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To Life: How Israeli Volunteers Are Changing the World

In celebration of Israel’s 70th anniversary, CBN Documentaries presents To Life: How Israeli Volunteers are Changing the World. To Life is an amazing look at five Israeli organizations dedicated to helping people across the globe. Read Transcript

- [Announcer] Violentaftershocks rattle that region.

- [Man] We know thatevery minute is critical

if we want to find survivors.

- She already had damage to the lungs.

(serious strings music)

- [Woman] They just comewith their clothes only.

(refugees crying and screaming)

- It's breaking my heart.

- This makes the surgeryeven more difficult.

- There is blood on our handsif we know and we walk away.

(intense drum music)

- [Man] And I thinkthat God wants me here,

'cause He wants me to help these people.

- I can help refugees, so thisis what I should be doing.

- [Man] I that's not onlyour privilege, but our duty.

- No matter which religious he have,

which color he is, what language he talk,

when people need us, we come and help.

- [Man] The common languageis that they're human beings.

- [Woman] We can't just sitback and watch what's going on.

(intense cinematic music)

- [Woman] This is how changes start.



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