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Praying For Your Needs: March 16, 2016

Praying For Your Needs: March 16, 2016 Read Transcript

Blisters, bubbles blood-- they all oozed over Sandra Nazero's


The young mother had a condition that

kept her from wanting to go out in public.

And creams and meds couldn't solve it.

This went on for years.

And she was watching an episode of this program hosted

by Gordon.

And it was itching to the point of practically seeing blood.

I wasn't going out.

It is just too embarrassing.

NARRATOR: In 2006, Sandra Nazero went to the doctor

to find relief for a severe rash on her legs.

I was explaining the symptoms to the doctor,

and he just told me well, it's a form of eczema.

He said if it can just gradually come about.

And the best he can do was to prescribe some creams for me.

NARRATOR: The over the counter cream the doctor prescribed

didn't work.

That summer, new symptoms appeared.

I noticed blisters on my hands.

So I went back to the doctor, and he said yes, this

is another form of eczema.

It comes out in the heat.

NARRATOR: Her doctor prescribed more creams.

The doctors were pretty negative.

They just insisted that that's all they can do

and that I would have to live with it.

I was too self-consciousness.

It was too embarrassing.

I wouldn't do anything.

I felt like I was in a little bubble hiding.

NARRATOR: Sandra lived with the itching and embarrassment

for years.

During this time, she started praying and reading her Bible.

Matthew 6:26 says "I take care of the birds

in the air, the flowers.

How much more will I take care of you?"

That kept coming around in my head.

And I said well, I know he loves me.

So I'll just keep praying that's all I can do.

NARRATOR: Then one day, she was watching the 700 Club.

Then the Word of Knowledge came on,

and Gordon started talking about someone with eczema.

Skin condition and it's causing bubble on the skin.

They're filled fluid, and God is healing that.

He's taking that all away from you right now, in Jesus' name,

be healed.


I kind of jumped up and down, claiming it.

I couldn't believe it.

Out of everyone that was watching,

you paid attention to me.

I knew God was doing something for me.

As soon as I started feeling the tingling on my legs,

I knew it was happening.

He was healing me.

Maybe it wasn't right away, but He was working.

NARRATOR: Within six months, all of her symptoms of eczema

were completely gone.

My confidence came back.

I was not embarrassed anymore.

I was very excited.

NARRATOR: Sandra offers encouragement

to anyone waiting on God to heal them.

I would say don't give up.

Certainly pray.

And talk to Jesus.

He's the best person to go to.

He's your creator.

He's a big God.

I know God heals today, because he healed me.

He's a big God.

Now you see, Gordon didn't know that woman.

He didn't know Sandra.

He had never seen her in his life, didn't know what she had.

But God knew.

And the Lord gave the word into Gordon's mind,

and then he spoke.

And in the speaking, there was healing.

Now this isn't some kind of hocus-pocus.

This is the way spiritual power is transmitted.

And we're seeing it over and over again.

And this is what we see.

We've seen thousands and thousands of people healed.

And the Word of Knowledge is just part of it.

Now I want to tell you about some answers to prayer.

There's somebody named Ruby who lives in Los Angeles.

And Ruby developed an extremely painful toothache.

And one day she was watching this program,

and the host began to pray.

And she placed her hand over her face.

And at that moment, Wendy said-- now Wendy,

did you know Ruby in Los Angeles?

I do not.

You do not know Ruby.

I don't know a Ruby at all.

You do not know Ruby, and you still haven't met Ruby.

And I don't know Ruby.

But she said you said "There's somebody

with a very painful toothache right now,

and you've got your hand on your face.

The Lord is touching you."

Ruby knew the word was for her.

She claimed it over the next 24 hours.

All of the pain and swelling went away.

She never had to go to the dentist to get it fixed.

Now that's something.

You have something?

Oh, I do.

I do.

I was so engrossed in that one.

All right, well, for five years Melissa of Lake Forest,

California struggled with anxiety issues.

Then in April of 2015, she also developed an intense fear.

She was afraid to be left alone or to travel anywhere,

even to the grocery store by herself.

It reached a point where her husband

had to quit his job so he could be with her.

She continued to work, but her husband

had to sit outside her office door.

Fear totally ruled her life.

Then one day while watching the 700 Club,

Melissa heard you give a word of knowledge, Pat,

about someone having "a cloud of fear" over them.

And you said that God was setting them free.

Melissa claimed that word for herself.

She felt a peace settle over her.

The fear left.

And since that day, she's traveled places by herself

without any problems.

You know, the Bible says fear hath torment and fear also


And it is a paralyzing thing.

It is the weak spirit.

In other words, you can get rid of the spirit of fear,

but it has a paralyzing effect on people.

And in that this woman's case, she was being paralyzed.

Now look, we want to pray for you.

Now I don't know if it's financial.

I don't know if your family's breaking up,

whether your kids are on drugs, or what's going on.

There are so many things in our human condition

where we suffer.

And God Almighty is there to solve those problems.

There isn't any condition we have in our life that God

can't take care of.

So Wendy and I are going to join hands together,

and we're going to believe God for you.

Now father, I join with my sister in Christ.

And I believe God for the answer.

A neck muscle has just been healed in Jesus' name.

There's a jaw-- your whole upper jaw is somehow infected,

and it's a serious problem.

And right now, if you just touch your face

up there where that is God has healed you

in the name of Jesus.

Wendy, what do you have?

There are some other people that

heard that deliverance from fear,

and they're saying I want that.

And God is saying you could have that today.

Just command it.

We command the spirit of fear to leave you now and never

return in Jesus' name.

Somebody else with that neck muscle.

And maybe haven't taken it a-- muscle in your neck

that is really sore.

Reach up there and touch it.

God has just healed it in the name of Jesus.

God is healing cancers and tumors of all kinds

right now, in the name of Jesus.

The things that doctors said are incurable.

God is saying is anything too hard for me?

Just reach out and claim your healing now in Jesus' name.

We had that earlier testimony-- somebody else

has a prurient discharge in your skin.

It's really disgusting.

It's just you're embarrassed by it.

It's just there.

And the Lord is taking it away right-- just touch the arm

or wherever it is, where that stuff is--

in the name of Jesus.

And you'll feel fire just walk through it,

and you're healed in Jesus' name.

WENDY: In Jesus name.


So give us a call, will you please?

1-800-759-0700, 857 and tell us what God has done for you.

We love to hear, and we love to pray for you.

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