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The Power of Overcoming Evil with Good

Author Troy Brewer has rescued over 500 girls out of sex-trafficking worldwide. He shares the goodness of God¹s power in overcoming evil. Read Transcript

- Well, Troy is a worldwide missionary

with a nationallysyndicated newspaper column

and a radio show.

He's also the author of 10 books.

Troy is a man on a radical mission

to demonstrate the goodnessof God, take a look.

- [Reporter] In 1995,Troy and Leanna Brewer

started feeding people outof the back of a truck.

Since then, Troy has given away

more than four million pounds of food.

He's even partneredwith Operation Blessing

in his efforts.

Today, he is the pastor of OpenDoor Church

in Fort Worth, Texas, and hedoes more than feed people.

Troy and Leanna support 10orphanages around the world,

and rescue girls from sex trafficking.

In his book, Good Overcomes Evil,

Troy says it doesn't take a lot of good

to overcome evil in this world,

and shows us what happenswhen we inject the goodness

of God in the lives of those around us.

- Well, Troy is here, andis welcome to the show.

It's an honor to have you.- Thank you, Sir.

- Yeah.- Thank you.

- Take us back to the beginning,how did you get started,

um, both with orphansand feeding the hungry?

- Well, it all startedby simply wanting to help

an old man roof a roof.

He was, he was one guy, he was in his 80s,

and he was taking oneshingle every single day

up on the top of hisroof, nailin' it down,

spendin' all day up thereand then climbing back down,

and I saw him, and my familyand I went over there,

helped him, threw bundlesover our shoulder,

climbed up there, andjust decided to help him.

What we found out was thathe needed food as well,

and then we found out he had a girlfriend,

that was actually his girlfriend's house,

and she needed food, and then,

whenever we offered them food,

he said, well, I have another girlfriend

across the street andshe needs food as well,

and then, we started,well, we became responsible

for feeding 71 isolated elderly people,

and that was in 1991, is when that was.

And that turned into a food bank,

which turned into OpenDoor Church,

which turned into orphanages, yeah,

it all started like that.

- Um, did you ever expectto get to the numbers

that you have now?

- Well, no, I didn't expectto be doin' any of this.

You know, there's 16 Jehovah titles,

I'm sure you know all those,

but the 17th is Jehovah Sneaky.

(Gordon laughs)

- And he--- I've heard that one.

- Yeah, he didn't tellme, he didn't tell me

what it was that I--- That's not in the Bible.

(both laughing)It's not in the Bible.

So, no, Sir, but I--- Well, actually, it might be.

Isaiah calls him, surelyyou are the God who hides.

- There you go, and heis the God that hides,

and it is the gloryGod to conceal a thing,

but the honor of kings isto search out the matter,

and so, we're still searchin' it out.

But no, I'm surprised, I'm amazed, I'm,

I'm literally staggeredat the goodness of God

in the midst of so many good things.

- Mm, well, tell us about some of 'em.

Uh, one of the things that really touches

a lot of people's heartsis what's goin' on

with sex trafficking, uh,and it's not overseas,

it's right here in America.

- 'Course.- And you've seen it

firsthand.- You know, a lot of people

think that slavery endeda long time ago, Gordon,

but there are more slaves alive right now

than have ever been in thehistory of the planet, Earth.

That's hard for people towrap their head around,

but those statistics are real.

Um, there are people all over the world

of every race, every culturethat you can imagine,

that are in such hopeless situations,

and I first came across itbecause we do so much travelin',

we like to minister in trashdumps, we take food there,

we have orphanages, and in stoppin' around

in really bad places,

because I'm a middle-agedCaucasian-American,

people would assume thatI was a sexual tourist,

and they would go, oh, Iknow what you're here for,

and then, they would bring me children

and asked me if I wanted to buy those.

And the first couple oftimes that that happened,

it just floored me, and then the second,

then, the third and fourth and fifth time,

I began to expect it, andactually began to take money,

if anybody offers me a child,

I'm gonna take that child andI'm gonna put him in my home,

and nobody's ever, evergonna hurt them again.

So, in that context, we did that randomly

for years and years, andthen, we started doin'

this strategically, justa couple of years ago,

where we just reallystarted goin' after it.

And our goal last yearwas to save 16 girls,

and we saved 184.

184, and with the 184,came over 400 babies.

So, just this year, we've already saved

over 600 some odd, 'bout630, out of sexual slavery,

and there's been about 1000babies that have come with them.

So, when I say that this thing is real

and that it's everywhere, it is.

- You say you went at it strategically.

