Justice delayed for Pakistan's Asia Bibi; Former FBI attorney spills beans on FISA warrants & dossier; College outrage spreads to Capitol Hill, Georgetown prof says Kavanaugh’s white male defenders killed & castrated; Clinton & Democrat civility?
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- Today, from the Global Lane,justice delayed in Pakistan.
Asia Bibi must wait for a final ruling
in her blasphemy case.
Former FBI lawyer spills the beans,
but time may be runningout for Republicans
to get to the truth.
More campus outrage spillingover to Capitol Hill.
This time, a Georgetown professor tweets,
white men supporting Justice Kavanaugh
deserve death and castration.
And guess who's callingfor toughness and civility
in American politics?
Is this what Democratsneed if they're to win?
And it's all right here, rightnow, from the Global Lane.
The Pakistan Supreme Courthas delayed announcing
a final decision in the caseof Christian mother, Asia Bibi.
She's been jailed since June 2009,
and was convicted of blasphemy against
the Muslim prophet, Muhammad.
If the court upholds lower court rulings,
she could become the first woman
executed for blasphemy in Pakistan.
Well, here to discuss more
of the court's disappointing delay
is British Pakistani ChristianAssociation Chairman,
Wilson Chowdhry.
He recently met with Asia Bibi's husband
and her oldest daughter.
So, Wilson, tell us a littlebit about your meeting.
Asia had waited anothertwo years for a decision
on her final appeal,
what happened, Wilson?
- I would assume thatthe reason for the delay
is there is going to be an attempt
to provide the decision afterensuring safety for Asia Bibi,
and making sure protectivemeasures are in place.
- So what do you think'sgoing to happen here, Wilson?
Will they probably slip herout in the middle of the night,
quietly, and her family, andget them out of the country?
What's gonna happen with that?
- It can only be an assumption,anything that I say,
but it makes most sense to me that
there's no other reason for reservation,
but an attempt to ensure her safety
before the decision is made.
- What is the reaction ofChristians in Pakistan,
also from Asia's family?
- Overall, I think PakistaniChristians up and down
Pakistan, across the country, globally,
they all believe she'sabout to be set free.
And I can tell you thereis simmering of joy
that hasn't yet exploded,
but will once we hear that good news.
- So tell us now about her health.
- A reporter who has met with Asia Bibi,
is very concerned that she'sbeing labeled as crazy,
because she seems to suffer memory loss
and isn't aware of her surroundings,
and in a situational context.
Then, the assistant nurse believes
that she's got dementia-likemental health concern.
And she, actually, and thePPCA have been calling for
immediate health assessment of Asia Bibi.
Again, this isn't going to be forthcoming
in Pakistani prisons.
It's very rare for anybody to get
an adequate level of treatment.
But we have seriousreservations about her health
and believe that there issome serious mental trauma.
- Wilson, how much timeare we talking about here
before we finally findout what the verdict is,
if it is positive?
Weeks, months?
- It's very hard to say.
Again, this will be a Pakistani court
and government decision, I'm sure.
I'm sure there's lots of conversations
happening in the backgroundthat we won't be privy to.
But obviously, from whatwe've seen previously,
the Pakistani government,it doesn't ever seem to be
in any rush to bringjustice to this woman.
Neither do the lower courts.
I mean, it's taken six months since
Chief Justice Saqib Nisar communicated
that Asia Bibi would behaving a Supreme Court appeal.
That six months has now passedsince she's had that appeal,
and now they're reserving the decision.
It could be anything upto a further six months,
I would suggest, and even longer,
if that's how they feel it'sbest to bring the country
to a level of safety beforethey release the verdict.
- And what can our viewersdo, how can they pray?
- I would continue to campaign.
We have petitions on ourwebsite, people can sign those.
Our latest petition is a callfrom Ashiq Masih himself,
who believes Asia Bibi will be set free.
And he is concerned that mostcountries that are offering
the family asylum are notoffering it to the entire family.
