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Daily Devotion

God's Love in Action

By Cathy Irvin
Staff Writer

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Valentine's Day has come and gone but this scene will always be in my mind. I saw a man buying flowers. He bought three big beautiful roses, one pink, one red, and one white. They were wrapped in a clear bag. When I went out of the store I saw him again, bending down in the snow to gather some up; and he was putting it in the bag so the roses wouldn’t wilt before he got them to their destination.

This was a wonderful idea and he was so thoughtful; I knew it represented his love for someone to take special care of his gift.

I thought about Jesus like the man who didn’t want his flowers to wilt and die. Jesus came that we might have life abundantly here and to give us eternal life so we really never have to die either. Yes, we will leave this earth one day in the physical, but our spirit man will live forever. Our earthly body (like a rose) dies, but our spirit is renewed day by day.

Wherefore we faint not; but though our outward man is decaying, yet our inward man is renewed day by day. 2 Corinthians 4:15-17 (American Standard Version)

The three roses reminded me of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. The Father God loved us so much that he gave us His only Son, Jesus, to love and protect us, to heal us and to guide us every day. And He gave us the Holy Spirit to comfort us and empower us to be His witness’s while we are here on earth. Oh, what Love that is ours! He is the best Valentine I could ever have. How about you? There is a song that says “Like a rose trampled on the ground, He took the fall ... ” Yes, He paid the price for you and I to have eternal life and an abundant life now.

The thief cometh not, but that he may steal, and kill, and destroy: I came that they may have life, and may have it abundantly. John 10:9-11 (American Standard Version)

I almost wanted to stop and tell that man how thoughtful I thought he was, but I had a short lunch hour and had to be back to work. But then I thought I could write about the experience and hopefully bless others with the story.

I want to tell others of God’s love and say that perhaps you didn’t have someone that gave you a Valentine rose, candy, or a stuffed animal. It is OK, just take Jesus as your Valentine; love on Him and let Him love on you. Remember He will be your Valentine every day! By the way, you can always buy your self a rose anytime; and when you look at it think about Jesus - one of His name's is “The Rose of Sharon” and He will be with you to brighten up your day.

I am a rose of Sharon, A lily of the valleys. Song of Solomon 2:1 (American Standard Version)

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Cathy Irvin authored well over 50 Devotions for CBN over three decades where she served the Lord Jesus Christ at the Christian Broadcasting Network. Cathy loved telling stories and glorifying God in all that she did. On December 16, 2011, Cathy left this earthly dwelling to take up residence in the dwelling prepared for her in Heaven. Her Devotions minister with love and truth.

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