I get a lot of peoplesayin', how do I get started?

So, when you say, I did it strategically,

what was the strategy?

- The strategy for usis to actually do, um,

we actually do outreachesinto prostitution communities

throughout the world, andwe do medical outreaches,

and we host that, we pay for that,

and then, when these girls get medicine,

we pay for that, and then,we build relationships

with them, we introduce them to Jesus,

and then, we find outwhat their situation is

and how can liberate them.

- Uh, do you ever deal with girls

that wanna go back into it?

- Not one time.- Not one time.

- I've never had one singlegirl that we have ever liberated

that said, I want that life again.

The deal is, they,

it's only Jesus--- Why do, I gotta stop you.

Why do you say that, becauseI hear that repeatedly,

that it's really tough to break the hold,

that there's somethinghappens to their dignity,

where they just can't see another way.

- You can restore their dignity,

and you can, and this isthe process of redemption,

and this is what Jesus offersthat the world doesn't offer,

is redemption, so, it'sone thing to keep somebody

from doin' a job, it's another thing

to give somebody a life.

And these girls, there'snot a single little girl

in the world that says, when I grow up,

I wanna be a prostitute.

That's never happened, in thehistory of the planet, Earth,

that has never happened.

So, these girls, when theyget their hearts restored,

they get their childhoodrestored, they get whole,

they get, where there wasshame, now, there's honor,

and that's what redemption is.

So, it's a huge, very, very,very relational process for us.

- How many, how many now, have you,

how many do you estimate you've saved?

- Well, just in the past two years,

it's been over 800, butover the past 20 years,

I don't know.- Okay.

- So, it's,

it's a lot.- You also do something

to the traffickers.

- We do.- What do you do?

- Well, we prosecute 'em.(both laugh)

So, we actually pay, wehave prosecuting attorneys

that we have brought togetherand their job is to make sure

that these traffickers go to jail.

And we actually pay for that,

and once they go to jail, then we--

- Now, that puzzles me,you have to pay for them

to be prosecuted, why?- Thank you, thank you

for askin' that, becausein most of the countries

we work in, the governments do not provide

prosecuting attorneys.

They do not, so, peoplecome from all over the world

to prey upon vulnerablepeople in those countries,

'cause they're like,even if I get arrested,

you can't afford to hire a lawyer

to make sure that I go to prison.

Well, they don't know me. (laughs)

Because we show up and wesay, no, you know what?

We're gonna fund that,we're gonna pay for that,

and there is gonna be justice,

and then, once that happens,

because we are the body of Christ,

now we have outreach teams

that are going intothose very same prisons

and winnin' those guysas trophies of grace.

So, it's all about the goodness of God,

that's what it's about.- Yeah.

And that's your book.

- It is.- Good Overcomes Evil.

- Yes, Sir.- One of the things

in reading your book,it was the last chapter,

and I think we're livingin that in America today,

where you're saying,Christians, get ready.

Your own country's gonnastart persecuting you.

- Yes, Sir, it's absolutely true.

You know, we're standing with Christians

that are being persecutedall over the world

because I want to sow into that,

and the reason I'm sowing into that

is 'cause I reallybelieve, with all my heart,

it's not gonna be very much longer

before we are targeted the way

that Christians are targetedall over the planet, Earth,

it's gonna happen right here.

It actually already is happeningin many different ways,

but there's gonna come a day

that we're gonna have tostand against our own culture

in a way that is verydifferent from right now,

and it's very importantthat we understand the power

of goodness, that we don'tblow up or magnify evil,

but that we actually blowup and magnify the goodness

of God, it's so important.

We can't, we can't stand otherwise.

- Well, what would youadvise Christians now,

'cause I think the attack right now

is happening reputationally,

where you're being slandered.

- Of course.- What would you advise

someone going throughthat, what should they do?

- If somebody is beingslandered, and by the way,

you will be, Jesus said that you will be.

- We have to be ready for 'em.- We can see it goin' on

right now, you know, we cansee it goin' on right now

all over the world, and, number one,

you will be slandered, but, number two,

it's not your name that youare trying to make famous,

it's the name of Jesus thatyou're trying to make famous,

and this is what Jesus says.

You know, there's actuallyan Old Testament commandment,

it's one of the great 10Commandments that says,

you shall not take the nameof the Lord your God in vain,

right, to take the name ofthe Lord your God in vain

doesn't mean to say a bad word.

It means, it doesn't say don'tsay, it says, don't take,

and what that means is donot carry the person of Jesus

and use his name in a way

that doesn't accurately represent him.


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