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Previous Spiritual Gifts Webcast with Travis Thigpen: The Supernatural Life 
spiritual gifts series
Travis Thigpen
CBN.com Travis and Ann Thigpen are Founders of Gateway Ministries in Richmond, Virginia. Beginning in 1987 they pioneered a prophetic and apostolic training and resource center to equip God's people for their destiny and purpose. They launched Gateway Ministries as a regional training center and a "Gateway to the Supernatural for God's People."
They are also founders and Senior Pastors of Hosanna Victory Church, which was established in 1988 as a strong multicultural, multi-racial church body.
Travis has developed several prophetic training manuals for his National Institute of Prophetic Training and has taught these materials in a number of nations.
Pastor Thigpen has developed these extensive prophetic training materials in order to establish biblical foundations for those who minister. He has produced two major volumes for prophetic training in the past 10 years. He is currently working on a book on "Prophetic Apologetics".
Gateway's Prophetic Schools develop the saints, as well as five-fold ministers, in their prophetic giftings while establishing in them a firm scriptural basis and foundation for successful ministry. Travis teaches that God's people need to hear the voice of the Lord clearly and deliver His Word accurately, regardless of ministry function.
Though first ordained by Dr. Ken Sumrall in 1978, Travis has also been ordained with Bishop Bill Hamon of Christian International since 1987. Gateway Ministries has hosted a weekly Thursday night School of the Holy Spirit since the same year.
Travis has taught and trained people in the prophetic in many states as well as having done mission work in several nations. He and Ann are currently serving as the Virginia State Coordinators for the U.S. Strategic Prayer Network led by Prophet Chuck Pierce.
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