Asia Bibi has been without her daughters,
her five children now, for nine years.
Potentially 10, by the timea judgment may come out.
The family are hoping and praying
that a western country would offer asylum
to every single one oftheir family members,
and we do have a petitionfor that on our website.
Other things you haveto pray for is obviously
the expedition of this reservation,
and for the verdict to be pronounced.
And obviously, for the countryto be safe when that happens.
I mean, what we really need to pray
is that the Pakistanigovernment is able to fathom
a way in which to appease all parties,
because the major concernthat will be left once
Asia Bibi is exonerated is,
will other Christians be safe in Pakistan,
or will retribution be taken against them?
These are the things wereally have to be praying for.
- Okay, a lot to be praying for.
Wilson Chowdhry of BritishPakistani Christians,
thank you for joining us.
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Did you know there are morethan 148 million orphans
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148 million.
But it was three littlegirls that taught me
about the plight of orphans.
My husband and I spent nearly a month
immersed in the daily activitiesof a Ukrainian orphanage
as we waited to adopt three sisters.
I saw firsthand the utterloneliness, the pain of rejection,
and the overwhelming desire to be loved.
That experience changed me forever.
And out of it grew aministry from my heart,
called Orphan's Promise.
Today, we're helping orphansand vulnerable children
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Because every child deservesa chance to be happy.
- Republicans on the HouseIntelligence Committee
now say they have proofthat the FBI misled
the Foreign IntelligenceSurveillance Court
when it sought warrants to spy
on Donald Trump's presidential campaign.
They say it was all part ofa Democratic Party-led effort
that co-opted the FBIinto leading the effort
to prevent the election of Donald Trump.
Well, joining us with more is
former federal prosecutor, Sidney Powell.
She worked for 10 yearsunder nine U.S. attorneys,
both Democrats and Republicans.
Ms. Powell is author of thelegal thriller, Licensed to Die,
exposing corruption inthe Department of Justice.
So, Ms. Powell, I guess the truth is
stranger than fiction here,
former top attorney ofthe FBI, James Baker
says a Democrat-connected lawyer
gave him the fake dossier on Donald Trump.
At the time, Baker reportedto FBI Director James Comey,
so what do you make ofthis political connection
and top officials at the FBI
using the dossier to get FISA warrants
without informing theFISA court of the source?
- Well, unfortunately, the FBI has been
full of political operatives for at least
the last eight years,probably longer than that.
And Department of Justice, too.
I mean, I publishedLicense to Lie in 2014,
and it named names,
so this has been goingon for quite a long time.
It really came to its peak with
the presidential campaignsand election of 2016.
We've never before seenconduct like the FBI agents
and DOJ high officials and private counsel
and Christopher Steeleand the Clinton campaign,
and the DNC all conspiring literally
to frame President Trump,incoming President Trump,
first to try to stop his election,
and then to set about a courseto impeach him if he won.
So, this is absolutelyunprecedented conduct,
the likes of whichwe've never seen before,
but it's very real, andmore and more evidence
is coming out about it every day.
- So, this is more thanjust conspiracy theory.
We know that email suggests
there was never an actual hearing
for any of the warrantsalong the monitoring
of American citizen Carter Page.
Now, was that a violation of DOJ rules,
or a departure from--- No
- normal procedure, your thoughts?
- No, that part is normal.
Courts rarely hold hearingsbefore issuing warrants.
The problem with the FISA court
is exacerbated in this situation, however,
because they sought a warrantagainst an American national,
when that shouldn't even happen,
absent absolutely compelling evidence
that they are acting as a foreign agent.
I read the Steele dossiermyself, and the FISA applications
to the extent they were un-redacted.
They were were the mostspecious and baseless
warrant applications I've ever seen.
You couldn't get a warrantagainst a known drug dealer
based on the allegationsthat were contained
in those documents.
- After meeting with RodRosenstein on Air Force One,
the president said he will not fire
the Deputy Attorney General,so should he fire Rosenstein?
