Read Transcript
Well, it's time
for Bring It On,
so we've got some email
questions from you.
Well, let's start with
this viewer, who asks,
I know and believe in
my heart that Christ
is the only way to God,
yet I've read in the Bible
that God enables us
to come to Christ.
So what does that mean?
How do I know that God
enabled me to come to Christ?
Well, if you're in Christ,
you know that God enabled you.
And that's one simple answer.
Don't make these
things complicated.
For God so loved the world that
he gave his only begotten son.
He is the giver of Christ.
He is the one who
gave us the Savior,
and that is what He
did to enable us.
There is also something else
that both the Holy Spirit
and God the Father will do.
He will draw us to Christ,
and the Holy Spirit
will, specifically,
witness of Christ.
So the whole Trinity is
involved in your salvation.
And realize you have
been chosen by God.
He wants you to be with
Him for all eternity.
It's a wonderful thing.
You've been elected.
He's pointed you out in all the
universe to say you're the one.
I came just for you.
And when you get that
idea fully through you,
it's absolutely transformative.
He leaves the 99 to
go after the one.
And when you get that
deep in your heart--
you are fully in his family--
He came searching for you--
it will definitely change you.
And you no longer think
that you're unworthy.
You no longer think that
you're not good enough.
You just walk through
life confident.
I've been chosen by God for
the tasks that he has for me.
OK, this is Ann, who says,
I heard this question posed--
if a believer commits
adultery and dies
before he has a
chance to repent,
will that person go to heaven?
I tend to believe that if
a person dies, in a sense,
he won't make it into heaven.
Am I right or wrong?
Well, I really don't
like these hypotheticals
and the hypotheticals
of, particularly,
who's going to heaven
and who's going to hell.
I think it's an absolute
mistake to start
pretending that we're God.
I love that I'm not God.
And He's got some
really hard decisions,
and I'm going to leave
those hard decisions to Him.
In the meantime, I'm going
to preach the good news
that, if you are in adultery,
there's a way out for you.
And you can be forgiven,
and you can be restored,
and the joy of your salvation
can come back to you.
You can have all
of these things.
You have to leave sin.
You can't stay in sin.
I do understand the words
of the apostle Paul--
don't be fooled.
Don't be deceived.
Anyone committing, continuing
in sexual immorality--
I understand those rules.
But I am not your
judge, and I don't ever
want to be in that position.
It's not my position.
Leave that to God, and leave
those hypotheticals to God.
Preach the gospel.
Preach the good news.
OK, this is Joyce,
Gordon, who says,
I was always raised
to forgive and forget.
Nine years ago, my
son's father took him
and never brought him home.
I've contacted the police,
but they've been no help.
I miss my son every day
and have not given up faith
that one day I'll
find him, but I
am worried that
I'll never forgive
his father for stealing my son.
Could you tell me
what I should do?
Joyce, my heart
really goes out to you.
I just can't imagine that.
That is absolutely
horrible, and I
don't understand you being
deprived of your child.
That's a tough one.
How do you forgive in
that kind of situation?
I have found in my life that,
when I get into situations
where I'm right and the
other person is wrong,
it seems to somehow create
a barrier to forgiveness.
And I've learned that I need
to ask Jesus for help in this.
And here's Jesus, and
he's completely right.
And the Roman soldiers
who are crucifying him
are completely wrong,
and yet he finds it
within himself to say, Father,
forgive them, for they know not
what they do.
Certainly, what your husband
did, what the father did,
was wrong.
And you're justified
in being angry,
and you're justified
in being heartbroken
in losing your child.
Ask Jesus for that
special grace where you
can say, Father, forgive him.
He doesn't know what
he's done to me.
He doesn't know the daily
pain that I go through.
And see if that will help.
God doesn't test you any more
than you're able to bear,
and that can be
some comfort here.
But I'd continue to go out
and go searching for him.
At some point in
time, he is going
to be able to leave
his father, and it
would be wonderful to look
forward to that reunification.
I know you hate hypothetical,
but here comes one from Elijah.
Another one, all right,
this is my special day.
It says, let's say I accepted
Jesus as my Lord and Savior,
but I have doubts
about my salvation.
Will I still go to heaven?
Get comfort from the
great fathers of the faith,
and you can go
back to Augustine.
He had doubts.
He wrote a whole confession
about the number of doubts
in his famous prayer--
Lord, give me chastity,
but not just yet.
He had doubts, and
you go through it.
I don't I don't think you're
human unless you have doubts.
You know, we all need to
keep in mind God's invisible,
and He actually
hides what He does.
Isaiah had a great revelation.
He saw the Lord lifted
up in the temple,
his train filled the temple.
He had an incredible revelation.
And then he says, surely,
you are the God who hides.
Every one of the prophets
had their moment of doubt.
Elijah had a doubt as
to what's happening.
So it's just part of
the faith journey.
Keep looking for Him.
Keep listening to His
word, and be encouraged
that He has chosen you.