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Trump Admin Says Humans Born Male and Female, Ex-Trans Man Agrees: 'Surgery Fixed Nothing'

Trump Admin Says Humans Born Male and Female, Ex-Trans Man Agrees: 'Surgery Fixed Nothing' Read Transcript

- [Reporter] The Trumpadministration is seeking

to define gender as thebiological condition

determined at birth aseither male or female.

Conservatives praise the move.

- For the Trumpadministration to stand firm

to say that sex-baseddiscrimination really is

only a gender-based,biologically male and female,

is not only consistent with science,

but it's consistent withthe traditional definition

that we've had as a country,

and understood as a country,throughout our history.

- [Reporter] A reportin the New York Times

sites a Department of Healthand Human Services memo,

seeking to establish alegal definition of gender

under Title Nine, that'sthe civil rights law

that bans discriminationon the basis of sex.

HHS is proposing aperson's gender be defined

by the genitalia they're bornwith, and can't be changed.

LGBT activists are furious,

calling it an attack ontransgender Americans.

- Making clear that we will not stand

to see the human rights oftransgender people erased

by this administration from federal law.

We have seen so many attacks

by the Trump Pence administration

against transgenderpeople, and it is not okay.

- [Reporter] The Obamaadministration loosened

the legal concept of gender,

recognizing it as an individual choice,

and not one determined at birth.

That created legal and moral challenges

concerning transgenderaccess to bathrooms,

dormitories, and single-six programs

that were once definedstrictly by male or female.

- There are sexual predators out there

that will take advantage of this.

The reason why we keepmales and females separated

is to prevent problems.

But now you're saying ohno, there's no problem.

- [Reporter] Many see theproposed new definition

as restoring reason andcommon sense in the face

of a wave of social changegenerated by a vocal minority.

- For the LGBT community to attempt again

to try to create certainrights that are not present

within sex-based discrimination.

They're attempting to drawa distinctly protected class

that really should notproperly, or scientifically,

or biologically fall under the definition

of sex-based discrimination.

- [Reporter] Charlene Aaron, CBN News.


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