'These Children Are Being Trafficked, We Must Have Stricter Border Laws': Pastor Paula White Tours Migrant Detention Facility
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- Immigration continuesto be a hot button topic,
the United States military ispreparing to house thousands
of undocumented migrantfamilies and even children,
at two Texas bases.
Meanwhile, a federal judge has agreed
to extend Tuesday'sdeadline for the government
to reunite migrantchildren who were separated
from their parents under President Trump's
zero tolerance policy.
In all this, influential faithadvisor to President Trump,
Pastor Paula White visitedone of those centers
where migrant children were being held.
Paula, thank you for joining us.
- It's such an honor to be with you,
especially, on such animportant issue as this.
I witnessed the centerin Bristol, Virginia,
and it is beyond phenomenal,the care for the children,
not just three square meals,on the psychiatric care,
clinician, medical care,
chapel, events, schooling,
language, love.
Most of the children arrivebetween about 10 p.m. and 3 a.m.
and get a good night'srest and are given clothes,
and they start the assessment
and that begins with medical of course.
And then there is a debtupon them that ranges between
three to seven thousand,upwards of 10 thousand
because of a coyote, becausethey've been smuggled,
or their parent has mortgaged their home,
put their land up et cetera.
- Exactly, so this visitkind of strengthened
your issue on border security?
- One hundred percent, andwhile I recognize how well
we're taking care of thesechildren, I also recognize
the situation, we'retalking about children
that are being trafficked.
- Since you did witness thisfirst-hand, talk to me about
what biblical scriptures cometo mind when you saw this?
- Well, ya know, everyone,I think so many people
have taken biblical scripturesout of context on this,
to say stuff like, "Well,Jesus was a refugee,"
and yes he did live in Egyptfor three and a half years,
but it was not illegal.
If he had broke the law,then he would've been sinful
and he would not have been our Messiah.
- Well Paula White, thankyou so much for joining us.
- Thank you.
- Again this is Eric Rosales for CBN News.