Author Jim Warner Wallace discusses why Christians need to make a case for Christ based on evidence.
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Jim Warner Wallace has spent
his career building cases.
As a former homicide
detective, his job
was to investigate the
evidence and draw a conclusion
based on those facts.
Now Jim is encouraging
fellow Christians
to build a case for the faith.
And he's equipping them
with the evidence they need.
NARRATOR: Jim Warner Wallace
is a cold case homicide
detective and a former atheist.
told me that I was a sinner,
I would have laughed at you.
I know what sinners look like.
They're the folks
I take to jail.
That's not me.
I'm a good guy.
NARRATOR: But when Jim
started checking out the Bible
the same way he
investigated a case,
the evidence couldn't
have been any clearer.
willing to take a step with it
and start to examine it
as an eyewitness account.
NARRATOR: In his book "Forensic
Faith," Jim makes the case
for Christians to be
case makers for Christ
and why it's vital
to do so right now.
Jim Warner Wallace
is with us now.
And, Jim, we welcome you
back to "The 700 Club."
Thanks for having me.
I so appreciate it.
Good to see you.
Good to be here.
Jim, I can't believe it,
but you were a former atheist.
What was the one
piece of evidence
that convinced you that God is
real and that Jesus is His son?
You know, it's hard for me
because I never usually build
a case on one piece.
If you do that and that one
piece happens to be wrong
or you go to court later and
they're able to knock it down,
you're kind of left flat footed.
So I'm a cumulative case guy.
I'm the kind of person who
builds this case around 80
pieces of evidence that point.
So, for me, it was hard
to come to faith that way.
I spent six months,
you know, scanning
through the scriptures,
looking at the history
of the first century, trying
to make a case for why
this was true cumulatively.
And, in the end, I was
just overwhelmed with how
reliable the
eyewitness accounts.
So I guess, if there's
one thing that struck me,
it was that every way
we test eyewitnesses
in criminal trials, if you
applied that same template
to the authors of the
gospels, they pass the test.
And when I saw that happening
right before my eyes, I said,
OK, it's time for me to
make a decision about Jesus.
your book "Forensic Faith,"
you talk about the
difference between accidental
versus evidential belief.
What are the differences
between those?
So I'm a Californian, OK?
If you ask me, tell
me about California,
what year was it founded,
I really can't tell you.
If you ask me how many
square miles, I can't.
How many counties?
I can't.
How do you pass a bill?
What's the state tree?
I couldn't answer any
of these questions.
But I was born in California.
Now, a lot of my
Christian friends
are Christians the way
that I'm a Californian.
They may have been
raised in the faith--
they're in the right place--
but if you ask them
any details about why
they think it's the
right place, they
may not be able to answer
them with anything other
than their own experience.
Now, that also
works for my friends
who are Mormons and
Buddhists and Muslims.
All of us have an experience
that we can point to.
The question is, do we
have any good evidence
to suggest that we're
in the right place?
And that's what we're trying
to do with "Forensic Faith."
And why is it so important for
this generation of Christians
to be able to defend their
faith with not just, well,
you know, my parents
were Christians
or I go to church, but
really with real evidence?
Let's face it.
We're a place right
now where the culture
says we've got
objectively true things
about identity, about marriage,
about all kinds of things.
And they want to make
the case scientifically
as an objective truth claim.
Meanwhile, we hold what seems
to be subjective opinions
about religion.
And any time objective truths
meet subjective opinions,
be ready to get run
over by the bus.
And so what we're
trying to say is, no,
this is actually an objectively
true claim about something that
happened in the first century--
the Resurrection of Jesus--
that stands up against
all evidential scrutiny
and deserves a place at the
table of world view ideas,
that this is actually something
that you could possess.
Look, young people are leaving
the church in record numbers.
But we could stop that.
We at least could address that.
If young people want to
leave because they just
want to chase their
passions, I get it.
But if they're
leaving because they
don't think it's
objectively true,
then it's on us as
their elder brothers
and sisters in the church to
be able to demonstrate to them
why it is true and
why, eventually, you
will be back here with us.
You will return with
us because, in the end,
it's hard to avoid the truth.
So you encourage Christians
to take a simple test.
What are the questions
that you ask?
Well, I've loaded
the test, right?
I've kind of loaded the test
in a way that I see online.
And the kind of atheism
we're seeing online
is very aggressive, you know?
If you believe there's a God
who created everything, well,
who created your God?
It's simple questions.
You know, if there's
an all-loving God--
if we can answer that,
then we are God.
Well, of course.
But we have to be able
to answer it in some way
that it really kind of
knocks down the objection
and is satisfying
even personally.
