a light on thedivision and broken trust.

But, in Indianapolis membersof the faith community

and law enforcement hopeto exchange vantage points

and walk a mile in each other's shoes.

All thanks to a program called One Cop.

- The one thing that'sreally unique and special

about One Cop is that it's really focused

on beat police officers.

These are the people who,if they're doing their

job correctly, are literallywalking up and down the block.

- And, it's something thiscommunity sees most every day.

What they don't usually seeis a nun in a police car

or police officers seatedin pews during the week.

Church leaders also get to try their hand

at being officers facing the challenge

of split second decisions.

The team in One Cop believeschurches are uniquely

positioned to breakdown any walls existing

between the police and thosethey are sworn to protect.

- To walk the streets Ithink, with a police officer

would be an eye opening experience.

- Pastor Jim Wrightjumped at the opportunity

to be a liaison and perhaps more.

- Introducing them tothe community and being

a host site for the community would be

a really good way ofconnecting the community

with the police officerswith us as the bridge.

And then, Lord willing,opening up the door

to share the gospel.

- Local law enforcement are also eager

to open doors and makea good first impression.

If you commit a crime here in Indianapolis

you're likely to wind up hereat the Marion County Jail

where you'll be greeted by a member

of the Sheriff's Department.

Well, local law enforcementare hoping to change all that

and build a relationshipwith the community

before they wind up in jail.

Marion County Sheriff,John Layton, hopes renewing

relationships can help cutdown on counterproductive codes

like no snitching.

He also wants to create andbuild levels of respect.

- You shouldn't have to fear a uniform,

ever fear a uniform,but please respect it.

- While Layton blamessocial media for the growing

antagonism he quickly admitsmistakes have been made.

- There are tens ofthousands of police officers

across the United States.

Every now and then one steps outta line.

Sometimes it's a mistake of the head,

sometimes a mistake of the heart.

It's such a minusculepercentage of the police

that are out there everyday dodgin' bullets

instead of sendin' 'em.

- Put your hand behind your back.

- Even a few however,can deepen the divide.

A 17 year old lay prone on the pavement

as the shots continued,16 rounds in 14 seconds.

The aftermath captured ingraphic video and streamed

live on Facebook by the man's girlfriend.

In Texas for example, tensions remain high

after Dallas police officer, Amber Geiger,

shot and killed 26 year old faith leader,

Bolton John, inside his apartment.

Community leaders therequestion why Geiger

was able to stay on the job for so long

after the shooting.

Indianapolis crimereporter, Steve Jefferson,

points out if and whenincidents like this happen

transparency is important.

He's seen it work so far in Indy.

- The ongoing relationshipwhich still needs

a lotta work, you know, has kept things

from being explosive here in our city.

- He credits programslike One Cop and other

faith based initiatives forhelping calm things down.

Prevention is key and Jefferson adds

that training goes a long way.

- Our department here inIndianapolis now actually

teaches officers not to let their biases

impact their work on the street.

We all expect to be treated a certain way

by the police and I think them knowing

how to de-escalate asituation, whether it be

a traffic stop, whether it be trying to ID

a young black man whoyou think is trespassing.

- As a deacon himself, Jefferson knows

the church can play a majorrole in building relationships.

- What pastors need todo is take advantage

of their captive audiencebecause if they can get

the message to the parents of the children

then the children get themessage from the parents.

- Sheriff Layton is optimisticbecause mutual respect

and basically living by the Golden Rule

will successfully bringchurches, the community

and law enforcement together.

- We can start respect again.

Not just for the uniform,but for the people

in those churches.

- Amber Strong, CBN News in Indianapolis.

- In 2016, Charlotte,North Carolina was a city

that erupted in violent protestsafter the shooting death

of a black man by a police officer.

Now the city is becominga picture of racial unity.

One reason, two churchcongregations decided

to bridge the divide andcome together as one.

Charlene Aaron brings us this story.

- North Carolina's RefugeChurch, House of Refuge,

came up with a plan tohelp change Charlotte's

reputation from one of racial unrest

to one of brotherly love.

Pastors Jay Stewart andDerrick Hawkins felt

the best way to bringblacks and whites together

started with worship.

The result, this firstservice of the newly blended

Refuge Church.

Pastor Stewart leads the main campus

of the multi site church.

- The cry of our heart hasalways been for revival.

The Lord cannot bring theoutpouring of the Holy Spirit

unless there's real unity.

- Hawkins pastors the 200member House of Refuge

in Greensboro, which recentlyjoined the larger group.

Two years ago when Hawkins became pastor,

he reached out to Stewart for advice.

After a series of meetingsthe two men explored

the possibility of becoming one church.

- Nobody was looking for a merger.

I just wanted to helpthis church in Greensboro

to transition well, so we weremeeting on a regular basis

and a year ago, whichwas November of 2015,

while we were meeting Ifelt strongly prompted

by the Holy Spirit to ask them a question.

Have you ever had conversationsabout becoming a campus

of The Refuge?

- We would have meetingsand talk about racism

and what we both had to endure comin' up.

He would share his stories.

I would share my stories.

- The pastors here at TheRefuge say that the announcement

about their merger camejust two days before

violent protests eruptedin the city of Charlotte,

North Carolina after anAfrican American man was

killed at the hands of police.

- When I was sitting in myhome watching the news coverage

of what was happening inCharlotte, that God wanted

to write a better story,that God set the timing

of this merger.

- You know, I know thatAfrican American community

are hurtin', they're cryin' out.

We just wanted to be avoice, a vehicle of change

in our own city, in our own community,

say hey, it doesn't have to be this way.

- Bishop William and DarleneAllen are the founding

members of the House of Refuge.

During the process of appointing Hawkins

as new pastor the talks of a merger began.

- What this says to me is God has given us

an opportunity to let the baggage go

and I believe this mergeris going to present

that opportunity for many of us to heal

from past hurt, all races.

- The plan to holdregular combined services

will help members get to know one another

and work toward racial healing.

- I just believe that whatwe're doing is so needed

to replicate what the Lord wants to do

in the kingdom of God.

- There's a generationthat wants to be valued

and I just saw it asan opportunity to say,

you matter to God, you matter to us

and God has a plan for your life.

- Members are excitedabout working together.

- I think it just declarestruth in the midst

of a lot of lies that thereis a church and she is

taking her place and iscommitted to unity and love.

- With what we're goin'through as a nation

and especially here inCharlotte, I think that it just

speaks of the unity of the kingdom of God

and just gives us a realpicture of what heaven's

gonna be like.

- Anthony White saysseeing blacks and whites

worshiping together here is long overdue.

- Integration should never be forced.

It should be led by the Spirit of the Lord

and the church has anexample to model that today.

- Meanwhile, PastorsStewart and Hawkins admit

that while comingtogether hasn't been easy

the result is well worth it.

- We knew that the staffwas facin' challenges,

our church was facin'challenges, but we knew

what God told us and wejust stuck, you know, stuck

to what the Lord said, what we felt like

the Holy Spirit was leading us.

- There were people sitting in the wings

we know that are stillhoping that this fails,

that this doesn't work,for whatever reason,

but we know it's gonna work.

Because listen, we don'tsee black and white.

Under the blood of Jesus everything's red.

- Charlene Aaron, CBN News,Kannapolis, North Carolina.

- And that is going todo it for Faith Nation.

We'll see you right backhere again tomorrow.


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