"And of the sons of Issachar, men who
understood the times . . ." (1 Chronicles 12:32)
Understanding the Times
When I first heard that the World Trade Center was on
fire and had apparently been hit by an act of terrorism, I shrugged
my shoulders. I thought of the bombing of this same complex of buildings
back in 1993, which to me had been a kind of "non-event." Yes, it
was an act of lawlessness. But the injuries were quite limited, and
it seemed that the terrorists had clearly failed in their objectives.
So on Tuesday morning, I was in no hurry to get to a TV set - I had
some phone calls to make.
I walked downstairs about half an hour later and was shocked
by what I saw. First of all, the image of both buildings ablaze numbed
me. It was clear that many people would die or were in the process
of dying. Then I saw the videotape of the second plane plunging into
the south tower, and my heart wrenched within me. Shortly afterwards,
the news cut to the Pentagon. It was initially difficult to grasp
the degree of damage there, but it soon became clear what had happened
in our nation's capital was also devastating. Stories began to come
in describing the possibility of other planes in the air being hijacked
or crashing.
And then the twin towers of the World Trade Center collapsed.
South Manhattan looked like a war zone. Clearly, thousands were dead.
It seemed that the Pearl Harbor of our generation had arrived. The
national will - and our national humility - was about to be tested.
We were in a national crisis - indeed, we were at war but against
some unseen enemy.
1 Chronicles 11 and 12 record the names of the warriors
who swept David into power as he assumed the throne of Israel. Name
after name of great soldiers and great bands of fighting men are listed.
Buried in this list - this "Hall of Fame" of ancient warriors- is
one clan known as "the men of Issachar." There were two hundred chiefs
in this extended family, and a remarkable statement is made about
them. The Bible states that the men of Issachar ". . . understood
the times and knew what Israel should do" (1 Chronicles 12:32).
Like the men of Issachar, we also live in the midst of
a great battle for the throne of world domination. Will Islamic Fundamentalism
rule our times? Will creeping secularism take the throne of our world?
Or will the basis of true liberty rule in our age--Biblical worldview
and Biblical faith?
I believe God's will for Kempsville Presbyterian Church
(KPC) is that we be like these ancient men of Issachar. I believe
God desires that we become men-and women-and youth-who are both warriors
for the Son of David-Jesus Christ-and who grasp the events of these
past several days through a larger perspective than the CBS Evening
News with Dan Rather.
To that end, I want to speak to a number of related issues
surrounding these terrorist attacks from the perspective of Scripture.
Is God speaking to America? If so, what is He saying? If we understand
our times, as the men of Issachar did, then we become equipped as
modern spiritual warriors. Make no mistake about it - people are shaken.
America is asking questions. Certainly, this is the time for the Church
to be ready to respond both in prayer and deeds of mercy, but also
with solid truth drawn from God's Word. We've heard from the news
anchors, now let's listen to God's Word and get "The View from Above."
Does God Care?
In the face of all this death some will ask, "Does God
even care?" The Bible tells us God cares deeply. We are told time
and again that God is "compassionate and gracious" (Psalm 103:8).
When Jesus came to the graveside of His friend Lazarus, we are told
with simple eloquence, "Jesus wept" (John 11:35). God's heart
is moved. He enters into our pain and loss. I sensed this in deeply
personal terms during my brother's death. I could not control the
unraveling of his health any more than I could stop the airplanes
from flying into those buildings. Yet, I found great comfort in the
very personal sense of God's compassionate Presence. God was there.
He understood my pain. In some very profound sense, the Almighty grieved
with me.
The Bible not only tells us God cares, it tells us He
cares for all (Ps. 145: 13,17). He does not care more for me and my
losses than He does for the losses of any of these families. When
we see videotape of a young woman searching frantically for her husband
amidst the rubble of New York City, God grieves with her.
This is why we pray for those who are suffering loss at
this time. God has already revealed that His heart is bent toward
those who grieve. Therefore, when we pray for those who are in pain,
we can be assured we are not asking God to do something against His
Nature. Second Corinthians 1 makes it clear that He is "the God
of all comfort" (2 Corinthians 1:3). Yet as we pray, we should
pray for more than God's comforting Presence. We should most especially
pray that those who grieve would know to turn to God and that they
would accept His tender mercies.
I'd like to share with you a quote from J.R. Miller, which
speaks to the reality of grief and God's comfort and which also reminds
us that we must personally accept God's care for our souls . . .
"The happiest, sweetest, tenderest homes are not those
where there has been no sorrow, but those which have been overshadowed
with grief, and where Christ's comfort was accepted. The very memory
of sorrow is a gentle benediction that broods ever over the household,
like the silence that comes after prayer. There is a blessing sent
from God in every burden of sorrow."
And so let us pray. And let us also affirm to those around
us that God's heart is moved deeply by the tears of our nation. He
is compassionate and gracious. But we must personally accept His comfort.
Life is Precious . . . Even Sacred
One of the mind-boggling realities of terrorism is that
there seems to be no regard for human life. We are stunned by the
callous disregard for suffering we see in the face of the terrorist.
The events of this week force a troubling question upon our souls,
"Why do we react so strongly when people die, while others seem
so unconcerned about taking life?" The answer is that we intuitively
grasp that life is precious . . . even sacred.
Generally, Americans have this deep conviction as a kind
of holdover from our nation's earlier days. When founded, our forefathers
held a Scriptural view of the world. Thus, they believed that life
was sacred because the Bible teaches this very thing (Genesis 1:26-27).
Yet, the terrorists involved seemed to spill blood so willingly. What
we see is their worldview in action. They do not view life as precious
or sacred.
I cannot think of a greater departure of viewpoints. Even
though our culture has drifted quite a distance from our Biblical
foundations, we still hold certain truths as "self-evident." I suppose
my point is that not everyone thinks these truths are self-evident.
Clearly, there are those who have no regard for human life. We believe
as we do because we have been deeply influenced by the Bible. Even
those Americans who don't believe in the God of the Bible are still
heirs to a great culture that values human life deeply because it
first valued the Scriptures deeply.
In the face of an increasingly cruel world, Christians
must affirm that life is sacred. We do so today as we mourn the deaths
of this past Tuesday. And we also affirm that life is sacred every
time we prohibit the abortion of a baby, stand in the way of a Jack
Kevorkian, or adopt children and thus rescue them from overseas inhumanity.
In this sense, our grief is very good. It is an internal barometer,
which speaks to us of the sacred value of life. When it comes to the
carnage we have seen this last week, there seem to be no Americans
among us who are not pro-life.1
1[As painful as it is to say,
we must acknowledge that we Americans (and too many Christians) have
been hypocritical when it comes to the sacred value of life. We are
shocked by the carnage we have seen, yet it is miniscule in comparison
to the horror of abortion in our nation. If we affirm that the life
in those airplanes and buildings was precious and had a divine right
to life, then to be consistent we must also affirm that life in the
womb is precious and also has a divine right to life. We are grieved
at the loss of life. May God give us a similar grief over the 40+
million aborted babies. Life is life. We can no more choose who gets
to live and die in the abortion clinics than the terrorists get to
choose who lives and dies in the skies over America.]
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