- I think Rosenstein hasbeen given enough rope,
he's effectively hanged himself.
It's just a matter of timing.
And yes, at some time,he's going to have to
fire Rosenstein, because enoughevidence is gonna come out
that makes it clear thatRosenstein was either
a knowing co-conspirator,or an absolute idiot.
Rosenstein signed the FISA application
by his own admission without reading it.
There's no way you would sign,
any reasonable lawyer atthe top of any organization
would sign an applicationagainst an American citizen
without reading the warrant application,
knowing that it will giveaccess to Bob Mueller,
in this case, of absolutelyanything he wants
with anybody who contacted Carter Page
or other people in the campaign.
- Now how about AttorneyGeneral Jeff Sessions
after the mid-term elections,
should the president namea new Attorney General
who will not recuse himself
from overseeing Mueller'sRussia investigation?
- I think he probably will,
I'm not sure he would absolutely have to
if he replaced Rosenstein.
For one thing, Sessions has said
if Rosenstein's fired, he'll go, too.
But if he didn't, as long as there was
a good Deputy Attorney General,
Sessions could continueas Attorney General.
But I think the president wants
a strong Attorney Generalin the first place.
So it wouldn't surprise meif both of 'em don't go.
- Okay, Ms. Powell, howdo we expect all of this
is going to play out?
How do you expect it'll play out,
before the midterm election,
and then the impact it may have on voters?
We've got less than 30 days to go.
- Right, I think the Americanpublic is now incentivized
to really get out and vote
after what we've seen,
with respect to (laughs) thehorrible way Brett Kavanaugh
was treated in the confirmation process
and the extent to which theDemocrats are willing to go.
There's no low that's toolow for them, apparently,
and their politics ofpersonal destruction.
It's like political roller derby.
But we're still waiting for the report of
the Inspector General forthe Department of Justice
on all of the FISA abuses andthe mess that was going on
in the FBI and DOJ and up,running up to the election,
an then afterwards, leadingto the appointment of Mueller,
which was a completelyfraudulent appointment.
It should never have happened.
So, there's a lot that'sgonna come out in that report,
and then, if things have to--- do you expect that report,
do you expect that report tocome out before the election?
- I wish it would, butit's been too quiet,
so I don't think it's going to.
I still think the presidentmay have to unclassify
a lot of that materialfor the public to see it.
- Well, finally,- Every time they,
every time they hidesomething with redactions,
they're doing it to protect themselves,
and every time it's been un-redacted,
we've been able to see that.
- And finally, if the Democrats
regain the House ofRepresentatives, what might happen?
Will House oversight efforts
to get at the truth be shut down?
- Oh, yes, the Democratshave already made it plain
that they will shut downthe current investigations
and open investigations into things that,
just to further impede the president.
It would be horrible.
These are the most important midterms
this country has ever faced.
We need to give thispresident the support he needs
to carry his agenda forward.
Imagine what he coulddo if he were unleashed
from the Mueller investigation,
which is gonna cloudover him the entire time,
and actually had some supportin Congress and the Senate
enough to get to get things done?
There's no--- Well, probably,
that's probably why it's still going on.
- Yup, (laughs)- Okay.
- There's no limit tohow great we could be.
- Former federal prosecutor andlegal analyst Sidney Powell.
Thanks so much for your insights.
- You're welcome, thanks for having me.
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- The Brett Kavanaugh SupremeCourt battle may be over,
but American collegecampuses are still hotbeds
for leftist outrage.
With Kavanaugh's confirmation fight,
we saw how discontent and anger,
often commonplace on college campuses,
spilled over into mobactions on Capitol Hill.
Sometimes young activism,even incitement to violence,
are encouraged by collegeand university professors.
Well, here to explain thelatest at Georgetown University,
and elsewhere, is CampusReform's Emma Meshell.
Christine Fair at Georgetown University
is employed by a Catholicinstitution that expresses
Jesuit values, yet she calledfor the killing, castration,
and feeding to pigs of whitemale Republican senators.
