It's Not Just Dumb Neo-Nazis, It's Your Smart College Student: Anti-Semitism Spikes Most in Colleges
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- Some folks here aboutanti-Semitism here in America,
and they tend to blamepeople on the right,
but often it's coming from the left,
and sometimes right hereon college campuses.
- The truth is that anti-Semitism
has been on the rise across the board.
The Anti-Defamation League talks
about how there's been an uptick,I think it's 57% increase,
but on the university campuses,
just in the last yearalone, it's over 80%.
- [Paul] For example, UCLAis taking heat for hosting
the Students for Justice inPalestine annual conference.
It's philanthropist, AdamMilstein, pointed out in a tweet,
its members use wordslike, let's stuff some Jews
in the oven, kill all the Jews,
don't hesitate to slash their throats.
Alyza Lewin of the Brandeis Center
speaks of Jewish students afraid
to wear shirts showing Hebrew.
- Because when theywear Hebrew tee-shirts,
they feel that it makes them a target.
- Being accosted by other students
and calling them Zionist baby killers
and that sort of thing.
- [Paul] Professor David Bernstein
at George Mason University's Law School
writes about anti-Semitism.
Some of it comes from Middle Eastern
Muslim students now studying here.
- Anti-Semitism is commonand unobjectionable
in the Middle East, ratesof anti-Semitism in Syria,
the Palestinian territories,Jordan, Egypt are 80% plus.
- [Paul] And the Jews getjudged for their defense
of the Jewish homeland, Israel.
- If you demonize Israel,if you think that Israel
is so awful it should bethe one country singled out
for sanctions and boycotts and all that,
and then you say to yourself,
well, who's defending this evil country?
And not surprisingly thepeople who are most active
in defending Israel onmany campuses are Jews,
so there must be somethingwrong with the Jews.
- [Paul] Lewin says people on campus
who say they're justanti-Zionist, not anti-Jew,
don't understand how crucialZion is to most Jews.
- This special feelingabout Zion, about Israel,
is an integral part of Jewish identity.
There's a deep spiritualreligious connection to Israel
that predates the creation ofthe modern state of Israel.
- Some folks dream that thingslike racism and anti-Semitism
may just fade away ascivilization progresses,
but if it's starting to bubble up
on college campuses and among the young,
maybe it's a dream that hasto be put off for a while.
Paul Strand, CBN News, reportingfrom the George Mason Law--