Homicide detective and former atheist J. Warner Wallace shares his approach to a secure faith in Jesus Christ.
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NARRATOR: Jim Warner Wallace
is a cold case homicide
detective and a former atheist.
told me that I was a sinner,
I would have laughed at you.
I know what sinners look like.
They're the folks
I take to jail.
That's not me.
I'm a good guy.
NARRATOR: But when Jim
started checking out the Bible
the same way he
investigated a case,
the evidence couldn't
have been any clearer.
was willing to
take a step with it
and start to examine it
as an eyewitness account.
NARRATOR: In his book
Forensic Faith, Jim
makes the case for Christians
to be case makers for Christ
and why it's vital
to do so right now.
J. Warner Wallace
is with us now.
Welcome to the show.
Thanks for having me.
I appreciate it.
It's so interesting
to come across material
like yours or Lee Strobel--
gentlemen who set out
to maybe even disprove
the Bible's
authenticity and truth,
or maybe you went to it
with a more open mind,
and then come out of the
experience believers.
I mean, Lee's a
friend of mine, too.
And I think our stories
are similar, right,
in that sense that he was really
trying to respond to his wife's
interest in the gospel.
And I kind of was, too.
My wife was not
a believer, but I
think she sensed there was
some innate value in religion
and Christianity and
from her own upbringing.
So, she decided we
wanted to go to church.
Our kids were very young I was
working undercover at the time.
And I said, OK, I'm
willing to go as an atheist
because I figured, hey, you
know, I want to please her.
So I went.
And probably a lot of us go
to church for the first time
because we have a believing
spouse that drags us in.
I was probably blessed that
day because the pastor pitched
Jesus in a way that
I could catch him.
He intrigued me.
He said a bunch of things, but
the thing that I remember--
the only thing I remember
from that first day--
was that he said that
Jesus was the smartest
man who ever lived.
And, as I read through the--
I bought a Bible.
Why did that grab you so much?
I think because I was
interested in wisdom.
Basically, he also said
that he was so wise
that the moral teaching of
Jesus had become the foundation
for Western civilization.
And here I was working
as a police officer,
enforcing the laws, that
this pastor now is telling me
we're grounded in the
teaching of Jesus.
Let me take a look at that
and see if that was true.
And that's where I spent
the first six months.
And what I was
really encouraged by
was the evidential
approach that Jesus
himself took in the narratives.
He would say things, like
in the Gospel of John,
where he'll say, hey, if you
don't believe what I just
told you, at least believe on
the evidence of these miracles
I have worked in front of you.
He would allow Thomas
to touch his wounds.
He would spend 40 days with
the disciples in Acts 1
showing them convincing
proofs, evidences.
And as I read that,
I thought, wow, he
seems to be a man after
my own heart in the sense
that he didn't just
make proclamations
about visions he'd had.
Investigate me.
He's saying I'm here
for you to see publicly
to know if this is true.
So as a cold case
detective, what
was the evidence that
transformed your life?
A lot of times it comes down
to how we evaluate witnesses.
Can we trust-- because you can
make an entire case by just
calling in witnesses who will
tell you what they saw 30 years
but we have to
evaluate the witnesses
to know if they are reliable.
So we have a process in place.
As I applied that process
to the gospel authors,
they passed the test.
But what that did for me is
it gave me a different idea
of what faith is.
I couldn't understand--
if faith was unreasonable,
if I had to believe things
that there was actually
evidence that demonstrated they
weren't true, then I was out.
If I had to believe
things even though there
was no evidence at
all I could examine,
then I was really out, too.
But if you're telling me
that faith is really the step
you take at the end
of an evidence trail--
because every evidence trail
stops just short of perfect
and you have to make a step of
trust based on the evidence.
Now, we can call
that step faith,
but that's really
what we're doing here.
And, by the way, every
worldview does this.
Even as an atheist, I did this.
But I think now as
I've examined this,
the step of faith across
that unknown boundary
is much shorter for Christianity
than any other worldview.
Do you think many Christians,
sincere followers of Christ,
are naive to or even
ignorant of the fact
that there is so much evidence
for the truth of Jesus Christ?
Oh, absolutely.
I hate to say that,
but absolutely.
I wrote two books
before this book
where I talk about the
evidence for Christianity
and the evidence
for God's existence.
