Saudi journalist murdered in Turkey. Relations unravel. Gasoline price rise? Sears bankruptcy & Christmas shopping; ANTIFA & Proud Boys square off in Portland & NYC. Preventing violence from spreading; Civility lessons of Mrs. Obama & Ronald Reagan.
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(dramatic music)
- Today from the Global Lane,
Saudi journalist allegedlymurdered in Turkey.
Was Prince Bin Salman responsible?
As relations unravel, willyou pay more at the pump?
A giant U.S retailer goes bankrupt.
What it may mean foryour Christmas shopping.
Antifa and the Proud Boys square off
in Portland and New York.
What can be done to preventthe violence from spreading?
And some civility lessons
from Michelle Obama and Ronald Regan.
And it's all right here, rightnow from the Global Lane.
Where is Saudi journalist,
American Resident Jamal Khashoggi?
Was he actually murdered inTurkey by Saudi security agents?
President Trump sentSecretary of State Mike Pompeo
to Saudi Arabia to meet with King Salman
to find out what he knows.
Pompeo also traveled to Turkey
to meet with government officials there.
The Turks maintain theyhave an audio recording
proving that the Washington Post reporter
was brutally tortured todeath by interrogators
at the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul.
Well here to fill us in with more
and how this may affectU.S-Saudi relations,
especially the price youpay for oil and gasoline,
is Nick Loris.
He's an economist, energy analyst,
and fellow at the Heritage Foundation.
Nick, thanks for being here.
Okay, the bottom line:
President Trump says hemay take tough measures
against the Saudis,
they say they wouldimpose a harsh punishment
in retaliation.
So what might this mean forgasoline prices at the pump,
home heating oil prices this winter?
- Well if speculators areacting under the presumption
that this might escalateinto increased measures
which cramp down oil production,
you're only going to see prices increase,
but the good news is
we've heard both the SaudiArabia energy minister
saying they're going tobump up oil production,
and the United States continuesto produce at a record clip,
and so despite some ofthe threats and measures
as to what's happening,
and not to mention theimpending Iranian oil sanctions
that are going to take full effect
in the beginning of November,
we may see actually more supply
coming down the pipeline for fall,
and that would only be goodnews for energy consumers.
- Nick,
the U.S is now the largestoil producer in the world,
about 15 million barrels a day,
Saudi Arabia just over 12 million.
Can't we do without Saudi oil?
- Without it, it certainlywould increase prices,
especially if it came off lineat a relatively rapid clip.
There's no real incentivefor that to happen
because that's a major revenuestream for their country,
but at the same time
the best way that we can counterbalance
any type of country ororganization like OPEC
from manipulating energy markets
is through greater supply,
increased access, and more choice.
And so as we continue todevelop our resources,
we're pushing for opening markets
off the coast of the UnitedStates on federal lands,
not in our national parks
or our national monumentsor any of those areas
but on federal lands thathave abundance of resources.
We can do a lot
to counterbalance anytype of supply decrease
in countries like SaudiArabia or Venezuela or Iran.
- How about the U.S relationship?
How important is Saudi Arabia
to U.S vital interests in the Middle East?
- I think there is alot of importance there,
not just in terms of oil production
because transportation fuelis such a necessary component
of not just the U.S economybut the global economy,
and so when you have a supply shock
or a major disruption in those supplies,
households and businessesacross the country
and across the world aregoing to pay the consequences,
not to mention we're pushing forward
with a nuclear agreement
to commercialize nuclear technologies.
So these relationships arecertainly critically important
when it comes to energysupplies and energy development,
and just broadly based diplomatically too,
and I think it sends a signalto the rest of the world,
especially as it regards oil production,
that nothing is going to slow down here.
- Nick, I know you're an economist,
so some members of Congress say
that Trump should rip up that110 billion dollar arms deal
with the Saudis.
Is that an appropriate response?
What would that mean for theU.S and Saudi relationship
and the U.S economy?
