Daily Devotion - Hope
These days I relate more and more to that old family tent. I’m tending to sag and droop as the years pass. I might not be losing a zipper but other body parts are beginning to fail. There is no rush; but fortunately, I’ll set aside my frail tent one day.
It seemed as if God was trying to tell us that, despite the horrible things we often encounter on this earth, the glory that is in store for us will surpass anything we have ever known here.
God tells us here that we do not have to fear evil in that valley because the One who made the valley, the One who allowed the shadow, the One who allowed the deep darkness is always with us.
Whatever situation you find yourself in at this moment, there is hope. You may not be able to see or feel the hope, but it is there for you.
Our only hope is found in the resurrected, ascended, exalted Christ. The One in whom we must allow to triumphantly ascend to the throne of our hearts. When this inner coronation takes place, and King Jesus becomes our center, then nothing that comes our way will ever cause us to spin out of orbit again.
I have heard it said that each of us has a hole in the heart that only God can fill. That hole can never be filled completely until we are in our eternal home with the Lord.
When all hope seems gone, there is one who stands ready to comfort and strengthen us. His name is Jesus. He has healed those inner wounds and sorrows and stilled the voices of grief and rage that course through the souls of all humanity.
In all of our lives, there are times when we are weak, exhausted, under stress, or physically ill and these are times when Satan takes advantage of us and tries to convince us that God’s love cannot be real.
Fear and hope are generally thought to be in conflict with each other, in the presence and worship of God they are found side by side in perfect and beautiful harmony. And this because in God Himself all apparent contradictions are reconciled.
We need to remember where we have come from. We are frail and each one of us needs to keep our eyes focused intently on the Master. I want to live a life of brokenness that leads to total peace in God. I want my life to be an example of Jesus Christ and His great love.
Before I knew God, He reminded me that I thanked Him for what He did in my life. But as I have gotten to know Him, I spend more time thanking Him for who He is.