And this is very concerning to see
from a Catholic university.
And this is something that weshould all be concerned by,
because she teaches at theschool of Security Studies,
which is a place wherewe've had a president,
15 congressmen, 74 ambassadors,
as well as the currentSecretary of Homeland Security
have gone to this school.
And it's very concerning to see this,
because it's not just crossing a boundary
of saying that your politicalopponents should be killed,
but it's actually crossing a boundary
into dangerous territory.
And we see that on the left,
people tend to take thislanguage, and they go run with it,
and they turn it into actual action.
100 people over the weekend were arrested
at these Brett Kavanaughconfirmation hearings,
and a good personal friend of mine
posted a picture with a sign that said,
"I stand with Brett Kavanaugh,"
and in her comment section on Instagram,
she was told that she should be killed,
that she had probably beenraped by Brett Kavanaugh,
and this is somethingthat's so disgusting to see.
And it's beyond politics,
it's gone beyond right versus left,
and it's gone into this mobmentality, of vigilante justice.
- And it all begins on college campuses.
Now, I understand Georgetownannounced Professor Fair
has been removed from teaching.
She's now overseas involvedin university research,
so was that action appropriate?
Did it go far enough?
- Well, I think it's ultimatelyup to the university,
but it's very concerningfor us to see that
she was saying these things.
She's still a teacher at the school,
even though she's been placedinto this research leave,
whatever that means.
Hopefully, she's not doing anyresearch about due process,
or about how we should treat other people
or of human dignity,
because she clearly does notunderstand how that works.
- Please tell us about the latest course
that's being offered atVermont's Green Mountain College.
- Green Mountain Collegein Vermont was offering
a pop-up course called, BrettKavanaugh: Boys Will be Boys.
And this course, shockingly,
not so shocking at all, actually,
is assuming that BrettKavanaugh is guilty.
And this is something thatshould also concern us a lot,
because universities aresupposed to be institutions
of scholarship, research, debate, where,
if anyone should be takingdue process very seriously,
it should be our collegesand our universities.
However, they're taking thecomplete opposite action.
They are turning towards rushing to guilt,
rushing to assume that people are guilty
of unspeakable things, andruining people's lives,
without even thinking twice about it.
It's a very concerning thingto see on a college campus,
and ultimately, leadsto a greater issue of
college students being indoctrinated,
and taught that dueprocess doesn't matter,
facts do not matter, all that matters is
taking shots at your political opponents.
- And getting college credit for that,
so,- Yes.
- [Gary] But tell me, what's wrong with
discussing sexual assault on campus?
After all, it is a big problem, is it not?
- There is nothing wrong withdiscussing sexual assault,
and I think it's somethingthat we should be taking
very, very seriously.
Sexual assault is wrong, andit happens very frequently,
and it's something that is real,
and something that shouldreally be addressed.
I think that it's veryimportant to take these things
with a healthy dose of caution.
We need to proceed carefully.
We need to proceed payingclose attention to the facts,
close attention to evidence and detail,
and I think that if a woman has been
a victim of sexual assault,
she deserves to be treatedwith dignity and respect.
That is not how ChristineBlasey Ford has been treated
by the Democrats.
- So are ultra-feminists now dominating
and creating an unfair narrative of men?
Is this a growing trend, andwhat needs to be done about it?
- Well, at the LeadershipInstitute's Campus Reform,
we cover this pretty widely.
And we covered when theUniversity of Virginia story
broke from Rolling Stoneabout the alleged gang rape
that was happening in a fraternity there.
It all turned out to be completely false,
and those fraternity brothers are still
putting their lives back together,
even though they are 100% innocent.
And the Duke Lacrossecase, we saw that that was
another story that turned outto be completely different
than the narrative the media and the left
and the college had spun.
It's very important that wepay attention to these stories,
and it's also importantthat we discuss them,
but we have to discuss them with reason,
and with debate, and payingclose attention to the facts.
