What exactly is our role in salvation? Is it OK for a Christian to do hypnosis in order to quit smoking?
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- Okay, time for some questionsand answers, you ready?
- Let's go, let's do it.
- This first one, Pat,comes from Ann who says,
"I hear preachers say that we contribute
nothing to our salvation,
and it's only by grace throughfaith that we're saved.
However, I feel likethe Bible also teaches
that we must overcome sin in our lives
when the Holy Spiritbrings it to our attention.
What exactly is our role in salvation?"
- Well, the Apostle Paulpretty clearly he said,
"Work out your salvationwith fear and trembling,
for it is God that worketh in you,
both to will and to doof His good pleasure."
So, it's God working in you to will
and do of His good pleasure.
He's also admonishing us to work out
our own salvation with fear and trembling.
So, there is a partnershipall the way through the Bible.
The Apostle said, "It seemsgood to us and the Holy Spirit
that we not lay anunnecessary burden on you."
The whole idea is that human beings are
in partnership with God,
and God is working to will andto do of His good pleasure,
but, at the same time, we're working out
our salvation with fear and trembling.
You don't just say, "Okay, I'm saved.
It's all God and I don'thave to do anything,"
'cause we do work together with God.
Does that add to your salvation?
The salvation was bought by Jesus.
You can't improve on thedeath of Jesus Christ.
That is the thing thatbought you your salvation.
But as you live with Him over the years,
you're not going to improve on it,
but you're working with the Holy Spirit.
You're being made in the image of Christ.
You're becoming more and more like Him.
- It's kinda like you choose
to participate in that with Him.
- Yeah, you are, you're participating,
but from one degree ofglory unto the other.
Okay, what else?
- This is Jenny who says,
"Is it okay for a Christian to do hypnosis
in order to quit smoking?"
- I really think it's wrong.
You know, I know how to hypnotize people.
We used to play these gameswhen I was in prep school.
And you can hypnotize somebody.
It's eye fatigue,
and you can putsuggestions in their minds,
but when you give yoursubconscious over to somebody else,
you don't know what's gonna come in.
I recommend it'd be a big, big mistake.
You wanna quit smoking, I mean, just quit,
you don't need hypnotized.
- Well, there are other methods today.
There are so many thingsavailable to people
who wanna quit smoking.
- Well, I quit when I was in law school.
I saw the cancer, I saw the film.
I said this is the last.
I came out of an evidenceclass in law school,
threw the cigarette down, ground it out,
and said that's the last oneI'll ever smoke and it was.
- Intellect won.
- The last one, gone, okay.