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spiritual gifts series
Gary & Kathi Oates
CBN.com During thirty years of pastoral ministry, Gary and Kathi Oates have planted five churches. However, their lives and ministry were dramatically redirected several years ago when, in separate experiences, both Gary and Kathi were caught up into the Presence of the Lord and began seeing the ministry of angels in the realm of the spirit. Following those experiences, they were launched into worldwide itinerate ministry with an overwhelming abundance of supernatural results.
The focus of Gary's ministry is intimacy with Jesus, how to experience the manifest presence of God, impartation to see in the spiritual realm, as well as healing for the whole person.
Kathi has a powerful inner healing and prophetic ministry. She ministers specifically to those experiencing emotional pain and carries a strong anointing to heal the brokenhearted. Amazing testimonies of supernatural healing are documented from those suffering from severe trauma and abuse.
Gary is the author of the best selling book "Open My Eyes, Lord" and Kathi is the author of the new book "Open My Heart, Lord".
Together, Gary and Kathi are bringing an exciting wealth of ministry experience and supernatural wonder to the body of Christ around the world.
Watch the SGS archives 
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