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spiritual gifts series
Duncan Smith
CBN.com Duncan & Kate Smith are the Executive Directors of CTF Ministries. They joined the senior team at TACF in 2000 as Associate Pastors after careers in the UK.
In their roles with CTF, Duncan and Kate travel internationally, taking revival and the love of the Father all over the globe, preaching the good news of Jesus Christ and ministering in the power of the Spirit. They love to teach people how to do miracles, signs and wonders and have seen many blind, deaf and mute and those with serious illnesses healed by Jesus wherever they go.
Duncan was born to missionary parents spending his first 18 years in Nigeria, and consequently has a passionate heart for ministry in developing nations throughout the world.
After 8 years in Toronto, Duncan and Kate have relocated to Raleigh, North Carolina. They are dedicating their time to strengthening and developing the US team and the national Soaking Prayer Network.
They are also leading the first Catch the Fire church, which is a part of a new church planting initiative that aims to raise up radical revival leaders and plant churches all around the world!
Duncan and Kate's passion is to impact leaders and pastors around the world with the supernatural reality of the Kingdom of God. They live in Raleigh with their three beautiful daughters Jessica, Abigail and Nathania.
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