- I think we certainly needto take a measured approach
and it's understandable whythe administration is upset,
but at the same time wedon't want to encourage
any type of activities or behaviors
that would cause long-standing damage,
and I think there can beproductive relationships
that continue to build momentumtowards civil societies,
strong rule of laws that move us away
from dictatorial decisions
that can have negative repercussions
not just for the citizens of Saudi Arabia
but really around the world,
and we want to strengthenthose relationships
and create a civil discourse
that allows for economic growth,
not just in the United States
but in Saudi Arabia andthe rest of the world.
- But obviously,
something must be done if it's shown
that Prince Bin Salman or otherSaudi government officials
were involved in this murder,
so how should the United States respond?
- Yeah, and that's partof the issue right now
is really getting down to the brass tacks
and figuring out what happenedand getting the full details
before there's any reactionary measures,
and so I think there's going to be time
to figure out what happened
and then the administration
can work with the StateDepartment and Secretary Pompeo
to understand what measuresshould ultimately be taken,
but really the first step here
is trying to figure out what happened
without unraveling what couldbe a productive relationship,
and so unfortunately right nowit's a wait-and-see approach
until we get more information.
- And probably a lot ofpressure from Congress
on the President.
Okay, Nick Loris,
from the HeritageFoundation in Washington.
We appreciate you, thanksso much for being with us.
- Thanks for having me.
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- Hello, I'm Terry Meeuwsen.
Did you know
there are more than 148 millionorphans in the world today?
148 million.
But it was three little girls
that taught me aboutthe plight of orphans.
My husband and I spent nearly a month
immersed in the daily activitiesof a Ukrainian orphanage,
as we waited to adopt three sisters.
I saw firsthand the utterloneliness, the pain of rejection,
and the overwhelming desire to be loved.
That experience changed me forever,
and out of it grew aministry from my heart
called Orphan's Promise.
Today, we're helping orphansand vulnerable children
in more than 50 countries worldwide.
Thousands of childrenare now in safe homes,
they're being educated, andthey're learning life skills.
I'm asking you to join with me
and become family to these children.
Will you call the numberon your screen right now?
Because every child deservesa chance to be happy.
(dramatic music)
- Retail giant Sears has announced
it is closing another142 unprofitable stores,
and Sears Holdings says it'sfiling Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
Is this a positive developmentto keep Sears afloat,
or is the retailer finished for good
because of online shopping from companies
like Amazon and Walmart?
What will all this mean
for your Christmas shopping experience?
Well here with some insights
is financial issues radio host Dan Celia.
Dan, good to have you on the show.
So what's going on with Sears and Kmart?
Please explain.
- Well Gary,
they've been struggling for along time, a number of years.
Some are blaming it on Amazon,
we've gotta look at Searsmanagement over the years as well.
But you know this is all retail.
Retail went through an ice age,
they seem to be comingout of it a little bit,
but all retailers aredramatically impacted.
The big-box stores aren'twhat they used to be.
Certainly when I was a kid,
Sears was such a staple in our community,
and I think in so many others,
and it's heart-breakingto be honest with you
to see this happening.
But my hope is under Chapter 11,
they can re-organize a little bit,
they've gotta get more involvedin dotcom kind of shopping.
I think they're gonna try to do that,
hopefully they'll be successful.
It's a very unfortunate situation.
I think it's not gonna impact our ability
as far as Christmas shopping,
as far as getting deals and such,
but I will say this Gary,
I think that retailersin general this Christmas
are gonna try very hard
to maintain the momentumthat they've picked up
over the last six months.
As I said,
they are coming out of thissomewhat of an ice age,
and I think they're gonna work hard
to try to get customersback into the stores,
but it's gonna be a difficult row to hoe,
there's no doubt about it.
- Dan, I wanna get backto that in a moment,
but do you think theseretailers Sears and Kmart
will eventually fall onthe ash heap of history?
Are they done for good, oris this going to save them?