This is a widespread narrative,
and this is something that's a pattern
and that's been happening across campuses,
and we've covered it widely.
And it's really importantthat we treat these people
coming forward with these allegations
with the utmost of dignity and respect.
And it's important that, movingforward, we fix this issue.
And the best way to do that is to
start at the college campus,
where these students,these legal scholars,
are all getting their educations,
and where they're starting out.
- Okay, Emma Meshell, of Campus Reform.
Thank you for setting us straight today.
- Thank you.
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- Hello, I'm Terry Meeuswen.
Did you know there aremore than 148 million
orphans in the world today?
148 million.
But it was three littlegirls that taught me
about the plight of orphans.
My husband and I spent nearly a month
immersed in the daily activitiesof a Ukrainian orphanage,
as we waited to adopt three sisters.
I saw firsthand the utter loneliness,
the pain of rejection,
and the overwhelming desire to be loved.
That experience changed me forever.
And out of it grew aministry from my heart,
called Orphan's Promise.
Today, we're helping orphansand vulnerable children
in more than 50 countries worldwide.
Thousands of childrenare now in safe homes.
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- Hillary Clinton saysshe and husband Bill
believe Democrats must gettougher to counter Republicans.
She says civility can onlybe restored to the nation
if Democrats win back theHouse and Senate next month.
Mrs. Clinton, is this thecivility you're talking about?
Most informed people knowit was Democratic activists,
not Republicans, whowere seen throwing little
temper tantrums, scratchingand pounding on the doors
of the Supreme Court building.
And I don't believe Republican activists
are cornering senators inelevators to shame them.
Uncivil Republicans aren't the ones
protesting in front ofcongressman's homes,
doxxing their phone numbers,
or preventing them fromenjoying a night out
at their favorite restaurant.
Yes, for years, the Clintons have blamed
everybody but themselvesfor their troubles.
Remember the vast right-wing conspiracy?
Well now, years later,
Mrs. Clinton blames her 2016 election loss
on Russian collusion.
Maybe the Clintons shouldlook in the mirror.
People are tired ofthem and dirty politics.
Few Democratic candidatesin this midterm election
want the Clintons campaigning for them.
The Democrats' strategy is to use
Brett Kavanaugh's confirmationto the U.S. Supreme Court
as a campaign issue to getmore women out to vote.
Bill Clinton wouldn'treally help that effort,
because he's treatedwomen worse over the years
than Kavanaugh was accusedof doing 36 years ago.
And Mrs. Clinton, youcriticized Republicans
for their, "lust forpower that is funded by
"corporate interests who want a government
"that does its bidding."
Again, look in the mirror.
Isn't that exactly what you did
when you signed off onthe Uranium One deal?
The agreement that allowed20% of U.S. uranium
to be sent to Russia?
And what about fundsthat flowed in and out
of the Clinton Foundation?
People in Haiti say they're still waiting
for the millions they never received.
And many Americans still can'tget over that reset button
with the Russians in 2009.
How is this for toughness?
- We want to reset our relationship,
and--- Let's do it together.
- So we will do ittogether, okay? (laughs)
- It was actually that reset weakness
during Mrs. Clinton'stenure as Secretary of State
that caused the Russiansto occupy Crimea in 2014.
And just how tough was Hillary Clinton
against foreign hackers,
when she used an unsecuredcomputer server at her home
to send and receive classifiedU.S. government emails?
And American patriots willnever forget Mrs. Clinton's
lack of toughness in Benghazi.
Four Americans, includingU.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens,
died there as a result.
So now, Hillary and theformer president say
they want to restore toughness
and civility to American politics.
Democrats, is this the bestyou can do this election year?
If you are looking to theClintons as examples of toughness
and civility, who needs it?
If the DNC is sincere,
maybe it should do more soul-searching,
a little less finger pointing.
Maybe it should look to Democratsother than the Clintons,
like Joe Lieberman, or evenJimmy Carter, to lead the way.
Well, that's it from the Global Lane.
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And until next time, be blessed.