Not So Gay Way: The Audience Responds
By Scott Ross
Streets of the World
Throughout the years my wife Nedra and I have had a real concern for those who
have been involved in the homosexual lifestyle and wanted to change. We have seen
God define identity and heal rejection and as a result bring liberation to people
both male and female. The way the Lord made us. I had my own "crisis" with this
many years ago. If you have been mistreated, for that I ask forgiveness; but be
assured the Lord Jesus has never rejected you, although those called by His name
may have. Your "sin" (and ours) He forgives. I recently posted an article
on entitled, The Not
So Gay Way, and the response I received was overwhelming. I wanted to share
some of these e-mails to help you better understand the difficulties faced by
people who struggle with the sin of homosexuality. Here is just a sampling of
the e-mail that I received: From Jonathon: I am a 15-year-old
from North Carolina. I read your review "The Not So Gay Way: A Look at Homosexuality,"
and personally I think somebody needs to open your eyes. I know all over the Bible,
written left and right, there are a lot of things written about gay actions and
how they are bad, etc. I would just like you to be me for one day; to go
to school and hear the words faggot and queer directed toward you just as commonly
as the words "and" and "the;" to get out of bed every morning wondering why you
are living; to worship a God who disagrees with your lifestyle?; to miss days
of school just so you don't have to put up with the constant fear of being hated
by almost everyone; to have your parents hate your every breath, and kick you
out of their lives... And just when you think one person understands and loves
you, god, and Jesus Christ, you're told he doesn't, and everywhere you go, even
in the afterlife, supposedly you never get away from the hate and discrimination.
So I suggest maybe you don't flash such an opinion about God not agreeing
with homosexuality, because thousands of people become depressed and suicidal
because the world rejects them. The last thing they need is for God to do it too.
Thank you for your time, though you probably won't change your opinion.
The next time somebody asks your opinion on homosexuality go ahead and agree with
God, but in your mind remember, we don't need anymore hell than we already have.
From Anonymous: For many years, I was one of those who justified
and practiced homosexuality. As a psychiatrist, I spoke and taught about the mental
health homosexuals and on the genetic "research." Later, after suffering the consequences
of my choices in this area I turned my life around and recommitted my life to
Christ (I was raised in a Christian home and gave my life to Christ as a child
only to stray later). From Brian: I just resubmitted my first
letter to you just in case you didn't read it the first time. I think that you
should respond to it unless you aren't able to speak your own mind without using
Bible quotes to back you up. Unless you live your life entirely by the Bible you
have no room to judge others. You keep quoting that one passage in Leviticus,
but isn't there also something about not laboring on the Sabbath or do all of
them [have] expiration dates that I am not aware of. I think you & your kind need
to either put up or shut up. Once again may God forgive you. From Anonymous: I
read your article and it touched me deeply. My boss is homosexual, though he claims
that he has never had an experience with another man. He is a wonderful person.
I've been praying for God to touch him, for him to find the woman who will turn
him around (I know he'd make a great husband and father). Is that enough? Or should
I confront him with what the Bible says? I truly care for him and I don't want
him to lose his soul. From Jon: Don't you know your doing more
harm than good? It isn't possible for a person who is genetically homosexual to
"find their natural heterosexual identity." The American Psychiatric Association
and Medical Association agree that Homosexuality isn't a mental illness and that
"conversion therapy" does more harm than good. Conversion therapy is misleading
since anyone who claims to have "walked away from the homosexual lifestyle" wasn't
truly in it to begin with. There have been many scientific studies done one says
that a LARGE percentage of the population "experiments" throughout their life
with members of the same sex, it is curiosity. All this hype you and other
Christian organizations give misleads true homosexuals into thinking they are
bad and that they to can change, when in fact they can't, and there is nothing
wrong with them. It is also proven that your "conversion therapy" is inconclusive,
since there are no long-term follow ups. Leading a homosexual to believe
that they are bad, causes depression in that person and often leads to suicide.
Please do your homework on the subject with an open mind, and stop spreading hate
toward homosexuals. From Anonymous: Thank you for this message
about your experience with Frank. I was also a "Frank" but didn't have anyone
to help me. God delivered me a year ago and I have no desire for that sin anymore.
I feel God is calling me to help other "Franks" that He brings my way. Thanks
again for this message. It brings hope to the hopeless. From Mike: I
read your column about homosexuality recently. For the record, I'm NOT a homosexual
and I do believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. While it is true
that homosexuality appears to be fervently condemned by the Bible, it is in a
section of the Bible that remains antiquated by today's moral Christian beliefs.
To wit: The Bible accepts the idea of slavery, something that almost any
Christian would agree is morally wrong and NOT the will of God. The Old Testament
refers to other "antiquated notions" which no longer apply, since Christ died
for our sins. My reasoning is this -- If you're going to apply one standard
out of the Old Testament, you have to apply them ALL. You can't just pick one
section, use it for your own agenda, and ignore the other verses that "don't apply".
If we are to believe homosexuals will burn in Hell, then we should also overturn
the Emancipation Proclamation and allow slavery again. I'm not angry or
frustrated about your column, I just think some obvious points have been overlooked.