- No, I don't think it's gonna save 'em.
I think that these stores
are just gonna continue to struggle.
Sears and Kmart had competition
that they never reallyadjusted in a good way to
from Walmart, as Walmart was growing.
Now it's the Amazons of the world,
or the andthose kinds of things.
I think it's gonna be very difficult.
- And what reallyhappened here with Sears?
Because I know Richard Sears the founder
started the company byselling pocket watches.
Then he moved into catalogue sales.
Why didn't anyone at thetop of Sears have a vision
to put their catalogue online
before Amazon dominated the market?
- That is the milliondollar question Gary,
and you would think,
with all the retail experience they had,
that they would have seen this coming
and they were positioned verywell to be able to do that.
But this goes back to what I said earlier,
it's the management,
the management never keptup with what was happening
in the economy of retail,
and either thought that what was coming
was not gonna impact them,
or didn't think what wascoming was gonna be something
that was gonna be lasting into the future.
- Okay, now the buyout by Kmart,
did that hurt or help Sears and Kmart?
Would they have been gone bynow if they hadn't done that?
- It hurt Sears.
It didn't help Kmart at all.
I'm talking now purely froma financial perspective.
What Sears did was they boughtsomething that was doomed,
and it was a horribledecision to make that buy.
I think Sears would have had
a much better chance of survival
had they not had thatwrapped around their neck.
So I think it was a very bad move.
I don't wanna blame it allon the Kmart buy and merger,
but nonetheless it hada lot to do with it.
They didn't buy something good
that was gonna help lift them up
and move to a different level.
They bought something that was struggling
in hopes of turning it around
when they were strugglingfrom the same issues.
- Okay, back to the Christmasshopping outlook now.
With fewer Kmart and fewerSears stores out there,
does that force more consumers
to do their Christmas shopping online?
How will that impact it?
- Well I think first of allyou've got this movement
to online shopping to begin with,
and I think in certain areas,
this is gonna push thatenvelope a little bit more.
There are areas in maybein very rural communities
where they might be able toget some help a little bit,
but for the most part,
I don't know that it's gonna push people
that have no desire toshop online to that place,
but it is certainly gonnaadd to the normal attrition
that big-box stores areseeing to online shopping.
- So with everyone workingin this Trump economy,
does that mean fewer holiday deals
because more people have money to spend?
- [Dan Celia] No, I don't think so.
I don't think it's gonna see fewer deals.
I think it's gonna see actuallya frenzy of even more deals,
because people have the money
and the retailers wanna get a piece of it.
- Okay, Dan Celia, financial expert,
thanks for being with us.
- Thank you Gary, I appreciate it.
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(dramatic music)
- Coming to a big city near you?
Let's pray street brawls like these
and violence between Antifaand counter-protestors
are contained to Portland and New York.
This is the type of incivility
that Hilary Clinton and otherDemocrats say will continue,
unless you elect theircandidates to office next month.
Well joining us with some insights
on what went wrong in Portland,
and how to deal with theseprotests and political violence,
is a man who knows the law all too well.
He's former MilwaukeeCounty Sheriff David Clarke.
Sheriff Clarke, good to see you again.
I guess people can't enjoy aFriday or Saturday night out
in downtown Portland anymore.
Where did the Portland politicians
and the police go wrong here?
It looks like quite afew people were hurt.
- Thank you.
They went wrong right from the beginning.
You mentioned some of theleaders of the Democrat Party,
Hillary Clinton for one, Chuck Schumer,
Maxine Waters and othersare urging this from Antifa.
They are spurring this on,
they are pouring gasolineon what is a smoldering fire
and it's going to erupt insome very serious flames.
Look, that was a failure
on the part of thePortland police department.
This is not a criticismof the frontline officers,
they are under orders.
This is a failure of politicalleadership out of City Hall,
starting with the mayor,
starting with the policechief or police commissioner,
who told their policeofficers to stand by.