If someone says to
you, well, if there's
an all-loving, all-powerful
God, why is there
so much evil in the world?
Either He's not all loving--
doesn't care to stop it--
or He's not all powerful
and He can't stop it.
But if you believe He's all
powerful and all loving, why
doesn't He stop it?
you answer that question?
Well, I think a
lot of it comes down
to our definition of evil.
Why do we think that anything
is evil to begin with?
What standard are we applying
to talk about true evil?
Are you suggesting there's a
true standard of righteousness
by which we could
judge something?
But what would that
true standard be?
It turns out you need God as the
true standard of righteousness
before you could call
anything evil to begin with.
Evil is not evidence
against God.
It requires God in order to
talk about it rationally.
So I think we have to be able
to prepare ourselves to answer
these kinds of questions.
I think it could have either
an unreasonable faith--
which is really against
the evidence that exists,
we don't have that
kind of faith--
or you could have a blind faith.
You know, do you even
know what the evidence is?
Or you could have
a forensic faith
that is prepared to
answer the question.
This is interesting.
You say that the most important
aspect of a criminal trial
isn't the opening or
closing arguments,
but it's picking the jury.
I know.
Why is that the
most important?
Isn't that sad?
It's not in the
opening statement.
It's not in the
closing arguments.
It's not even in
the evidence show.
We win trials at jury selection.
If you don't pick the right 12
people, your four alternates--
we're looking for 16 people
who will actually be unbiased
and will look at this fairly.
WENDY GRIFFITH: And what does
that have to do with, you know,
Well, the same
thing is true for us.
If you divide the
entire world, there
are people who are opposed
to the prosecutor and people
who are opposed to
the defense attorney.
The prosecutor does
not want any people
who are opposed to him in the
box and the defense attorney.
We have the same
situation as Christians.
There are people who are
against our world view
and people who are
open to our world view.
And once you identify
the differences,
it will change the
way you approach them.
There are some people we
don't even put on a jury
because we know they
would never be fair.
And there are times when we have
to pray for people who are not
yet ready to be on our jury
because God has not yet moved
them into the curious position.
They're still anti theist.
They're against God.
And those kinds of people
I will spend time with,
but I spend more time in
prayer and more time modeling
for that juror than I would for
jurors who are already open.
WENDY GRIFFITH: Jim, you were
a cold case homicide detective.
That means you went and
found the cases that nobody
was looking at anymore.
And you were an atheist.
What was it that was going
on in your life at that time
that you said, there's
got to be more?
Well, my wife
was somebody who was
wanting to go to church.
And she was also not a believer.
But she was more
willing than I was.
And when we got to
church, the pastor
pitched Jesus on that particular
day, as God would have it.
He pitched Jesus as the
smartest man who ever lived.
That's what he said about Him.
And that made me very curious.
So I bought a Bible and
began this investigation.
And that's what changed my life.
And your father is also a
detective or was a detective.
And my son is now on
the force, as well.
So we have three generations
of Jim Wallace all worked
at the same agency since 1961.
So how should Christians
respond when an unbeliever says,
OK, you know, I believe
what you're saying.
That may be true, but
I'll never believe
because Christians are just a
bunch of hypocrites and bigots.
Well, of course
we're hypocrites.
I mean, who would be more of
a hypocrite than a Christian?
But let's put it this way.
As a non-Christian,
I didn't have
a standard anyone was aware
of that I was trying to meet.
As a Christian, I
have a standard.
And you all know who He is.
He's Jesus of Nazareth.
Now, once you have a visible,
highest-level standard,
you will always
fall short of it.
So I would expect that,
first of all, all of us
are hypocrites in some way.
But of all people, I
think we are probably
more likely to be
seen as hypocrites
only because we joyfully
hold up the standard of Jesus
for our own lives.
Now, I could avoid
being a hypocrite.
Let me tell you how I do it--
have no standard.
So those of us who have no
standards cannot fail to meet
their standards.
Those of us who
have a high standard
will often fail to meet it.
Thank God for His grace,
new mercies every day,
and the blood of Jesus, right?
That's right.
That's right.
Well, this is a fascinating
book, "Forensic Faith."
Some are comparing it to C.S.
Lewis' "Mere Christianity"--
That's way over the top.
--as I'm sure you've heard.
In fact, that book
helped me so much.
In my mid 20s, that
took me from, you know,
seeking to full-on believer.
One of the very first
apologetics books I read was
C.S. Lewis.
So if you've read
"Mere Christianity,"
you might want to pick up
this, "Forensic Faith,"
the fascinating book.
It's in stores nationwide.
Jim Warner Wallace, thanks
so much for being here.
Thanks for having me.
I appreciate you.
Thanks for what you're doing.
God bless you.