It's what is in a person's heart that counts. If a homosexual can love and accept
Jesus, then most certainly Jesus will love and accept him/her. Scott
Ross Responds: The argument for or against homosexuality is quoted from
the New Testament not just the old. In addition, it is Paul's argument, and because
it is in the New Testament and "all Scripture is inspired by God," it is therefore
God's posture on sin, which is not antiquated. I agree slavery is wrong,
however, it is not the "sin" in discussion here. It is also interesting that Jesus
never spoke to the slavery issue although he was surrounded by it. Obviously,
the New Testament does speak to it, in Philippians. Galatians, Philemon, etc.
Conversely, homosexuality is spoken to as sin. The piece I wrote was to
express compassion to homosexuals, offering the opportunity of hope to change,
if they so desire, also recognizing that the sin, like any sin is condemned by
God. From Dennis: Scott, I read your letter on homosexuality
posted on CBN & I commend you on your graceful stance against this sin & for our
Lord Jesus. Ya know, I completely stay outta that debate. As far as I know,
I do not even know a homosexual nor lesbian. And I can't even stand the Christian
USENET groups 'cause too much is posted in argument on homosexuality. I'm not
against taking a stance; I do each and every day at work and in my community for
Jesus. But Scott, I sometimes wonder if we Christians are not going about
this all wrong. We post letters, we take stands, we boycott Disney, but where
and when do we put our arms around them and invite them to church or dinner? I
mean, I didn't have to defeat my sin alone to accept Jesus. Jesus saved me then
Jesus defeated so many areas of sin from me. I didn't put down the bottle by myself,
Jesus filled me with joy and showed me I do not need to drink ever again! We
both know that God detests homosexuality. Do you ever wonder how much God detests
"our" sins? My earnest prayer is that my heart breaks each and every time I grieve
God. I also wonder what's it going to be like when we watch sinner after sinner
being cast into the lake of fire, men and women screaming an awful tortured scream.
Do you want to watch this happen? I know that I don't brother. I just wonder,
are we going about this the way Jesus would want us to ? When I witness, I don't
ask a person what sin is in their life. I share Jesus and the plan of salvation.
What if we stopped what the homosexual "community" calls gay-bashing; and start
ministering and witnessing to them and just trust God that He will deal with their
sin? I mean, all the preaching to them in the world ain't gonna make a difference
who or what they "sleep" with; but Jesus in their hearts would. From
Anonymous: My friend in High School yesterday said at lunch that if
he ever met a homosexual he'd shoot them. Now, he is a Christian fundamentalist
and I am like a brother in Christ with him, but I have to disagree with what he
said. Even though homosexuality is wrong, I don't agree. If he did kill gays he'd
be sinning just like them (see Thou Shall Not Kill). What is your view on the
situation? Scott Ross Responds: I agree with you. Killing
is murder. Although homosexuality is a sin, so is obesity and gossip. Should we
shoot all the overweight people that talk too much? From John: Hello
and God Bless. I am a Christian. I am a pastor. I love Jesus, and know that He
is my personal Lord and Savior. But I have a problem. My daughter, my only daughter,
has just today told me that she engages in acts of vile perversion with her best
friend from college. I had thought that when my wife and I sent our baby girl
off to a good Christian college based in the foundations of Christ Jesus and His
teachings that we would have nothing to worry about. But much to my dismay SIN
was around every corner and SATAN hid in every shadow. The whisperings of the
devil must have taken over my sweet angel of a daughter, for now she claims that
she was "born this way," and that she "always felt like this." Now, we know we
raised her to be more than this, we didn't raise a child to sin against God. But
how am I to explain to my wife ... how can I tell her that her only daughter has
been wooed by Satan himself? Help me. Pray for me. Pray for my daughter so that
she might see the error of her ways and once again be free from demonic homosexual
lusts. From Steve: Thanks for encouraging "acceptance not rejection"
in reference to homosexuality in the church. This statement touched me so much,
because I've been struggling with homosexual tendencies/lifestyle for years. When
I was a teen, I had a homosexual experience with another teen in my church. The
teen's mother was a youth leader so what had occurred was totally blamed on me.
I was labeled "gay" and treated as an outcast by the youth pastor and group. I
believe this scared me, and my relationship with God continued to slip away. With
the feeling of rejection and the label of "gay," I turned my back on God. Last
night I meet a guy that I "thought" I was attracted to; however, during the evening
I became uncomfortable and decided to go home. When I arrived home, I reflected
on what I know is right and prayed that God would take these "desires" away. This
morning when I woke-up, I decided one way to return to my God was to get back
in the Word. I turned on the TV and tuned in The 700 Club. I decided to stick
around and listen. What I heard really hit home, but it was your comments and
sincere concern in your article that spoke to me and to those stuck in this lifestyle.
Thank you so much. I think this was most definitely God's intervention.
So often, I feel Christians (including The 700 Club) condemn homosexuals (and
not the sin). Your comment was exactly what I needed! Please keep me in your prayers.
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comments Read the article: The
Not So Gay Way: A Look at Homosexuality More from
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