I feel like a hypocrite because I've backslidden into pornography numerous times. How can I recover? And what should I do to get rid of this damaging addiction? How is it that your prayers for healing are responded to so rapidly and with such ...
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We'll take some time to answer
the e-mail questions you've
sent in.
And Pat, this first one is from
a viewer who says, "Dear Pat,
I consider myself
a great leader,
and I practice my
faith all the time.
But I feel like a
hypocrite because I've
backslidden into
pornography numerous times.
How can I recover?
And what should I do to get
rid of this damaging addiction?
I feel like a fallen leader.
Please help."
I don't know what you're a
leader of but this whole matter
of porn-- You say I have
been addicted to eating,
and I had a piece
of chocolate cake.
And then a month later, I had
another piece of chocolate
cake, and I feel guilty.
Well, that's an appetite.
Sex is an appetite.
And so the porn people
have done everything
they can to stimulate
that appetite
to make it look appealing,
just like the people who
bake the chocolate cake
have done everything
they can to make it look
delicious, and you want it.
So you have to succumb
to a temptation.
How do you get free of it?
Job said I have made a
covenant with mine eyes
not to look upon a maid.
Men are stimulated visual.
And so if you look, you got
magazines, you got pictures,
you got internet, you
got all this stuff.
It's all there.
So you have to make
a covenant to say
I'm not going to watch it.
And if you do-- what you need
to do is ask God's forgiveness.
And He will forgive you
because he understands
that you were made out of dust.
And you have appetites.
He put the appetites
there, but they
are to be used to normally,
like eating is normal.
Quenching thirst is normal.
Sexual activity in
marriage is normal.
So he's put that in there.
So the misuse of it is something
that we feel guilty about.
But just remember that
when we go to heaven
and have a new body,
we won't be plagued
with gluttony or sexual
addiction or any of that stuff.
It'll all be gone.
So what we have
to concentrate on
is the way we live right now.
This is Anna who
says, "How is it
that your prayers for
healing are responded
to so rapidly and with
such specificity as you
receive a word of knowledge?
I believe God can do
anything, but what
you do seems more than
just prayer by two or more
being gathered in His name.
Well if you read the Bible,
one of the anointing gifts
or enablements of
the Holy Spirit
is what was called
the word of knowledge.
And the Lord speaks
his word, and he
says there's somebody
in the audience who's
got a broken leg,
and I'm hearing it.
So I'm not asking
Him to heal the leg,
I'm declaring what he's done.
And that's what
happens instantly
because God's already doing it.
And as you gather two or
more, he is in the midst,
and He's doing miracles.