Bishop Harry Jackson discusses racial reconciliation and reaching the world with healing and hope for the future.
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Well, it's no secret that
the United States of America
is a nation divided.
Over the last few years riots
in Ferguson, Oakland, Baltimore,
and other cities have
made national news.
And so Bishop Harry Jackson says
it's past time for the church
to step up.
NARRATOR: As racial tension
increases in the US,
many people wonder how we
can close the racial divide
in our communities.
Bishop Harry Jackson
says there is hope.
He gives lectures
and hosts conferences
about racial reconciliation.
As senior pastor of Hope
Christian Church in Washington,
DC, he believes
the church should
play a vital role in
unifying people of all races.
Bishop Harry Jackson is here
with us, and welcome back.
It's great to have you with us.
Good to be with you, Gordon.
You say that the racial
divided America is actually
prophesied of in the Bible.
It really is.
If you look at Jesus'
famous Matthew 24 passage,
he says, in the last days
nation will rise again.
It's a nation.
The underlying Greek
word, as you know,
is ethos or ethnicities.
So tribalism is hard wired.
Also if you look at the
Bible, that initial division
that we find at the Tower of
Babel where we all were one--
essentially, one race
and all had one language.
And because they were moving
in rebellion against God,
he said I'm going to
break up the unity--
the false unity without
God, and everybody
had their own language.
On the day of Pentecost,
however Gordon,
they came together when
they all spoke in tongues
as a [INAUDIBLE] utterance, and
people heard men who they knew
had not learned these
languages by natural means.
They realized God was unifying--
reunifying humankind under
the auspices of Jesus Christ.
Well, how did the early
church deal with it?
Because they did have it.
There was a Jewish,
Gentile divide,
and then there were
lots of other ethne--
How did they deal with it?
Well, in the
writings of Paul, he
kept exhorting them to be one.
And he said there's neither
Jew nor Greek, male or female.
And the idea really
is whatever it
is that you're
finding distinction,
in Christ, we are to come
together, work together, love
one another, and together
we're a corporate expression
of who Jesus is in the earth.
So Paul, actually,
his church in Rome
was a guy who as a
prisoner converted
his prison guards,
and the church in Rome
had all kinds of people who
were slaves teaching people that
were free.
So our history is we've
eclipsed social barriers.
That's our history
and our background.
If we can unify the church
in America as a united force,
we can then bring healing
to a very divided land.
Well, what you're
saying actually
goes against either
the current practice--
-- or against even mystiology
that the keys to church growth
are all about finding community
of like-minded people,
and that usually means same
race, same economic status,
and that's the key.
You want to surround-- you
want to be surrounded by people
that look and act like you.
How do you break through that?
Well, I think that's
where discipleship comes in.
I think what we've
missed is that when
we talk about the kingdom to
someone who gets born again--
and by the way, I
prayed years ago
in a hotel room in
Cleveland, Ohio,
with your father
to receive Jesus--
so I think when
people get saved,
though, they need to see the
kind of modeling that was done
back there in The 700 Club.
Black and a white
guy working together.
Multiple races coming together.
If we disciple people
in that manner,
they won't think
it's strange to have
friendships and affiliation.
So two sides of
racism in America
is one is individual
heart change,
so that I don't hate
you, for example.
But then the structural
problems in our culture,
which means if you've been
to prison you don't get
a second chance
at life, or if you
don't have very good reading
skills, you can't get a job.
There are many things that
we could do collaboratively,
collectively as the church
to begin to bring forth
that healing process.
But I'm shouting to the nation,
hey, everybody, we're one,
and we're the nation's answer.
Do we have to be
intentional with it?
More than just aspirational.
More than just say, OK,
I see this in the Bible.
There was a unity there
that transcended everything
and that spiritual unity.
But how would you
advise a pastor today.
If they wanted take their
church down this road,
what do they need to do.
Well, on our web site we
talk about bridges to peace.
