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Global Lane Video Blog Commentary on Oval Office Prayer

Global Lane Video Blog Commentary on Oval Office Prayer Read Transcript


For the first time in this country in 100 years,

almost all members of the president's cabinet

are holding a regular weekly Bible study.

CBN News White House correspondent Jennifer Wishon

talked to the man leading the study, Capitol Hill ministries

pastor Ralph Drollinger.


is a former NBA-playing giant of a man,

with an even bigger calling.

He founded Capitol Ministries with the idea

that if you change the hearts of lawmakers,

then their Christian worldview will guide

them to make good policies.

He's started Bible studies in 40 state capitals, teachers

weekly studies in the US House and Senate,

and now leads about a dozen members

of President Trump's cabinet in weekly studies of the Bible.

Health Secretary Tom Price, Energy Secretary Rick Perry,

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, and CIA Director Mike Pompeo,

are just a few of the regulars.

It's the best Bible study I've ever taught my life.

They are so teachable, they're so noble, they're so learned.


Attorney General Jeff Sessions, also attends.

Like, Jeff Sessions.

He'll go out the same day I teach him something,

and I'll see him do it on camera.

And I just think, man, these guys are faithful, available,

and teachable.

And they're at Bible study every week they're in town.

President Trump is invited to attend the Bible studies too--

each week he receives a copy of Drollinger's teachings.

And, when he can, Vice President Mike Pence will join the study.

In Pence, Drollinger sees similarities

to Joseph, Mordecai, and Daniel from the Bible--

all men who rose to the number two position in governments

at different times in history.

Mike Pence has respect for the office.

He dresses right, like it says Joseph cleaned himself up

before he went to stand before the Pharaoh.

He had, Mike Pence has, uncompromising

biblical tenacity, and yet a loving tone

about it that's not just a noisy gong, or a clanging symbol.

But I praise God for Mike Pence who I think, with Donald Trump,

chose great people to lead our nation.

Now, some people may be outraged.

They worry evangelicals are taking over.

What about separation of church and state, they ask.

Well now, last time I checked I didn't

see that wording in the US Constitution,

and no one from the government is

forcing you to attend a particular church service,

are they?

While of protecting you from that is in the Constitution,

it's called the Establishment Clause.

And remember this image?

Some Americans were outraged when

they saw this photo of President Trump praying

with a group of evangelical pastors in the Oval Office.

One reporter wanted to know if they prayed because the White

House was in crisis.

And Sarah Huckabee Sanders responded, saying,

prayer should be practiced daily, in the best of times

and the worst of times.

And a majority of us agree with her.

A Pew Research poll found that 55% of Americans

say they pray every day.

Yet some Americans posted tweets,

like, how'd the exorcism go?

One person described the Oval Office prayer as "voodoo mojo."

And the head of the North Carolina NAACP, a pastor,

said the prayer bordered on heresy--

a violation of the sacred principles

of religion-- because the president

is preying on the most vulnerable of society.

Apparently he doesn't like President Trump's position

on health care.

Instead, I guess, Reverend William Barber

believes the lie that if you like your plan,

you can keep your plan.

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

Obamacare will save the average American $2,500 annually.

He believes that.

But that's for later, and another commentary.

But back to the White House prayer.

I wonder how many people take offense

with this scene, a praying General George

Washington at Valley Forge, depicted by artist Arnold


Oh my!

What kind of voodoo mojo was the father

of our country practicing there in the wilderness?

You know, Washington prayed often,

and he asked God to bless the nation and those who had

been appointed to rule over us.

And which of these would you think most of us

would rather see take place in the Oval Office?

People praying with Trump?

Or this-- a president messing around with an intern?

I think most of us would prefer to see prayer.

God expects us to pray for our president.

In 1 Timothy 2:1-4, we're told to offer up supplications,

prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings for all people.

For kings, and all who are in high positions.

God can change and influence hearts.

Don't we all want godly government and righteous


With a growing missile threat from North Korea,

wars still raging in Syria.

Russia, and China flexing their military muscles

on the global lane.

Many challenges right here on the Home Front.

Maybe praying for wisdom for our president and nation

isn't a bad thing.

When we recite our national pledge,

we say one nation under God.

Printed on our currency is "in God we trust."

We have a faithful tradition as a nation that seeks God.

So let's keep praying for our president

and for our nation's leaders.

Yes, some people will be offended.

I don't know about you, but I think

I'd rather offend a few of my neighbors

than, well, let's see, the creator of the universe?

Well, that's it from the Global Lane this week,

we'll see you next time.

Be blessed.



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