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James Jordan
CBN.com James Jordan is a prophetic teacher and a gifted storyteller. In 1979 he had a powerful personal experience with God as his Father that forever changed his relationship with and understanding of Him, and put him on this path of ministry. His desire is for all believers to be continually growing in a father-son relationship with Him.
The vision of Fatherheart Ministries is to take the revelation of the Father and His love, to every nation, every stream of Christianity; every people group and every individual in the world.
While many of us have known about the Father's love, it is quite another thing to actually walk in the Father's love.
To truly walk in love, the heart of man is central, because we experience love from our hearts. Rules and regulations do not work, as it is only through a heart transformed by love that lasting change occurs.
The source of all life is the Father's Love. In Christ, we can experience the love of the Father, just as Jesus did, through the heart of sonship. We live and breath through Jesus. The life that we live, is no longer ours but His flowing in us. This is the source of all true character & anointing. God is spirit and He contains the essence of both true masculinity and femininity. It takes both men and women to fully reflect the true image of God. We are all on a journey of becoming like Jesus, as we experience more and more of the Father's love.
Throughout church history, God has been revealing more of his nature to mankind each generation. During the Reformation, salvation by faith in Jesus was restored to us. During the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements, the infilling and supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit was restored to us.
Today, God is revealing himself as 'Abba' Father to us, restoring deep into our hearts the Papa's Love and our place in all of creation, as beloved sons and daughters who can walk with the same freedom from earthly limitations as Jesus did.
In 1997 the church he was pastoring - Hillside Community Church, Auckland, New Zealand - released him to minister itinerantly wherever the Lord would lead. Since then he has travelled the world several times over, ministering throughout Australia and New Zealand, the UK, Europe, Scandinavia, Russia, USA and South America, Malaysia, Indonesia, Korea and South Africa.
James sees God revealing himself to us as Father in a way unprecedented since the time of the Apostles. James and Denise are also part of Partners in Harvest, the network of churches connected with Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship.
Web site: www.fatherheart.net
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