And as I traveled
around the country
to make the case to
churches, I can't tell you
how many churchgoers would
come up to me and say,
I've never, ever
heard any of this,
and I've been a
Christian for 20 years.
Now, I think that they probably
had been great Christians, too.
But there's a difference now in
this generation of young people
who are walking away from the
church in record numbers, who
are walking away,
and when you ask them
why they are walking away,
most of the largest blocks
of answers are some
form of skepticism,
evidential skepticism.
We could actually address
that and help this generation
if we took a more forensic
approach to our faith.
What is wrong, so to speak,
with a believer saying,
look, I know it's true because
of my personal experience
and how Jesus has
transformed my life?
Well let's play a
little devil's advocate.
OK, I'm a Mormon, and I
know Mormonism is true.
And I know that your view can't
be true if my view is true.
But I know my Mormonism is
true based on the same thing.
I was raised in the
church, and I've
had an experience of
the Holy Spirit that
confirmed for me that
Joseph was a prophet of God
and the Book of Mormon is true.
Well, we're now kind
of at a standstill.
If all we're going to do
is trust our experiences,
well, every religious
believer-- if I'm a Buddhist,
if I'm a Mormon, if I'm a
Muslim, if I'm a Christian--
can come at it that way.
But we happen to have
the one worldview that
is grounded in an historical
event called the Resurrection.
If that didn't occur,
none of this is true.
But it turns out we
could investigate it.
And then our answer
would be, well, I'm
a Christian because I've
examined the evidence
and I discovered there was
a man who was actually God.
God himself came to us
and rose from the grave
to demonstrate his deity to us.
And on the basis of that,
we can know with certainty
that we have a
Resurrection coming
and that he has the
power-- the words of God
are being spoken by this
man named Jesus of Nazareth.
That's a very
different approach.
And I think we need to
know if what we believe
is transformative.
Because everyone
I know who's had
all those other
religious worldviews also
say they've been transformed.
The question is,
what's doing it?
Is it your imagination?
What's different
about Christianity.
What is different
about Christianity?
The difference is this
is the one evidential
theistic worldview.
Why would we want to
explain it that way,
to portray it that way?
I wonder if sometimes
it's laziness.
We don't want to do the
work to support our belief.
I can tell you
that is a part of it,
because if you want to become
an expert on something--
But here's what I always argue.
All of us are
experts in some area.
So if you said to me,
well, my favorite team is--
whatever your favorite
basketball team is--
you probably can
make an argument
for why that team is going to
go this far in the playoffs.
Even if you don't
really believe it.
Even if you don't
really believe.
But you can make a case for it.
You know who all
the players are.
You spent time reading
the stats sheets.
You read that sports
page every single day.
You're already investing your
time and energy in something.
The question is, are
you investing it here?
Are you investing it in
your religious worldview?
Are you investing it
in the one case that
has metaphysical ramifications,
or are you really investing it
in this stuff that's fleeting?
And that's where I
think the challenge is.
I don't really want people to
spend more time or work harder,
just work wiser.
Where does biblical context
and the importance of it
come in in all this?
Oh, it's so huge, right.
Because how many
times have you said,
my experience of Christianity
is I get in the morning.
I open the Bible.
Wherever I happen to open
it or wherever up my finger,
that's the verse that
God had for me that day.
Now, I know that sounds crazy,
but a lot of us do that.
And instead of
saying, well look,
I'm going to read a casebook.
If I take one line of the
casebook out of context,
I might convict the wrong guy.
I can take one line
of his statement
and misinterpret his meaning.
I have to read everything in
the context of the entire case,
know the case from
front to rear.
How many times do we know people
who are Christians for 25 years
but they still haven't read
that scripture cover to cover?
They haven't seen the context
of the fall to the redemption
through Jesus and
seen the entire scope
of the Old Testament
and how it's
connected to the New Testament.
They haven't even spent
the time to do that.
Most of us get to Leviticus
or so, and we're like, OK,
it's getting a
little tough here.
Let's skip over to
the New Testament.
So I think it's time for us to
go back and know our casebook.
Awesome book.
I encourage you all to get it.
If you're looking to make
your faith more tangible
or help others discover evidence
for the Christian faith,
pick it up.
It's called Forensic
Faith, and you can find it
wherever books are sold.
We thank you so much
for being with us.
Thanks for having me.
Thank you for the book.
I appreciate that.