I cannot believe thata police commissioner,
a police chief or a sheriff
would put his or her people,front-line people in harm's way
without the resources and the ability
to first protect people,law-abiding people,
next to protect property,
and third, just as important,to protect themselves.
They stood by and watched this happen.
This is an abomination, andit's not the first time.
Several months ago
the Portland Police Department was accused
of not backing up or assistingICE in a call for help.
So I'm seeing a pattern hereout of at least Portland,
but I've seen this exercisedin some other areas as well
since the days of Ferguson.
Look at Baltimore where the mayor said
that she gave the rioters room to riot.
This is a wrong, failed,dangerous strategy
for law enforcement in terms of dealing
with these jack-booted thugs from Antifa.
This is not a protest group,it's not a demonstration group.
This is their fightingforce, the Democrat Party.
It's similar to the KKK back in the 50's,
that was their fighting force.
It's similar to theBrownshirts of the Nazi Party.
They are going to incite fearand intimidation in people,
and they're gonna get theirway come hell or high water,
and what they're expectingis the people on the right,
the conservatives, the GOP to back down,
and if they won't back downthey're going to use force.
But I'll tell you what,
from what I saw last weekendin Portland and New York,
they're getting a littledifferent response from our side.
- Well why would they allowthis to happen to their cities?
- I said failed leadership, that's why.
They're in bed with this group,
they're in bed with thisresistance movement.
All these things like sanctuary cities,
they're singing off thesame sheet of music.
This is an abdication.
I would like to see
the United States Departmentof Justice, Jeff Sessions,
give the U.S Attorney inOregon and in New York
the authority to under 8 U.S.C 1324
as it relates to illegalimmigration and sanctuary cities
to indict one of these mayors,
one of these town council presidents,
one of these university presidents
that's calling for this sort of thing,
indict them federally.
There are riot statuteson the federal book
that Antifa should be indicted under
if the federal governmentwould show the will
that the state government andthe local government will not.
- I know in New York Antifa was countered
by a group known as Proud Boys.
Who are the Proud Boys?
Are they just as violent as Antifa?
Do they pose as muchof a threat as Antifa?
- Well I don't knowwho the Proud Boys are.
I've heard the name, butI don't know who they are.
But I'll tell you what,here's what's happening,
and here's the danger.
When Antifa pulls theseactions, these antics,
look when they show up in a location,
their main objective isto initiate confrontation.
It's not to demonstrate,it's not to counter-protest,
this is an insurgency group.
When law enforcementdoes not show the will,
it's an abdication of theirresponsibility first of all,
but when they don't show the will
to protect life and property
to prevent these things fromblowing up, you know what?
They allow this to rest inthe hands of the individual.
The individual has the right,
a God-given right to self-defense,
and so they're going to exercise that
if the government will not do their job.
- I know arrest warrants are out
for some of the Proud Boys in New York,
but what about Antifa in Portland?
So what do you think should be done also
to prevent this incivility from spreading
to other big American cities,
especially if the leftistsdon't like the outcome
of the upcoming November election?
- So I'd like to see alittle more assertive action
by law enforcement to prevent this stuff.
We know what Antifa's showing up for,
they're showing up looking for trouble.
You don't cancel the entire rally
put on by the people whohave done the right thing,
have gone out and gotten the permits.
They're in there to exercisetheir first amendment right.
Antifa's not there exercisingtheir first amendment right.
As a matter of fact,
they are violating otherpeople's civil right.
Guess what?
The individual citizen has the right
to be able to defend themselves,
and when you have to startto do this on a large scale,
it's not going to be pretty.
But it'll be the fault ofthe law enforcement officials
for not dealing with thisin a more effective way.
- And the politicians
for not leading them in that direction.
Okay, law and order analyst,former Sheriff David Clarke,
thank you for your insights.
- My pleasure.
(upbeat orchestral music)
- [Pat Robertson] When yougive, smiles grow bigger.
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When we all come togetherto love, miracles happen.
