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Todd White
CBN.com Todd White was a drug addict and atheist for 22 years and at the point of suicide when God came into his life and set him free. Todd has been living in this freedom for over 5 years.
Today, Todd preaches the Gospel of the Kingdom everywhere he goes and God backs it up with signs following. Todd’s heart is to equip the Saints and activate them to live a 24/7 Kingdom Lifestyle by helping them to get out of the boat and brave the waves of fear empowered by the Holy Spirit.
Todd loves sharing the simplicity of the Gospel of the Kingdom and what Jesus Christ accomplished at the cross through His love for us.
It is common for Todd to see dozens of people healed while he goes about his everyday life. He has been on street ministry with Chris Overstreet from Bethel in Redding, CA and he has taught power evangelism & street ministry at Extreme Prophetic with Patricia King.
“This is every day for me. When I go to restaurants or if I go to the mall, I always ask the Lord who He wants to touch or heal.”
Todd’s home base is with Neck Ministries in Abbottstown, Pennsylvania where he is a Ministry Leader and Teacher. He also teaches at Randy Clark’s Global School of Super Natural Ministry and preached at the Church of the Great Commission.
He has been blessed to receive impartation from Randy Clark, Bill Johnson, Roland & Heidi Baker, and Benny Hinn. Todd has not only been blessed to travel domestically seeing miracles, but on a recent pilgrimage to Jerusalem, he saw more than 100 Muslims and 100 Jews healed by the power of God through the name of Jesus Christ.
In the midst of all his evangelism, Todd’s most recent project is as a cast member for God Squad, a half hour reality show that takes viewers to city streets all over America and allows them a front row seat to individuals experiencing encounters with the supernatural in a way that has never been seen on secular television. The show follows the cast members as they encounter random individuals in daily life and bring them into a supernatural experience.
Watch a clip of The God Squad 
In their travels, the audience will see sight restored, aches and pain relieved, people healed by art drawn for them and about them; even before the cast ever met them. Many broken lives are restored to peace and love as people feel the supernatural Presence on their bodies in a physical and undeniable way. In each episode the cast visits several cities and goes from story to story of supernatural encounters taking place in peoples daily lives right in front of the audience in real time.
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