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The Superbook Dancers: Follow Jesus

Join the Superbook Dancers as they Follow Jesus! Read Transcript

- Welcome to The Super Book Show.

What, a day.

Got up an hour early to tryand finish a science project.

Was nearly late for school,and forgot to eat breakfast.

I have one study period,

which I used to cram for a math test.

Only had time for half my lunch.

Did I mention cramming for the math test?

After school I had bandand track practice.

Hard to play the clarinetwhile doing the 50 yard dash.

Mom picks me up so we canget to Jimmy's concert.

If I'm not practicing an instrument,

I'm listening to someone else play one.

Tried to get my homework doneon the ride there and home,

which gave me a headache,then it's more studying,

off to bed and the whole thingstarts up again tomorrow.

Life is so crazy, Isometimes forget to breathe.

When that happens I need to relax,

take a step back and focus on the basics.

What do I need to do?

Follow Jesus, that's it.

All the rushing around ismeaningless if I don't just stop,


focus on the basics, follow Jesus.

Spend one moment on thebasics and trust me,

you will be ready tomove on to what's next.

So if you need a refreshing break,

here's the Superbook dancerswith a reminder of the basics.

[Upbeat Music]

I hope that was a good break for you.

Before getting back into the busyness,

take a second to like this video.

And if you need more refreshment,

head over to

or check us out at theSuperbook bible app.

His word is forever alive.



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