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spiritual gifts series
David Costello
CBN.com Artist David Costello lives in Lexington, Massachusetts, with his wife Jeanne, they are parents to three grown daughters. David has lived and traveled abroad extensively. During the early 1970s David lived in France and Italy, where he exhibited his work in various European countries, winning a number of international and regional awards.
Upon returning to the United States, Mr. Costello continued to show his work in many areas of the country. In 1980, he accepted a position as illustrator at the Lowell Sun, a daily newspaper in New England, where he rose to the position of Graphics Editor before establishing his own successful graphic design business, located in Lexington, Massachusetts. In addition to working with the local community, DC Graphics also sold original T-shirt designs to various national catalogs and many boutiques in the Northeast.
Both David and his wife Jeanne, are born again, Spirit-filled Christians. In 1994, prompted by the Lord, David closed the doors on his business and dedicated his time to searching God's word and His will. In the fall of 1995, the Lord invaded David's artwork bringing about a considerable transformation. The intensity of his worship has led David to experience the genuine and majestic presence of God, leading him to a true closeness with Jesus Christ. As a result, dreams and visions have manifested in his life, inspiring every drawing.
Mr. Costello regards his work as worship: "God has His plan, my only desire is to be part of it. I pray that He continues to bless me with visions and the ability to put them on paper." May His name be exalted!
Boston University
Carmel Art Institute
San Francisco Art Academy
San Francisco Art Institute
Mr. Costello is a member of CIVA - Christians in the Visual Arts
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