- Hello, I'm Terry Meeuwsen.
Did you know
there are more than 148 millionorphans in the world today?
148 million.
But it was three little girls
that taught me aboutthe plight of orphans.
My husband and I spent nearly a month
immersed in the daily activitiesof a Ukrainian orphanage
as we waited to adopt three sisters.
I saw firsthand the utterloneliness, the pain of rejection,
and the overwhelming desire to be loved.
That experience changed me forever,
and out of it grew aministry from my heart
called Orphan's Promise.
Today, we're helping orphansand vulnerable children
in more than 50 countries worldwide.
Thousands of childrenare now in safe homes,
they're being educated, andthey're learning life skills.
I'm asking you to join with me
and become family to these children.
Will you call the numberon your screen right now?
Because every child deservesa chance to be happy.
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(dramatic music)
- I recently saw this USA Today article
and posted it to social media.
In my view, it's a timelyexample of civility.
Yes, that's what we needmore of in America today.
The story details how Michelle Obama
has developed a friendship and fondness
for former President George W. Bush.
Remember when he sat besidethe former First Lady
at John McCain's funeral andshared a cough drop with her?
I must admit I was a bit disappointed
with the way some Christiansresponded to that story.
Partners in crime?
Some cynically suggested of course
that's because both theformer First Lady and Mr. Bush
work to advance a globalist agenda.
I think they missed the point.
On most political issues, thetwo would likely disagree.
Yet there they were,
not screaming obscenities at each other,
or sitting across the roomscowling at one another,
but kindly sharingpleasantries and cough drops!
No animosity, just kindness and civility.
Instead of waging streetbattles like we saw
from Antifa and the Proud Boysin Portland and in New York,
we should seek commonalities as Americans,
and treat one anotherwith decency and respect.
I thought of another example.
It was set by one of America'smost beloved presidents,
Ronald Regan.
I had the privilege ofmeeting him several times
and covering his presidencyfor CBN News in Washington.
In an interview with William F. Buckley,
President Regan told of the time
when he had invited Speakerof the House Tip O'Neill,
a Democrat, over for dinner.
One day after that heread a newspaper article
where O'Neill made some harsh statements
about the President.
Regan phoned the Speakerand asked him to explain.
- And I called him,
and I said "Tip I thoughtwe had a relationship here
where we could dobusiness together and all,
and now I read in thepaper that you said-",
and he interrupted me and said
"Well old buddy, that's just politics."
He said "After six o'clock,we're buddies, we're friends."
- And in 1986
at a St. Patrick's Daydinner honoring O'Neill,
Regan said this.
- The fact of our friendship is testimony
to the political systemthat we're part of,
and the country we live in,
a country which permits two not so shy
and not so retiring Irishmen
to have it out on the issues,
rather than on each otheror their countrymen.
- Political opponents during the day,
setting aside their differencesto be friends at night.
No insults, no threats,no calls to violence.
They fought their battleson the floors of Congress,
and at the ballot box, not in the streets.
They knew in politics youwin some, you lose some,
and then you move on tothe next political fight,
the next election.
I don't know if theyever shared cough drops,
but they always treated each other
with respect and civility.
In the upcoming election,
look to their exampleand then vote for leaders
who will conduct themselvesin a similar manner.
The only alternative is more of this.
So let's remember the wordsof Jesus in Matthew 12:25:
"Every kingdom divided against itself
"is brought to desolation,
"and every city or housedivided against itself
"will not stand."
We are Americans first, notDemocrats or Republicans,
liberals or conservatives, Americans.
We share the same house.
It takes hard work, compromise,communication, not shouting,
respect and understandingto keep it standing.
And remember as Captain &Tennille sang 43 years ago,
"love will keep us together."
Well that's it from the Global Lane.
Be sure to follow us onFacebook, iTunes, SoundCloud,
YouTube, and Twitter,
and now on the CBN Newschannel on broadcast TV.
And until next time, be blessed.
(dramatic music)