So I'll just give
you a couple of them.
Can't go into them all.
But I would say
pick something you
want to do that has short term,
intermediate, and long term
fruit to heal the structural
problems of racism.
And let's work together
in terms of having people
of many races worshipping
together as much as you can
in your church or partnering
with other churches.
That's where it starts.
But I think we've
got to be practical
and three practical
areas education reform--
folk who don't do well
at the third grade
are reading, writing,
and arithmetic,
they wind up in prison.
Another thing, you
can't get a job.
My destiny is tied
into what I do
for a living, my sense
of purpose, my value.
So what kinds of
things could you
do in your city to bring jobs,
and then criminal justice
reform is something
I'm really big on.
How can a church, if someone
has a heart for helping people,
how can they select
a couple of people
a year to help them
return to their families,
be disciples in the
word, get a good job,
stay the course
in terms of being
there in their family
and their community?
So that's a broad overview.
Well, I agree with
you on all of them,
and, particularly, reforming
the criminal justice system.
I think it's absolutely broken.
And we're hearing,
yet again, a call
let's get tough on crime, or
let's get tough on sentencing.
But we're not realizing the
overall social impact of that.
We really aren't.
This coming Tuesday
there's going
to be a big meeting
with Prison Fellowship.
You may know I'm on the
board of Prison Fellowship.
Chuck Colson started
the organization.
And we're going to have
a justice declaration,
and it's simply what you're
saying, church we recognize
that we have a
dog in this fight,
meaning we want
to show the mercy
and loving kindness
of God and forgiveness
to people who have messed up.
And let's not just
discard people.
Let's be the purveyors
and extend a second chance
to people, and in some
very tangible ways,
groups like the NAE, Prison
Fellowship, the Colson Center,
and the Southern Baptist
Convention Religion Ethnics
Groups are coming together
just to blow one note and say,
let's think about the forgotten
who have wound up in prison.
And let's evangelize
them, let's disciple them,
let's bring them back into
the fold of American destiny.
Well, can't we also
focus on the legislation?
Because I think it needs
to start there as well.
How do we-- we seem
to be locking people
up at a record rate.
How can we say if it's a
nonviolent offense, now what
do we do?
Is prison the right way?
Is there another way to go?
Well, there's a study
that's just coming out--
we don't have time to
go into it-- by George
Barna about our societal ideas.
Most people believe that if
you go to prison that you
become a better criminal.
The average person has gotten
that far in their thinking
that there may be another way.
But I believe that certain
groups like Prison Fellowship
are doing great advance
work, but you're right.
I think we're going to
have to as Christians put
these things on the ballots and
look at these kinds of reforms.
Remember, take away the box.
The idea of checking the box
if you ever been in prison,
if you're looking
for a place to stay
or a house or apartment,
those specific things
will require legislation.
And all across America,
it is not uniform.
In DC, you will have half
way housing opportunities
where you can get your life,
get a little bit of money,
retrain yourself, and
then go back to world.
There are some states where
you just get sent out,
you get a little check,
and you're on your own back
to where you came from.
So I think you're right.
I think we have to get the
message we're the change
agents, and then we need
to do some specific things.
And they could come
to us at our website.
We'll have some specifics.
But also great groups
like Prison Fellowship
are doing amazing
things, but guess what?
This will not surprise you.
Until there's a demand
made under political, which
may be your point now
the church says, hey,
we're going to vote you
out of office at a local
to the presidential level.
If you don't do something about
it, it's not going to change.
So now's is the time to change.
It's urgent.
Democrats and Republicans
both see a need.
The problem is not
that people are blowing
the trumpet from the
pew-- or I should
say from the polling booth.
And from the pulpit.
Yeah, and from the pulpit.
Yeah, let's blow the
show far on this one,
and let's get together.
All right, well let's do that.
I'll be glad to work with you.
Thank you so much.
All right, well thank
you for being with us.