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spiritual gifts series
Adam Cates
CBN.com Adam Cates is a song writing worshiper from Norfolk, Virginia. Adam’s music invites listeners into the journey of friendship with God and love for humanity.
Adam says, “My goal is to fill the earth with the sound of worship that surrounds the throne of God in Heaven so that when He returns to the earth He will feel right at home.”
Adam's music is honest and his love for Jesus Christ is unrestrained. Adam holds fast to the promise that Jesus will return to the earth and establish His kingdom on the earth just as it is in heaven.
The scriptures offer many examples of God's love for music, even to the point of surrounding His heavenly throne with worshiping singers. As one who has been born again, Adam believes that this heavenly kingdom is actually manifested in God's sons & daughters here on the earth.
Adam's longing is to release unrestained and unashamed worship in the earth, helping to lead an entire generation in a chorus of praise through the inspiration of the holy spirit, which God has given us as a taste of what is yet to come.
Adam revels in the truth that he is a work in progress and desires to love Jesus more than he ever thought he could. He and his wife Lindsey have a love for the language of The Arts and all it can speak about our beloved Creator. His music is an unashamed and unrestrained outpouring of his love for the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Adam's new release, "This Wilderness" will be available in late August 2008. "This Wilderness" is a compilation of skillfully crafted songs that stimulate both the spirit and the mind to contemplate the holiness and beauty of the Trinity and how they collide with the brokeness and struggle of humanity.
"This Wilderness" was produced and engineered by a long time influence of Adam's music, Kevin Prosch, at Third Ear Music Studios in Amarillo TX. To contact Adam for booking and to order any of Adam's three albums visit www.adamcatesmusic.com.
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