Author Deven Wallace shares the wake-up-call she experienced prompting her to become a mother purposed to raise the next generation for God.
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NARRATOR: With three children
under the age of three,
it's no wonder Deven
Wallace was overwhelmed.
Deven felt like she was
failing at her duties
as a pastor's wife and mom.
But one day as Deven
was crying, she
felt the Lord gave her a call to
action for her and all mothers.
You, mom, are
that mighty warrior.
And you are a skilled
archer, and your children
are your most powerful weapons.
NARRATOR: In her book,
"The Warrior We Call Mom,"
Deven lays out a
strategy for every mother
who is desperate to
lead her children
and shares the steps
for empowering our kids
to change the next generation.
Deven Wallace joins us now.
Well, the book's title is
"The Warrior We Call Mom."
And warrior is an
aggressive word.
How do you use it in
your concept in the book?
I went straight to the Word.
And Psalms 127:4
says, "as arrows
are in the hands of
a mighty warrior,
so are children
born in our youth."
And I heard many
messages on those arrows,
but failed to look over
the fact that the one who
holds the arrows God
views as a mighty warrior.
So that kind of birthed
the concept of the fact
that the mom and the
dad, God sees them
as skilled archers of the
weapons he gives them.
What's the devil's triangle?
Talk about that.
It's a place I found
myself in as a young mom
when I did have three
under the age of three.
The devil's triangle really
refers to the Bermuda Triangle.
And we know years
ago, that used to be
such a mysterious
nautical term for a places
that ships and airplanes
would enter into that zone,
and they would lose
forms of communication.
And they would disappear.
And the Lord really began
to show me in the spirit,
this is where many moms
end up, in this zone
that I call the devil's
triangle, that they enter into.
And they lose our identity.
And we never hear
from them again,
who they truly
were called to be.
And that triangle is made up
of being a daughter of God,
being a wife of a husband, and
being the mother of children,
and trying to navigate the
pull of all of those roles.
It's tough.
It's very tough.
It's even one thing to read
about it or to talk about it,
but when you're walking through
it in the reality of day
to day life, it can
feel so overwhelming.
How does a woman begin to
know her true identity?
How did that happen for you?
Yes, it did for me when
the Lord was showing me
I was lost in the
middle of that.
And I think when women
are pulled emotionally
and timewise, we
default to motherhood,
because we think
husband will understand,
God will understand,
and the Lord
was showing me that's going
to make your house fall.
You can't just
focus on motherhood.
I'll never forget
when he said to me,
Deven, you're
going to have to be
a good daughter before
you'll ever be a good mother.
And so it was really
going back to the fact
that I'm a daughter before
I'm a wife or a mother.
And God made me for
fellowship with him
before anyone else
was in my life.
And getting grounded
in that identity
will help motherhood and being
a wife flow more effectively.
One of the things that, I
suppose all people do this,
but I think women
do this a lot, maybe
because of a cultural pressure
to look a certain way,
be a certain way.
How do we keep from comparing
ourselves to each other?
Because that can be
a devastating thing.
It is.
The trap of
comparison is a cycle
many women find themselves in.
I actually talk
about it in the book.
And I use the example
of Deborah in Jael.
They were two women, two
mothers, a mother of Israel
and a mother in her tent, that
God actually used both of them
to change the nation.
And I often relate more to
Jael, who was in her tent
probably saying, Deborah is so
awesome, why can't I be her?
And Deborah, who was
the leader, but actually
did not win the battle.
It was little Jael that
actually defeated the army.
And so I think it's mother's
understanding we're all needed.
Some in the workforce,
some at home.
And that success is not
defined by what we're doing.
It's by walking in obedience.
And that God has an army
of women in many places.
And we cannot compare
ourselves, or even our parenting
strategies, to others.
Our children are unique.
And God has unique
design for each of us
and an assignment
for each of us.
What's the most
significant piece of advice
you've ever received
from anyone?
Well as a mother, the
most significant advice that
changed my life is that
whatever is easy and convenient
is not always best.
I actually tell mothers
that convenience is
an enemy to kingdom parenting.
And our society,
we're told to do
whatever is easiest,
quickest and convenient.
And we're robbing our children.
Just like going through a
fast food restaurant robs us
of nutrition, some of
our parenting styles
that are quick and
convenient are robbing
our children of what they need.
And so I say what is
best is not always easy.
But it's what will
produce fruit.
People who read
your book, moms
who read your book, because
I think we're always looking
for advice that will help
us to walk more deeply
and live more effectively.
What's the take away
you want someone
to have after they've read
"The Warrior We Call Mom"?
I think the takeaway is their
identity as a kingdom warrior
that heaven is watching them
and then depending on them.
This nation will change, I
believe, when the moms change,
and when we wake up.
And the takeaway is
that parenting strategy
isn't actually found in a book.
It sounds strange for me
to say when I wrote it,
that parenting strategy
is found and surrendered
to heaven, in prayer and in
walking in obedience to Him.
We're looking at
a beautiful picture
of your family, your husband
and your children there.
And it's been a journey for you.
You share it so beautifully
in "The Warrior We Call Mom".
Deven Wallace's book
is entitled that.
And it's available
wherever books are sold.
If you're a mom and
you're struggling
to know your own true
identity or even how to raise
your children to
know theirs, this
is a great source of
wisdom and information.
I encourage you to get it.
Thanks Deven.
Thank you so much.
It was an honor to be here.